Game is getting TOO killer oriented.



  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Killers don't have anything game breaking? Ummm, bad hitboxes? That's the biggest game breaker of them all.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Nothing makes people understand your point as giant wall of text with no paragraphs whatsoever.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    You still have Keys. Don't know why you are complaining... killers can close the hatch, then the survivor can open it right back up. Survivors have the power role at the moment. They dictate how the game goes (which can end in 4 minutes even if the killer is currently chasing someone). They can make more mistakes and be forgiven, while one can completely ruin a killer's game... do you understand my point here?

    I would try playing the other side first.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Imma have to disagree with you there. If the game was balanced around what you just said, you'll be screwed as a survivor if you are found because you will never win chases. That would render survivor unplayable since your own skill wont be able to save you at all due to getting bloodlusted and a mechanic that is just made so survivors never win chases. Besides, if you're the killer and you've chased someone for 2+ minutes, you've thrown several gens and possibly the game because you couldn't keep your tunnel vision in check.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Question, from a newish killer here. People keep saying godloops are fine because killers should just "drop the chase" which i try to do. But what do i do when the survivors wont try and do the gens. I had a game.not too long ago where the survivors, every time they heard my terror radius, sprinted for the loop. Yeah i kicked the gen but that went on for like 20 minutes. If i left to chase them the gen got swarmed, if i covered gens then they just sat near the loop. Just wondering what im supposed to do when that happens?

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    At that point I would just try and cut them off and zone them. (Try approaching them FROM the god loop so they can't go there for example). Eventually, you'll have enough points where you can just let them leave and still win lol. Pretty lame game play, but you can whittle down their resources and health states eventually.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    A big issue for gameplay comes doen to the killer shouldnt be penalized for chasing, because thats the main interaction between survivors and killers. Problem is is that while a survivor only has to worry about being hooked, the killer has to worry about 3 other survivors. It punishes the killer for interacting with survivors for too long

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    Hahahaha what about it.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    To be honest, if the killer decides to chase a survivor for an extended period of time and they aren't planning to drop chase despite gens popping, they deserve to lose. As a Survivor, winning chases is really good for your team as you wasted the killer's time and got gen progress. However, losing chases will require a teammate to stop doing gens and come get you and heal you, this applies pressure and slows the game down. I understand that killer can be stressful when played against good teams, but we need to differentiate skill and broken mechanics. Killers shouldn't be getting even more help chasing survivors when bloodlust exists, neither should they get help when they can drop chase and go monitor gens and chase, down, and hook players who are doing gens in deadzones or aren't good at looping.

    Nothing is wrong with engaging in long chases, but as a killer if you see that the survivor you're chasing is good at the game and you haven't gotten a hit in the past 5+ mins you were chasing them, you're doing something wrong, survivors should not be punished for that.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Chases aren’t a battle. You’re not supposed to win a chase. The purpose of a chase is to stall the killer while your teammates complete generators. You have to accept that you should never win a chase and that at the end of the chase you will be hooked. Good players will just be able to stall the killer for a longer amount of time, giving their teammates more time to complete generators.

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    This is absolutely not true - and keep in mind you challenging someone decades of experience in game design. And I will raise your argument one step but providing you some solid examples, though I can assure you there are far, far more.

    But why is this you might ask? Why are these companies - some of these titles serious esports - so interested in catering to new players? The answer is simple orf course - money. New players equals more sources of revenue. Ideally you want to have a game be attractive to the maximum number of players - player retention is huge, but attracting new players is key to this, and it's not all down to marketing. New players are the most fickle ones - us, the community is not. We come and go, sure - but most of us are here to stay for the next while at the very least. A new player doesn't have the investment yet. It's much easier to drop the title or get a refund if the first hour or two isn't great. The key is hooking a player - and not everyone can survive trial by fire. DBD isn't even an esport - there's absolutely no reason not to put more love into the NPE, so long as they aren't forgetting their core audience. More recent changes seem to agree with my assessment as well, as DBD has come leaps and bounds in many regards since I first played it back in 2017.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188
  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I can say wholeheartedly the only reason the game feels Killer sided or that Killer feels easier is because some (if not most) survivors are not as good as their rank should be. I see people in Rank 1 play similar to how someone in Rank 20 plays, it's rather embarassing and it just makes me want to play Killer more.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    So what are you saying? The chased survivor should get pinned down by the entity after being chased for 2 minutes? Chases are a battle, survivors must fight for their lives every trial and you wanna make chases unfun? At this point take away the exit gates and hatch cause the survivors shouldn't win right? Survivors should be allowed to win chases, the meta has changed it's not hide and seek anymore. Plus with future map changes chases will be more bearable for killers and removal of bloodlust will make chases a 50/50 win opportunity for both sides.

  • HypnoEmpire
    HypnoEmpire Member Posts: 29

    If killer is as easy as you imply then there's zero reason for you not to be red rank as killer yet. I've seen you make so many posts on the forums about how easy killer is so why can't you do it? In this post alone you're bragging about getting easy 3-4ks, so getting red ranks shouldn't be an issue unless you're lying.

    I'm rank 1 with both survivor and killer and when I play survivor, I play solo queue. I get teammates with urban evasion that crouch around the map not doing gens, I get teammates that hide in lockers and can't last longer than 10 seconds in a chase. I occasionally play against survivors like that when I play killer. Does that mean the game is killer sided? Of course not! You have to keep in mind that's it's incredibly easy to pip and black pip as survivor, so all they have to do to be in red ranks is play the game a lot and boom, red rank. They can be absolute potatoes but it doesn't matter because you don't need to escape to rank up. Is it enjoyable getting potatoes frequently? No, it isn't. But that's entirely the fault of the game's poor ranking system, it has nothing to do with the game being killer sided or whatever agenda you want to push. When killers struggle against GOOD (emphasis on GOOD) survivors, those are the survivors that they should be matched up against most of the time. Those are the games that people want the game to be balanced around, and if the future mmr system is good, I almost guarantee you'll want it to be balanced around those games as well (assuming you're good of course). I could care less about matches with potato survivors, they have to get good like the rest of us did and doesn't at all equate to killers being op.

  • Voerman
    Voerman Member Posts: 12

    That is not an issue of the game being Killer-sided, that is an issue that the game awards pips far too easily for basically being a door weight as a Survivor. Do you get to play against potatoes a lot of the time at Rank 1? Yes. But then you can also happen upon one of the famous SWF death squads that will bring map offerings to the map they know the absolute best and unless they screw up, you're not really getting away with a single kill. Sometimes, depending on the map, you'd be lucky to even get a hook despite pretty much playing flawlessly as a Killer. Outside of just a few Killers that can handle playing against an organized, good team of SWF, the game is entirely in their hands and you're a minor nuisance.

    Don't get me wrong, you can definitely get 4Ks against these people, or 3Ks or whatever kill percentage pleases you, but the game is definitely not in the Killer's hands currently unless you manage to snowball hard. Especially not on the maps with hard god loops that you know they will run straight to every single time if they know the maps. So yeah, in conclusion. SWFs are strong, potatoes are potatoes, Killers capitalize on mistakes and some maps will simply be absolute hell for some Killers. You shrug, you move on to the next match and that's that.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited April 2020

    "My friends agree with me so we must be right."

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    How dare you say something that goes against my 300 hours experience being bullied at red ranks not because i am noob but because survivors are definitely op

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Unfortunately you're talking to a guy that's completely killer blindsided xD I played up to rank 5 and was pretty much just getting reds. It's frustrating asf, this is true but I have to say it's not as bad as people claim it to be. Yes, they can loop, I just walk away to cut someone else off and it usually works. I figure out a map side I want controlled at the beginning.

    The only killer complaints out now is 'God loops' which they're being fixed (to how much while still giving survivors a decent chance, we'll find out). Second chance perks I.e DS (easily beatable), Adrenaline (have to live long enough to use it), Unbreakable (works once, and if you dont slug or get slug greedy, useless). BT (wait the fifteen seconds, if you want to tunnel. But dont complain of DS and Unbreakable, you chose to tunnel).

    Between easy snowballers like Oni, Billy, Nurse and Spirit. Which I dont think any killer should be able to snowball. Killers are starting to rise up. Fine enough. But in doing so, survivors are now being punished. These new gen works clearly didnt consider Forever Freddy or Doctor or Snowballers. The map reworks, my bro and his friends said most of the games they come across solo and with friends, 80% were survivors quitting or giving up first hook cause the loops were just I'll considered and bad or killers bringing Ebony mori's, face camping hitting bodies, tunneling.

    But hey, the game is becoming killer sided, hopefully to an extent that both sides are balanced. Killers need dominance, but without taking away the ability to survive. I dont agree being either sided, I just want this game to reach a standard for both where all ranks and skill gaps are considered.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Dude, that's just poor matchmaking. Yeah, I feel sorry for you having to face that. Hell I'm 12-13 and still get that. But that's just the bad matchmaking. I dont think you could apply that argument here as it is a technical issue not by design.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    I'm very happy for the next patch, maybe killer became definitely the easy mode, but i don't care.

    I like play in hard mode (solo survivor since i bought this game) and for killer i play hag, trapper, doctor, legion..

    the only thing that irritates me is that the main killers will continue to cry and complain on the forum even with the next patch, even if the survivors have been suffering from nerf for 18 months, even if the killers have lost only the ruin and the rework to the nurse and gain a tons of buff, also if strong players have shown that they can make 4k even 100 games in a row.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    I would argue this, but anyone with enough braincells to rub together and realize that an equal game is 2 survivors escaping and 2 dying knows this aint true.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Some of these loops are literally infinite, they need to get downed. Doctor is not that op. And killers can close the hatch but SURVIVORS have a perk that you can see the hatch aura from 36 Meters away and they have items that can open it. Also stop crying because some loops ended, a lot of normal loops are strong too.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited April 2020

    With this upcoming update, there is no denying it. Although the game is becoming very killer sided, it needs that. We need to bring more killers in to fix the obscene matchmaking. Green rank killers shouldn’t be facing rank 1 survivors, and it shouldn’t take a survivor 10 minutes or more to find a match. (Coming from a PS4 player)

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    killer mains when they hear it's killer sided.

    Now let's make first talk about the skill gap between both sides as a survivor you make only 2 decisions most of the match and that is should i do gen or should i save. both require zero skill to do. the other that shouldn't last more then 2/5th of the match is how you are going to run. and 1/2 of running is looping aka zero skill and vault a overpowered window (thank goodness that's being fixed on most maps.) the only skill a survivor needs is the ability to not get mind gamed. i rest my case and if you still don't believe me try playing killer where every choice matters while your on a clock

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    I think using red rank as a term doesn't matter try facing a team that can loop and path correctly and do gens consistently

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Only issues I have are just how killer sided the latest map is and how broken the latest killer is in chase. Everything else has been fair, tbh.

    I do like OhTofu's idea, which would give players of both roles some agency, even if teammates are potatoes: less safe pallets/areas, more pallets built for mindgames (basically like badham but without the broken form of the school structure) That said they'd also have to stop making maps so open, too.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I’m afraid that you’re going to have many killer mains come in here to bash your opinion - or try to argue that killers aren’t op - when they are.

    Speaking from my perspective, getting into the game with little prior knowledge was difficult for many reasons. I had to watch a streamer for months on end to grasp the game to actually find it fun and worthwhile.

    the game is very killer-oriented and the new changes are going to kill the game for survivors even more. Many of the “god loops” that are going to be removed weren’t abused by everyday survivors, the averagely skilled players. They are abused by players that play at a higher level that can run killers for 2,3 or 4 gens. Running a killer for 3 gems is a big achievement for myself that I’ve only experienced a handful of times in my plenty hours on the game. Condensing the maps is also easily one of the worst things that they can do when not taking in consideration the powers of the killers. But they’ll learn when the amount of survivor players further quits or start limiting their playtime

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Killer is strong when you're new and have new teammates. I went from rank 5 survivor to rank 13, and I can't escape a rank 17 killer with rank 20 teammates. But I can pip. Once you get to red ranks, the game changes to survivor sided in a huge way.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Billy gets looped like any other Killer, his power is based on mobility. If you run short loops, he will never chainsaw you unless he's highly skilled

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    No, it really doesn’t.

    Killer is meant to be strong - yes. But there’s a huge difference between playing against a killer, and a mastered killer, and you can feel that difference very easily in a game.

    The game is hugely not friendly to any side from the start. I had little idea of how to play as survivor or killer, until my own confidence grew. The truth is - you can get past a learning curve on a killer, why? Because you run the show. You decide and dictate what kind of match it’s going to be. But as a survivor, you can never fully master being one. You don’t get to dictate how the match runs, you can’t make a killer stop facecamping or tunnelling - and you have to learn to adapt because you’re never going to consistently run into the same type of killers each game.

    The one thing that is on the survivor’s side is being able to escape from the killer and hide if need be - but they’re taking it away from survivors. Even now, with the huge maps when I’m running a killer, I accidentally run them into my team because of how vast the deadzones in the game are.

    but that’s just my experience

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I played against a 15k hour team of survivors. One guy alone had over 9k hours. I got two hits total, hits, not downs. I did everything you're supposed to do, ran the loops right, broke chase, pressured gens, etc. They ran every loop perfectly and flew through the gens. I wasn't dictating diddly crap. Trust me, when this game is played at a high level, killer is helpless.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    4 man ( can SWF) vs 1 try hard killer ( 1 man player ) ... and you need survivor more stronger ? wow how greedy you are ....

    doc already DECENT killer... need a lot of buff still to become a strong killer ...

  • KiloOfSalt
    KiloOfSalt Member Posts: 91

    TBH Killer before red ranks is pretty easy unless you go against smurfs

  • Chaosbeing
    Chaosbeing Member Posts: 7

    Doc rework is good. His shock, he could've have it before the rework, it's a quality of life improvment. Before, he had to switch between mods but it's still the same. Static Blast is on a 60secs cooldown, is that any OP ? A gen is 80secs, for a single survivor. I mean, it's KINDA like a better Bitter Murmur + It's building Madness, which is the Doc's own slowdown. Just as Legion's mending, or Freddy's sleeping.

    I play both sides, and i have to agree that i do much more 4k that i escape, as survivor. And, as survivor i use DS and Adrenalie. I wish i could play fun things, but i'm sutrggling to escape. It's just, survivor has a higher skill cap, so better survivors will never be catched, where newer players will be downed in 5secs. Playing Killer is easy at low ranks, and at high rank you have to consider MUCH MORE things, such as 3-gen strategies, DS, unbreakable, BT, window tech, etc etc.

    I think, in my opinion, this game is a BIT killer sided until low violet/red ranks. Then it reverse and it becomes survivor sided. Cause killer relies on survivor doing mistakes, and a good survivor don't do mistakes.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Then you got unfortunately placed against a team that’s higher skill than you. That’s the byproduct of the poor matchmaking system.

    if you got outplayed then that’s tough, the killer has the edge and if that’s not enough then idk what you want me to say lol

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    He can just m1 chase till he's touching you then chainsaw, he even has addons to make his turn better. This is the basic billy when playing maps like 'the game' or 'hospital.' Sure his play style has to change but he is still 4.6 in speed. Has very little miss or collision punishment. Chainsaw is pretty quick. Combine with hitbox and latency too, he makes for a devastating killer to face much like Oni except Oni can track for free. The fact Billy can snowball too (which I dont think any killer really should be able to) I think you're underestimating Billy.

    And yes every killer can get looped to a degree, others like Huntress, Sherrif Woody, Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Oni, Doctor, Freddy, heck even Trapper to a degree, they can massively cut loops down to a controllable state with the map control capabilities they have.

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    Well if they nerf the gen speed that means that bad players like you wont be able to reach good ranks and ######### up other people game experience. Curently is full of baby survivors at red ranks due to the Ruin nerf and it is very sad that the nerf of a single perk in the whole game allowed noobies to reach high ranks. I got plenty of those players in my games on both sides, killer and survivor and it is always a shi(t)show, but who the F i am, only a random guy with 1.5k hours in this bug

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    The game is not killer sided, the odds are weighed in the survivors favour, yes there are really good killers but the game is not in the killers favour, plus they balance it off of the highest ranks not green or yellow whatever low rank that 90% of the people who complain from on both sides. It’s more killer sided at low ranks because a killer potato can kill potato survivors decently easy but in high ranks great survivors will almost always whoop a killer. Except lots of the whooping happens from SWF, if SWF wasn’t a factor than stats would be different

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Wasn't about skill gap. I played near perfect and they played near perfect. When that happens, survivor wins every time.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    So we just gonna throw new killers out the window? At the way this game is rn killers r leaving in butches we gonna need those new killers they wanna learn and not get looped all day or gen rushed.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    This post might be the perfect example of entitlement. Killer mains are whining that a survivor is complaining and they advise him to get better at the game. At the same time, 80% of the threads here are from whiny killer mains that want to have killer buffs / survivor nerfs. How about you follow your own advise?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You are telling me, the daily Nerf Mori/nerf noed/nerf Tunneling/nerf Camping/buff solo survivor/get banned for dcíng camping killer/Doctor/clown/legion is unfun/got hit from miles away/game is killersided-threads are only 20% of the forum?

    I really think you suck at math. Your post might be the perfect example of survivor bias.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Ok, I'm going to change what I said and say that a survivor should never win a chase against a good killer. It just so happens that there are some pretty unbeatable areas for even the best killers.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Patience is one of the most important things to learn in this game, could be the difference between life and death for the survivor and winning and losing for the killer. If the survivor know what they're doing they arent gonna get caught, so your best bet is to just leave and pressure other areas. However, I do agree that god loops are unhealthy for the game as any survivor can run them and takes no skill whatsoever.

    Chases just come down to who is just better skilled and can read the other better. Its up to the killer if they wanna keep chasing and risk losing gens or leave that survivor in the game to give you a headache later.