My brain exploded with this idea (I swear itll be worth the read^^)
You literally said to make moris apply on second hook and then made two changes to buff them what in the end made them stronger than they are now
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He wants to make killing Survivors on death hook during EGC. That is really not a big bump in benefit compared to just hooking someone on death hook.
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It is quite a big deal because most bad killers dont get anybody on second hook before the end game collapse and get a lucky down when the last gen pops, so this change would literally allow any killer to deny DS and Unbreakable and get an undeserved kill
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Lol what I gave them doesnt really compare to what they do now and anybody can see that
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I could argue ds can and very often does give you an unearned escape
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If the Killer gets no one on 2nd hook before end game collapse, how are they to mori someone during EGC when you need to two hook someone to mori them during EGC?
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If you got to the end game collapse you deserve to escape or die on your third hook
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If a person is on struggle on end game collapse and the other survivors come to rescue him you will just tunnel him and mori
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That falls on teammates to keep that person alive then, no?
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Not really because killers are faster than survivor and unless they are hooked in front of the exit you cant force a body block.
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It is very possible to body block.
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The killer can just go to the side
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So can the Survivor?
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Honestly, it is not that simple and sometimes the person takes a hit while saving you so no bodyblocks
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Lol ok then whatever
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One flaw there...killers already can just slug and wait out the ds timer..I am just looking to give counterplay to late game ds which currently is not in a fair I met in the middle..both sides have their moment of advantage
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I didn't say it would be simple. I said it was something you can do.
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And crawling
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Get smacked down again because the killer is literally 2 feet ?
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Well then lets go onto balance discussions telling people Bubba is fine because you can 4k with him without perks
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That has nothing to do with anything.
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You used something impropable as an arguement, so yeah it is the same situation
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Body blocking is not improbable, though. It is not a guarantee, but it is a reasonable strategy to try.
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This seems like a solid change, but the issue I have in my head is a scenario where a killer uses NOED and finds someone trying to open first gate. If they run away, the killer opens the gate and chases them down, knowing he is probably letting the others go, but that he will get a guaranteed mori on the survivor he is after if he catches them, which is very likely. Maybe that is just a trade-off.
I do like that it would cancel out a last-minute DS though. That has always been an easy way out for the survivors, and yes maybe they save it for that situation, but there is nothing more frustrating than playing the lottery on that when picking one up in an exit gate.
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Moris should be usable only on surviviors in sacrifice phase. I think we can all agree on that.
Cypress Mori as basekit? It can be only used on the LAST SURVIVIOR, so no problem, the survivior doesnt have to be dead on hook, because if its the last survivior then all the phases are skipped when you hook them, so nothing really changes.
Free moris in EGC? Right now? No, thank you. Even though it could be cool, it would completely defeat the purpose of mori being an item. But well, if we completely removed moris and made it basekit in EGC (only on "dead on hook" surviviors obviously) I don't think I would complain. Moris as an item are cancer, so I only use them for challenges anyway.
"That 1 higher rank survivior" just has to camp the hatch an wait for his teammates to die, or just ######### leaves with the key...
I like the idea that keys would be only usable after the hatch has been closed, leaving early and betraying your teammates is #########. I dont know if aura reading is the best way to compensate for the key nerf, but I agree that a slight buff would be cool.
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Kind of my point, and honestly with detectives in the game needs days are numbered
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The moris require the egc to start so the killer has to give up their final barrier to use it..its a trade off and the survivor has to have been hooked previously..I also explained a change to moris as an offering as well
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Nothing against your ideas, I'll give more of a proper response later, but for now:
I detest the EGC's current implementation, and I don't like to support ideas that make it more present without scaling back the number of times it occurs.
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The egc occurs only after a door opens giving survivors control and benafit over it