BHVR killed Hex: Ruin

With the new changes, skill checks work normally, but gens being regressed do so 1 / 1.5 / 2 times the normal speed.
So early, Hex:Ruin is no threat. And late game, it's already been cleansed so it will never be a threat.
Good job, BHVR. You successfully butchered the one reliable perk in the killer arsenal and made it so that survivors no longer need to at least be decent at skill checks. Impressively botched!
those stats are so little maybe if it had its current 5% on the new version it wouldn't be bad
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PGTW has always been better
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Nope. Still a totem. It can be cleansed away.
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I stopped relying on Ruin like a week ago. I win more games than lose without it.
Without Ruin, you’re forced to actually pressure the map rather than rely on the Hex slowing progress or causing Survivors to search in hope for it. It really makes you a better player and you’re not panicking about survivors cleansing your totem.
just my opinion though, so I’m not really upset about it if they have ruined Ruin.
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Get it out of the way. Imo ruin carried a lot of killers when it lasted long enough 80% of red rank matches it was used they said.
Once its gone kill rates should drop and the devs may not be terrified to buff killers since the thing buffing the stats is gone.
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So then Ruin should be buffed, not changed and nerfed at the same time.
Also Ruin was the only perk in the game that slows down gen progression. Now killers can do nothing about it.
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Is there a new ptb that I don't know?
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Corrupt intervention was better anyway maybe this change will encourage more usage
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"Good job, BHVR. You successfully butchered the one reliable perk in the killer arsenal and made it so that survivors no longer need to at least be decent at skill checks. Impressively botched!"
How the ######### is Ruin "the one reliable Perk"? xD
It is a Perk that so many people think is needed, but it is so unrealiable. It can be cleansed within seconds or will have nearly no impact when the people are experienced and good at hitting great Skill Checks.
It only really has an impact on lower Ranks, where it is not needed at all.
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I agree. Too many killers became reliant on Ruin. I did until I started creating my own in-game challenges, one being not using Ruin anymore.
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Going to remind everyone to keep your comments constructive on this - no insults!
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It shouldn’t have been buffed but I don’t get why it’s being nerfed and you don’t need ruin. Corrupt Intervention has also been better for awhile.
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...Okay, that's over kill. Ruin with surge? However this is over kill. Welp, time to find build changes. Granted ruin will still be trash because people will most likely cleanse it within the first 30 seconds of the match
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I like the change - it actually adds a really interesting gameplay mechanic. I didn't use ruin before and I probably won't be using it often going forward, but it's definitely more interactive now.
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Rip ruin.
Long live noed.
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I wouldn't mind this as a seperate perk but even then, the effect just doesn't seem that powerful. Replacing ruin with this was very silly though imo, especially with all the complaints about gen times.
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This is the kind of one-sided, incorrect balancing that is slowly killing their game. How about instead of mindlessly nerfing killer things on a constant basis, we actually give the non-mobile killers the ability to actually apply gen pressure?
Guess we'll just have to tunnel them. That will sure be fun for new players, lol. Until that is nerfed too.
Basically - nerf everything new players don't want to adapt to. We'll see how this goes when there's no killers left for survivors to face.
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Yeah I really wish they'd nerf instaheals
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Of course this is true - after all there has been no recent changes that have affected killers positively have there? Oh wait, Freddy got a really large rework and is now pretty strong, Balanced Landing got altered and that was a huge Killer complaint and many many more things. Fact is the Developers are not killer or survivor sided, they make changes for the better health of the game!
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1 nerf over tons of killer nerfs, wish they gave us the old Iron Grasp back
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Hey, any time you can straight up nerf a perk that 80% of killers use in red ranks without addressing the core reasons as to why they feel that they need to use it, you gotta do it. Hint: it has very little to do with the emblem and more to do with the fact that it's very easy for survivors to do 60% of their objective by the time the killer has 2 hooks. I mostly run Corrupt Intervention, but I have 1200 hrs and know what I'm doing. I feel bad for less experienced red rank killers.
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I wouldn't go there. It took them almost 2 years to finally rework Freddy. Killer nerfs happen almost immediately.
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if u wanna make a list im sure survivor nerfs are nothing compared to killer nerfs.
fun fact i would give survivors all their nerfs back for OG Nurse with OG Iron Grasp with AG which could take survivors to the basement on 90+% for the maps back then.
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If you ask for something impossible you should expect to be rejected
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I will say, although I disagree with a change, I do also acknowledge that the game doesn't only exist in red ranks. Ruin is admittedly far more oppressive the lower you get in rank. I just feel that many killers lack tools to apply early pressure when 4 survivors are healthy due to map size.
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Oh really? Seriously the freddy rework and ONE perk nerf the same what killers got?
And what about new killers? Did any in the company tried it? It is not fun to play against a ruin? How fun to play against 4 toxic player who way better then you? How fun to play on rank 14 against rank 4-2 survivors with infinity loops and flashlights? How fun to play against sabotage team where you found no hooks at all, since even with a grey box you can sabotage 4-5 hooks easily? This is fun, but playing agianst ruin not? Instead of nerf it you should change the game mechanics, so some killers wouldn't be forced to take ruin to get some time.
In the matches 90% it is joke to spot, all survivors have to do is looking for it. How about change the totem spawns? Make a rule for example, that nobody (except the killer) can spawn the proximity of a hex totem? Many MANY games a survivor starts near a totem. You can see in the starting cut before you even can move.
And no. It is not important in the lategame. Mostly it not even survive until the lategame. It is important in the early game, so the killer have some time to pick up traps from different places and put them somewhere as a trapper. Or to spot any survivor. Imagine that 4 survivors start to work on 4 different gens. You find one, start to chase him. Before you finish (if he not total bad) all those 3 gens will pops up. That is fine? That is good? And this happens even with ruin if they good enough. Or if they have luck and get almost no skillchecks.
Regressing speed up means almost nothing, since at least 1 person always work on a gen. So one by one they all get repaired.
You say that you do this because of the new players. Okay, fine. But you really think nerfing everything is the way to KEEP those new players? A nerfed thin will work as it should be on higher ranks too?
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Survivor bias game. Simple as that.
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I'm trying to be respectful here, but are you paying attention? It's been nothing but killer nerfs going back to September and not small ones either... They butchered nurse, oni, and legion, plus they nerfed Freddy...Sound is broken, matchmaking is broken, the emblem system is broken...Better nerf ruin to nothing....
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As a survivor main, even I hate this change. It was completely unneeded, I get that they’re catering to the newer players but there’s a universal perk in Small Game that they can equip from the bloodweb pretty quickly if Ruin is that much of an issue for them. There’s also maps which SHOW you locations of totems.
This rework doesn’t encourage me to look for totems anymore, if anything it makes me want to bring in Prove Thyself and rush gens before they have a chance to regress.
I truly sympathise with killer mains right now, I’m sorry that you’re losing one of the few viable perks in this game at your disposal.
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Hex: Ruin was a tool to slow down the match not for the killer but for the Entity to enjoy a long fight.
Ending the game in 5 minutes means noone on either side actually is rewarded with a pip.
A trial is meant to last enough time for the Entity to feast of Hope.
So it's not about really about nerfing a killer perk but more about devs dooming both sides to derank coz the games will be shorter.
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I hope all the streamers which are the only thing keeping this broken mess afloat find new games to play too.
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Will be any survivor nerfs on this ptb? They need lots of nerfs
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Depends, I personally think both are complementing each other. Early game you won't get pop, all pallets are up and it takes a while till you down the 1st time. In that time ruin is doing his job till you start snowballing from the first hook, keep momemtun going... Then Pop comes into the play and it doesn't matter if ruin is destroyed.
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I love the combo, I’ll try new ruin with toth but if I don’t like it then I’ll use CO instead.
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Why nerfing ruin? It 95% of the time is gone in a instant and they are perks and maps to counter it plus tool box for god sake lol.
Bahavior never fix totem placement lol in the first place and with all the garbage map design with god loops make this game boring for killers.
Kip destroying the game and on cosoles is getting empty real fast.
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What is CO?
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Oops, I accidentally tapped the “O” instead of the “I”, I meant Corrupt Intervention.
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Is good now.
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Yes the game doesn't just exist at red ranks, but games should always be balanced around top tier play. That's how all other games are balanced, the newer player is eventually get better.
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Oh yeah, I will definitely replace ruin with corrupt intervention on all builds, it's the best early game pressure perk now I guess.
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If they are going to nerf it, it shouldn't have stayed a totem perk that will spawn in the open at most maps right beside a gen and get cleansed in 20 seconds.
This could have been a nice perks if they upped the stats and made it not a totem, combined with pop I could see an awesome three gen strat.
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If all killers use Hex: ruin maybe it's because exist in this game a problem with the speed repairing gens.
Gen rush = New meta.
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I agree. I've been banging the balance around higher level players drum for a while now. Ruin was ultimately a bandaid perk that dampened the new player experience. I just wish they would address game speed. Obviously, NOED is still here, but there's a weird cultural barrier in the community surrounding it that prevents many players from running it.
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They really just need to get these maps reworked. They all need shrunk to springwood size (approx. 140meters) and then close off the god windows that they just leave there. That will solve most of these problems because the maps are to large to patrol for any killer without movement abilities.
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Gj on ruining one of the best killers perk. Pamper survivors more. N1
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BHVR is trying to kill anything slightly unfun for survivors. They put nurse in the cemetery because survivors didn't like her, they nerfed spirit because survivors didn't like her, they changing doc's static field because survivors didn't like it and now they are actually nerfing a gen slowdown perk because survivors don't like it. They need to finish the 5 gens in 3-5 mins now. 3 gens need to pop before the first chase ends because survivors need to have fun and feel powerful.
Even more red rank killers will leave.
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Well, it doesn't look that bad to me because of a few things:
- Regression occurs at a flat rate of 1 charge over a duration of 4 seconds. With Ruin, this now happens
instead ofwhen you kick a generator
, and regression now occurs at a flat rate of 1 charge over a duration of 2 seconds. - Survivors can't tap generators during a chase.
Doing the mathematics, if a generator is at 90% and you happened to catch a survivor and chase them off.
At that time, the survivor has 72 charges on that generator. With Ruin, assuming no other survivor touches that generator, it will take 144 seconds for that generator to regress back down to 0 charges. Without Ruin, it would have taken 288 seconds, plus as a bonus, you would've needed to kick the generator to start regression.
3 - Regression occurs at a flat rate of 1 charge over a duration of 4 seconds. With Ruin, this now happens