Suggestion for UI improvement - Ability to search by name of the perk

Not a gameplay related suggestion, but one thing I think would increase the quality of life. Add a search box on the loadout screen where you can type in text to look for the perk you want.

We get more and more perks each year, and even if a lot of them go unused, they'll still take up space on your loadout screen, so at this point if I want to change my build I have to go through 4 pages of perks to try and find that one illustration representing the perk I want to equip, sometimes rushing to find it before the lobby timer ticks down. You can either try to memorize their spot or go combing through the pages each time, and it'd be so much easier to just be able to type "lithe" or "spirit fury" and select it.

I believe the team could find a way to fit it in while also keeping the page looking clean and aesthetic.


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Allowing to sort by alphabetical order instead of rarity would fix that..