Why does noone ever talk about an adrenaline nerf (aka balance tweak)?

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Adrenaline gives you a full health state and 5 seconds of sprint.

I'd say that is stronger than mettle of Man which was nerfed to the ground.

I hate going up against adrenaline as a killer because it undoes the hard work you put into getting the hit, plus everyone uses it in a swf a lot of the time.

It feels cheap to use yet no-one ever makes a 'nerf adrenaline' thread.

I personally think either the speed boost effect or the heal need to be removed.

If not that then the heal should be over time like second wind, maybe 8 seconds then you get a heal.

I've lost count of how many times people have escaped to having this perk equipped.

I mean it even wakes you up, it's too useful against all killers and it's strange how no-one ever talks about it as much as nerfing killer stuff or mettle of Man.

I'm not a survivor or killer main so you can't brandish me as either of those. I play both.

A lot of survivor and killer perks are too weak/too strong/need reworks and I think adrenaline is one which needs a nerf to where the heal is over a short time rather than instant.

Adrenaline builds it doesn't all come at once, when the adrenaline is built up and it's pumping, then you can have your heal.

I would honestly prefer the survivor to have a +2% haste bonus than the sprint burst effect they get.

Post edited by AshleyWB on


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Mettle of Man could only be used once and it still gave a free health state like it does now. MoM now can be triggered as many times as you can get it to proc but it's still extremely unlikely to get 3,6,9,12 protection hits which is when it'll be worth while.

    Adrenaline comes when gens are done or when hatch is closed, that happens pretty much at least half of all games, you get a free heal and a speedy boost every 1 in 2 games, that sounds insane to me.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Because it's never going to happen. They buffed it instead of nerfing it already, when it continued to affect deep wound after it was decided that mending no longer counts as healing.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited January 2020

    Maybe the answer is to have it trigger once a chase is broken. Kinda like play with your foods cooldown after breaking chase. Probably reduce or remove the speed burst too.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think I prefer Adrenaline as a reward than as a second chance, as you say. I think making the heal on Adrenaline gradual would help with that (the fact that you get a speed boost definitely helps ensure you get that speed boost). At the very least, it would prevent those really crappy instances of "I downed someone, but the last gen popped during my successful attack cooldown and negated a chunk of my chase." I don't think doing the thing the team is supposed to do anyways but with one less perk is a balanced condition for that kind of pay-off, even if said pay-off doesn't happen too often. Also, get rid of the wake up part. It's dumb. It always has been dumb.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I used this perk from time to time, but nowadays, not really. I mean, I used it for the health state recovery after the gates were powered, not because of the speed boost. Removing the health state recovery would kill the perk, because in a lot of matches, it can be almost useless. You can be killed before the gates are powered or you can be healthy and not even in a chase. It's a gamble and so it has the be a good reward for the perk to be worth using.

  • vigilante714
    vigilante714 Member Posts: 21

    Because its like NOED. These perks only becomes usefull when the exit gates are powered. Killer bring NOED? He can 1 hit all 4 and all those gens are wasted. All 4 Survivors have adrenaline? Still depends for each survivor (dying, injured, healthy or deep wound) plus speed burst. But when the two are present, Adrenaline is nothing like a sprint burst with 2 extra seconds while killer has a permanent speed upgrade and prevent ez hook saves and makes the survivors tremble in opening exit gates. Although it might sound like the killer has an edge, this will only come true if survivors cleanse dull totems instead of finishing all 5 gens. And this might sound an edge for survivors, but there is a high chance that not all survivors brings it also not all survivors are so eager to cleanse totems and not all survivors (most of the time) makes it to the last part of the game. So i guess that's why no one complains about it because survivors and killers are lazy discussing it considering all that i mentioned.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    But it's not a gamble, you are supposed to do objectives, if you don't manage to then you are not worthy of equipping adrenaline. I agree the heal is the big reason people use it so it should be needed with that in mind.

    That one Steve perk Second wind has a passive heal, an 8 -12 seconds passive heal in my opinion would be a good balance tweak (nerf) to adrenaline.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Killers have shame using noed, adrenaline is a meta survivor perk. One counters the other but they are not used at the same rate and if they are they are both rewarding players a huge advantage during the escape phase.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    If adrenaline is gonna get nerfed, then the same goes for NOED. :)

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited January 2020

    No one has a problem with the killer losing up to 4 health states and being temporarily slower than survivors in the portion of the game when they're literally on a 25-30s time crunch.

    Adrenaline is usually just a "win more" perk for most people. It can, however, be used by coordinated SWF group to erase a chase at endgame/troll by popping the last gen after their pal takes a hit. Much like NOED, the individual plays the game with 3 perks, receiving a huge payoff endgame.

    You can counter Adrenaline by preventing all gens from being done (hard for some lower tier killers) or by killing them via any means necessary prior to gen completion. NOED also helps mitigate its impact, but that's assuming it activates. As it has no tell/counter barring activation/death, you could tunnel or camp people out of the game (ie Meg) and they're not even running it.

    Adrenaline by itself is not a huge issue, but it is obnoxious to face 4 people using it, particularly if you're using a weak killer vs a co-ordinated group, given its ability to negate a chase, heal 4 health states, and provide faster travel to the exit gates.

    If you find yourself losing due to this perk a lot, you may want to consider killers/add-ons/perks/offerings that help you win chases/down/insta-down/kill people faster to reduce the amount of potential uses, as well as Ruin/Pop to slow gens down and prevent/delay its activation.

    Good Luck :3

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I agree but there is a long way between nerfing a perk and Mettle of Manning a perk.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "You can counter Adrenaline by preventing all gens from being done (hard for some lower tier killers) or by killing them via any means necessary prior to gen completion"

    That basically says that to counter them, you need to beat them, which is a silly notion. It's like saying "Counter Moris by not getting downed" or "Counter Keys by winning before they do too many gens."

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm down to remove NoeD no need to nerf just remove that perk.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Silly or not, those are the only counters, unless I'm missing something.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Winning is not a counter. :P The counter to Adrenaline, as far as I am aware, is to be carrying the Adrenaline Survivor when the last gen pops.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    There were supposed to be counters. But if people hate them both, then I'm all for nerfing them both.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693


    It happens so often, I can't believe I forgot that one :3


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited January 2020

    They’ve completed all five gens and you failed to kill them all before the generators activate. Why should you get upset that they completed their objective when you failed at yours?

    It can be overbearing if all four survivors have Adrenaline but at that point you have LOST. Having all four survivors at the end of the game is a L on your point as a killer.

    It’s strong but it doesn’t reward survivors for nothing like the old Mettle of Man did.

    Old MOM rewarded survivors for getting hit and punished killers for doing the objectives.

    Adrenaline rewards survivors for completing all the generators.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited January 2020

    People regularly get 2-3 kills after the last gen pops, whether due to Rancor, NOED, Remember Me, Blood Warden, over-altruism, Moris, etc.

    Is that LOSING + WINNING?

    *gets sucked into paradox*

    People that say the game is over at that point, just aren't playing people that are capable of providing solid/exciting games, I guess.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "Why should you get upset that they completed their objective when you failed at yours?"

    The objective is to escape, though. They have not escaped yet, so they have not finished their objective.

    "It can be overbearing if all four survivors have Adrenaline but at that point you have LOST. Having all four survivors at the end of the game is a L on your point as a killer."

    No, you haven't. The game isn't over until all Survivors are either safely out of the trial or dead.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Tbh all it really needs is that it shouldn't activate when your exhausted

    It's an exhaustion perk yet it activates while exhausted

  • LegionGhostface
    LegionGhostface Member Posts: 162

    there are counters to adrenaline like noed, it doesn’t need a nerf cuz it’s pretty balanced in my opinion.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think it’s fine, adrenaline has never bothered me.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Just like Mettle of Man, Adrenaline is a perk that needs you to work to get it. It's not cheap, look at all the killer perks that dont need you to work for them to do their job (Ruin, NOED, Rancor, etc)

    Sure it's annoying to end up losing a chase because of it, but it clearly isnt a problematic perk, you just didnt perform enough map pressure to prevent the gens from being done.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    In the loading screen when the match is loading, it says survivors objective is to repair those 5 gens, so?

    Killers should stop whiny, you need to stop gens from getting activated, and if you could not, that's really sad, accept the fact that survivor could DO their objective.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "As a Survivor, your main objective is to escape the map and live another day."

    It is literally in the screencap you just posted.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I'd love to them get wrecked by an endgame build...

    "But I wonnnnnn.....I wonnnnnn......"

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Because it is balanced. Complete the objective in order to heal 1 health state and run faster for 5 secs. Pretty balanced

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Adrenaline doesnt need a nerf. It is a perk that is only used if you get to the endgame, doesnt work if you are getting carried or are hooked and simply die on the hook, doesnt counter insta downs, and exhausts you for 40 seconds

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    People have suggested Adrenaline nerfs. Many times. Why do people act like just because there aren't 5 topics a day posted about something that nobody ever talks about it?

    The reason there aren't a hundred topics about it? Because most people realize that it is balanced. Not everything you personally don't like needs to be nerfed.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Interesting discussion brewing up.

    I see a few people downplaying the strength of adrenaline and others saying they deserve the benefits from it for completing their objectives.

    Let's get this straight, I think adrenaline should still exist as a perk which rewards you for being in the end game, just like I think Noed should reward you if you play a certain way.

    In terms of noed being a perk to reward killers maybe you only expose survivors who've already been hooked. This way it would be a hex anti tunnel perk.

    In short these perks should exist and be a good option which makes your perk build.

    Also I notice a few of you still in denial about the games imbalance. Truth is a lot of stuff is still unbalanced but they're getting there.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Show me where the objects I can destroy to prevent Adrenaline completely are, sir?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    As someone previously stated, it rewards you for completing objectives, if you cannot complete the OBJ or make it to EndGame, then it won't work

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @AshleyWB then you have missed a lot of conversation. it is currently just not the most talked topic. I have heard enough people complain. But there are far more problematic issues in the game, as well as enough people that think Adrenaline is fine. You get rewarded for reaching the endgame, while you play the game until then with 3 perks.

    It is one single occurrence in the game, and when people are not injured, the healing state is wasted. If not in a chase, the sprint burst is wasted. If it screws over your game, it is most likely because you performed bad throughout the match. Like said above, it is just very rare situations where it flips the coin totally. And you get a free heal every two games sounds insane? Ever complained about second wind or Inner Strength?

    I think Adrenaline heals Deep Wounds over the injury.

    @inferjus Correction: if one guy is able to finish 5 gens and there are still 3 people around, no one sacrificed, you did pretty bad. Or the others did pretty well looping you. So even that would count as reward.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    It's called slugging and its only counter should be Unbreakable or help from teammates. You are in dying state, you did pretty bad at escaping from killer. You shouldn't be rewarded with random gen pop.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited January 2020

    Inner strength requires a totem, there are only 5 to share, plus you cannot use it mid chase unlike adrenaline.

    The problem of game balance, not that someone did a bad job as killer all the time.

    A slight nerf and people are getting defensive over fear that they'll lose their crutch🤭 hehehehe

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Yeah, people are so scared about their top tier meta perks. Those perks deserve nerf, they are in meta since the game's release! The only thing that changed is that no one uses Self-Care anymore and that's it!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t use Adrenaline and I think it shouldn’t be nerfed.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I really wouldn't say "downplaying"... That's your opinion about people thinking it is balanced. There are enough good reasons listed why it is balanced, downplaying would be without or vague arguing.

    And I kinda disagree on the NOED change. That would actually cause endgame tunneling, as you won't hit someone healthy that you didn't hook yet.

    @laurelstroodle no need to get offensive

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @AshleyWB You insinuate here, reflecting from your own opinion. Noone is fearing anything here, there are enough arguments. And you don't suggest a slight nerf, you cut it by half. I already listed that in certain situations both effects can be wasted. Even that it gets activated over exhaustion can be bad. Had it often enough that I had exhaustion resetted for a useless sprintburst to endgame, then got caught by the killer and had no exhaustion perk available after the wasted adrenaline. You pretty much just see your lost chases here. There are enough arguments listed against a nerf, you just have one

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @AshleyWB and regarding the totem: That is up to 5 heals in one game, and you complain about one in 2 games and call it insane. Thats my point. And run Quick and Quiet, then you can do that mid chase as well, just needs some timing