Rank Reset Button

I feel like i need two dbd accounts to have fun nowadays. I get stuck sooner or later in high ranks and just have constant bad games. I know other killers feel this way especially. Why not let us reset our rank and just leave something cool at rank 1. Like something like glowing black killer eyes and glowing white survivor eyes. That way have something to showcase you earned rank 1. But then you have choice to be like who cares about cosmetic and go back to rank 20.
I really wish a rank reset button was a thing.


  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Hottest take on the smurfing problem to this date.
  • DKOuToFConTRoL
    DKOuToFConTRoL Member Posts: 59

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Hottest take on the smurfing problem to this date.


  • DahliaRose
    DahliaRose Member Posts: 3
    I hear all the stories of getting i to higher ranks (me being rank 12 killer) and it makes me hesitate like do I wanna do it or no.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    If you are good survivor/killer this would promote bullying the other side that hasn't learned the game yet. (cause of being rank 20) And if you are good you would just go back to rank 1 fast anyways

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    Is just not fun for the rank 20's or 10's to play a rank 1 killer, maybe derank to a rank where you feel OK.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Someone awhile back suggested different rank on your killers. I LOVE THIS IDEA. New killer comes out but you are rank 5 and know you will get trashed until you are setup and use to playing them. Why not have them at rank 20 and work down like normal? I have several killers i never play for this reason. Think how many killer mains would enjoy being able to switch it up. I think it also would add to the replay value.

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    @fcc2014 said:
    Someone awhile back suggested different rank on your killers. I LOVE THIS IDEA. New killer comes out but you are rank 5 and know you will get trashed until you are setup and use to playing them. Why not have them at rank 20 and work down like normal? I have several killers i never play for this reason. Think how many killer mains would enjoy being able to switch it up. I think it also would add to the replay value.

    Isn't a bad idea but still, a good killer playing rank 20's with a killer that he doesn't use (but knows how to) can ######### on them and it's not fun, there's a reason why there's a ranking system and why there's a rank reset, i don't think they should add an option to derank, imagine a global elite on CS:GO deranking to silver with an option...

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Experience is important but if you are say not good with hatchets or teleporting with nurse or hag. You have an advantage of experience but maybe not the hand eye coordination.