Game is getting TOO killer oriented.



  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    @Cardgrey Unfortunately, the playerbase treats it as a competitive game

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    Have you played any game EVER? Learn to play its called getting more skilled instead of crouching in a corner self caring

  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    I mean it is a 4 v 1 asymmetrical game, 16 perks v 4 perks, the survivors should not have the power in their hands or their side stronger than the killer, the killer should always be the stronger foe, him being on his own and all, survivors should try to work together and use what they can to escape the killer, improving their skill, rather than complain when something goes wrong.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    The entire map should never be a loop, that was why Ormond was such an issue. And killer players should not have to rely on their perks to win chases. That's what the new patch is trying to fix.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    And that leaves any killer who already didn't need perks to win chases in a completely overpowered state. You don't need any perks to win chases, really only bamboozle if you specifically wanted to shut down god windows; on M1 killers only. Plenty of killers already had powers to stop them. Trapper can trap it, doctor can shock, freddy can snare, etc etc.

    So now they balance the game so that a pig can run around downing people with no problems, and that makes the killers like billy ridiculously strong.

    You will be praying for the entire map to be a loop when you are getting tunnel mori'd. Now it's just deadzones and you die by default? I might only be playing killer after this patch, with a tiny bit of survivor mixed in when I want to play locker simulator.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Moris are a completely different unbalanced part of the game. I'm saying that killers should be able to win chases with movement and mindgaming. Killers that don't need perks to win chases ignore most loops anyway, so this isn't that big for them. There's just more space between the loops so that a survivor has to be more strategic about when they move to the next loop.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I'm just saying, as the game currently stands, you can watch some of the best killers win hundreds, if not thousands, of games in a row. I know one killer who has lost only ~15 games in the last 1100. And the losses were to tryhard SWFs. That should tell you the state of Solo Q. The fact they are nerfing it sounds so bad to me, coming from someone who plays both sides.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    And what killer were they playing? Nurse, Spirit, Billy? I already said that the best killers ignore loops with their powers so a god window still does very little against them.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    That's great. But probably not very common. Stats like those are impressive. I've always felt that I played good as killer but not on that level. You cannot balance the game based on the top skill level of players though. Your friend might be the best killer player in the world. Doesn't mean everyone is performing that well.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    He played them all, but not Freddy/Nurse/Spirit/Hag, and rarely billy/huntress because he thinks those are too easy.

    You can easily find streams of rank 1 killers slaying game after game after game. And they are usually using brown add-ons, let alone the best add-ons and Mori's.

    Solo Q is an absolute stomp at red ranks unless all 4 survivors are really good. It only takes 1 noob to get tunneled off at 3-4 gens left and its a GG. And even then, you hit a rank 1-2 killer with an Ebony and you just lose.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Well that's what breaking up the tiles is aimed at. Noob survivors don't chain tiles together, they rarely loop, and typically just camp the pallet. You rarely see someone who actually knows how to run every tile and will be chaining them together in a gigantic loop.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    And like most games, dbd should not be balanced around the top 10%. Even if there are a lot of red rank survivors right now, maybe once they get rid of god windows and too many safe pallets close together the potatoes who don't even understand the concept of taking hits will fall to their real rank. Survivors need to work together to win, and with more balanced maps then only the people with a real understanding of teamwork will be in the red ranks.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    As I just stated, only the top 10% are going to be chaining the tiles together in a way to actually run a killer for 5 gens. And usually that is going to involve alot of outplaying the killer as well. And top 10% isn't even red ranks, I still see plenty of red rank survivors who camp pallets and must be getting away with it because the killer is a noob as well.

    They break them up too much to make the game easier for new killers, and the top killers are going to demolish people more than they already are.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Everyone has different experiences. Exactly why these forums are filled with threads about balancing every day. I've got 1,100 hours according to my steam in the game since launch. I've had it from the beginning. So I don't play super frequently. I take months without playing it often and just come back as a casual player. I've also found myself being a killer main most of my time playing. I'm sitting at rank 1 survivor right now and finding it impossible to lose. Where as my killer rank is 7 and playing killer isn't any fun right now. I still spend all my blood points in my killers hoping someday I'll enjoy it again. I've also never used add ons while playing killer, no mori's, no NOED. Right now as a survivor I've noticed every killer runs NOED. I'd rather play survivor over feeling the need to turn NOED on to get free hooks at the end of the game.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah when I started killers DESTROYED me. Then I learned from mistakes, played killer, LEARNED THE GAME, and now it's a non issue.

    Too many people want ez mode from the start.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I wish I had your teams then, because I have plenty of games where people are getting mowed down right off the bat and I barely get out the hatch. There's also super boring games where a baby leatherface or something gets 1 or 2 downs on haddonfield then just facecamps someone at the end while revving the saw. It all depends on the skill of the killer. But I do think a skilled survivor should be able to run circles around a less skilled killer, as that's pretty much the only fun thing about playing survivor.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I mean if several of your friends agree then it just has be true right?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Oh my gosh, I totally understand where you're coming from! It's like you need DS, Adrenaline, Borrowed, DH, and keys every match just to stand a chance! Why should I have to loop and do gens and drop pallets? The gates should just be opened from the start! I also think killers should have no perks!

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    The people who say they survive a majority of the time at red ranks are the same people running urban evasion and left behind LOL.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Hiding is probably the worst way to win games. It hurts your team and would probably cause you to lose more often. The more you hide and make the same two people take all the chases the more likely you are to lose. If all 4 people are taking chases it's very easy to win games. If a killer has to hook 4 people multiple times he has no shot. The way that teams lose is by taking people off the hooks and hiding the whole game. It leads to the same two people getting downed three times in a row and getting eliminated from the game. So I don't think that's the case.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597
  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    People are saying that because they survive 80% of their games at red ranks they are good survivors, survivor is easy, or they understand balance. It doesn't take skill to hide and hold M1 while the killer tunnels the flashlight clicking Nea all game. Also, killer mains are usually the ones who only play survivor when they're in a SWF as opposed to playing solo, so they have an even more warped sense of balance. Just because the game is easy when your playing with 3 of your friends doesn't mean survivor is easy. I consider myself a very good survivor and I would say I survive less than half my games at red ranks on average, maybe about 30%. If you watch some of the top survivor streamers, you'll see they don't survive anywhere close to the 80% people on this forum are claiming.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I know that you're just baiting like hell, but you're not wrong with that one. My current nurse build favors the strength of nurse aka chase potential and it's so damn good.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,244

    The game has to reward people proportionately when they are doing the right things. The game has, for the most part, always looked at balance from a more casual players' perspective. That's why maps were the way they were for 4 years. It broke the game in the hands of many players.

    A survivor can jump through the hatch instantly, just as easily as a killer can close it. Nothing is overpowered about Doctor. Don't wait at pallets or windows against him. Keep moving when he charges his shock.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300
    edited April 2020

    Anyone saying/thinking "Why should survivors get to not improve their skill and get rewarded for it?" You know can be said the same for killer, RIGHT? R...right? Or do killers get to get off easy, are you lowkey admitting the game is killer sided?

    -Old Feddy actually took SKILL! I sometimes watch a streamer who was always able to get 4ks on any killer. Including Freddy before his rework but everyone complained, now he's new player friendly and one of the most OP killers.

    -Breakable walls are there for killers who can't loop to save their lives. They're new player friendly.

    -Toolboxes got nerfed to 'help with genrushing' even though 90% of the gen rushing I've seen happen because the killer doesn't know how to pressure and WITHOUT toolboxes. And people still complain about gen speed so now no one really gives a crap for toolboxes except to break like maybe 4-5 hooks in the entire match then it's gone and eventually gen speed will be so slow because of all the complaints, the killer will have had time to find all the survivors 100 times over before 2-3 gens get done.

    -Speaking of hooks, there's not even a point to breaking them because they respawn after 30 seconds... not MY fault some killers dunno how to manage their hooks or juke a player who is sabo happy in most cases. Hell, shortly after the update I was in a match where someone sabo'd a hook in front of the killer (holding me), dropped me, downed them, took them away, oh hey look the hook I'm directly under is back.

    -Doc got a buff (and if you call it a rework, you're crazy) because everyone thought he was weak. Now he's able to shock you from half way across the map. He's already anti loop (providing you can aim and time it right), anti stealth, no longer has to take a second to switch weapons (can just hit us immediately after shocking), and he can slow progress by making us tier 3 madness so what are we supposed to do against him?

    -Oni got his flick re-added because of how many killers complained. So fair.

    -Noed, as much as I understand it's a counter to adrenaline the killer also gets a perma speed buff but if we want a speed buff we have to use up another perk slot for Hope. "Do totems" I mean, what if you can't find one (some maps have suuuper hidden spots)? I think my team wants me to actually do the objective as opposed to running around for 5 minutes looking for totems. Not to mention there is no totem counter... so what if I'm running around looking for one and someone else already did one? I'm pretty much being a worthless teammate at that point.

    -Gen slow perks, I mentioned gen slowing earlier but there's already enough gen slow perks that can really screw people over providing you use them properly. If you hate gen speed just use Thana, Sloppy, Pop, and Discordance/BBQ. Or something. Oh, I'm sorry, I guess getting 4 perks is too hard.

    -""Dedicated"" Server Priority... let's face it, we all know these servers are either poorly made or aren't actually dedicated servers because a dedicated server is supposed to show both sides the SAME THING! However, BHVR has literally admitted on one of their streams that it's KILLER PRIORITY! Say a survivor is vaulting a window and you take 3-5 steps away... I understand windows are not impenetrable force fields but if you're far enough away, it should not hit you. But it does because the killer, on their screen, still sees you going for/doing the vault as opposed to already being through and stepping away like you see. Oh but it's ""latency"" even though most people it happens to have less than 150 ping or even less than 100. I still get unfair hits and my ping is 70-90... Oh but it must be my ""latency"" ... totally not purposely prioritizing killers...

    Need I go on? I'm not saying survivors shouldn't be nerfed despite... all of what I just said... HOWEVER... don't act like killers don't deserve the same treatment. I hope you guys know balancing works like this... if you nerf something on one side then you should nerf something on the other side. NOT nerf a survivor perk or our items or whatever then proceed to buff a killer or make things easier for them.

    If us survivors need to improve to be rewarded for it then killers need to do the same. Sorry if you don't wanna accept how balance works.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    All the changed they’ve made in these past years have been for the casual low rank survivors.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    All of these “top” streamers win far more as killer than they escape as survivor, and win far more games as killer than they lose as killer.

    You’re right people definitely have a warped sense of balance.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2020

    You just have to get better. Doctor is not op. And if they balanced the whole game around low skilled survivors the game would be in the terrible state it was in just a year and a half ago or similar to how it was on release. You will just have to get better and learn to deal with him. Drop pallets sooner, get better at mind games, maybe don't vault the window and go a different direction. Get different perks to help you escape whatever you need to better yourself because if they balance survivor around low skill players and they all get better then guess what? The balance change towards you would be pointless to begin with and you eventually get nerfed back or the killers would get buffed, or the game would just be more survivor oriented and it has been for a very long time. Killers are now getting the balance they've always wanted and needed.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The changes to killer were needed. It is possible to dominate a killer when you are coordinated and that is what the game should be balanced around. You can't balance around new players because the game starts out too hard for them. They have to grow their skill and will ultimately get better at the game. Experienced play is what you have to balance around because that is where people know what is good and when to use/abuse it which is what balance is meant to change

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    Okay, I'm just going to comment on this, and I'm going to comment for everyone making this argument, so from here on out, if this is your argument... you're an idiot. Sorry, not sorry.

    People are different.

    Yes, you adapted. Congratulations, good for you. But you being able to adapt, does not mean that the entire population on planet Earth can adapt.

    If everyone could just "adapt", there would be no "proscene": everyone would be a pro. There would be no "noobs": Everyone would "adapt and get good".

    If everyone could just "adapt", everyone could do everything in the world. Anyone could just fly a plane and be good at it. Everyone could get good enough to perform surgery. Anyone could be a proskater, footballer, what have you.

    No, that's not how it works. Do you have skill? Are you good at <insert thing here>? That's good, be proud of that. But not everyone is you, and everyone has different traits, skills and abilities. Different talents and things they're good at. It's not about not wanting to adapt, it's simply not a given for them as it was for you.

    So don't come telling "git gud". That just makes you an ######### and look stupid.


    On the topic of the actual post: they should buff stealth. Big time. This game is supposed to be a "horror hide & seek" game but there's very little hiding and seeking to be done because in the majority of situations it's worthless and actually the worse thing to do.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    Okay, I'm just going to comment on this, and I'm going to comment for everyone making this argument, so from here on out, if this is your argument... you're an idiot. Sorry, not sorry.

    People are different.

    Yes, you adapted. Congratulations, good for you. But you being able to adapt, does not mean that the entire population on planet Earth can adapt.

    If everyone could just "adapt", there would be no "proscene": everyone would be a pro. There would be no "noobs": Everyone would "adapt and get good".

    If everyone could just "adapt", everyone could do everything in the world. Anyone could just fly a plane and be good at it. Everyone could get good enough to perform surgery. Anyone could be a proskater, footballer, what have you.

    No, that's not how it works. Do you have skill? Are you good at <insert thing here>? That's good, be proud of that. But not everyone is you, and everyone has different traits, skills and abilities. Different talents and things they're good at. It's not about not wanting to adapt, it's simply not a given for them as it was for you.

    So don't come telling "git gud". That just makes you an ######### and look stupid.


    On the topic of the actual post: they should buff stealth. Big time. This game is supposed to be a "horror hide & seek" game but there's very little hiding and seeking to be done because in the majority of situations it's worthless and actually the worse thing to do.

  • Sheriff_Menty
    Sheriff_Menty Member Posts: 4

    I agree with this, and i want to point out, i don't care about the god loops being fixed or anything. Not everyone can adapt like everyone else. I did get better at the game from when I started, and after several months, I managed to get to rank one. With GREAT difficulty. As some people mentioned, getting hit a mile away from a vaulted window happened several times, I got hit after dropping a pallet on a killer, and got hit when i was behind a killer.

    I also agree with this 100%. It doesn't make the game fair if one side is being nerfed and the other buffed/left the same. And anyone saying Doc is not OP, you are wrong. I very RARELY ever escape from a Doc. Survivors, if they can't hide, are supposed to be able to run and dodge the killer. Doc takes BOTH of those away with shock treatment and static blast. Static blast can shock basically half the map, if it is not a small map, and his shocks stun you, so if your only option is to vault, you cant if you get shocked because you're stunned. He also removes the ability to do anything but vault and drop pallets when max madness, which can be annoying, but it doesn't bother me much. It's the fact he can remove every option a survivor has for escape that bothers me.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    The game should not be balanced around SWF. It should be balanced around solo Q.

    Deathgarden made the mistake of having the game balanced around a team on comms and it destroyed the game because the killer was so powerful he would slaughter any solo Q team.

    There's already killer builds powerful enough to contest SWFs, and against solo Qs they are brutally oppressive in the hands of skilled players. I won't list them because honestly there are so many, and seasoned players already know what they are.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Ok uninstall bub bye I'm happy every time an entitled survivor main uninstalls. I play red rank both sides and frankly your argument plainly marks you as an entitled survivor main. Like I said I play red rank both sides and survivor is EASY so what u have some bad solo que games everyone does swf sucks as killer but not all swf are seal team 6 some are chill friends wanting to have fun.and if you have to rely on infinite loops then get gud. Seriously I avoid them as survivor but because once again because I play both sides at high rank. make some friends IDC.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Thank you. I agree. I'm red rank both sides and I'm still learning. I still watch advanced tutorials I'm always hungry for knowledge and this game has a lot to learn

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    funny how people like you only complain when killers are getting buffs and survivors nerfs despite is a much needed balance since survivors have the upper hand againts killers due to god loops exploits and gen rush

    Post edited by Dzeikor on
  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169

    From what I can tell, the argument is "The game should be easy for new players, but not new killers. Only new survivors. They're the only type of player on the game"

    I understand, you're new. You don't know the game very well. Hell, you think Doc is OP when he's probably the 12th best out of all of the Killers. A new player, needs to learn, and learning takes time. You simply haven't given it enough.

    Keep playing, keep practicing. Test what works and what doesn't work. If you have bad teammates consistently, try an SWF. Run perks that cater to your playstyle. I run a vault speed build personally, since I like to be chased more than I do working on gens. If Doc specifically is your weakness, use Calm Spirit to counter his ability to find you via screams.

    Other than that, you all simply need to learn. You, and your friends. I mean, it's widely told that survivors are stronger than Killers, something that I agree on.

  • Sheriff_Menty
    Sheriff_Menty Member Posts: 4

    I have about 260 hours on the game. The group I play with have more. I’m not saying new killers shouldn’t also be able to have fair games, but to me and my group, it feels way too killer oriented. I have played killer before, and I’ll admit it’s difficult since I don’t play killer often, but even then I can still get a few kills a game. My friend who mains Doc, and has recently been playing plague, agrees Doc is too OP. He gets 3-4K per game, even when not playing Doc. And I know about calm spirit. I’m working on getting it. As for My perk build, I’ve been messing around recently after I got the achievement for rank 1. I’m currently using the speed vault, but I used to use Urban Evasion, Balanced Landing, We’ll make it, and Tenacity. I know some perks may not work well for others, but it fits my play style.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I feel like all of these changes are going to be a bit too much for solo players. I hope I'm wrong, though.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    That’s aggressive and not very nice. I’ve played both sides and I do know that some killers need a nerf :) ebony Mori’s need a nerf. It’s not about getting good. It’s about fixing lag so I don’t rubberband into one hit downs, fixing vault hitboxes so the killer doesn’t down me after I’m through it already. Why should killers be able to run around with iridescent/infantry with ebony Mori at the same time? Why is infinite exposed even a thing? It’s not that serious 😂 I’ve played both sides. I know there’s loops that make it impossible to get the guy, but the devs literally hand you an excessive amount of ways to get one hit downs and let you insta kill too? I’m just in terms of balance it’s not about getting better if I didn’t have a chance.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Why not? Killers are being rewarded for doing nothing but whine.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I play with red rank survivors against red rank killers. Solo you see a difference and it’s ridiculous some of the stuff I’ve seen. The devs want to make maps smaller and get rid of god loops... okay well can survivors get more than a pallet per mile then? Can we get longer walls than 2 feet wide with a vault in the middle that has broken hitbox? 😂🤦🏽

  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169

    Your old build seems built around stealth, something the Doctor counters, so it's no wonder you would think he's strong. He counters your playstyle. Everyone has a killer that they struggle against, for me it's Pig, but it doesn't mean they're strong in general.

    As for your friend thinking he's overpowered, there's multiple factors. What rank is he? Does he face SWF's or Solos? Does he camp, tunnel or slug everyone? Does he use NOED and Moris? Things like that. From personal experience, good SWF's will escape with at least 2 people unless you use mobile Killers like Spirit or Billy, since I prefer to not tunnel a single person or camp them.

    I've used Doc at rank 2-1 on console, with no Mori and a standard build without NOED. Can say from my own experience, he has no gen pressure, and he's only decent in a chase. If a survivor baits the shocks out, or dead hard one to make a pallet/window, it's a struggle to catch them. The Static Blast can be avoided by hiding in a locker when you hear his Terror Radius and the sound cue for it, or by running calm spirit. Even if you scream, you'd most likely have a good chance to get to a strong area before he catches up to you though.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    The same can be said for survivors. It's why survivor is so much easier now than it was when the game was in it's early days. Because "ermahgerd, the game is too hard, make it easier for us". And do explain how killers are doing "nothing but whine" as you said. I main survivor and killers have more to think about ingame than survivors by a long shot.

    Granted, BOTH killers and survivors complain. However, killers don't have anything game breaking for survivors. Survivors had god loops, and have SWF. I acknowledge that there are some killers that can do well against SWF.