Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

question to old dbd players



  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    Change animations. The best animations have changed to the worst.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    The removal of near instant blinds is an improvement?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited February 2020

    I still dont understand why devs nerfed Pigs traps and tier1 Myers (Spine Chill can now detect him, lol).

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    Remind me what your point was then if you yourself agree that those stats cant be taken at face value. Not trying to throw dirt on you or anything, I just want to be clear where your coming from. I know those stats showed Nurse to be the weakest killer in the game by far even before her rework, when the entire DBD community knows that at least OLD nurse to be top tier (new nurse, ppl will disagree with that).

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    and Feral Frenzy is no longer a basic attack. So why are the special abilities of other killers as basic attacks? Add this to what I said.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Yes, I can take good care of it. However, nerf came again and the biggest nerf feral frenzy is no longer its basic attack. So what do we have, a spoon? xD I see you are a good person in society and I don't want to overdo it. I don't want you to be taken into what I say. BHVR teases with Legion.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Moonwalking is not the most skilled technique out there, but If I as a survivior couldnt win a chase against a killer that walks backwards and cant see me, then I would make me rethink my skill lol

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    At this point I have no idea if you're trolling or you don't know what a moonwalking legion was.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I totally agree with what you say, the game seemed realistic, but unfortunately the graphics don't look good anymore.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    You mean moonwalking so that bleed out timer doesnt pause?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Darker maps would only lead to a higher usage of tracking perks imo - for both sides.

    Sadly people do their best to make this game as "unhorror" as possible^^.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I've been playing for around 2.5-3 years

    Game has been in a weird spot for awhile, but with ruin being changed the game is extremely boring, not that ruin made it fun, but without ruin the game is just M1 while reading my phone

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Probably Freddy rework. I don't know why, but I am half-asleep when I play as him or against him (pun not intended).

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Played since the game's release. Most boring change, for me, was the removal of offerings that effected map brightness. They may have been annoying at times, but they also made for hilarious antics, such as hiding survivors in plain sight and crazy trapper traps.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Have you heard about the Perk "Bloodhound"?

    The typical moonwalking Legion would equip it and just look at ground (which will also stop the chase) and follow the blood. Lucky break didn't exist so the only "counter" to that was no mither.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2020

    Most boring change has been adding Bloodlust instead of fixing maps.

    I love getting outplayed by bloodlust 3 in generic debree tiles

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Well thats not moonwalking but well, broken chase mechanic. Im not saying that it shouldnt have been changed, because it was dumb, but calling it no skill brainded exploit is not right.

    And well, devs didnt even think of fixing the chase mechanic at all, they just removed everything that could abuse it...

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    played the game since console release and been rank 1/2 on both sides since, honestly the worst update iv seen has been with the rank reset changes and ruin changes, way to easy as survivor now and everyone hits red ranks. im not quite sure how my rank and skill (can always hit great skill checks so i could do old ruin, i leaned tiles and maps so i can loop insanely well on all maps without the aid of perks etc.) is the same as those who never touch gens, cant lead on chases for more than 5 seconds. its both insulting and annoying, itf not fun playing a game with people who cant play at that skill level. i shouldnt be the only one on my team to do gens or lead on chases while everyone hides, its not fun or balanced. ranking needs to be harder as survivor.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The term "Moonwalking Legion" was applied to every Legion that used a method to break chase to down a survivor, even though you are right, technically it wasn't Moonwalking, but almost every Moonwalking Legion I faced (and for the most part there were exactly two kinds of Legion at the time, Moonwalking and Mixtape) was running bloodhound.

    Please, explain what part of looking at bright red blood pools on the ground and following them involves skill, I'm really curious.

    I guess changing a Killer instead of a mechanic is simply easier. Obv they changed Legion to much and stuff like the hit missing penalty shouldn't be a thing.

    I know, you won't agree with me, but in my opinion it was a mistake to add Legion to the game. A Killer that can ignore the strongest defensive mechanims of survivors is hard to balance and BHVR had already problems with that in the past.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    To read sentences like this: "and for the most part there were exactly two kinds of Legion at the time, Moonwalking and Mixtape" still lets me look a bit sad.

    I had spent my most time as Legion main to that time, without using addons and also not using the exploits and I had also know other Legion mains to that time, that have play like this.

    It's always a bit demotivating to read your favorite killer in combination with exploits. Especially since he had make so much fun without any exploits and addons.

    Don't understand my words as a rant... It is just a "annotation" from me... Explanation of my thoughts to it...

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I can understand your frustration, it must really suck to hear peple only complain about something you like.

    I used to play dbd a lot at that time, so I was always in red ranks, maybe that was the reason for the builds I saw.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Can be. I had make a short visit in the red ranks to rank 4. Then I decided... That was not fun anymore and so I depiped.

    I stay since then most times from green ranks to purples on purpose. Matches there are most times not so sweaty and the survivors are often less toxic imo.

    As example I had to pre patch Legion times maybe 1-2 toxic endgame chats and since then 2-3 after the patch. I bet I would have had more if I would have stay in the red ranks. Also that I often let survivors go is not good for my rank :). What should I say? If I had fun in a match, its ok to let some survs go...

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    By skill I meant genuine moonwalking, this exploit is based on ability to drop chase without moonwalking and is caused by broken chase mechanic.

    I dont think it was a mistake, its just that devs handled it terribly.

    Its true that Frenzy makes chases easier, but the only thing that was needed was a requirement that would FORCE Legion to injure multiple people with his power.

    So even thought he would have a huge advantage over each survivior, he would have to catch ALL of them to gain real benefits and at least more than one to not get punished.

    This would be extremely fun to play (running at high speeds while using tactic to force surviviors together), while not being too strong (winning a chase agains 1 survivior would rather punish you than reward). This is why I actually LIKE the "miss=lose power" part of the Legion but also hate the "hit to lose 100% Frenzy".

    Also, running way faster than surviviors doesnt have to mean its easier. Its way harder to hit while running at high speeds, and if some penalty for steering badly was added (like Billy) it could also be balanced out.

    TL;DR: Legion could be a fun killer, and wasnt a mistake, devs were just too lazy designing his power.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    coudntd agrre mor legion was a mistake whitch somehow got to game

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Yeah, red ranks can be very sweaty and toxic (I don't play killer in red ranks, but my bf sends me pictures from time to time and I really don't envy him for this experience)

    It's really nice from you to let people live from time to time, I hope your survivor appreciate that :)

    And I think your right, fun is more important than Rank, I prefer Green to purple ranks too.

    And on the topic of Legion, I really think that some of his limitations are quite unnecessary, so hopefully he will see some changes in the future.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    for pig, it was because of the introduction of the EGC. they didnt want a scenario to happen where you cant escape at all because your trap is active and there isn’t enough time on the EGC timer to get it off (which would be extremely rare but... i think thats why.)

    the tier 1 myers change was to make killers powers more consistent, even if it doesnt make sense.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Nurse rework where she received a cooldown.

  • UpsettingDruid0
    UpsettingDruid0 Member Posts: 20

    I've been here since before there was any dlc and have seen so many changes. Most I've been glad for i.e. Doctor and Freddy rework and not dropping survivors mid pick-up. While other things that have changed have just bothered me i.e. Legion "rework", deep wounds becoming a literal joke, survivor healing changes (I know it was to make self care weaker but it just makes people run resilience instead of healing), Nurse add-on rework which added that awful recharge mechanic on her.

    I love this game to death but almost every update has new things I love and things I can't stand.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    It sound like devs dont want killers to kill.. xD Also, it would force the Pig to keep a trap or all traps and lose pressure during all match. It would be a gamble.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Which Killers do you mean? Pig dash, hatchets, chainsaw etc all do not count as basic attack.

    I personally think it's questionable that a perk like Franklins demand a basic attack.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The unnecessary nurse and ruin nerfs. It's made red rank killer a miserable experience.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Wait , there's an add on that removes skillchecks? What?

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Which is probably very interesting to counter skill check based killer perks and powers. Overcharge, Unnerving Presence, Lullaby, Madness skill checks. Also its a bad band aid for those "let go of a gen and trigger an automatic failed skill check".

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Most boring. Hmm. Honestly, from a survivor standpoint, I'd have to say some of the recent changes, ie ruin, made it feel (granted it was always like this at high ranks through MY experience, btw) like the game goes too fast. I mean it does serve it's purpose for high rank survivors (or newer players), but for players like myself, it's eh. I have no proper incentive to go find the killer for a chase other than boredom from pressing a single button all game. I know gens are the only objective, and I have no intent of throwing backlash anywhere, so please don't take this out of context.

    Killer. Hmm. I suppose the ranking system after the rank reset. I hated going against red ranks as a green rank that had so much to learn, but now, I'm pushed to brown currently (no time to dedicate time here recently) and I'm getting placed with rank 20s or horrible rank 10s. I get maybe a red now and then, which I'm not outright complaining, it's just boring hitting a survivor then... They go all the way around and back into your arms... I mean I'm all for hugs, but this is dbd or dead by daylight... not hug all day lol.

    Hmm, and the other thing that's both sides is the lack of actual events. I'm okay with the archives, but events are a lot more fun imo. Especially when they're done well.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    If you need infinites to play survivor, i m sorry for you.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300
    edited February 2020

    Original machine gun buid nerf (dumbest excuse to nerf unrelenting (perk is meant for newbies who miss a lot))

    Removing moon offerings and shadowborn/lightborn brightness effect .

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited February 2020

    Ok, just a heads up, I am currently inebriated atm (Friends Friday night parties can be crazy/cruel) so, while I still feel a bit a faculty of mind, I may be a bit too straight forward/honest/biased in my response to the OP.

    I have mained Killer for 1000 hours since November 2016, and Reached that 1k hour in August of 2019, wherein I switched roles to maining survivor for the next 1000 hours, of which I have only accomplished 659 hours currently. Why it took me so long to get 1k hours as killer is simply because I had a job that took priority and played this game casually for the past 3+ years. Since I lost said job, I've been able to devote more time into DbD, and solely in the survivor role as of August 2019.

    I have to say, just as I had suspected for so long playing the Killer role, Survivor is much more easygoing and relaxed overall. While playing the Killer role, I've witnessed:

    Instant Blind Flashlights with a blindness effect lasting for 5 seconds, Literal infinite loops, Self Care lasing only 12 seconds, Decisive Strike available on anyone downed regardless of whether or not they have been hooked before or were the obsession, Borrowed Time Protecting both the rescuer and the rescued survivor, Survivors ale to get a Flashlight rescue on killers carrying their teammates regardless of when the survivors started the blind during pickup, Pallet teleportation, Insta heals, Insta Gens with old BNP, Literal Infinite loops wherein the killer could never catch up to the survivor, Perks granting 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances for survivors, Killer abilities being game breaking, Some killer perks being too OP for their own good, But above all... an intense feeling of imbalance in this game primarily favored towards survivors.

    This Imbalance feeling all changed in 2019, wherein the devs started nerfing survivors healing and recently their repair mechanics to better valance out the game in favor of both roles. This while unfavorable to one side, is actually a good thing for the health of the games future. If the bend too much in the survivors favor, no one will want to play killer, and likewise if the bend too far in killers favor, no one will want to play survivor. Many players seem to have forgotten that when you play against any killer, they present a new challenge to overcome that can't be done the same way as you've become accustomed to. Case and Point is the Nurse: She outright defies or bypasses the usage of pallets, and thus becomes more threatening around those tiles survivors are so accustomed to for escaping a chase. This makes her far more dangerous around them and makes survivors adapt by either being more stealthy or more cunning in their jukes around said tiles. Each killer presents their own problem that survivors have to adapt to, and while most killers faced still fall upon the basics, the ones who challenge survivors to think outside the box become the most threatening.

    "What is the most boring/ridiculous change?"

    Easily the recent addition of Sabotage becoming 2.5 seconds. This change not only eliminates the killers objectives too quickly in solo play, it makes coordinated play ridiculously OP.

    Admittedly I'm completely with The OP if survivors no longer get skill-checks while using toolboxes for repair, that's just appalling. They already accelerate the completion of a gen by a large margin, even with the recent toolbox changes, so this additional piece of information is rather disheartening to learn as it presents the survivors with no additional challenge or risk for gaining such speeds. This change, if true, is quintessentially the worst thing that can happen to DbD as it presents the survivors with a clear advantage with 0 risks for using it. I thought the idea of lowering the survivors Toolboxes Effectiveness was to make them more risky to use, but if a toolbox can repair a gen 25% without the risk of losing it or even having the chance of a skill-check (which are honestly easy enough as is) then what is the ######### point of making the change in the first place? Increasing the usage of the toolbox means nothing unless you also increase the difficulty of using it. You're basically giving survivors a "Free pass" without any difficulty, to repair gens! Here's another example of what would be more fair:

    Survivors are 5% more likely to trigger skill checks while using a Toolbox, but increase their repair rate by (current PTB rate), Failed skill checks while using a toolbox reduce the generators progress by 10/15/20% based on the rarity of the toolbox used.

    This makes it so that using a toolbox has an equal risk/reward mechanic, and makes their limited usage more in line with balance towards the overall games mechanics. (Admittedly I don't know if the current toolboxes increase gen repair speeds by 10/15/20%, that was just an example, so please don't take it too seriously, despite how accurate it feels).

    Overall, I've been very happy and elated with how BHVR have treated killers in the past year. They nerfed a plethora of broken survivor perks and mechanics, and have buffed killers that have traditionally been considered F-D tier viable in the rankings, and for that I am extremely grateful since playing survivor has become more of a challenge and less of a bully simulator. Here's hoping they keep with the give and take mentality that is keeping this game balanced, and don't side with one side over the other too hard as to make this game unplayable.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    In my opinion, the release of Bubba and the Freddy rework.

    On release, people thought Bubba was just a worse version of Billy. Some people tried to say otherwise, but here we are two and a half years later and that is literally the case. It was a lazy paragraph that did nothing other than add some good perks and a killer for them to completely neglect.

    Old Freddy was weak, but he wasn't bad. His problem wasn't that what he had was bad, it's that he was missing tons of #########. What they made was an incredible baseline for an adaptation of Freddy into a video game, but they completely forgot to give him an actual goddamn ability.

    The rework was a total waste of potential, and the new Freddy is just bland as #########, not at all true to the character.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I play since 2017, mostly as a solo surv, and the recent Ruin nerf definitely made the game a lot more boring. I've never played that many 5-minute-matches where barely anything happens. Spend the majority of the match on a gen, 1-2 people get hooked, exit gates open. Now spend the same time waiting for the next match.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited February 2020

    It was the old legion for me, it made me want to quit the game because it removed skill from both sides.

    Now the next one is going to be an unpopular opinion but the breakable walls are also potentially one of the most boring changes in their current state, in my opinion. It seems like they want to add them to every loop (there is one even on L and T walls). There is no reason not to break them and it makes the windows useless once they are broken, removing skill from the game once again. That is absolutely not how you balance the maps.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995
    edited February 2020

    (Been playing since Huntress release) For me it's got to be the healing changes. It was meant to slow down the game, but all it did was create a no heal meta, where people focus on doing gens instead of healing. When playing survivor it's so boring to hold M1 for 16 seconds (20 if mangled), so I just don't get healed. As a killer it works against new players, but not against good players, they just ignore healing and focus on doing gens. It changed a lot at the bottom level but only made people more focused on doing gens at high level play.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I'm pretty sure that both hatchets and chainsaw doesn't count as basic attack (when MoM was released, there were a lot of discussions that you can only play Hillbilly and Huntress, because their special attacks didn't count for MoM), but maybe somebody else can confirm that. If not, that should be easy to test. The Nurse's attack after blinking does count as basic attack, but she is a special case, considering that she is super slow it's pretty hard to hit somebody without blinking before, so it makes sense.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Sorry, but genuine moonwalking was also exploiting the fact that the chase stops, if you loose line of sight on the survivors, even though it was harder, unless you mean moonwalking in the sense of going backwards at a tile to mindgame. About the chase mechanic, I agree with you that it tends to be buggy but I personally think it is not easy to fix, for example, how would you replace the condition of having line of sight on the survivor? Basing it simply on Terror radius or distance to the killer would probably not work that well with stealth killers. Idk, for me that seems rather complicated, maybe you have an idea?

    Your ideas for Legion seem interesting, so maybe you are right and the problem isn't that he was implemented but how he was. But in the end it doesn't matter anyway, he won't go anywhere so we can only wait and see.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    This is an example of the video I gave, while using the saw, it loses stack, but again it gets stack.

    In the video I will present with huntress right now, it was not considered as a basic attack while using the axes. However, this really caused the players trouble, and they got an intense complaint and set it as the basic attack.

    While using nurse special power, you call it the basic attack you have. What about Legion? I would like to repeat my comment that does Legion hit with a spoon while using his special strength?