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Is tbagging necessary? I think not. Be nice to your killers please.

SyN Member Posts: 27

Call me a crybaby or tell me to toughen up, doesn't really matter to me what you think either way but I just want to be another person saying this in the hope that people will listen and stop being such ######### (maybe).
I see literally no reason to be rude and tbag the killers just for the sake of pissing them off and getting them to chase you.

Seriously?? We can all be reasonable human beings without actively antagonizing each other and going out of our way to rile each other up.

When I play killer I already go into every single match with the expectation that I'm going to do poorly. I'm not good at it and I know it. I struggle to catch people in a chase and it's hard for me to figure out how to locate people who are good at hiding. The last thing I want is for someone to rub it in my face and say 'Hahahaha! Look at me and how much better at this game I am than you!" Especially when I'm stressed out trying to figure out how to juggle 4 people all actively working against me, as is the purpose of the game.

I'm here to have a good time and try to get better at the game. I like this game a lot. It's the only horror-style game out there that I super dig the ambience and rhythm of. Quit ruining it by trying to prove how big your proverbial dick is.



  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Right? Lol come on people at least we have swivel hooks and BT it could be worse 
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Right? Lol come on people at least we have swivel hooks and BT it could be worse 

    yeah i guess.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Dude it's the true. Being Killer sucks and it's triggering af. I always play surv and sometimes killer for fun; some matches i get 4k, another ones any kills but i don't open a thread in the forum to cry and complain about toxic survivors. I just move on and play other match.

    I know that. But the way you expressed yourself does not help. Just be a bit empathetic next time please.

    It's the true. They're a lot of bad killers in the game and the last straw is that they come to cry because the "survs are toxic" but they camp, they tunnel ppl, they dc to don't give survs escape points, they insult you 'cause you use a perk... I mean, just play the game and stop whining about it. Just deal with it or don't play Killer :)

    there is a point where the killer just gets cucked by the game's mechanics and the community will complain about that (at least the ones that play killer too).

    Its normal and all right. I'd be more worried if there was no "crying". It would be a dead game then.

  • AdánAR
    AdánAR Member Posts: 118

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Dude it's the true. Being Killer sucks and it's triggering af. I always play surv and sometimes killer for fun; some matches i get 4k, another ones any kills but i don't open a thread in the forum to cry and complain about toxic survivors. I just move on and play other match.

    I know that. But the way you expressed yourself does not help. Just be a bit empathetic next time please.

    It's the true. They're a lot of bad killers in the game and the last straw is that they come to cry because the "survs are toxic" but they camp, they tunnel ppl, they dc to don't give survs escape points, they insult you 'cause you use a perk... I mean, just play the game and stop whining about it. Just deal with it or don't play Killer :)

    there is a point where the killer just gets cucked by the game's mechanics and the community will complain about that (at least the ones that play killer too).

    Its normal and all right. I'd be more worried if there was no "crying". It would be a dead game then.

    But there isn't point of complain. Just play it and take it easy, It's just a game. Some killers take too serious the game imo

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Dude it's the true. Being Killer sucks and it's triggering af. I always play surv and sometimes killer for fun; some matches i get 4k, another ones any kills but i don't open a thread in the forum to cry and complain about toxic survivors. I just move on and play other match.

    I know that. But the way you expressed yourself does not help. Just be a bit empathetic next time please.

    It's the true. They're a lot of bad killers in the game and the last straw is that they come to cry because the "survs are toxic" but they camp, they tunnel ppl, they dc to don't give survs escape points, they insult you 'cause you use a perk... I mean, just play the game and stop whining about it. Just deal with it or don't play Killer :)

    there is a point where the killer just gets cucked by the game's mechanics and the community will complain about that (at least the ones that play killer too).

    Its normal and all right. I'd be more worried if there was no "crying". It would be a dead game then.

    But there isn't point of complain. Just play it and take it easy, It's just a game. Some killers take too serious the game imo

    I was literally Ebullied as Killer many times and its pretty terrible . I undestand that feeling. Its like being bullied in real Life as well. Except in real life they would go to the hospital or more. In a game its different. The words i dont really mind ( unless its like ######### or similar) but the in game bullying sucks balls. Thats why i dodge SWF to take it easy. It helps me for sure. ( it helps that i can't play the game too maybe thats for the best).

    Sorry if the complainers annoyed you though.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    I teabag in game to get killers to chase me, for saves and heals. Works like a charm. 
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    imagine being offended by being tbagged.... oh wait

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    Butthurt aplenty here on the DBD forums. My God.
  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    My general view of Tea bagging / Taunting / Pointing and generally being a jerk to the killer often gets met with hard tunneling and face camping. I just think if you do it then be prepared for what might come next and then don't complain about being tunneled and camped post match because you were asking for it. Furthermore it's never a good idea to deliberately get killer mains to hate you and or add you to the proverbial crap list to ensure your gaming experience becomes equally as miserable as you made theirs. Some killers will actively seek revenge and hold a grudge so don't do it. We are all human beings, no need to be a jerk when all we want to do is have fun.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ChraizE said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?

    This is exactly what is wrong with this toxic community! People like you need to stop existing in DBD.


    Way too much man-child.

  • King_Checkmate
    King_Checkmate Member Posts: 60

    Its fine. Just face camp them.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2018
    Duplicate post, deleted.
    Post edited by Michiko on
  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    There will always be teabagging. Thing is... you get numb to it and eventually realize that they are just trying to get you to do what they want. In all reality why should you chase them if there is someone else that is a much easier catch? I've come across some that tbag and I let them get away. They are good, but at the same time survivors have their limits. They're only as good as their weakest link. Such is a team.

    It is pretty stupid to teabag, but after a while of playing killer you will understand it as part of the game. No worries about trying to best him/her. Camp. If you catch him then he is just a tool to catch other survivors that are too altruistic. If not, it's no loss. Remember a win for a killer is different than an escape from a survivor.

    I hate the noobs in the game that stare at me as I rot on the hook after being a first catch though. Now that is not necessary, but... in the long run a killer will find out that it isn't to their advantage to camp a hook. At least... not at the beginning of the game.

  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    There will always be teabagging. Thing is... you get numb to it and eventually realize that they are just trying to get you to do what they want. In all reality why should you chase them if there is someone else that is a much easier catch? I've come across some that tbag and I let them get away. They are good, but at the same time survivors have their limits. They're only as good as their weakest link. Such is a team.

    It is pretty stupid to teabag, but after a while of playing killer you will understand it as part of the game. No worries about trying to best him/her. Camp. If you catch him then he is just a tool to catch other survivors that are too altruistic. If not, it's no loss. Remember a win for a killer is different than an escape from a survivor.

    I hate the noobs in the game that stare at me as I rot on the hook after being a first catch though. Now that is not necessary, but... in the long run a killer will find out that it isn't to their advantage to camp.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2018
    Another duplicate post, sigh. Deleted. 
    Post edited by Michiko on
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Good luck. This game is Toxicity in physical form. Sucks we have to experience that on such a fun game.
  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    There will always be teabagging. Thing is... you get numb to it and eventually realize that they are just trying to get you to do what they want. In all reality why should you chase them if there is someone else that is a much easier catch? I've come across some that tbag and I let them get away. They are good, but at the same time survivors have their limits. They're only as good as their weakest link. Such is a team.

    It is pretty stupid to teabag, but after a while of playing killer you will understand it as part of the game. No worries about trying to best him/her. Camp. If you catch him then he is just a tool to catch other survivors that are too altruistic. If not, it's no loss. Remember a win for a killer is different than an escape from a survivor.

    I hate the noobs in the game that stare at me as I rot on the hook after being a first catch though. Now that is not necessary, but... in the long run a killer will find out that it isn't to their advantage to camp a hook. At least... not at the beginning of the game.

  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    There will always be teabagging. Thing is... you get numb to it and eventually realize that they are just trying to get you to do what they want. In all reality why should you chase them if there is someone else that is a much easier catch? I've come across some that tbag and I let them get away. They are good, but at the same time survivors have their limits. They're only as good as their weakest link. Such is a team.

    It is pretty stupid to teabag, but after a while of playing killer you will understand it as part of the game. No worries about trying to best him/her. Camp. If you catch him then he is just a tool to catch other survivors that are too altruistic. If not, it's no loss. Remember a win for a killer is different than an escape from a survivor.

    I hate the noobs in the game that stare at me as I rot on the hook after being a first catch though. Now that is not necessary, but... in the long run a killer will find out that it isn't to their advantage to camp.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Dude it's the true. Being Killer sucks and it's triggering af. I always play surv and sometimes killer for fun; some matches i get 4k, another ones any kills but i don't open a thread in the forum to cry and complain about toxic survivors. I just move on and play other match.

    I know that. But the way you expressed yourself does not help. Just be a bit empathetic next time please.

    It's the true. They're a lot of bad killers in the game and the last straw is that they come to cry because the "survs are toxic" but they camp, they tunnel ppl, they dc to don't give survs escape points, they insult you 'cause you use a perk... I mean, just play the game and stop whining about it. Just deal with it or don't play Killer :)

    Just deal with it or don't play Killer???

    so, deal with being bullied and don't even think about complaining about it, or simply don't play the role that is significantly fewer then survivor by leaps and bounds? Jesus effing Christ, that's toxic.

    Theres an easy fix to this. Put crouching on a cool down. Let's say, three seconds of so. There. Done.
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @AdánAR said:
    Jajajajajaja stop being a pussy, you deserved it. I always have tryhard killers, campers, tunnelers, rage quitters, who complains about looping, who complains about sabo hooks... I teabbaged them and will always do it. Just getgud and stop cry about it. This is a surv side game i mean #########?


    Dude it's the true. Being Killer sucks and it's triggering af. I always play surv and sometimes killer for fun; some matches i get 4k, another ones any kills but i don't open a thread in the forum to cry and complain about toxic survivors. I just move on and play other match.

    I know that. But the way you expressed yourself does not help. Just be a bit empathetic next time please.

    It's the true. They're a lot of bad killers in the game and the last straw is that they come to cry because the "survs are toxic" but they camp, they tunnel ppl, they dc to don't give survs escape points, they insult you 'cause you use a perk... I mean, just play the game and stop whining about it. Just deal with it or don't play Killer :)

    Just deal with it or don't play Killer???

    so, deal with being bullied and don't even think about complaining about it, or simply don't play the role that is significantly fewer then survivor by leaps and bounds? Jesus effing Christ, that's toxic.

    Theres an easy fix to this. Put crouching on a cool down. Let's say, three seconds of so. There. Done.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    If someone teabags me, I always facecamp them, no matter what.
    You have to be respectful if you want to play a game with me, otherwise I am not too.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    If an in game avatar squatting and spinning hurts your feelings that badly, you're introuble. They're your competition. It's a 'hey batter batter' or 'nananana boo boo'. Its meant to get a reaction, but its far from making this game toxic. If that's causing you to grind your teeth and throw your controller, take a break. 

    Now this is separate from the toxic comments that get shared in chat/messages. The ''#########, tunnelng trash" or "######### you, looper, REPORTED"... That's harassment and that's more prevalent in this game than many others. Hoping they add some sort of endorsement system, like Overwatch, or a GG emote. Might help to bring out the best in the community.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    If an in game avatar squatting and spinning hurts your feelings that badly, you're introuble. They're your competition. It's a 'hey batter batter' or 'nananana boo boo'. Its meant to get a reaction, but its far from making this game toxic. If that's causing you to grind your teeth and throw your controller, take a break. 

    Now this is separate from the toxic comments that get shared in chat/messages. The ''[BAD WORD], tunnelng trash" or "[BAD WORD] you, looper, REPORTED"... That's harassment and that's more prevalent in this game than many others. Hoping they add some sort of endorsement system, like Overwatch, or a GG emote. Might help to bring out the best in the community.

    I can say the same about a middle finger then too. I said nothing . Just shown the middle finger so you can't possible be offended by it right?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    If an in game avatar squatting and spinning hurts your feelings that badly, you're introuble.

    If air vibrations (sound) hurt your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.
    If skeletal configurations (gestures) hurt your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.
    If paint (billboards) hurts your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.

    You can make this same argument about anything and everything. Stop pretending ######### behavior is something it's not.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Orion said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    If an in game avatar squatting and spinning hurts your feelings that badly, you're introuble.

    If air vibrations (sound) hurt your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.
    If skeletal configurations (gestures) hurt your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.
    If paint (billboards) hurts your feelings that badly, you're in trouble.

    You can make this same argument about anything and everything. Stop pretending ######### behavior is something it's not.


  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2018
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me. As long as it's not abusive, it's just the nature of the game. It's competitive. Sometimes you lose and sometimes the winners gloat. 

    Granted, if survivors are teabagging at the gates and the killer ends up getting them, that's always a great feeling. Just don't take it so seriously. 

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me.

    You sound like an ######### enabler to me and everyone with common sense.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me. As long as it's not abusive, it's just the nature of the came. It's competitive. Sometimes you lose and sometimes the winners gloat. 

    Granted, if survivors are teabagging at the gates and the killer ends up getting them, that's always a great feeling. Just don't take it so seriously. 

    Sure mr iron heart. feelings are for dumb dumbs right?

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Orion said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me.

    You sound like an ######### enabler to me and everyone with common sense.

    Exactly what i think too.

    But dont forget you are whining and crying by feeling feelings from a game tho. Its not real after all s/.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Orion said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me.

    You sound like an ######### enabler to me and everyone with common sense.

    Exactly what i think too.

    But dont forget you are whining and crying by feeling feelings from a game tho. Its not real after all s/.

    Naturally. Everyone knows you only consume fantasy media because you're forced to. Nobody actually enjoys reading a book, watching a movie, or playing a game.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Orion said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Orion said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    You sound like a bunch of whiney babies to me.

    You sound like an ######### enabler to me and everyone with common sense.

    Exactly what i think too.

    But dont forget you are whining and crying by feeling feelings from a game tho. Its not real after all s/.

    Naturally. Everyone knows you only consume fantasy media because you're forced to. Nobody actually enjoys reading a book, watching a movie, or playing a game.


    One of my favorite game series (Danganronpa) The final moral of that story was literally that fiction( any fiction but mostly games) can change reality (Sorry for potential spoilers) because it makes the player feel feelings from the game and it changes their perspective of the world thanks to them.

    DBD helped me grow as a person as well IT ######### CHANGED ME TOO. And i feel like i grew a lot thanks to it. Thats one of the reasons of me loving DBD so much.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2018
    Feelings do matter and I'm firmly against abuse in messages and chat, bit this forum might as well be called 'Taunting in video games hurts my feelings'. To the killers with taunting Survivors, kill them, or kill them next time. Don't lose sleep over it. 

    Not telling people to act like a-holes, just saying the appalled and outraged reactions to it are silly. Just sharing my opinion on a forum that was opened to discuss it. No need to agree, just saying you all need to relax, because it's really part of any online game these days. 

    I'm sorry it hurts your feelings... But don't let it, take the loss, and try to go get some kills again! 
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697
    edited August 2018

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    Feelings do matter and I'm firmly against abuse in messages and chat, bit this forum might as well be called 'Taunting in video games hurts my feelings'. To the killers with those taunting, kill them. Don't lose sleep over it. 

    Not telling people to act like a-holes, just saying the appalled and outraged reactions to it are silly. Just sharing my opinion on a forum that was opened to discuss it. No need to agree, just saying you all need to relax, because it's really part of any online game these days. 

    I'm sorry it hurts your feelings... But don't let it, take the loss, and try to go get some kills again! 

    I agree. it angers me because of the person behind the player . If its an AI i dont care it was programmed to do that. The person is the problem (And Tbag is for me the online version of a middle finger).

    At least you were rather nice so i respect(cc) that :D

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349

    I agree. it angers me because of the person behind the player . If its an AI i dont care it was programmed to do that. The person is the problem (And Tbag is for me the online version of a middle finger).

    At least you were rather nice so i respect(cc) that :D

    Yeah dude, not trying to argue or encourage bad behavior; just tying to encourage lighter responses to that behavior. See you in the fog! 
  • feelsEUmang
    feelsEUmang Member Posts: 50

    I play pvp games to destroy people and not to be nice. lul

    Problem with that, welp doesn't matter, since I can play however I want.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349

    I play pvp games to destroy people and not to be nice. lul

    Problem with that, welp doesn't matter, since I can play however I want.