Any plans to remove the locker + DS tech?



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited March 2020


    By the time that survivor is found again there is no longer 60 seconds. You’ve said it yourself before.

    I understand that to some the use of DS to its full potential might seem abusive but where do you draw the line? The killer could for all we know “pretended” to walk away, only to turn around and keep tunneling that survivor... after they got on a gen.

    The perk never stopped the tunneler from tunneling, it merely bought that survivor some time. I just don’t understand why people see it as abusive when there are built in mechanics on the killer side like Camping and Slugging, that are “abused” And no one is complaining about that, even tho survivors have made it very clear that it is annoying and sometimes unfair.

    I just think at this point DS is being nit-picked. It is probably in the best place it has been.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,413

    Nobody has said that it isn't, that's just an example. Nothing is confirmed yet.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    I agree.

    A lot of the ideas are more concerned with favoring The Killer on a Perk intended to remedy a Survivor problem. I've always said DS doesn't do enough to address tunneling, for starters it only works once. The Killer can easily counter the counter without a Perk or much effort, just slug. And then the one Survivor counter to that is a one-time use Unbreakable lol And that's another firestorm discussion for people here about how unfair that Perk is. Imo The Killer should be able to face camp, tunnel, slug but Survivors should have a way to deal with these scenarios.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,614

    I appreciate you guys looking into this.

    I think you can really see the problem when it is arguably better for the Killer to eat DS early then not tunnel.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    I Honestly think that the main issue with DS is the Timer, a full minute of immunity is just too much. I think reducing it to 40 seconds would be the best option over a complete rework. at least then it's still useful against tunneling but not so much that you feel invincible while also being long enough that slugging isn't exactly ideal either.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    It is too early to discuss this right now. But ds is not strong they really exaggerate. I stopped taking DS because I eat all kinds of heavy camps and tunnels. DS always wait for the time to expire, then when the time is over, they pick it up off the ground and hang it. It doesn't matter if you abuse DS. Every killer has the power to abuse his advantages and is free to use any deficit. In the past, murderers knew how to deal with this, because skill control ds would arrive within 3 seconds of being picked up from the ground.

    However, the nerf came up and they applied this method again, and the solution for this was the skillcheck while we were picked up directly from the ground and this was great. However, murderers will abuse all kinds of mechanisms to gain all kinds of advantages. Decisive strike is not strong enough to punish the tunnel. But as I said, it's really early to discuss this. If you ask why:

    3.6.0 version will come, however map dimensions will be resized, pallet amount will change, safe places will be reduced and there will be frangible walls. What solutions will we resort to if it really causes a big problem for the survivors? Especially when we use Deliverance + DS, the killers get angry with us and do not leave us until we die. Now that means we're using this feature badly? The killer wants us to die of any kind.

    Now you are thinking nerf because of the Salvation advantage? If this nerf comes in, it would be really bad, because if the killers find out that we're off the hook on our own, the killer will do their best to end my life immediately. The old DS should be brought back, but as I said to everyone, it has to go through a little test and this will answer version 3.6.0.

    What everyone says is not my concern. Murderers are free to exercise their legal rights, but this is true for survivors. I don't care what everyone says, killers are free to play as they want, but this is true for survivors. They are free to use their advantages for good faith or malicious purposes. Nobody can interfere with freedom of play! However, as I said, it is too early to discuss it. Don't forget what I'm saying @Peanits. Even in the old DS, 4K was still easy to do. You just enlarge it in your eyes. DS is not strong.

  • FryTheChicken
    FryTheChicken Member Posts: 12

    There's a simple solution to this problem. every killer now becomes a trapper main. Someone hops in a locker? trap it. See? problem solved

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    It is a pointless discussion. These forums are heavily killer main biased and they will ######### and moan until they are blue in the face how every single perk a survivor has is unfair on them. They should be allowed to camp/tunnel/slug and survivors have no way to combat that. 4 kills should be easily achievable in every game even at rank 1 and generators should take 45 minutes each to complete. Even then they will still moan that survivors have a Brand New Part which shaves 5minutes of a generator which means 1 gen got done in their game before they could get 4 kills.

    The entitlement of killer mains is beyond a joke now and based on what Peanits has said on here about DS being looked in to and even using the ridiculous wording of the perk being "abused" because someone touched a gen whilst DS was still active the killer mains will yet again get pandered to.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599
    edited March 2020

    >DS always wait for the time to expire, then when the time is over, they pick it up off the ground and hang it.

    Just wait? Really? It's that simple? Or according to your screenshot killers supposed to pick you up even if there is no reason to hurry anymore? (EGC, everybody is dead or too many gens to handle for those who isn't dying atm). I mean, why not just facecamp people then? It's basically the same.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,389

    says the forums are biased yet killers have gotten way more nerfs (legion got murdered freddy is eh now spirit is eh nurse got murdered and ruin got destroyed in more ways then one) idk the bias seems the otherway especially when they emphasised they were favoring survivors with the ruin rework.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    Killers are most likely to get straight-up nerfs without any compensation elsewhere.

    Last time I remember SERIOUSLY controversial nerfs to survivors without adequate compensation was when:

    1. BHVR changed the base healing rate and charges of medkits (no I'm not talking about addons).
    2. BHVR made it impossible or near impossible from what I heard to do window vault techs when you could turn a medium vault into a fast vault on VERY specific windows, and the timing required was very difficult.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    The majority of people who post on this forum are massively biased towards playing killer. This is very clear by the topics that get posted on here. This is absolutely nothing to do with who the devs favour because that is just a standard delusion in a killer mains mind.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599
    edited March 2020

    Yeah, that's why so many killers complain about long queues and lack of survivors in higher ranks!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited March 2020

    I dont see the point of posting this here, I dont think hopping into a locker to stun the killer with DS is a bug.

    Also, do I have to remind you how much time it took to fix the sloppy butcher wraith bug?

    you hungry for upvotes or something?

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Completely irrelevant follow up. Brilliant. Gold star.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Of course not. Killers are so OP and get so much free BPS that matchmaking is flooded with killers starwing for ez kills, so why would forums be so full of killer mains bitching and whining about stupid things? My guess that they just have too much time waiting for matches.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Personally, I think DS needs only one tweak. Deactivate it after the gens are done as long as the killer has not been DS'd yet in the match. It is unfortunate that non tunneling killers are hit when they are trying to finish one of the 2 remaining as they run to the gate.

    Just my thoughts....

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I did not understand the slightest thing in your sentence. Are you really bothered to go back to the old DS? Or are you bothered by the killers waiting for DS? The old DS should return normally, but the answer is that it responds to version 3.6.0. I'm not going to talk to you.

    DS is not strong. At least not strong enough to punish the tunnel...

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I feel like all the killers that complain about ds and bt are the killers that tunnel and camp. Yes tunneling and camping are legit strategies but so is using bt and ds.

    survivors only use those perks because there is so much camping and tunnelling going on.

    if a survivor gets unhooked jumps into a locker and you go for them and you get hit with ds, well that was your choice as a killer to tunnel. What’s a survivor meant to do. They don’t want to get hooked as soon as they have been unhooked.

    you can’t tunnel and/or camp then complain when a survivor uses one of their perks to counter that.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    So much this. It's always better to eat the DS between first and second hook if you can't find anyone else to chase. Slugging is so overrated.

  • Purple_Orc
    Purple_Orc Member Posts: 218

    Then why do survivors with BT go right for the hook even before you turn around. You can't be camping if you don't get the chance to leave.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I can’t say I’ve had that happen in the games I’ve had and if it has happened then it must be such a minimal amount it times that I don’t remember it.

    If someone did that to me I would be pissed but at the same time the killer still has a choice to go after the person that unhooked rather than the hooked person. if someone takes the person off the Hook before you get a chance to walk away then you can usually grab them or land a hit in them first anyway.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited March 2020

    Personally I've never had a problem with the Locker tech I will just eat the defensive strike or leave you be. ( if I'm playing Trapper I will Trap the locker and just go you could stay in there as long as you want at that point)

    The only problem I have with ds is when people use it to cheese totems generators and hook saves when they should be punished for a wrong move.

    If you like if you start working on a objective it should be disabled

  • Purple_Orc
    Purple_Orc Member Posts: 218

    Then consider yourself lucky because this happens to me quite a bit.

    Yeah you could grab the unhooker but if the have DS also active that's a no go. Also grabs are inconsistent with dedicated servers.

    I will usually just swing but for some reason I alway hit the one on the hook, but that one is me