What is the game's biggest issue, right now?



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    No I meant clarify the next time you refuse to answer OP's question and instead rant about what got you angry in recent games. Got it clear mate?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    Top issue is generator repair speed. Hands down. I don't really care about any evidence presented that contradicts that. It's not just about gen repair speed or killer kill rate. The way you have to play this game as a killer to compete is miserable. For everyone involved. I don't want to have to play like a jerk just to be able to play a match longer than 5 minutes.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Gen speed/gen rush

  • Kliah
    Kliah Member Posts: 29

    Some maps are way too big. Very unfair to slow killers. Gens, something needs to be done about them. Toolboxes are broken. So many little things pile up to be a big problem.

    Mainly I'd say its maps or gen speed.

    Possibly even more so is SWF. The game wasnt intended to have it and it is very game breaking in the sense that survivors are NOT supposed to be able to communicate.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Maps and Gen speeds

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Maps are pretty unbalanced right now and early game for killer is dreadful. Gen speeds I'm on the fence on.

    One thing that is not in game is more of a dev thing. I feel they need to start re building the trust between players right now because it's just awful right now.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353
    edited February 2020

    You want to know what’s the problem... The entire game.

  • Oso_The_God_7
    Oso_The_God_7 Member Posts: 10

    Face camping for sure

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    You guys have made the only skillbased aspect of doing gens into a M1 holding simulator. You know how bad players could counter ruin skillchecks? gen tapping or looking for it. There is literally no incentive to look for it in early or late game now, and the only way good players can lose with ruin up is if they three gen.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Matchmaking, disconnects & maps are all an issue, honestly. I would argue that ranks & the emblem system aren't great either but they're a lot lower on the totem pole & have already been addressed as being something getting tweaked already in the pipeline.

    I don't see any sort of way to fix the disconnect issue though. People quit if they get hooked/downed first. People quit if it's a certain map. People quit if it's a certain killer. People quit against certain add-ons - namely red ones. And if they bring back some sort of penalty on disconnects, people will just give up on the first hook. There's not really anything you can do about. I'm guilty of it myself, to be perfectly honest. I definitely quit a game today against one-shot Huntress. Just not fun, so I moved on to the next game. This one kind of ties-in with the ranking system not mattering. People don't care if they lose a rank. To me, it's more about being able to farm Bloodpoints constantly. It just never feels like there's enough points.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632


    People's first response to me all the time is "There are toxic killers too", but from my experience, and the experiences I hear of and see from all other people that mainly play Killer - they were not toxic to begin with. It's the constant entitled mentality that Survivors get. Even when I first started playing Survivor I started to get that entitled mentality thinking "I only lost because I didn't get my 3 hooks", or "I only lost because the Killer avoided my DS, or BT", even "Dead Hard is bugged I should of dodged that". Even worse when you are blaming the Killer for Survivor mistakes. Calling a killer a tunneler for performing unsafe saves, and calling a Killer a camper for "proxy camping" or simply including the hook in their patrol - then survivors continue to go for unsafe saves. Blaming the Killer for "cheese tactics" just because they don't know how to counter; slugging, camping, NOED, stalking, or chainsaws/dashes. Blaming the Killer for "tunneling" just because the survivor didn't know how to loop, or perform long chases.

    Which all of this mentality stems from the fact that Survivors have so much to their kit - so much to their arsenal to ignore punishment when they make mistakes. They expect the additional chances when they make mistakes. They feel entitled to it. They work hard to get these powerful perks, expecting the perk to carry them through the ranks (that don't even matter), and when it doesn't work that way - they get frustrated and take it out on the Killer.

    Now there is an even bigger issue. There are more survivors than there are Killers. Yes the dev's say "statistically most players play both", but that doesn't define the difference of who plays Killer/Survivor more than the other - or Challenges, and Daily's. With that being the case, these entitled survivors have the superior vote when it comes to any - and all decisions made in the game. So while Survivors complain to dev's, and people that make decisions to make the game easier for them - the game goes in a direction that makes it harder to play Killer.

    We are now reaching the point where the Dev's finally made the changes Ruin, which were needed, because Ruin - like the half a dozen survivor perks - skew statistics for Killers greatly. Getting back on point, they removed it. Which changed the dynamic of the game greatly for many of the weaker Killers. Forcing Killers who stayed around to play differently: To apply more pressure, to eliminate players faster, and to use alternative methods to remove players from aiding in objectives (slugging). These very same tactics that entitled survivors had the biggest problems with to begin with.

    So now you have a group of unhappy Killers, many leaving/switching (que times is proof of this). With groups of unhappy survivors. The immediate reaction? To hide the rank, and introduce a new MMR system that you are supposed to blindly follow and obey. Will that make the game less toxic? NO IT WILL NOT. People will get into end game screen, not be able to see anyone ranks, and immediately assume they were mismatched and become more toxic to each other "You don't belong in this rank", "You're boosted", etc will start to get thrown around, and at the same time people lying about their rank and most other people just never believing a person when they say they are in a certain rank.

    Now you can just "Turn off Chat", but I have been turning off my chat - and you wanna know what the game becomes when you turn off chat? Boring. It's absolutely boring. There's no reason to play, there is no reward, there is no one who gives you a "good game". Which made me find out that I keep playing this game for the moments where in the end game screen everyone says gg, shoots the #########, and congratulates each other on a job well done.

    So how about we just remove a lot of the extra chances survivors have to try and flat-line the entitled mentality? Well then you are looking at an even bigger uproar then you had when you ruined Hex: Ruin. I honestly don't know what BHVR can do at this point to save the game, and maybe that's what they see too - which is why we have more things to put money into like the rift, and faster cosmetics. That's just speculation.

    So anyways TL;DR: The game's biggest issue is the toxcity that is the entitled survivor mentality. It tore this game apart, and made the worst kind of mess for BHVR to clean up, and just by removing it would cause an even bigger problem.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    this point is severely anectodal. alot of my new friends that played survivor just got camped and tunneled to oblivion thus making them feel bitter. it goes both ways with new killers too dealing with toxic smurfs. both sides have the toxic issue.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514
    edited February 2020

    No one liked Ruin. Survivors did not like dealing with it. Killers did not like running it. It was a band-aid over a gaping wound. You took off the band-aid without fixing the wound. Now the game is worse than it's been in a long time. I hope the thought process was more complex than you suggest.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    Why is it, every single post I go to, you're there making inflammatory post and instigating fights where none are present?

    Anyway, I'd say the biggest issues are map design (and within that reason, tile strengths and distribution).

    I know it's very difficult to balance, because each killer has a different power that is strong in some situations, and weak in others. However, some maps can be so difficult to deal with by some killers that just spawning on that map is already a loss at high level of play, since that killers strengths cannot be used in said map.

    On the flip-side, some other killers can render tiles and areas of maps completely unsafe, which is very frustrating as survivor as well.

    I don't want a grey, monotonous gameplay for this game, where everything is completely equal. I don't care for that kind of balance, I want "play and counterplay" type of balance where you can bounce back from a situation your character is weak in by using your strengths in other areas/situations, and those weaknesses and strengths are fairly evenly distributed for every killer and survivor within maps and within perk builds.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    That's a point I made. Were you actually camped and tunneled? Because if you were Tunneled you would have won easily - since gens would have been done faster, and you can loop a Killer for an entire match on safe loops alone (and every map in the game you can do this). If you were camped, then gens would have been faster and everyone would have escaped with only 1 death. Which the one person with a death would have been given a black pip (single pip if you contributed to the match) for being camped because the emblem system is built that way.

    So my point is clear. If you blame that you lost on camping/tunneling - then it's just an excuse that you are convincing yourself not to get better at survivor. Which I've experienced while I was learning, and then once I removed that mindset I became a much better survivor that I can see how much the survivor is the power role.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662


  • Matchmaking, Generator speeds and overall map design.

    I know it's not supposed to, necessarily, be easy for Killers, but I feel like it is really easy for Survivors.

    This goes way beyond Ruin and Decisive Strike, as I don't run those Perks as Killer or Survivor.

    I wouldn't go as far as some to say that the game is broken, but it is not balanced. At all.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    tunneling isnt the same as camping at all when it comes to gen times #########..? if someones getting tunneled after an unhook thats 2 people off gens extremely decreasing the speed. that does NOT make them bad survivors. survivor is the only real power role once its clear that the killer is mechaniclly weaker than all 4 survivors skill wise.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Bugs and bad performance.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm just gonna put my vote in for people's attitudes.

    Even if it's not directly a game feature, I feel like if the community just had a better attitude (which is already asking a lot) then it would be a lot more clear to the devs what to do. It wouldn't seem as much like people just complain just to complain, and maybe more complaints would be taken seriously.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    I pretty sure it's maps but the sound bugs that come in after every chapter are a close second followed by the stupid powerful things each side can have, for example ebony mori, iridescent head with infantry belt, keys, 4 commodious toolboxes so on and so forth that can just make the game a drag to play if you go up against them.

  • That the killer role is unfair and unfun because of hilariously stacked matches in survivor favor because of ranking/matchmaking.

  • Also, camping needs to be addressed. That's, ultimately, what breaks the game for people. It doesn't even give someone a chance to even play.

    The Hook should just fall off, along with the Survivor, if the Killer is within a certain radius for a *consistent* amount of time. That could be a new Survivor Perk!

    "In the Face of Danger": Being in the fog for so long has hardened you and turned you into a fighter. While hooked, and the Killer within ?/?/? meters for ?/?/? seconds, you experience a surge of adrenaline and have a 100% success rate of escaping from the Hook. While in the struggle phase, this Perk will also activate, causing the Hook to break. Escaping from the Hook with "In the Face of Danger" breaks the Hook for ?/?/? seconds and heals you one health state.

  • zaquintar
    zaquintar Member Posts: 54

    I mostly play killer. From that standpoint, I think the greatest problem is the steepness of the learning curve. When you are matched with people 10 ranks above you, you don't learn much from being endlessly looped or gens completing very quickly. Yes, there is a strategy to deal with it, but you should grow into it instead of being thrown into the fire like that. It just makes you try to improvise but not really learn. Also, let's say you want to learn a new killer. You can't. I actually had a lot of fun practicing the nurse after a rank reset since I had no experience with her power. Now I can't do that. Immediately thrown with red ranks that make a joke out of me if I dare. As far as perks, I don't particularly care for any, with the exception of adrenaline which is kind of cheap. As for maps, I find it highly situational whether they are good or bad.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    One person being tunneled - actually tunneled is 3 people on gens and the killer being looped for 5 minutes because the maps are littered in safe loops. Sorry that you, or the people your matched with are not good enough at the game to know the map layout that well, or understand what actual tunneling is, but once you get rid of that mentality I believe you will get as good as the survivors that are proving survivor is the power role.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    [xbox player, 2+years as rank 1 survivor/killer]

    Ranks. thats what is ruining this game and its why i have stopped playing, way to many people are ranking up and getting to ranks they really dont belong anywhere near. back in the day rank 1 was those people who could always hit ruin, do insane chases, know the tiles, totem spawns etc. but now rank 1 means nothing, you see them so scared they never touch a gen and just hide round the map, they cannot lead on chases at all and just all round make the game worse/frustrating when youre versing a rank 1 killer with people who should be rank 15. rank reset needs to be more drastic and harder to pip as a survivor, once they do this they can balance the game better to those of higher skill which in turn will improve the game for all, no point balancing the game around people who cant play at even purple ranks.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    But is there a way for them to tell if it was a legit disconnect or not? I mean that's a tough one. And they'd have to think of a reasonable penalty. I'm not trying to get banned for a week because my house is flooding or caught fire ha. A lot of things are assumptions. Yes there are obvious rage DCs,but you never know.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited February 2020

    DCs via the "Leave Game" button play a certain sound ingame, while DCs due to a crash for example do not.

    so they should be able to tell if it was intentional or not.

    also the "Leave Game" button wont just ban you right away. if its for a reason and if there is an irl emergency, there is nothing wrong with leaving the game - as long as it doesnt happen too often that is.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I'm going to go with matchmaking and rank system,like most people. Not only are queue times up and down,but there needs to be some way to match against other players of the same skill.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Just kinda seems like it would be a bit of hassle when there are other things that need fixing. Not saying I don't agree because I do. It would just have to be reasonable. In a real emergency or something you are probably just going to power off or close the app (in the case of console).

    I'm just not sure what would be reasonable. I feel like a no BP for the next match or something wouldn't be enough, but a ban seems kinda harsh. Final Fantasy XIV gives you a penalty where you queue for any dungeon or anything for an hour if you quit a duty that has a full party. Maybe something like that would work.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Matchmaking. You can redesign every single map, Perk, and speed in the game, but without reliable Matchmaking it means nothing. It's no wonder stats seem so skewed because Red Ranks vs Brown/Yellow Ranks (on either side) is going to screw them up no matter what you've done to balance the game.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the old DC penalities were good.

    they just need to smooth things out with these.

    they did exactly what you said should be done - the lobby joining option gets disabeled for a certain amount of time, which gets longer and longer the more often you do in in short periodes of time.

    now they just need to give some compensation for suicides on hooks and we're set.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think the amount of catering towards survivors in a match needs to go down a little bit. Maps, matchmaking, and in game mechanics all have this mentality behind them.

    I will use Hexes as an example: most of them have effects that are not worth totems. Three perks actually deserve them: Devour Hope, NOED, and Haunted Grounds.

    Then they tell the survivor if a totem is in play, so they'll go to the few totem spots on the map, and cleanse them. Survivors can be smart, they can figure it out on their own. If someone gets instadowned against a killer that can't do that normally? You know it's devour or haunted. If you see a gen spark after you leave it, you know it's ruin. Heck, survivors can predict if the killer has Monitor, BBQ, Rancor, or any number of other perks just through normal gameplay. And killers have to do the same with every survivor perk (or most of them).

    They also don't need as many second chance perks like they do. Maps shouldn't take a gens worth of time to traverse, the toxicity they can get away with... it all comes back to that attitude, I think. Don't treat survivors like children who need everything given to them.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    How does that make sense? Survivors have to be surviving, there has to be a risk of something for death... the devs routinely ask if this is a horror game.

    Killer routinely deals with 4 people at a time whereas the survivors mainly have to worry about 1. There is already an imbalance with that ratio (it's already something like 95/5 at the moment), so it's not like that's going to be maintained at all.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Based on previous responses I've seen, you should look in a mirror. : P

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405
    edited February 2020

    Map Design is the big one.

    My biggest personal problem however has been the gigantic power difference between a mid-tier killer and a low-tier killer. I feel like if I want to win at red ranks I get locked out of some character choices right off the bat and it's pretty frustrating. If I see a group of survivors that I recognize as good players I don't get to play my favorite killer (clown), I don't get to play Legion, I don't get to play Bubba, at least not if I want to win that game. These are characters that are fun to play but I know that actually enjoying them and winning with them at red ranks is a pipe dream due to just how far off they are from the rest of the cast.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The ratio has consistently been 60/40 for all we know.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How is matchmaking/ranking a problem for only one side?

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited February 2020

    Matchmaking, dedicated lag and gen speed.

  • TFjawbreaker
    TFjawbreaker Member Posts: 43

    I’m on ps4, I’m killer my wife is a survivor. My biggest gripe is survivor queue times. They are getting longer as of late for me.

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221

    Queue times for survivors and false hits..

    I’m tired of getting hit through pallets just because the killer has a bad connection :’)

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Oh okay. My bad,I'm a recently returning player,so I must not have been around for that. Seems reasonable. I mean suiciding on the hook might require a few different penalties depending on the situation.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    no worries fam ^^

    the hook situation is really a problem, though there havent been any good solutions to it yet (DC penalities only affect those who quit the game by leaving the trial with the "leave game" button / have a connection loss).

    i thought about giving a compensation to everyone when someone kills himself on a hook, but that wouldnt solve the problem itself...

    if you have any ideas regarding that topic, feel free to share them!

    who knows, if they are good they might actually make it into the game!

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    My personal problems I have with the game:

    • Map balance: too many safe loops with easy accessibility (Disturbed Ward as an example).
    • Queue times: waiting upwards of 10 minutes (NA servers) to play a match that lasts for 5 is not great.
    • Item/Offering strength: both keys and moris are unhealthy and deny the other side gameplay opportunities.
  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Third-party communications used by SWF.

    Map sizes=Generator times

    Survivor perks that appear in over 80% of team builds as BHVR don't ask questions why they just ruin then, eg DS, BT