How do you feel about the speed of generator repair and the overall speed of the game?



  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    For killer no, but with half of these bad players in red ranks that dont even do gens then it doesnt really matter, they should fix the damn ranks

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    I play both killer and survivor pretty equally. This is definitely a tough question to answer. At high ranks, and with a team that knows how to do gens efficiently, the answer is obviously gens go way too fast. Not even nurse or spirit can keep up. At low ranks, it's the complete opposite. Some survivors don't even know what button to press to do gens for ######### sake. It makes it very difficult to balance.

    Devs basically have three balance options: balance to new players (keep gen speeds), balance to good players (reduce gen speed), or create a different system entirely. The new system could be in the form of additional objectives, gen speed gradually gets faster the longer the match goes on, etc.

    These problems don't even include the imbalance SWF brings into the mix, but that will never change.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    It could be better.

    Depends on the rank you are at.

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    play both at red ranks , and this is way too fast

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    In some extent, manageable. For me this happens;

    3 gens pop and I already got 2 downs. Then the game just stalls until I'm completely dominated or I completely dominate.

    As for the game,huge fun. The lore, visual and sound department need good props because they are amazing.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995
    edited February 2020

    Honestly, I think gen times are almost perfect right now. The only thing I wish for is for something that keeps survivors from pumping out 1/2 generators before I even find the first survivor. I main Pig and wanna use her Ambush attack, but if I go from gen to gen while crouched, the survivors will most likely have 1/2 gens almost done if they spawned together and far away on big maps. It's pretty much my only issue with gen times right now. As soon as you find the first survivor and down them, then the gens slow down on their own, cause you're putting pressure on the survivors.

    Maybe make healing faster again to encourage survivors to heal and not have this anti heal meta. That too increases gen times by a bit.

    Also a nerf to toolboxes and gen slowing perks would be nice. Make gen speed as basic as possible and balance the game around that.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I feel like as a solo on a gen, they're fine, but I feel like there should be a much bigger penalty for multiple people on it.

    I think the simplest fix is to make them harder to find. Take a map like Hawkins or the game, they tend to last longer and encourage more interaction with the killer. If they took down the giant light poles, it would probably solve a lot of issues, without making people hold m1 for longer.

    Another idea is to have certain gens with modifiers. Say this gen needs a tool box or a flashlight, or two people. It could still be completed solo, but would take additional time or trigger much harder skill checks that advance it 0%.

  • Bearclaws37
    Bearclaws37 Member Posts: 1

    PC player here and thought I'd share how my games have gone recently.

    When I play killer lately, I have been able to manage to get 3/4 Ks with maybe one or 2 gens being completed. The new Doctor is amazing. And then I have the polar opposite and have games where I get one hook the whole match and everyone escapes. Usually when playing Trapper, but I love playing him. Also Killer queues are a long wait on PC.

    Keep in mind I only play solo queue, but I must have the worst luck when playing survivor as most of my matches start with someone going down in the first 5 seconds or someone DCs. Then another survivor is too excited to unhook them and gets hooked themselves. Then the game pretty much ends and almost no gens are completed. I have a lot of games where me and another survivor are remaining and 5 gens need to be completed. Then it becomes a game of who can hide until the other person is dead. I have also had matches against new killers and it is a complete stomp by survivors and the match is super short, with almost everyone surviving.

    I like that person's suggestion about gen times for a tier of killer. This would be a place to start and see what works. I also think matchmaking really needs to be reviewed. I think the difficulty here is tuning the game for so many variables (swf vs solo queue, killers that require prep for their skills, etc.) I still really enjoy the game though.

  • jyak101
    jyak101 Member Posts: 7

    I am a new player. I started mid-January and have gotten 1 killer and 1 survivor to level 50. I completely disagree with your statement about 'new players.' If you want to say just rank 20? Sure, but I got to rank 15-12 within a few days of playing the game on both sides and the generator speed makes me stop playing this game on both sides. On survivor, it is too quick and easy to win games. I am not a good survivor. I cannot loop competent killers well yet I still escape around 80-90% of my games just because the killer gets very few chances to actually chase me. I would like to get better at looping but it is way too easy to play safe and the killer needs to camp/tunnel a single survivor just to even the odds. For killer, it feels awful. I decided to play Bubba because I wanted some more points and it legitimately made me want to quit wholesale at times because I was getting 5 minute games in rank 17. Please don't make wholesale arguments for any type of players because you are not correct in my experience. My suggestion would be to reduce the effect of multiple survivors doing generators by at least 50-75% possibly more.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    As a returning player (played a lot around a year after launch and had a year or so break) the game feels insanely fast as survivor. I've assumed it's because of gens,but maybe people have other ideas. I'm a lower rank,so maybe something will change, but I've only seen two 4ks in like 50-60 matches. In a few Everyone escaped before I even saw the killer. I agree things aren't fun that way.

  • xiozen
    xiozen Member Posts: 61

    Gens go way too fast; early game... to have so many killers in the game but also have such an unbalance... especially with the perspective that "killers should expect to lose at least 2 gens within the 1st 4 minutes".. that's just discouraging.

    Killers with traversal power can keep pressure on gens, killers with no traversal ability struggle. It's all about getting around the map and quickly. I think this needs to be addressed at least from that perspective when thinking about reworks.

    Also, many killers that appear to be high rank either (a) have high traversal ability and the ability to one-shot or (b) ability to one shot without high traversal ability.

    Killers that lack both...a are considered low-tier and suffer horribly in their attempt to apply gen pressure.

  • I don't like, as a survivor, that two gens can pop before I even know who the killer is.

    And as a killer, it feels more stressful than fun to get 2 gens lost for 1 or 2 hooks when you need to get 12 and they only need 5 gens.

  • SolAkira
    SolAkira Member Posts: 71

    People want the game to last like 30 minutes when in my opinion it's not supposed to be like that. The game seems very fast paced for the state it's in right now and I think that's how it's supposed to be played. Quickly.

    I dont have time to be sitting around while the trapper sets up his traps for the first 2-3 minutes of the game. My goal is to survive not toy with the killer and let him kill. The killers on here like to play with their food and honestly I'm not putting my butt on a silver platter for them. They have to work for it just like I do.

  • ddubuckyee_user
    ddubuckyee_user Member Posts: 178

    So fast......

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Except survivors have to work far less as opposed to killers. If you don't see an issue with how quickly gens fly these days at high ranks, you're delusional. You know its bad when I want a nice, relaxing game, I queue for survivor with some friends.

  • PrettyHuntress
    PrettyHuntress Member Posts: 2

    For me the speed of the game is excellent for both survivor and killer. I prefer it as it is now with faster, more dynamic matches, which are resolved soon and are not extended and tiring.

    However it is true that there are some problems, which I do not believe are in the speed of the matches.

    I think that the speed of the generators should be maintained as well as the new Ruin AND maybe make a new update to speed up the animation with which the killers clean the weapon, jump windows, set traps and slightly modify some of the larger loopings areas.

    Out of curiosity, I am: ps4 player, red rank survivor, green rank killer.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Too fast, the game is too stressful as killer now, by the time i find the first survivor, chase them and hit them twice, destroy a few pallets, and land the first hook, 1-2 gens pop almost every game, usually with a 3rd well on the way.

    I don't think killers should expect the survivors to do 2 gens before they get one hook, thats 40% of a survivors objective done and only 8.5% of the killers. Yes, i know the game slows down once that first hook is achieved but its still extremely stressful. And even then survivors have the option of ignoring that hooked survivor for a minute to pop another 1-2 gens.

  • Nickromancy
    Nickromancy Member Posts: 3

    I still think that the main reasons gens are so fast and it feels so bad for both sides is because survivors still only have one objective. They literally have no reason to do anything else in the game plus perks and boxes make games go too fast and gatekeeper scoring very hard to normalize.

    I personally think that a new mandatory objective before the gate can be opened needs to be added. The game has evolved quite a bit over its life and m1ing 5 gens has run it's course, the new objective doesn't need to take 80 seconds to m1 or require a lot of thought. But it may be cool to have to have the survivors for example, need to search the map for the lever to the gate after the gens are done and install it to open it (remove the power up 3 light sequence for the installation sequence). It will add some chaos to the game and provide a much needed reintroduction to fear and stress in gameplay while feeling interesting for everyone involved.

    A personal gripe is that killers just aren't perceived as scary anymore, not from an artistic standpoint, but from a mechanical one. It doesn't matter what the killer can do if a survivor can run in circles around some debris and waste the same amount of time regardless. Some baseline mechani s, specific powers, and addon updates are needed to make Killers feel like a true antagonist and not just a hindrance right now.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    I don't know how I feel about generator times, but the pace of the game can certainly go too fast.

    There is a problem for sure with how much the survivors can get done before the killer can even start to get any kind of momentum. But it depend on the killer, the map, and the overall level of the players.

    And at the end of it, fast games are frustrating for everybody. Survivors complete the generators too quickly and don't get points for anything else since they barely interacted with the killer. At red rank this can mean a depip. And killers get frustrated simply because they barely get to do anything at all.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Both my killer and survivor are rank 1. I play survivor 75% of the time however I've played killer enough over the past 2 years to understand the balance of the game.

    At the minute survivor is too easy. Playing in my team as survivor we escape pretty much every game. The only times we don't is if we make a mistake, play a stupid build or killer gets us by mori. We are all good at looping but if we don't play great we still waste enough time that the killer only gets 2 or 3 hooks. It's a shame because we can face killers who we know are really good but have no chance of getting us with the current gen speeds.

    As killer I find I'm at the mercy of the survivors I face or the map I'm on. If I face a good team I know that even a 30 second chase could lose me at least 1 gen. I feel I can't 3 hook everyone anymore because the gens go too quick atm. I've done ok since the change but that's because a lot of survivors at rank 1 aren't the best and give me plenty of chances to win.

    I'd like to see a perk added like this into the game:

    Hex: Hide And Seek: All totems on the map have the hex applied to it. The game starts with a 15/20/25% penalty to all action speeds. Every totem cleansed reduces this action speed penalty by 3/4/5%. This hex perk trumps all other hex related perks.

    This would mean the killer can't run noed, ruin or thrill with this perk. But more importantly will slow the game down at the beginning while survivors look for totems.

  • nimesulide
    nimesulide Member Posts: 39

    From a survivor point of view, the gen times seem fine for me. More would feel like an M1 simulator, less would feel not enough of a challenge. However, I could imagine some more perks which would modify the speeds in some cases from the survivor side:

    I like the idea of using the totem system for some benefits (like in case of Inner Strength), that cleansing a totem would add some speed for some time or such, but only if you do a generator alone.

    Or some perk that slows regression if there'd be any (survivor can also protect the gen), maybe with the payoff, that it'd be highlighted for the killer for some time.

    From the killer point of view, the base generator time is fine, what is not fine if they are powering through them together. Even without Prove Thyself, already 3 survs can do a gen in an insane amount of time. Also, I miss the setup time for Hag (with old Ruin, I was (almost) Hag main). With these points in mind:

    I think, there could be a built-in Discordance, but not for two, but 3-4 survs working together on a gen.

    The more survivor work on a gen, the less added value would be there -> they would be wasting time.

    Or the map generation could behave the way, that only two are able to work on a single gen.

    Also, I very much like the previously mentioned idea of the "Trial Warmup", in which, generator repairs are drastically slowed down, but totem cleansing, and chest searching is speeded up, and ends as soon as the killer initiates a chase or comes in 4m proximity of a survivor. This adds some time for both sides to gear-up/set-up.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2020

    There's 5 generators and the first few can go far too quickly at the start of the match. Losing 2/3 when every pallet on the map is up at the start of the match in a chase creates too much stress and pressure on the killer, which in turn is the cause of many killers being forced to play in a way that makes the game, in turn, unfun for the survivors.

    There's too many things in this game that waste the killers invaluable time.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited February 2020

    From my perspective of main killer with 3.2k hours, after the ruin nerf, it does not matter in which game, but 2 gens in early will be repaired, so I feel that something fails at the beginning of the game. There must be some new new mechanics to help the killers make the early game slower like the idea "ScottJund" "The Trial Warmup" thought. On maps like coldwind farm they are bigger and more open maps ... they are very strong in favor of the survivors, finding a survivor and performing the first chase by norm will cost you 2-3 generators, 2 sure and the third one almost finished , so you play with 2 generators .. how many hang up? 2-3? It is not fun for the killer that the games go so fast, there has to be a balance, right now it does not exist.

    I think they should implement some mechanics in the early game.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2020

    Short Version:

    Gen Speed too slow in new player ranks 15-20 (Survivor have no perks no teamwork cant loop thus many Killer Camp).

    Gen Speed to fast in red ranks (repair a gen every sec they are not being chased, most Survivor use DS BT DH, can loop to some degree, kinda work together)

    Gen speed vs swf waaay to fast (toxic tryhards with toolboxes, abuse object of obsession + discord, fully stacked with 4ds 4bt you cant win and get teabagged all the time).


    Bandaid Solutions:

    Add a repair speed penalty/buff based on Survivor rank if Survival Rate goes below 50% or above 50%.

    Add another repair speed penalty based on number of Players in your SWF (to compensate for the additional Information they share with Discord - so 2 man swf wont share as much information as 4 man thus they should not get big penaltys).

    Nerf DS (only triggers after being hooked 2 times)

    Nerf BT (only triggers after unhooking a survivor of his second hook)

    This will not hurt new players but mostly affect red ranks and forces em to play slower (wait for killer to leave hook). Be more sneaky = slower at the start of the game.


    Long Version:

    -Too large Maps (there is a reason why high mobility Killers like Billy and Spirit work)

    -"Camping" its only a thing in new player matches (Rank 15-20) but these Survivor see no love from BHVR.. yes we have DS and BT but new player most likely dont know these things exist and also dont have em... but instead we have red ranks who bring up to 4 ds and 4 bt when chases already take very long (cuz they can loop) while game time is very low.... and the pip system wants you to get more and more hooks the more you rank up (wut?) balance the base game to help new survivor who struggle to get into the game and not red ranks who already have a easy life (and we all know survival rate statistic a year ago showing this problem too still nothing has been done). A game should be easy 2 learn hard to master (while this is true for killer its the opposite for survivor).

    -Unhealthy Loops Survivor can run tighter and have no mindgame Potential (being forced to run 3 rounds on a loop tile with most of the Killers is frustrating as f and also loses you the game. Another reason why Nurse is strong or Spirit who can either end the loop or leave the loop finding another survivor or billy who could quickly leave and find another survivor or down a survivor before they reach these horrible tiles.

    -Toolboxes: Zero Interaction its also not fun holding M2 replace em with Firecracker ...

    -Hooks: I boi... so you must spend 10-15sec to bring a survivor to a hook (while also giving away your location and pressure) just that another survivor runs straight to the hook (no sneaking nothing) to unhook infront of your face cuz its fine cuz Borrowed Time and DS will back em up. Even if you dont attack the unhooked person they body block and take the hit... yay zero pressure again cuz you did your objective.. staying on the hook gives you minus points and also loses you the game... more yay.. hooking survivor should be more rewarding (both in pip system and also ingame by buying you time).

    -SWF .. you know it.

    Imo Repair speed should be based arround Survivor Rank (rank 20 repair faster rank 1 repair way slower) this way you can bring a new friend into your swf and he wont be such a burden cuz he repairs faster then you. Also add a SWF repair penalty for every member of your swf (so 2 player swf wont be as debuffed as 4 man swf cuz the amount of information shared is not as much).

    Honorable Mentions:

    Moris / keys / Toolboxes / Iri Heads should not exist in this game (or atleast be reworked alot) to not cut so much game time from both sides... most people dont use em anyway and they make balancing the game even harder...maybe change mori so they mark survivor after 2 hooks and if they get caught you can mori em if they escape they get bonus bloodpoints...

    Post edited by xerav on
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Hmm you want a bandaid perk? Wouldn't it be better to just add Scott Jund's idea?

  • tfareyouthinking
    tfareyouthinking Member Posts: 46

    Doesn't matter what tier killer you got when facing optimal swf. 1 chase and you already have 2 gens done in less than a minute it seems and ppl wonder why there’s no killers that want to play.

    But I hope the devs figure something out soon, because soon there won’t be any killers to play against.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    I feel that the game is slowly becoming worse and worse.

    The core of the game is the interaction killer - survivors, but with the current speed you may end up with four chases the whole match.

    The game isn't fun when like that, we should find a way to force interactions without the need to lose a mstch if you chase a survivor.

    So games are too fast, and we need to find a way to allow and even promote chases, jukes etc

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221

    It’s fine!

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    About so many issues in this game due to its asymmetric nature, it's hard to generalize across populations and trials. When I play killer:

    a) 20% of trials seem to go too quickly due to an initial gen rush. By "too quickly" I only mean that the full dynamic potential of the trial doesn't get a chance to unfold, so it's kind of a meh experience for everyone involved. Note that, in some of these trials, I still get 2+ kills. It has little to do with a lack of "balance" between survivors and killers with regard to outcome.

    b) 20% of trials are cut short due to a DC or some other kind of bad behavior, so it's hard to judge gen speeds in these cases.

    c) 60% of trials work out just fine. In these cases, I may get 4 kills or 0 kills. Fun and solid gameplay all-around regardless of outcome.

    I guess I'd conclude that gen speeds are fine. If they get done too fast, it's usually because I'm not using Whispers and I make dumb decisions early on about where to look for survivors or whether to pursue a chase I shouldn't.

  • The first 2-3 gens go by incredibly fast, but i find that if you apply good pressure from the very start, the last two gens is where you really have a shot to slow the game down. I always find that 2 gens go by almost immediatly, but as soon as i start chasing and hooking it slows down.

  • Synthetic1101
    Synthetic1101 Member Posts: 2

    This is truly a complex topic with alot of nuance. With out getting into my opinions and off topic here is my idea.

    Either a perk, or just a flat game mechanic imposed by the entity.

    Gens have a base standard speed, this can be influenced by perks and items as normal, but the faster gens are completed the slower gens get done.

    basically after a gen pops, there is a time frame 30 sec, 60 sec, what ever the time is that gen progression is slower by a certain percent. The kick is this slow down would stack. Pop multiple gens in a short time frame, and the more time gen repair will take. Hop of the gen run the killer or do what ever, and the gen will slowly return to normal.

    This still allows people to gen bi*&h and gives some killers a little bit of cushion in the early game. Also would force some survivors to hop off of gens and do other things..

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    The speed is fine at the moment. As killer I win most games. As solo survivor I barely ever escape. That’s due to red ranks being watered down. You need 4 good survivors to win and you’re just not going to get that anymore. I don’t think gens should be looked at until we have better matchmaking. Can’t justify increasing gen times when its so easy to dominate as killer.

    What I don’t like is the number of moris floating around. Its almost 50% of games at times. I can put the game on to relax and have fun but get hit with 3 moris in a row. It really sours the mood when you’ve just turned the game on. People can bring up keys but everyone lobby dodges them anyway so that’s mostly irrelevant. So many killers complain about balance but they’ve got so many shortcuts its ridiculous. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen an ebony mori, NOED and ultra rare add ons in the same game. So hard to play killer!!

  • OutbreakJack
    OutbreakJack Member Posts: 62

    Scotts slowdown at the start of the game or something very similar I feel would balance the game out pretty well. People brought Ruin into every match to slow the game down for the first (Entity willing) minute or 2. So you could get the first chase out of the way, break a few pallets, be able to relax a bit and get the ball rolling down hill somewhat. With that gone, yeah killers gotten more stressful. Corrupt intervention is pretty hit or miss depending on the map and new ruin doesnt stop good survivors from burning down gens. Especially considering most decent survivors dont really fear the killer at all. Less murderer and more punching bag.

    The gens go to quickly when the killer has no way of stopping them at the start. Fix the start of the match to have a massive generator repair speed penalty and you'll see less constant complaining about this annoying problem thats been going on since the start of the game.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2020

    The only issues I see with gen times are toolboxes and grouping up.

    Toolboxes should be reworked to affect great skill checks and NOT increase repair speed. Maybe the Engineer's toolbox can increase repair time SLIGHTLY but it should be minimal like 8% or something.

    Grouping up on gens is also WAY too strong. The fact that just 2 survivors almost cut the repair time in half is insane. It should go 80s - 60s - 50s - 40s for 1-2-3-4 survivors respectively.

    Finally there should be a cap to repair speed. No matter how many survivors or buffs there are, you should NEVER be able to finish a gen faster than 40 seconds. NEVER. That should be the absolute maximum speed it can be done, with the exception of great skill checks adding more progress.

  • bangbison
    bangbison Member Posts: 104

    Yeah, they should be harder. I thought they should just be the old red skull checks but we could get like a manual or something to make them easier and not red. Maybe put them in the killer shack so it’s hard to get them.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think the way to fix grouping up speeds is to reduce the progress from great skill checks. Grouping up is already pretty inefficient.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I agree about toolboxes. They aren’t needed, gen speeds dont feel slow enough for them.

    As for survivors grouping up I can see your point about the times, I often bring Discordance for this reason but the problem with increasing gen times for multiple survivors is that it will encourage people to spread out on gens which isn’t good for killer and it removes the ability to disrupt multiple survivors at once.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    IMO the amount of time before you can escape a trial is too short or the survivor defenses are too good. I won’t say gen times are too fast because holding M1 on gens for 80 seconds is surprisingly unfun. Making that longer would be terrible. Good killers get the map pressure to stop gen progress as is, killers still learning do not. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve had since the ruin nerf where I escaped without ever being chased and the killer got one or two hooks. Some map tiles are way too strong for survivors, some maps are way too big. The balance is off, please don’t add charges to gens as part of the fix

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    At the moment generator speeds are definitely too quick. If I dont take any perks that help regress or slowdown the gens or play a high mobility killer, then its pretty much gg unless the survivors are messing around not doing them.

    Personally I wouldn't want the gen time increased as this will just make it tedious to play survivor. I'd rather there be like a big rework of some sort to how generators are repaired. Rather than just holding a button and the occasional skill check, maybe you could find components to repair them and have quick time events that involve different random buttons instead or something. Just an idea.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited February 2020

    Depressingly woeful.

    Match-making is in desperate need of attention. The game is in a sorry state.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You still benefit from grouping up on the gens, it's just not like half the time with just 2 people. You'd need all 4 survivors to make it half the time. Survivors would still group up on a gen if it means it can get done in about 60 seconds.

  • MindYaBusiness
    MindYaBusiness Member Posts: 2

    So I've read through almost all the comments. My suggestion is making skillchecks appear a bit more frequent, but make skill checks with the great part show up more scarcely. After the ruin change, I feel like it's rather easy hitting greats, due to the training I had with old Ruin. Now here's another thing. When a skill check appear, make the gen progress bar stop until that skill check is either successful or unsuccessful. If it's successful, it resumes. If it fails, it takes it normal regression rate. What that does now is still make gen times the same, but also gives the killer leverage. As a survivor main, I can attest to how fast these gens are popped AT BASE TIME (no addons, no perks, nothing. Just solo). Since I'm decent with killers, they're still popping gens too fast. As a killer, I have to maintain 8 gens, 4 survivors, my perks, their perks, and map awareness ALL AT ONCE. With my suggestion, I'm not trying to bring back old ruin back perse, it's just an idea. Feel free to change or modify my idea on something we can all agree to.

  • PeppyCracker310
    PeppyCracker310 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2020

    In my opinion the gens go way too fast especially if your in red ranks, it's boring for both sides i play killer the gens are done way too fast so you're forced to use builds and strategies  focused around gens or slugging and when i play survivors it's just the same thing over and over hold rb press lb sometimes and run around pallets it gets boring i think more objectives would be a great way to both improve killer and survivor gameplay for example make gens go much slower but spawn random parts around the map that make the repair process fast

  • Jamie_5
    Jamie_5 Member Posts: 18

    Is not gen speeds that are the issue (except with toolboxes) but it’s the maps. The maps are so large and safe for survivors that the killer can’t really do anything. Especially maps like Haddonfield or Ormond.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Early gens go too fast, but there's no way to slow it down unless you force Survivors to wait in some fashion. CI works to an extent, but a lot of Survs just hide til it's done and you've wasted a Perk slot + 2 minutes of the game for no real advantage unless you're a Trapper/Hag.

    I've had multiple games where Survivors actually stopped doing gens just to hunt me down during a chase so they could get some interaction as well. It's both funny and frustrating to be chasing someone and have 2 other Survivors diving in and out so they can get their Evader emblem + points.

    I think part of the issue is the number of toolboxes though. I am seeing more and more ever since the Ruin change, no doubt partly because they said they were going to look at them, but there's no real way to balance gen speed when things like Commodious + speed + efficiency is in-game. Especially when layered with a Perk like Prove Thyself and/or Streetwise. Gens can go ridiculously fast with absolutely no counterplay.

    The only proper way to really balance how fast gens go is by adding a mandatory second objective. A switch, fuel, circuit breakers, fuses, something. Just so Survivors have to search the map for a bit allowing the Killer to find them and begin a chase quicker. Being able to spawn in and latch right onto a generator's teat in 3 seconds does not permit the Killer any time to mess around. They absolutely have to find a Survivor quickly, or else it's ggez. The Entity help you if you haven't downed a Survivor before those first two gens pop about 60 seconds after match start. You might as well go sit in a corner for a while.

  • Synthetic1101
    Synthetic1101 Member Posts: 2

    In the end gen speed is a part of the problem. The answer can't be obtained unless we know what is trying to be solved and why. One of the problem with DBD is there isn't a clear defined you win or you lose.

    As survivor, do you win when you escape? When you pip? When 4 of your escape?

    As killer, do you win when you 4k? When you Pip? or just have a good game of chases?

    Everyone seems to have slightly different definitions of this. I have had conversations with killers that feel if they don't 4k %50 of the time then they aren't winning enough. Same with survivors that don't escape enough.

    With out a solid metric its going to almost be impossible, to "Balance" the game.

  • TheOptimiser
    TheOptimiser Member Posts: 138

    Solo gen-time: GOOD!

    2 or more survivors gen-time: absolutely BROKEN!

    Toolboxes: BROKEN!

    Those 2 mentioned at broken should get a nerf ASAP!

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    2 survivors tag teaming gens after 80 seconds: 1.8 gens done

    2 survivors solo genning after 80 seconds: > 2 gens done

    Super unfair and too fast right? Could you explain why to me?