How do you feel about the speed of generator repair and the overall speed of the game?



  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    As Killer, I feel productive when I get 4 stacks of BBQ and at least 1k. I'd rather get 4 stacks of BBQ and a 0k than 2 stacks BBQ and a 2k personally. Points matter when playing killer. I rarely enjoy my games because of the sweatyness.

    caveat: If you are the blind at every pallet kind of survivor, I feel like I've won when I camp/tunnel you and ruin your enjoyment of the match too.

    As a survivor I feel like I've won when I perform well in chase and had fun. I don't care so much about pips and points.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I believe he's talking about finishing generators. You can regress a 80% completed generator. When you have 3 gens left and they are close together, finishing it in 44 seconds is literally being sucked into 1 chase provided there is a safe pallet. Lucky thing for survivors, they are EVERYWHERE.

    Not that you don't know that. I mean you have almost 1,000 posts since the last time I replied to one of your comments and that wasn't very long ago.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    Quite a few pages here.. I think Scott Jund has it right though. Have a "Starting period" similar to the endgame collapse where generators have a large repair speed debuff applied. This period ends the moment the killer starts chasing a survivor.

    It promotes a few things: firstly ideally you have 3 survivors on gens and 1 looping the killer and you cycle out whenever something bad happens like they get hit or end up out of position. Someone's occupying the killer's time at any rate. This means you can kinda send your "front man" out whether they're perked for chases or just 'taking one for the team" thematically.

    It also means you don't have 2 or 3 gens "99%" before the killer finds someone because some are really slow or require a lot of time to "set up" ie hag, trapper, huntress is slow but has hatchets.

    This benefits everyone Survivors can somewhat strategize and have fun since most of them enjoy the chases anyway (it's kind of the core of the game) and it lets you have way more variety with killers than just "ranged attack, teleport, instadown, or do I just lose." Gives set-up killers time to actually set up without being insanely punished for it.

    Throughout the course of any given match, survivors control everything. Their items, what gens and how many on a gen dictate the pace of the game. The killer has all the stress of managing time and delaying objectives and finding the objectives being pursued to begin with.

    As for gen repair speed in general I think both the gen speed and toolboxes need to get looked at. As it is right now, if you have survivors and killers of optimal skill - the killer can only win if they succeed at mindgames at a place that isn't "infinite" and the survivors make mistakes like being out of position or taking too long to react.


    Make killer fun again instead of constantly buffing survivors and not changing ruin "because hag needs to only have hexes" <- that's not a valid reason to avoid balancing your game >_>

    When you have an asymetric challenge, it's typically balanced by numbers and force. right now the killer is definitely on the ######### end of the stick by a pretty wide margin. Everything they do takes time, and their objective is largely time management. Right now survivors have the tools to kill 10+ minutes of the killer's time meanwhile they only need 4 minutes to win.

    Gens are definitely too fast when you can finish a gen in the time it takes for mayybe 2 chases between finding the survivor(s) and getting the hook and so on. Even if you hook all 4 survivors in the time it took you do that the other 3 easily finished a gen or got them most of the way done each time so by the time you get them on a hook for a second time around they just go around popping the gens and teabagging the exits. At least more often than not. Toolboxes should just mitigate the penalty for stacking on a gen and not give a bonus at all, the penalty for stacking on a gen should be much higher. The base speed on it's own is probably okay if you get rid of the stupid Brand New Part and stacking with toolboxes bullshit.

    Right now if you have a team where someone has object of obsession (or you use rancor, or they have some other fairly consistent way of seeing where you are) the game is just done. You'll have 2 stack on the obsession cycling out a fourth to loop while they stay on the opposite side of the map from whatever chase and finish gens in insanely fast times, even without toolboxes. My point is, regardless of how you do it (toolboxes, stacking with auras, both, talented looping, whatever) survivors have so much more power than killers do throughout a round.

    If we don't make the penalty for stacking on a gen much worse and make it so toolbox are mitigation engines instead of game-ending items then make skill checks significantly more difficult as right now it's pretty mindless after your first maaaybe hour in the game. Overcharge is a useless dead perk on anyone but doc because madness makes skillchecks show up in random places and unnerving presence is really strong on him because of that and so on and so on. Make skillchecks actually.. do something so survivors not in a chase actually have something to pay attention to / engage with.

  • yikers
    yikers Member Posts: 94

    The change sucked, made survivor queue take longer and games faster, less points per game too for both sides it seems.

    Just a terrible change, and if devs dont get better at this stuff this game will turn into another deathgarden aka dead game.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Pretty fast.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's awful for both. Playing survivor it's too fast and easy, for Killer it's too fast and hard. Honestly i'm just playing the game to complete the rift right now, and then going to switch to something else till changes are made.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    I strongly agree with this, too. Hence why most of my suggestions don't affect base speed. As for stacking Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst/Dead Hard/Lithe, Decisive Strike, etc.. that ######### is equally game breaking as you just wasted however long chasing that person and/or downing them (while gens are getting done) and congrats, you're now even further behind with nothing to show for it and these perks are on just about everyone

    With or without those perks though, equally skilled games are over if you can't cluster the last three gens and with the state of the game now? Good luck. Not to mention that gets incredibly stale and feels pretty bad having the game over half way finished often not even 2 or 3 minutes in and that's about the same time to maybe hook each survivor once and you need two more meanwhile they just gotta tap gens around the map avoiding you until they're done.

    When you're balancing a game you should always balance it for the skill ceiling, not it's floor. Keep the new user experience in mind sure (this is always a bit of a balancing act) but right now you guys are trashing the game to prevent bambi survivors from ever dealing with consequences (and by extension, learning and feeling as though they're making progress beyond a number on a screen and highly desired perks)

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    Plenty of people don't care about the pips and just wanna bully the other side, even if you do pip though have being being rank 4 getting matched with rank 14 killers (or vice versa although it doesn't seem to happen nearly as often)

    Apparently their matchmaking doesn't "scale" it's just after 10 minutes it's 10 ranks in either direction. Not like, +1 rank in either direction every minute or anything that would make sense..

    One last point while I'm on this forum: It's exceptionally common for 2-3 gens to pop as you're hooking your first survivor. The only chance the killer has usually is to make sure they remaining gens are close together as best as possible to reduce patrol/travel time and maximize intel/positioning. I think Scott's idea goes a long way towards making this game enjoyable for everyone again.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I think it goes too fast, even as survivor.

    Sometimes the gens are done so quickly, that you can't do much at all in the game. Matches that are over within 5 minutes just feel bad, even if I escape. It does not feel like a win at all.

    As killer the speed gives you so much pressure and stress that theres almost no space left for fun. You can't make one single mistake or you probably won't have a chance at all to get at least 1 or 2 kills.

    I think it was way more fun in the past, when most matches used to be 10 -15 minutes at least. I don't even know when it changed. I guess when everyone knew the map by heart and just pressure gens instead of healing, because nobody is scared of the killer nowdays anyway.

    On the other hand there are also matches, where your teammates don't touch a single gen and your team is getting destroyed within 5 minutes. It is really hard to balance I guess.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    Old Ruin meant I at least had to pay attention enough to hit my skill checks. The current gens go too fast (they don't take long at all), but not fast enough (because they're mind-numbingly dull without any additional challenges). I end up spacing out holding the R1 button on PS4.

    Killers, in an effort to make the most efficient use of time, tend to chase me down immediately off the hook and throw me on again back-to-back until I'm dead. It's usually a combination of bad judgment (or plain apathy) by random teammates farming me and the killer being pressured to perform. In any event, it's not fun to play right now.

    I've been finding the current pace & atmosphere pretty dull and unpleasant, so have semi-avoided playing since the Ruin nerf was announced. It's no fun waiting 10 - 20 minutes to get into a match that I either space out or get taken out in 2k bloodpoints.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    2 Survivors tag teaming gens after 80 seconds after the 4 minutes mark (when devs said 3-4 gens would already be completed): 1 gen and exit gate open/99%;

    2 survivors solo genning after 80 seconds: 1 gen completed and 80 seconds wasted on one of this survivors.

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 7

    I’m a survivor main myself I don’t agree with changing gen speed I think there should be more objectives like find parts to repair a gen or get gasoline to use as fuel for the gen it gets boring holding the repair button and hitting skill checks I like to go around the map to get the items to get the gens done

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    If the killer isn't Billy, doc, Freddy, spirit, oni, nurse, or isn't running ultra rare add ons or offerings the gen speeds are fast and boring for both sides. Low rank killers tend to let it ride out ending with just one kill for which the killer had to face camp and with the current matchmaking all I see is low rank killers. Overall, not much fun really

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Great as main surv now i usualy finish game with friends about 5-10 min tops. Get few chase points to pipe and get out. Don't know as killer since only way i play killer since update is for chalenges and ususaly going top meta ultra sweaty perks. Also don't play more then 2 per day so that i min games with ultra swf groups that i play on surv side. Also more points as surv now so it preaty good farm atm for surv side. 3-4 matches about 25-30k in 1 hour so in total 90k to 120k it would go even more but q times usualy eats a lots of time.

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020

    Gens pop too fast as killer against good survivors. SWF teams are too strong. When I play killer and have two gens left with only two or three hooks, it is gonna be a loss. You can tell when you play against teams of solo players. Less body blocking, less communication and stacking on gens. They sometimes three gen themselves. These gen speeds are fine against survivors who make mistakes. But against coordinated teams, they are done hilariously fast. But extending the time is a bad fix, because when I solo queue survivor, half the time my teammates are urbaning around the map any time they hear a heartbeat. So 120second gens would be a solo queue death sentence. Not an easy thing to balance. Its like making rules for a football game that includes middleschool teams and college teams. Lol

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    I am perfectly fine with gen speed atm. Chill time in the fog city. :D

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    I mean, that’s cool. Any more information to add? Console, Pc? Survivor main, killer main? What rank do you play at? Big Weiner Energy doesn’t provide much data. Lol Like just messing with you, but there are lots of people who have issues with gen speed right now. i’m a Rank 5 killer on ps4, I played 5 games with at least two rank one survivors but all red ranks. Four of them were groups. Gens went by way too fast. I play Rank 1 survivor and and gens seem to be an ok speed if I am playing against at least a purple rank killer with a solo queue group. If I load in with a SWF the killer gets destroyed. Its hard to balance when the squads have such a vast difference in what they bring to the table. If I am in a good group I love the gen speeds. I dont feel panicked. Chill matches. Lol But with lower skilled teammates I feel like I am internally screaming for ten minutes.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    I'm low ranks, and it seems it doesn't matter what the gen speeds are when I play survivor. Most of the time whoever I'm grouped with doesn't work on gens. That all changes when I play killer. It seems like everyone focuses on getting gens done instead of farming for hook saves.

    Overall I would like gens to slow down a bit, even if its just adding 15 seconds to the gen time. At the very least nerf toolboxes, which I guess the devs have said that's an option they are looking at.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    game is too quick now, sometimes even uneventful, level of fun and suspance reduced to 0.

    Hope devs have so.e ideas on how to fix this mess.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    It is hard to judge gen speed because it depends on the killer and survivor skill, how balanced is the map, add on used by killer, what one would consider a "balanced" or an okay gameplay.

    For example, if you consider 2 survivors dying and 2 survivors leaving the trial a balanced outcome, then the game may be considered "balanced". But that hardly makes the killer playerbase happy and unhappy killers just quit the game, specially at rank 1.

    As a killer, I would be happy if there were not infinite loops or infinite pallets paths. An example of balanced map is one of the dark blue forest map (dunno the name), wich has less exploitable loops, lots of trees.

    As a survivor, the game seems a bit too easy at most trials as gens do get done fast unless you are facing Billy or the Spirit. Many survivors players get their fun by overwhelming the killer while I do get fun if I face and survive a difficulty trial and get stomped by the killer.

    The devs will no doubt choose what the majority of the player base consider "fun". As a red rank survivor, it seems uncommon to face a red rank killer and many trials seems a "relax time" as the objective is simple, demands low attention and you may get some few momments of daring.

    For the killer, many trials with red ranks seems overwhelming and unwinnable unless you get very good on mindgame and have profound knowledge of the map. The problem is not loosing, but loosing in an unfair way.

    A second objective could be created if 3-4 survivors finished doing their gens or the entity could block one of the exit gates randomly even if the 3-4 survivors open it, that would create more opportunity for an extra kill.

  • Kliah
    Kliah Member Posts: 29

    Game speed is too fast.

    As survivor, I can usually finish a gen before the killer gets to me. And, even when they find me and I get chased, by the time I look down at the number of gens we only need one or two more to be done. And those usually get done when the killer gets into another chase.

    As killer, even like Spirit, on some maps I can barely make it across to the other side before a gen goes off. This is so disheartening. Especially when you're a new killer trying to practice and get better, its painful to play.

    I still love the game, I just want something to be done about the state it is now because it is not great.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Gen times are really tricky to me. There are times when they seem to fly by, and then I seem to be able to lock games down at others. Honestly, a good group of SWF can do gens at their own whim sometimes. Those groups are more rare, though tend to pop up in red ranks more than one would like.

    That said, I think altering gen times across the board is very dangerous. Though skilled groups can pump out gens with impunity at times, a half-way decent killer can stop most solo groups cold on gens. Therefore, any changes need to be slight tweaks, or incremental.

    I have a few ideas, but it is hard to do anything until match making is fixed.

    1. Hex: Ruin - This should not be a hex perk. As much as I enjoy the effect of it, I think it is too weak as a hex perk at higher ranks. I think the premise of the perk is great because it punishes survivors for staying off gens, while rewarding killers for pressuring gens. Don't pressure the gen, Ruin is not going to do anything for you. If you are too scared to get back on that gen you had at 50%, you will lose your progress. I think the numbers can be tweaked to find the right balance. This could go very far to help gen times. Right now, the hex totems are too easily found and destroyed to consider Ruin a stable form of gen control.
    2. Skill Based, Incremental Objectives: So, BHVR says they are moving towards a skill-based. If this is true, then they should also be able to measure players skill for game purposes in general. If so, why not make it so a player of X skill, that is going to be matched with killers and players of higher skill as well, also triggers the need to find a repair part for the gen? Or gets a 10% penalty on gen timers?
    3. How about a SWF debuff that only hits when you have 3-4 members? 5-10% penalty to gen timers? 5% per member past the 2nd? That means a 10% penalty for 4-man SWF. I am not big on punishing people for playing with friends, but it could be a way to off-set the communication bonus of SWF?
    4. Instead of gen timers, what if chases were shorter? Increase bloodlust timers, or give a perk that gives a slight speed boost when in a chase for more than 30 seconds. The boost remains while in chase.
    5. Monstrous Shrine - Rework the perk. When a survivor is on the hook, MS gives a speed debuff to all gen speeds. If the survivor is on his second hook, the debuff is increased. If the survivor is sacrificed with a 3rd hook, the gens are debuffed with another increase for 30 seconds. The debuff stacks for each survivor currently on hook. If a survivor is rehooked within 30 seconds of getting off the hook, no penalty is applied. (I think this encourages multiple hooks, and encourages getting people off the hook faster.)

    Anyways, I'm not sure how to solve the problem completely. Any major change can swing things too far in the other direction. We also have to consider mid and low rank players as well. They are not as fast on gens and already tend to get destroyed by killers. Penalizing them too much would just be discouraging for new players and lower retention rate. At the same time, high rank players plow through gens pretty quick when they want to.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Gens speed is too fast and it how awful it gets depends on the situation depending on if they decide to stick together or split up and if they split up you have a very high chance of losing especially if they don't 3 gen themselves since you can only chase one person at a time

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I honestly disagree with this idea because you'll have more people abusing a god loop than they already are not to mention all the meta perks for survivors right now

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    Things that could help to fix gen rush:

    1) Lower hook times. That would pressure survivors to stop doing gens.

    2) Balancing the maps in order to reduce infinite loops or pallets chains.

    3) Improve totem locations to be better hidden and more random.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175
    edited February 2020

    I honestly think taking toolboxes and such out of the bloodweb and putting them only in chests to find during matches would help matters. That way, survivors need to spend time looking for items to speed things up instead of having them right at the start. It would help with killers like Trapper that have a set up time as well as make it more possible for killers and survivors to cross paths.

    I often wonder why there isn't something in place that makes survivors change their loadouts based on how many have something equipped, like if 2 people are using a toolbox, the other 2 have to slot in something else or have nothing. That goes for perks as well. In this way, people are forced to adapt and stop relying on "crutch perks". I know other survivors might hate it but I for one like to be challenged by using perks that aren't always the best.

  • bob_bobber
    bob_bobber Member Posts: 54

    I was thinking while looking at everyone's thoughts.

    Sure, some Killers may need some time to set up a trap.

    In the process, the survivors will repair many generators.

    After all, the first time Killer finds a survivor is the hardest part.

    One of the reasons why high-speed killers are so popular is that they can shorten this hardest part.

    As other people think, is it desirable to have a specification that supports the beginning of the game rather than reducing the overall game speed?

  • legionIsBackBaby
    legionIsBackBaby Member Posts: 32

    Reds ranks for me as a killer is horrifying

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The game is too fast as a killer you start the game and you are already 30 to 40 second behind and sometime i run discordance and after 5 sec i get 2 notification because survivor are already on gen and by the time i get there they comit to the gen and both of them are complete after only 44 sec i just start a cgase and 2 gen are done in some map i kniw this is game over and i just go in a corner afk or quit and swich games because why play a game you know you will lose its not fun i really hope they fix this issue i used to love the game bit now im playing less every single day

  • baemee094
    baemee094 Member Posts: 21

    as a killer, its really depends on what killer your playing. If you play strong killers, its fine such as freddy, spirit, doctor, or if your good at certain killers (huntress, nurse, hillbilly). For them I think the gen speeds are fine, they have great skills to prevent gen, high ability to kill survivors or both.

    As for weak killers, such as leatherface, clown, ghost face, hag and etc. It's ridiculous. They got nothing to prevent or any good chase skill. Specially for Myers or trapper who needs time to set up, they basically have to give up 2 to 3 gens which the game is almost impossible to turn. Lot of maps are ridiculously stupid for killers to plays. They have stupidly too many god windows and pallets that prevents can prevents killers too long. Which force lot of killers to use bamboozle (if ruin was problem, i think this is also a problem) or just let survivors go thinking its impossible to catch in that area.

    tbh, the killer balances are really off to say gens are too fast or fine. (its not too slow for sure tho). personally thinking, adding up all ghost face skill and add on is worse than freddy's common dream pallets or doctor's static blast. Hag is stupidly slow, unless you use strong add-on its too weak to play. some of killers addons are just pointless to use. Many killers are too slow to start. some of their skills are useless.

  • BarneyRooster18
    BarneyRooster18 Member Posts: 20

    What gen times?

    Since the Ruin nerf came out there are no gen times. They just pop. Took me half a minute to find the first survivor. There goes one generator. I begin to chase him Oops there goes another gen.

    "gAmE iS nOt SuRvIvOr sIdEd At All. "

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Do you know whats the different between 5 Gen 99% and 4 Gen 100%? Its the 5 Gen can be regressed to 0 while the 4 Gen is a certain 80% Objective.


    We allow Killer to kick finish Gen, except they will only drop to 95% (no regress further) if that Gen is already finished.

    When 5 Gen is 100%, Gates powered, Survivors can open the Gates, but if Killer kick a finish Gen cause less the 5 Gen 100%. The Gates will instantly de-powered, the open progressing is not reset however.

    EGC start right after Gates Powered for the first time, extend 3min to 4min time.

    • Killers rather to go kick a finish Gen rather than stay camp when all Gen are done.
    • It will bring the fight between getting Gen 100% and regress them back to de-power the Gates
    • Survivors may prefer to do more than 5 Gen so its easier for them to open the Gates.
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    His idea just removes the stealth play some survivors (not myself) like. Also I think it is too intense to start the game like that for new players.

    It's just an idea I felt worked for the game. Removes immediate gen rush, doesn't work with other hex totems so it wouldn't work with thrill or noed and it gives killers who need time to set up and good amount of time to do it.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    It's pretty balance for same skill level between solo survivors and killers. But SWF, it ruins everything at least for killer side

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    How I feel about the current gen speed? 10 min que for 5 minute game for survivors should tell everyone enough whats the current state of the gen speed.

    Too bad majority of people are on gray / yellow ranks where killers still dominate no matter what so devs are in pretty rough spot how they are gonna fix the game.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    I feel like

    Still +1 pip at purple rank tho. 

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I think games go by a bit too fast. This, in turn, makes nobody want to play killer which makes the que times unbearably long.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Gen speed is fine but something needs to be done with early game pressure. Also games shouldn't take 5 min to finish. The overall game duration should be at 10min for my opinion.

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136

    I dont think gen speed should be changed. But there are too many unbalanced maps in this game that need to be fixed. And the RNG is sometimes a big problem with the maps.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Gens go way too fast, devs should implement a thing such as turning on the gens first

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    First things first, I am a rank 3 survivor (I feel like I do not belong in red ranks; I am practically carried by the team -- of course I can loop almost efficiently, and would say I am more a rank 4, 5, or 6 survivor to a degree, like I'm not a consistent rank 3) and a rank 10 (reached purple ranks last year before taking a hiatus, I has a LOT to learn as killer)

    What I don't do;

    • Bring in toolboxes if there's two or more toolboxes in the group
    • SWF (I am actually hindered with communication, I have solo-queued almost my ENTIRE gameplay life, so it's actually alien to me to have to speak, which makes my allies angry with me *insert totes sad face here*....I'm sorry >.>)
    • Flashlight blind (I'm that survivor who brings a spooky flashlight just to see the ghost... leave me be)
    • Moris (ONLY for dailies and I only bring a ivory or that crappy yerrow(yes I'm aware it's misspelled <3))
    • Use cheap tactics OR newly discovered techs (granted I don't know how to do them, but I also know what it's like to have it done to me, soo NO thank you :P)
    • Hard camp/tunnel (unless all gens have been powered and I need to secure a kill)
    • Act or behave in a toxic way
    • Bring in a yellow or better medkit (sometimes I will, depending on the build, but 9 times out of 10, it's a brown medkit)
    • Keys... (green doesn't count right? o.o) (also have brought keys to do the four times escape ting, but actually only needed to use them one time out of the 4)
    • Immersion diversion life (I'm a Feng Min wearing my uber bright red outfit. I can't hide lmao)
    • 360 (can't even if I tried... and I'm on console. I'm not talented D:)
    • Leave peeps behind (I do everything in my power to get someone out... even against noed or Bubba)
    • Use Self-care ("uses fingers to create a 'cross'" STAY BACK, I'M WARNING YA!)
    • Stick to one chase too long (I drop chase if I know the survivor is one of the stronger links of the team)

    OKAY OKAY Now, with all of that out of the way, and now you have a better understanding of my gameplay and game style, I can give you my personal opinion on the gen speeds, the health, and all that good jazziness. This is going to be based on my estimations and experience and won't be 100% accurate. I don't have it recorded or written down for ya.

    As a survivor, I have escaped, roughly, 6 times out of 10. Out of those six times, 4 or 5 was a four man escape. Almost every single match I have played since matchmaking has become a problem, I was paired with other red ranks, rarely, believe it or not, was I paired with rank 1's (this is only including the survivors I am paired with). In addition, 8 or 9 times out of 10, I am paired with a rank 8 or HIGHER killer, going as high as rank 14. When I am paired with a red rank killer, it's more often than not, a rank 1 or 2 killer.

    My fastest games can be 5 minutes (of course there's always that outlier or two in the mix, but I'm including the consistent ones) and my longest games have been 8 or 9 minutes (again not including the outliers). The five minute games often end with the killer getting one or two hooks. The second is often gotten right as the last gen is powered, so they end up camping to secure the kill at that point. The gens can go so fast, to put it simply. One survivor will be chased by the killer while I am working with one other or by myself on a gen. Almost always, two gens pop by the time a; the killer gets that survivor down, b; the killer injures the survivor (this often created a bloody deadzone DD:) or c; broke chase to pressure one of us and either found me or found one of the other survivors. During my eight or nine minute games, the mere difference is the pressure the killer puts on us. Instead of two gens one hook, it's one gen, one or two hooks. These games are often with a; doctor, spirit, billy, freddy, GF, huntress (VERY dependent on the Huntress) or yes, even Bubba (I don't know what it is, but some red rank survivors against Bubba fail to realize the safety they're more often in... POSITION IS IMPORTANT .-. but but but this is my opinion, don't take my word for it and I'm getting off track), sometimes, less often; clown, demo (demo is only less because I see him way less often .__. #DEMOLOVER!), hag (very rarely do I go against a solid hag), or Nurse (I am on Console, so she doesn't always have the most promising results).

    These killers I've mentioned only get solid hooks early-mid game if the map allows them, too, so even if they're those killers, the map makes a world of a difference. Gens can still go by fast even if you've got one slugged and one hooked. Because while those two are preoccupied, the killer still has to find and/or chase the third potential survivor, and the fourth is likely finishing up or would have already finished a gen -- ultimately having the choice to leave their second and save or work on the second gen. This doesn't even account for perks that survivors or killers can have. I'm often opting out of getting healed and just doing the generator, so if I'm the hooked or slugged survivor (unless it be Oni), I don't heal when saved or healed to injured state -- I immediately get on the gen. Nearly every time, the same can be said about the survivor if I'm rescuing the hooked/healing the slugged. All three of us can easily reset as well, making all of that progress null and void. If two or three of us end up getting on the same gen, I leave. More often than not, I actually pressure a gen near the killer who is chasing. (I will admit... many times I've been caught and was chased instead, even when and if I'm fully healed...#KillerMagnetForTheWin<3)

    I play this game to get chased. I love learning new styles, being forced to learn new things, because it gets my heart pumping. This goes for both roles, actually. I do the gens as survivor, because if I'm not getting chased, I have nothing else to do. I cleanse totems near that gen and cleanse them on the way (if I see them) to other gens. I mean who leaves 1k or 1.5k bp just lying around, man? That stuff ain't cheap! When I said I pressure gens near the killer and chased survivor, I do it because I want to be chased. The speed of the game goes by too fast for me to often get a chase. I'll admit, I shy away if there's rancor, noed, mori, etc, but if I have power of removing one of those (no-ed) or have no fear of it (mori, because I hadn't been hooked), then I'll be more than happy to get chased and/or be a martyr for the team.

    Snowballing is one of the few ways a Killer can win now. If my team is too altruistic, then the killer will likely get a snowball. I can't tell ya how many times I'm the last one standing because of this. And quite often, I'm found and killed, but even in that amount of being found and killed, I reset everyone, too. The killer can't be everywhere at once. It's impossible (not saying they should be everywhere at once, by the by... don't hurt me plz o.o) to watch over your slugs and/or hooks and find the remaining survivors or last survivor in the match. Snowball is why I see so many billies, spirits, and ghostfaces. They, out of my games, at least, have had the HIGHEST snowball potential/rate when I versed them.

    However... even snowballs are boring, because they, too, are essentially, fast/immediate. As killer, trust me, they feel good, especially if the snowball follows after a few scenarios, but it doesn't give you the main experience that you wanted when playing as either role. That experience, for me, is the chase. The game's speed often leaves little room or time for those chases, but I also know, there's not a whole lot of adjusting that can be done in order to make it feasible, without reworking the entire game. This game is designed around RNG for the most part -- and it's, quote-on-quote, inconsistent endings is what drives people to play, even in 8 or 9 minute games. But if the end result becomes consistent, it'll lose that favored (love/hate relationship in other words) trait, making it less and less fun and more and more boring.

    I've played less killer, solely because of the fact that it is often the same result each time. I'm paired against me, essentially, as killer. Rank 10 versus red ranks. Yes, I understand rank doesn't mean skill, but rank DOES have a curve more often than not. You can tell the difference in many situations. When I have played killer, I can tell you what ranks I'm going against after versing each survivor once, for the most part. There's definitely a difference between a red and green and brown and so on. (Purples are like a grey area though, I almost never see a purple rank survivor o.o Dunno if this is just me, though.)

    Like just yesterday, I went against a scary solid Hillbilly on the farm map with the barn, and he had me wary of the sound his chainsaw made. In the beginning, he was dropping chases and applying pressure over all of us, but eventually, he needed to dedicate to one survivor. That survivor costed him the third and fourth gen. He actually had the survivor he was chasing down at the Cowtree. Right as he hit the survivor, my gen (the fourth one) and the other (third one) popped nearly at the same time. I won't lie, my heart sank, watching him back away from the slug and standing there. I thought he was going to DC. I even stood in front of the man a few times, hoping to start a chase with him, but he stayed there. I didn't message him after, so there's a chance something came up irl, but the timing, I don't know. I just knew how he felt.

    Personally, the game and gens go by fast. I could've just said this and went on my marry way, but I felt I needed to explain why I feel this way.

    Of course none of it would be a problem if they just added me as the Donut Killer into the game ,-. I'd devour everyone, man, lemme be the DONUT KILLWER! Tanks for reading though, especially if you read all of it rotfl <3

  • Bob32544523
    Bob32544523 Member Posts: 25

    Usually (90% of time) too fast.

  • Ravean
    Ravean Member Posts: 98

    Gen Speed is way to fast.... I´ve played many matches lately as survivor where in the first 3 minutes already 2 gens were working.

  • Oso_The_God_7
    Oso_The_God_7 Member Posts: 10

    Some ppl just wanna be good at the game all the time expecting to win all the time when i first got the game gens was my rival at first until i put time in to get better i win a lot and lose a lot to face camping but its just how you play the game after all have fun enjoy the little things

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Right but perks shouldn't be required to fix the game...oh wait

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Having devs say you should give you should give up on the gens just because certain killers can't psychically make it there is pretty ridiculous. I had a game playing Oni on torment creek - first person dc about 60 seconds into a game after I downed them at the same time 2 gens pop. I immediately found Nea working on a gen with infectious fright, so I go after her after about 30 seconds I decide to live her because she was at a middle building with god window. Went to look for the other 2 , 2 more gens pop. Got a down on one of them, went to look for another survivor. Downed another survivor, ran out of my power - adrenaline kicks in on all 3 of them. It took them 4 minutes and 23 seconds to get the gens done with pretty much 3 people. I just gave up and opened the gate. Devs only care about survivors. They nerfed Freddy's addons because he could make the game extremely long(in the mean time eating through their supply of pallets , but when it comes to gen speeds being insanely fast or the killer not being able to do anything to stop them from being completed when game starts - it's totally fine. Why not just start the game with 3 gens and survivors locations revealed to killer for 10 seconds? It would be an exactly the same thing as right now for most killer. Ruin is useless, pgtw requires you to walk to the gen before it finishes, corrupt intervention can be waited out. Killers and perks are getting nerfed while gen speeds stay the same.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    It's way to fast for both sides

    Killers get no pressure in the early game which leads to a terrible game for them because the only slowdown perks they have that aren't in the survivors control are laughable at best

    And survivors get no bloodpoints because their games go too quickly.

    If the overall match length is increased this allows for things like optional objectives to be added for extra bp or some kind of bonus

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Very true lol

    Solves multiple problems in one. You want gen slowdown? Then no noed :)

    Second objective? Cleanse all totems to start the game.

    Time to set up for killers like trapper, hag and Demogorgan.

    I was fixing an old chapter I had wrote but I unfortunately couldn't add this as a perk since I already have a hex perk in the teachables.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited February 2020

    Some killers need some time early game, however optimal survivors will completely annihilate you before you start to roll the ball cuz the gens will get done