So,,, nobody wants to talk about Otz's new video???

Helps them if you link it.
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All they see is that hillbilly is OP.
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Thanks, should have done it.
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I don't even know who Otz is? Let alone why i should care.
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Otz is probably the most reliable source of info on dbd game balance, next to Ussylis. He knows the meta well and understands complex dbd gameplay theory.
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I iv seen it thats the game experience for killer right now, think what would happen if he is a wraith or a clown
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Everyone has their own way of playing, including this Otz guy. Not one bit interested in that guy
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Otz clearly needs to git gudder and play a killer that has map pressure and is better at chases so he doesn't need to sweat so hard.
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Clickbait thread title and shameless plug.
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it's not his playstyle im talking about, you should probably watch it. just 4 minutes in and youll get it.
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Ok maybe but No discordance, corrupt Intervention, surveillance, or Ruin?? Instead he used Bitter Murmur and tactics? He went against a highly coordinated team got 3 kills. This was also an exception as he said he has never seen anything like this.
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Oh I haven't seen the vid yet.
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I like otz but he is not the end all be all of DBD
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All I can say is I can't wait for this to be disregarded by mains who will talk about what "the fog whisperer's" say, or their own anecdotal evidence from before 4pm in the afternoon..
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True, especially not in the heat of the moment lol
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I watched it, after you let me know who the person is. It was a very high pressure game with survivors highly coordinated, doing gens right in his face and trying to set up Head on stuns to save teammates who were in chase. They got 4 gens done and he got 3 kills.
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Ok thanks mate
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He still got 3 kills with an awful build and numerous mistakes (he had some very good moves too).
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Yeah, but he is also one of the better and knowledgeable players in dbd playing the better killer in the game atm imo. This shows a lot. Survivors didn't even bring 4 toolboxes and went too greedy for head on stuns that costed them a few hits.
He also made little to no mistake and if BHVR wants to make this a regular game in dbd i'll maintain this game uninstalled for sure.
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Watched it earlier today, nobody should be able to gen rush like that at all, and that's only 2 toolboxes with prove thyself.
I believe this is why they're looking into reworking the toolboxes, had he been any killer other than billy he would have never stood a chance tbh.
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Probably doesn't help that the tree's and rocks were part of the swf group as well.
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because "we" should worship a streamer. what streamers say, and their opinions is always right and factual . don't form your own opinions - ever. <~ sarcasm
Otz is a good player and has some good ideas.. but this streamer worship is old.
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Trees and rocks OP please nerf in next patch!
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Its more that they actually record evidence of issues and commentate on them in real time.
Would this post be any different if it was the OPs own video bringing up the same points?
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True said this, Otz said that, Hexy said this, Tofu says that.... it's always the SSDD. Sorry you dont see it.
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I have seen it. This is why the excuse of “the survivors don’t escape until 5 gens are done” is literally irrelevant. It didn’t matter that he got a 4k minus hatch; what matters is the amount of pressure he was putting on.
And the amount of pressure he was putting on was monstrous. Right off the bat, he’s getting downs and hooks without even thinking about it. 3 downs in the first 90 seconds. He was wiping the floor with these Survivors.
And they still managed to get 4 gens done.
If Otz’s playing had been any less immaculate, he would have lost big time. These survivors didn’t even chase. They went down almost immediately every time. And it almost didn’t matter, because they knew how to hold M1 on gens.
Even when the Survivors are so much objectively worse than the Killer is at the game, the Killer still nevertheless struggled. Now imagine a game where the Survivors actually manage to loop the Killer for once, or playing any Killer that doesn’t have the same insane map pressure that Billy has. Otz would have lost that game for sure with no chance of counterplay.
This is why gen times are an issue. This is why “just apply pressure lol“ is a garbage argument. He DID apply pressure. He applied metric tons of it. And it was almost all for nothing because the Survivors knew how to hold M1 on generators.
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Shush your not supposed to tell people about our secret SWF members
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They are identifiable as knowledgeable figures. While streamer worship does occur (*cough*Tru3*cough*), not everything that has something to do with a streamer is mindless following.
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WTH? Do you want killers to be able to get guaranteed 5 gen 4ks? There is nothing wrong with an optimal killer letting 4 gens and 1 survivor go, dbd shouldn't be a hopeless stomp fest, for lore or balance reasons.
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Bitter Murmur, Discordance and BBQ is bad on Billy? Or are you supposed to bring PGTW every game now that Ruin is gone?
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He should have played the new OP Doc.
Or Clown.
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Did you even read what I said at all? Otz consistently outplayed these Survivors and made them look like the fools they were. They died, over and over and over, and almost none of them were able to properly mindgame or loop. He decimated them in chases and was constantly putting immense pressure up. He was clearly better than them by several leagues.
And it almost literally did not matter, because they knew how to hold M1 on gens.
Again, imagine if these Survivors could actually loop. Imagine if Otz wasn’t playing Billy and instead was using any other Killer who was so much less map pressure. Imagine if he had decided not to bring Discordance and/or BBQ. Imagine if Otz had made one single substantial mistake. These Survivors would still have been terrible, but this time around, it literally wouldn’t mean anything because the odds would be totally stacked against Otz. He would have pretty much lost automatically.
I’m not saying every game should be a 5-gen 4k. But when your Survivors are clearly markedly inferior to you in terms of skill, and you’re stomping them this hard, you shouldn’t be almost on the brink of defeat with 1 generator remaining. That’s absolutely ridiculous.
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But did you see how he played? He couldve done nothing about these early gens, and those were onlu 2 toolboxes. He had to tunnel someone out of the game, and tunneling is supposed to be toxic or something.
Also awful build? Discordance for gen pressure, BBQ for tracking (easier to find = easier to pressure) and Bitter Murmur to get extra pressure just after a gen is done. Are killers supposed to bring Corrupt, Thrilling, PGTW and Surge every game or what?
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Why is it always imagine? Why not show proof where it actually happens, oh wait it doesn't.
Otz played far from optimally in that vid and wasted perk slots as well I have gathered. Stop getting riled up and look at the facts: running a meme build isn't going to guarantee you an easy win. Hell, at the competitive level there are pretty much no easy wins without moris or toolboxes.
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With all the videos the guy uploads, only the one where he uses a mediocre build and does costly mistakes (like tunneling Yui at the beginning, which he himself admits was a mistake) is worth a mention here?
Anyway imagine if gens were slower, would have something changed aside from him getting a 3k with more than 1 gen remaining?
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"Complex Dbd gameplay theory" .... really?
Please enlighten me
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Well I haven't mastered it myself, if you watch Ohtofu's podcast you might get a general understanding. Ussylis mentions it in some of his videos too if I'm not mistaken. You already heard about Otz.
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He played very well skillwise speaking but he also made several mistakes, he has 3 tracking perks and zanshin (which is decent for newcomers, for veterans not so much), not a single slowdown perk or chase perk like Pop or Bamboozle, should have hooked Yui at the begining when she got downed near a hook (with Pop that same gen would have been regressed more than 20 seconds), bumped into a lot of trees/rocks, sometimes he abused the chainsaw when there was no need and seeing how much they were genrushing he should have defended the gen in the house and the 2 adjacent gens from the start. The locker plays were masteful tho.
The genrush in the video is insane true, but he still got 3 kills with a not very good build in a very bad map for Hillbilly..
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Yeah he slugged wrong in the beginning. He should have went back to the first survivor he downed to keep the pressure on all of them. But instead when he downed the Nea he instantly picked her up.
We get gen speeds are fast but there are small windows of opportunity that arise and well it was there in the start of the match.
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I don't understand all the people in this thread saying that the build was the problem. If you watch the video, bitter murmur was actually responsible for a lot of his super quick downs, Discordance let him get a good start, the only perk which didn't help much was Zanshin Tactics and even then, it allowed him to negate a pallet near the end, so it did its job of shortening a chase.
I'm not really invested enough here to take a side, but if you're going to put a point forward at least make sure its coherent.
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“Why is it always imagine? Why not show proof where it actually happens, oh wait it doesn't.”
It actually does, and you can easily google videos of people destroying or getting destroyed with the simple art of doing gens—seriously, these types of videos are literally everywhere—but you just pretend they don’t exist to fit your narrative.
“Otz played far from optimally in that vid and wasted perk slots as well I have gathered. Stop getting riled up and look at the facts: running a meme build isn't going to guarantee you an easy win.”
- Okay, he made a few mistakes and some luck screwed him at a few points. Doesn’t change the fact that his playing was a million times better than the neon-haired monkeys he was playing against.
- What does it matter that two of his Perk slots were questionable? Not only did he still get use out of them, including being able to pull off a mindgame thanks to Zanshin Tactics at one point, but two of his Perks were meta Perks. His build was strange, but it was far from a “meme” build.
“Hell, at the competitive level there are pretty much no easy wins without moris or toolboxes.”
So you’re literally admitting that against good Survivors, you’re totally screwed without the strongest possible things you could bring and only show up very scantily in your bloodweb, meanwhile the only necessary things Survivors need (which is total bs by the way; toolboxes are not mandatory at all) are one of the most common items in their bloodwebs? Do you not see the issue here?
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The perks were helpful at times, but they were definitely not optimal.
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No I'm saying the game is not easy at a competitive level.
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Dude that says so much with such little text, I like it LOL
I just don't get how people can say Otz played super optimally, or trying to defend his build, which I'll remind everyone is: Zanshin Tactics, BBQ, Discordance, Bitter Murmur. This isn't exactly the worst build, but there's a reason you don't see these perks a ton with maybe BBQ being the exception, but that's for BP. Otz also crashed into several things with his chainsaw which gave up a decent chunk of his time when combining all the chainsaw stuns. Even with all that he still managed the 3, and almost 4k.
I'm just not seeing what the point of discussion is even supposed to be here. Otz had what seemed to be "average" for what people on the forums seem to think (with the toolboxes and meta perks and whatnot). Not average for Otz though. And he still did fine. What's being proven by referencing this video again?
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It evidently isn’t for Survivors if being this absolutely terrible can get you this close to winning.
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He did the mistakes mostly after the 3 gens were done, so it does not change that genrush was too fast and nothing could be done.
You should not be forced to bring slowdown perks every game, especially on killers that are supposed to be "high mobility - high pressure" killers.
Same with chase perks, most of them are not that good on Billy anyway.
The surviviors were not playing that good either, he found them all the time, that game shoud've been a 4k. Also if he didnt tunnel that one guy out of the game, they would probably finish the last gen too, and who knows how it would play out later.
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I am confused to the point of this post. He got a 3k? Is that not enough? He got a 3k given the two toolboxes (which the devs said they are going to look at).
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I think what this video shows is that rocks and trees are OP and the Yamaoka maps really, really need better visibility.
Seriously, I went AFK last time I got Sanctum, because between straining to see on that map and allergies my eyes were burning. It wasn't worth the trouble, trying to steer as Leatherface and bumping into rocks hidden behind foliage. Why does the Entity generate maps that are helpful for survivors and hindrances for killers? Where are the alligator pit traps and falling boulders to make survivors think twice about running willy-nilly all over the place? Even Ewoks can set up boulder traps, and they're just teddy bears with spears.