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So,,, nobody wants to talk about Otz's new video???



  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Before the first 2 gens pop he forgave one hook, he missed to regress the gens and went after the very obvious DS user who was leading him away from the almost done gen instead of trying to defending it, also not by not having Pop he lost 40 seconds of regression (maybe 60 if he were to hook Yui at the start).

    You should be forced to bring perks that help you and cover what your basekit lacks, thats why they exist and you shouldnt bring 3 perks who cover the same area because you will lose strength in other areas.

    Slowdown perks arent mandatory but you risk facing people with a genrush strat and without them is very hard to win, though he did win the game without them.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Awww :(. He wanted a 4k 5 gens? Poor Otz.

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    Same discussian everytime.

    What is a good build. What is a bad build. But he got a K. But the slow gens are boing.

    Blah blah blah.

    It boils down to this.

    In an asymetrical PVP game people will get frustrated and stressed out if they feel the level of skill required to match the opposing side is also asyemmtrical. Which balancing and proper patches of new content are meant to smooth over in time. DBD is in like what...patch version whatever and killers still say they feel this is the case.

    It all boils down to that. It's not about what was done or what was achieved. That's the core issue and always has been. Anyone who plays killers always say that this game feels ultra-sweat and stressful to do any good unless you're some of the top killers and this is the reason why.

    Post edited by Flatskull on
  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited February 2020

    I think the people trying to act like it's not good enough unless it's a 4k should just step back for a sec and think...

    Maybe if you're not going to be using the strongest things, you're going to be at a little disadvantage? You don't bring a knife to a gunfight, simple. Maybe that's not the way things should be.

    But forever now in gaming that's how it's been. You want to be good, you pick the good stuff, and if you decide to opt out then you're going to have to put in extra effort to make up for that power.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • Member Posts: 226

    What I mean is, the game seems fairly simple.

    Yes some people are better at looping and mind games then others.

    But I hardly think the plays people make in this game can be called complex theory.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    So, I watched the entire video.

    First I'm gonna point out the tools survivors had. Two NUTTY toolboxes, and toolboxes are getting changed soon. The guy who escaped had a full on gen jockey build.

    As good as he is in the game, Otz has quite a few questionable builds. He had 3 tracking perks. THREE. That's ######### overkill. When you run a build like that you can expect to know where survivors are all the time, but you can also expect the game to go by pretty fast. Corrupt Intervention wins him that early game by a landslide since the survivors would have to physically move to a closer generator. Pop would screw them over pretty bad too after the first down. Also Zanshin Tactics was useful in a single moment and that's it. I know the meta is strict and it sucks but you can't run a bad build and expect things to go smoothly.

    Yes, the survivors played poorly, but he didn't have his best game either. He missed slugging chances and deliberately ate a DS. Those moments alone cost him a lot of pressure.

    Ahd he still killed someone at 2 gens left. This is pretty much a guaranteed win for a killer with mobility.

    This game has strong killers and weak killers. Billy is a strong killer. If the survivors don't have a good early game vs him they're doomed. That's what keeps him in check. I firmly believe that match would've looked very different without toolbox gen speed and if he hadn't made the mistakes he made. It would've been a 3-4k with 3 gens up, which is a stomp, pure and simply. Toolboxes are getting changed, so there's that. And even if that game made it to 1 gen left with everyone alive, he would've had options because late game favors killers way more than the early game.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    The posture Otz is taking with this video is dissapointing me, he is just feeding the divide between killers and survivors even further.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I'm not sure what that video is meant to prove.

    Yes the gens went fast but the killer won!!!

    What do you want? to win with 2 or 3 gens as opposed to 1? what does it say to survivors? "hey you guys brought toolboxes and did the gens lightning fast but you still lose lol gg"

    How do you expect the devs to justify increasing gen times when the killer wins?

    Also a few points...

    1) Nobody said toolboxes were balanced. Everyone has agreed they should be nerfed.

    2) This is a bad map for Billy. A bad map with 2 great toolboxes with add ons and Billy still won

    3) Otz wasn't playing that great. I'm not going to nitpick every little thing he did because I don't expect anyone to play perfect but bring ######### zanshin tactics over Pop was ridiculous, Pop would have made a big impact on that early gen. Likewise he's complaining about multiple survivors trying to genrush in front of he goes and tunnels the person who just got off hook knowing full well he will eat a DS and get nothing for the chase, and let survivors finish that gen. Dumb move. Imagine if he popped the gen then put pressure on the 3 survivors that were trying to rush it.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    He didn't just make "one" mistake. I'm saying I saw one massive mistake in the first two minutes. During that time he also smashed into a bunch of ######### (being Yamaoka's that's totally fair).

    Both sides are going to make numerous mistakes. No one ever plays perfectly. You say survivors can make more mistakes which again is reliant on the butterfly effect. Say a survivor does make that mistake, gets caught out of position, then gets hooked in a deadzone. Now down the line, he's endangering the rescuer, potentially killing both of them now, all because he made one mistake at one point. People pay attention to things like DS and Unbreakable and say "Look at all the second chances survivors have" which again, I don't disagree with, it can be annoying as hell getting "outperked", but they also tend to ignore the fact that survivor mistakes can be just as costly as killer mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    You mean in dbd as a whole? I would have to respectfully disagree.

  • Member Posts: 226

    I understand you disagree. So I'm asking what some of the game theory is.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I can understand git gudder but a killer with more map pressure? He's playing Billy. The only person who has more map pressure is old nurse. That just points out how broken the game is. We got like 19 killers and only 3 of them are viable at red rank. Now that I think about it at any rank cause MM is so messed up red ranks can pop up no matter what rank killer is.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Well there are theoretical chase times and patrol times. Theoretical applications of certain perks and items/add ons. Overall theoretical efficiency and mindgaming is a big piece of the pie. Like I said, I'm not yet an expert myself so I can't explain all of the nuance.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    Well...are you expecting the role in which you are 100% of the team to somehow be less stressful and less reliant on mistakes than the role in which you are 25% of your team?

  • Member Posts: 940

    Otz played extremely well as usual but the survivors just kept holding m1 on the gens and regrouping onto the next gen when disturbed and most likely looking at it àn swf on comms.

    Otz had never seen anything where he didn't get a chase/loop he was literally just downing them one after another but it didn't matter.

    A survivor wasn't happy he was tunneled so sent abusive messages afterwards.

    I've seen Otz stream and he isn't one of those gimmicky streamers, he analyses things like Tru3T but BHVR just don't care the only balance is the bank balance.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Having map pressure is not the same as slowdown, is similar but since you cant put pressure in 4 people at once is not exactly the same, slowdown is making gens go slower or make the survivors waste time in other stuff, RBTs, Feral Frenzy, stacks in Dying Light or Tanato are slowdown perks (some stuff is better than other, Pop right now is the best slowing tool of all).

    The hook was right there, no need to move an inch, he could literally hook the guy without even walking, he should have hooked Yui at the start and then rush the other gen, you gain time by slugging if the hooks are far away, if they are so close is better to hook and force a save, that also gives you time with the benefit of one less step in the sacrifice.

    And you are right they didnt play super good either, they were doing gens in front of his face and that also factors into the insane genrushing, if they werent so bold the gens wouldnt have been completed so fast and believe it or not, such boldness and urge to rush actually worked in his favour by exposing them in ways they shouldnt have exposed themselves, they went all in and lost.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    He did not play "extremely well".

    He made quite a few mistakes, some of them out of pure tilt "this survivor is CLEARLY disrespecting me personally by being unhooked so I'll eat the DS and throw 2 generators".

    He didn't play poorly, but that was FAR from the best performance I've seen from him.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Considering it’s meant to be the power role and the entire population of the weak role should have their skills as individuals and as a team consistently strained against the power role, yes, I expect exactly that. Considering Dead By Daylight is meant to be a horror game, meaning Survivors should feel so utterly oppressed and defenseless to the point of fear, I expect that in ever greater quantity.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Maybe because it was a 3k BRUTAL KILLER against genrush surviviors that couldnt even loop, 3 gens were completed despite all the pressure from the strongest pressure killer in the game, and thats only with 2 toolboxes? Maybe thats the point? Im not sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Again, high pressure killers are not supposed to use slowdown, only killers with low pressure use slowdown, so they have more time to apply pressure.

    Surviviors lost? Lost what? Killer got 0 (in words) ZERO pips, and Im sure at least some of the surviviors pipped, given the amount of gens done.

  • Member Posts: 1,611
    edited February 2020

    Stop using this garbage ranking system as a metric for wins and losses the devs themselves admitted it's ######### terrible

    He killed everyone except the guy who escaped through hatch. He won. GG go next

  • Member Posts: 21,215

    I don't know, its probably my personal bias, but i don't like Ussylsis at all.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Well it is just that if you don't explain why. He's rank 1 on both sides so at least people know he doesn't have bias. I think he has a good understanding of the devs' mindset for changes and a fun approach to how the game is played.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Then stop treating this match as fine, because you shouldnt be forced to tunnel against potatoes with toolboxes, as the killer with highest pressure.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I was being sarcastic, he is clearly a top end player on a top end killer. I agree with everything you said.

    Holding M1 in groups of 3 and alternating hooks seems to be all it takes to almost get a win for the survivors in that match.

    Poor killer if it ended up being a less skilled player with a killer that isn't in the top 3.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    I know, but that guy talks like Im supposed to use slowdown on every killer every game. If you are playing a killer with huge pressure, you shouldnt have to use slowdown, as devs and surviviors dont like it and you are supposed to "just pressure gens"

  • Member Posts: 21,215

    Tru3 is Rank 1 on both sides, but we all know he is biased lol

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    Are you claiming that a killer is not stronger than a survivor? Want to make sure I'm arguing your actual viewpoint first.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    Did you forget the part where the killer can ######### kill people and survivors can't.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Calm down Scott, i think its time to lay off the conversation.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    hold me back i am literally seething with anger over this very serious conversation

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    I'm just saying, you have to be crazy to claim a survivor is more powerful than a killer. Easy proof: Start a KYF 1v1 game. Surprise, its impossible to win.

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