What is the game's biggest issue, right now?



  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Uh, he clearly answered the OPs question but with 3 answers instead of one AND put them in order. Then he expanded very logically on those answers. You may have noticed that he has a 5:1 vote up ratio on you. And yes, his comments are killer sided. I believe your post to the OP: matchmaking is probably broken in large part because of his VERY valid points which cause a lack of development in new killers (facing experienced survivors) and lack of fun in playing killer.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Several Problems Exist.

    1. Matchmaking - It's becoming a serious issue that I'm seeing among my lower ranked killers who are just trying to try new things and they are being hit by rank 1s across the board, this happens on both sides but usually it's only one low level survivor in a match
    2. Map Sizes/Buildings - Some buildings have some very strong loops that shouldn't exist, scale down the sizes of the maps, rework some of the buildings (Crotus Prenn, Rancid Abattoir, Iron Works)
    3. Mori/Keys - These can both throw off the speed & fairness of a match, there is no reason a killer should be able to set up a three gen and have 3 survivor hop out of the match, and there is no reason a killer should be able to negate entire chases/hook phases just to remove 1, or all survivors from the match*
    4. Boring Killers - Killers like Clown, Leatherface, Legion powers feel very weak and unenjoyable to play & even play against.
    5. Exhaustion Addons - While only present on some killers, it's ridiculous to me that a 3K add-on that all killers have dozens and dozens of should completely disable a perk during the chase
    6. Toolboxes - Obviously they've stated they're working on this and that's good to hear.

    *The issue we currently have with survivors is that all of their pink addons/items are mostly useless now, with insta blinds gone, BNPs being utterly destroyed by PGTW, and Syringes not being used we're slowly making survivors spend 7K for items that'll never be used, so I think survivors addons/items could be doing with an overhaul in general.

  • I've been thinking about this a lot lately, the matchmaker, the ranking system, the bugs, the general unfairness of so many things.....but at the end of the day I can literally overlook just about everything.

    The biggest problems are two fold imo....

    The first, being less and less people even wanting to play killer, because it feels like a miserable, hopeless, anxiety ridden thing to play. You often feel helpless. They need to just....help relax the role. Make it a challenging and rewarding experience and not just a punishing judgmental one.

    Then secondly, is the fact the devs are just too slow at solving the problems the game has. I don't know if they need to hire more people or what, but the pace this game solves issues is slower than any other online game I have ever played. It takes months and months to get the simplest things even acknowledged let alone fixed.

    Do you think Nurse's blink bug is ever going to be fixed? No one knows! We can't even get a word on it, let alone know when it will be fixed if ever. It's been more than 6 months now, will it be a year? Will it be two? These things are complicated, difficult, and take time of course, but they are also a company trying to meet a consumer demand and grow their product- it's a competitive industry and what would they do if a similar type and maybe even better game came along and was fixing things quickly?

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Dedicated server's. Seriously some hits are still bullshit as survivor, for killer I have to try out...

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Maps and Generator times. Low tier killers getting nerfed for no reason.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Yep, Ruin was a problem, but DS and BT aren't overused, because survivors need to be coddled and make them feel safe.

  • DamienDuff
    DamienDuff Member Posts: 88

    I'd def go with the hits .. specially VPN using killers . hits are unfair

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    how do you guys feel about object of obsession ? doesnt it give too much info to players? especially on a SWF?

  • chenais
    chenais Member Posts: 69

    @Exelrin no pity for tunnelers! I cannot feel back for that wraith that was facecamping me that I decisived after a kobe.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Map design, idk why the devs need 3 months to rework 1 map but that is definatly too slow right now. There are a ton of maps with insane save loops and infinits, these should not be in the game at all. Almost all old maps need a total rework, not just gameplay wise, also at graphics, they look like so bad...

    Not only for the Killer side, these maps are really bad generated and have often no pallets or any objectiles in a entire corner of the map! For example on Iron works of misary, pale rose in the middle etc...

    Prioraty list for maps:

    • Coldwind Farm (All)
    • Disturbed Ward (Nurse map)
    • Haddonfield
    • Macmillian (All)
    • Autohaven Wreckers (All)
    • Swamps (Both)

  • moegirl121
    moegirl121 Member Posts: 2

    Killers camping hooked survivors. If you manage to get them unhooked then they tunnel the unhooked survivor. Decisive strike and borrow time does not help. It is killing the game. Something needs to be done with it. When killers do this then they need to lose the majoring of their hooked point. Not just a little of them. The majority! At least 75%! It takes the fun out of the game. Also, players need to be able to block toxic players so they don’t have to play with them if they chose. If they can’t find a game to play because no one wants to play with them it will hopefully teach them a lesson. As for me and my friends, we are done putting money into this game. Until this issue is fixed. Period. We are sick of it.

  • moegirl121
    moegirl121 Member Posts: 2

    Yes this is a issue also.

    DC’s is a big issue.

    So is face camping and tunneling though.

    Also, gaming exploits and cheats. I am seeing more and more of them.

    There needs to be more penalties for these. Not a little tap on the wrist!

    I am about to totally quit playing this game. I am not putting any more money into this game until these issues are fixed. These issues ruin the fun of the game. I know several streams that has basically quit playing and streaming DBD because of these issues. 3 good streams off the top of my head! It’s is really frustrating. If DBD cared any at all about their gamers and customers they would listen to them.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Genrushing and tunneling. I'm surprised so many people think that overhauling all the maps would be a better solution than tackling code that would apply to all current maps and future maps.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    Generator speed, SWF, Scoring in the ranks. Hopefully the new matchmaking they will sort out SWF or change it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Toxic community that cries and whines about everything. How can the dev team get any real feedback?

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    Honestly I think it's que times and matchmaking. If you can't get into a game for 30 min why would you want to play. Then after the 30 min. You get a rank 10 killer and rank 20 teammates when you are rank 1

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    they do listen. its just a hard thing to do since everyone wants something else.

    now regarding your list:

    exploits are an issue, though a rather rare one. and if there is one, the Devs are trying their hardest to get rid of it ASAP. honestly, i cant remember the last time someone used an exploid on me...

    camping and tuneling - and i am sorry if that sounds a little harsh - are not a big problem meigther imo. not only have you got anti camp and tunnel perks that tremendously help you fight these tactics (Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Babysitter, etc) but if you get camped thats primarily your fault. had your stealth game been better / had you been able to loop the killer better this wouldnt have happened.

    on top of that Camping is a very bad strategy for killers, as survivors have all the time in the world to get gens done now, so if you looped him at the beginning they can get all gens done by the time you die.

    now top this off with very, very few BP and emblem penalities for the killer and you see why this tactic is as bad as everyone says it is.

    and the survivor can just search for a new lobby if he dies early on.

    btw since you said the devs should do more for the community regarding these topics:

    • they increased the hook stage time by 15 seconds
    • they added emblem penalities for the killer
    • they added anti camp / tunnel perks for both sides
    • they removed the ability to place traps under hooks
    • and probaply some more things i forgot right now (im ill.. my mind is all over the place, sorry)

    i definitely agree though that its no fun for the camped / tunneled survivor - its just not the main issue of the game imo, as there are ways to play around it.

    NOTE: that is MY opinion. its definitely okay if you dont agree with me - thats just my thoughts on this.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    That's a super tough one. Your idea would probably be what I'd suggest. BP compensation,or maybe even a buff of some sort to the remaining survivors. I think you are right though,I have no idea what would actually stop it from happening.

    Once they've left the game they aren't really going to care. Could also be abused. I'd say the only thing you could really do is get rid of the struggle option and/or the ability to escape,and just have a timer. Then your only option is to wait or DC. I have a feeling they wouldn't want to implement that though,so idk.

    I'd rather not have to wait 10 mins for a match...but then waiting ten minutes to have someone quit and possibly lose a pip makes it even worse.

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86

    The devs ignorance of the games main issues which there are plentiful:

    -map size/layout (Red Forrest, Rotten Fields: too big; Haddonfield, Ormond: too many safe structures, also almost all of the other maps have issues with their main buildings)

    -Moris, keys unfun and very op for both sides

    -OP addons: iri head, insta saw

    -ruin nerf bc hitting skill checks is hard, without any compensation (map reworks, adjustment gen times, toolboxes etc.)

    -game lenght is a joke, survivors need secondary objective

    -still no rank rewards

    -unfair match making and long q-times

    -dedicated servers not working correctly: hits through pallets/windows, Ghostface, Myers stalking at times completely broken, unable to grab survivors

    -multiple bugs that have been in the game for far to long (complete silent injured survivors and steps, "hook-tech")

    -many killers in need of buff/rework (Bubba, Legion, Clown, Wraith, Pig)

    -solo q-buff

    -dc punishment

    -some form of reward/compensation for killers going against swf

    And many more points others have said before and better and will be ignored yet again for months to years until they ever will be fixed/implemented if at all