Obviously I've lost countless kills points pips and brain cells to the hatch.
Its purpose was to keep the last survivor to hold the game hostage.
Remove the hatch and start the endgame collapse when the last 3rd survivor is killed.
This will still (unfortunately) give the last survivor a chance at a free escape but at least as killer you only have to worry about gate locations instead of hatch then gate locations.
And before you babies start whining if the killer had a hatch equivalent it would be if when all 4 survivors open the exits one has a 50% chance of being instantly killed.
Hatch is fine. That's all I'm gonna say :)
22 -
I'm going to assume this is a troll post due to your name but to be fair when I get terrible teammates I think hatch is fine sometimes
1 -
Yeah as it stands the hatch's only purpose is to give 1 (or more if a key is present) survivor a undeserved escape. Either remove it or give killers an equivalent. Just undermines the whole match and serves no good purpose tbh.
1 -
I literally closed the hatch today and he reopened it with a key. HOW MANY CHANCES DO THEY NEED
1 -
Ok that's cool. My name is toxic as in the ps4 toxic not the pc typing toxic
0 -
Do you know how rare keys are? I don't come across them often as either Killer or Survivor, I think maybe once as Killer I did and they used it? It really doesn't matter since you get three sacs. You don't need a perfect game every single time to rank up.
The equivalent is called a Memento Mori. Since you can just hook someone then gut them like a fish when one of their friends unhook them. You can end the game early with Mori's, why not remove them since Survivor's think they're unfair?
3 -
Hatch is lore based and won't be removed, unless you really enjoy spending 1 hour at the end of every game searching for the immersed survivor
The entity feeds off hope, if survivors don't have hope then it fails to feed. If a killer kills multiple people and there is only one person left but 2/3 gens to do, then
1. you haven't earned that kill yet, the fourth is not dead you have NOT earned it which just means without hatch it's going be a pretty length game of you playing hide and seek and
2. it's literally impossible for one survivors to do multiple gens, which is where the hatch comes in, it gives hope to the last survivor, killer has advantage with hatch anyway (unless keys are involved) but the key is the issue here, not the hatch.
8 -
EGC is already massively killer sided, and so is hatch. The killer has been walking around the map unencumbered and if the last gen takes any longer than 2 min to get popped the killer has most likely seen it and knows its location. So as soon as it is active the killer can go slam it, they also have hatch priority, so even if a survivor is standing on it when it opens, if the killer is next to it they can slam it and the survivor never even got the option to M1 into it. The doors more often than not spawn next to each other so the killer can literally stand in one place and monitor both. So a lone survivor has maybe a 10% chance of actually escaping during EGC and you are complaining that that is too much?!? Jesus, maybe the devs could just open a vortex after the last gen pops to suck in those last pesky survivors and you wouldn't have to do anything for the 4k.
5 -
Did you read my post? I said the EGC starts when one survivor is left
0 -
ok so you killed 3 survivors and that STILL doesn't satisfy you? My god, you killed 75% of their team YOU WON. Hatch is the sole survivor's final chance of escaping the trial, you can literally close the hatch and both of you must guess which exit gate to go to. They made it so killers can close the hatch because nobody liked hatch standoffs, they made the game longer for no reason.
You aren't entitled to a 4k, period. Sometimes i found hatch before the killer did, other times they found it before me, tough luck, move on. This post reminds me of when Tru3 was complaining about how survivors had a 4% chance of self unhooking on one of his streams.
Hatch will stay, it's fair, it's balanced.
5 -
What I had to do for the 4k was BEAT THE TEAM. I won but because of a game of chance I lost my deserved kill
0 -
Hatch is fine.
Do you really want that Blendette wasting sixty hours of your life once everyone else is dead and she decides she can't win?
As a killer main, I ask that they leave Hatch alone.
3 -
This will never happen no matter how many biased killer mains cry for it. The hatch is an integral part of the gameplay. It gives survivors a reason to keep playing when it's blatantly obvious 2 minutes into the match that not all 5 gens are getting done. This is not a competitive game. Accept the fact that you will "lose," often influenced by luck/RNG.
Or play a different game.
5 -
I think I'm entitled to a 4k when I won. It would be different if I lost an extra kill by misplaying. But I didn't I lost my kill for no reason
0 -
1 -
How would you feel if your team beat the killer but one of you got randomly sacrificed 50% of the time. Wouldn't feel too good
0 -
Do you think survivors are entitled to a 4 man escape when they completed all the gens? No. The game isn't over until the last person escapes or until the last person dies. Like someone above said you dont need to 4k every game to "win". And do you have any idea how stressful situations like that are for the survivor?
sometimes the exit gates spawn on the same side of the map so the survivor has no chance of escaping unless they have a key, but that situation is rare. Sometimes killers get undeserved 4ks because of their tunnel mori playstyle, but nobody is allowed to complain. The hatch isn't that big of a deal bro. Sometimes the last survivor kinda deserves the chance if their teammates were playing bad, so yeah.
3 -
this turns EGC into a killer tool, which it is not, it is a mechanic meant for making sure games end, you didn't earn that 4th kill so beat them to the hatch and earn it.
5 -
Thats not the point. Killers don't have a get outof jail free card. Hatch is in every game and half the time I'm going to undeservedly lose a kill to it. There is no equivalent to it. Not even moris as it isnt always there and actually needs something done by the killer to activate
0 -
That makes absolutely no sense.
If you're entitled to a 4k then get to the Hatch before the Survivor does. It's that simple. The Hatch has been around since forever, it's not going away. They added the ability to close the Hatch since people kept complaining about Hatch standoffs. If they have a Key, run Franklin's Demise and make them drop it. The Survivors deserve a chance of escape if their teammates are killed, and you're method of starting the EGC when the third Survivor is killed is meaningless since as a Killer you have basically free reign over the Map. You don't need to hide since you're more likely faster than the Survivor and you don't have to worry about being killed. And, unlike the Survivor, if you go to the wrong door you can just go to the other one and keep going back and forth until you find the Survivor or the timer runs out.
3 -
I DID EARN IT I BEAT THE TEAM. the survivors are dead but one gets to escape for free. They don't need to do anything to get the hatch. The team got destroyed but now one little rat gets to say gg ez to me
0 -
no you didn't you earned 3 of them, not 4 of them.
this is definitely just entitled killer theory.
this is like saying the 5th gen should pop because the team already completed 4 of them. lmfao
4 -
That's not the same thing.
1 -
because you're the killer lol. As a killer you have the advantage of speed, you gain more of it for failing chases, and you get perks and killers to track down survivors. Thats why survivors have second chances.
And the hatch isn't a get out of jail free card. Your whole team died for you to get the hatch, the team still lost, you get a lot of bp and pip, one survivor escaping shouldn't be bothering you this badly.
You wanna know why survivors complain about NoeD? (I don't like the perk personally but it's balanced) It's usually killers who are bad that run the perk and they end up getting 4ks because of it, even tho the survivors "deserved" the escape. The counter to this is just to cleanse bones of course, in your case, if you don't know what to do just look for the hatch as you're patrolling so you know where it is when you kill the third guy. I believe 100% the devs aren't going to do anything to hatch, it sucks when it happens but it's not busted.
1 -
1: I'm not running a useless perk only for the survivor to pick it back up
2: if the survivors deserve a free escape when their team is killed then by your logic the killer deserves a free kill when 4 survivors open the gates
3: maps like the game and Hawkins spawn doors at either side of the map making it impossible for the killer to patrol the doors
0 -
To be honest I’ve died doing both when the other’s are dead. Sometimes I escape through the hatch or the gate sometimes I don’t. All I can say is try a little better next time when in in a match 🤷♂️. Sometimes killers succeed in taking me away from opening the gate and I’m ok with dying 👍.
2 -
1: That sounds like a personal problem
2: You are describing Memento Mori's perfectly, since you only need to Hook a Survivor once to kill them
3: That's a lie, because I've done that. it's hard, but possible.
Quit complaining about the Hatch. If you remove the Hatch, remove Mori's since they serve a similar purpose of ending the game quicker.
2 -
1: not really also keys can be found in chests so I'm not bringing a perk incase someone literally finds a free escape for potentially 1-3 players
2: moris are brought by the killer and aren't in every game but they are a problem.
3: the only way you did that is if the survivor wasn't efficient and got on the gate as soon as you left
0 -
Yes, but your ideas are bad and dumb. Starting EGC isn't really much better, just removes one more dynamic from the game, and is still liable to lead to negative behaviors.
1 -
Just slug the last 2 or something
2 -
In what way. Now the survivor has to strategise on how to open the door without the killer killing them rather than.
Oh hey the hatch well f you killer I'm out
0 -
Very fun for both sides
0 -
Is the hatch perfect? Absolutely ######### not. No mechanic is.
Is it necessary? Absolutely ######### yes.
The hatch serves a critical function: it helps prevent individual players from being in a situation where they're mechanically unable to win through no fault of their own (i.e.: it wasn't lack of skill on their part or anything like that that led to the ######### show they found themselves in). If you can design a better system than the hatch that can do this, feel free to apply for a job at BHVR, I'm sure they'd love to get their hands on it. Otherwise, the hatch, flawed as it is, must stay.
3 -
And if we went with your method, the Killer can just waltz up to the door and go "Hey! This has been worked on!" and then camp the rest of the Collapse. Because the Survivor doesn't know where the Gates are when EGC is going on. And if they've worked on opening one Gate, chances are they won't have time to go to the other one, if they know where it is, and open it and escape.
1 -
Can we all just acknowledge that the hatch rewards bad survivors 90% of the time
0 -
This is that vengeful thinking that you need to get rid of. Just because the last guy wanted to be an ######### doesn't mean that the whole survivor community needs to feel your wrath.
I understand that you want a 4k but understand that the survivors' objective is opposite to yours, there job is to escape. Killers have moris and NoeD to give themselvess undeserved kills, but that argument is considered invalid amongst many killer mains. But this post about a survivor getting lucky is deserving of a whole mechanic being removed? Whoever know finds the hatch first is a good spot, whoever found the hatch before it opened is in a better one.
play survivor and see how many matches you escape via hatch, when you're the last survivor, it isn't easy.
3 -
I do and when it comes down to me as the the last survivor I get the hatch 50% of the time and if not the hatch then the door 50% of the time and I might even find a key and that is a 100% free escape
0 -
ok then so it's a 50/50 like it should be. I still dont see why hatch is a problem if you aren't getting an escape everytime.
1 -
no, it rewards the player you haven't killed yet. The kill you haven't earned yet.
8 -
Hatch should be like it is now, except it spawns / is shown from the start of the match. Maybe have it highlight in the same manner as the exit gates, when the end game starts.
Remove keys as a usable item. Make an offering that spawns an extra chest in the basement which contains a key. Maybe a yellow could spawn the chest at endgame, green spawns the chest from the start, red spawns an additional key chest near the hatch.
The requirements for opening the hatch with a key is the same as it is for spawning it now, living survivors +1 in generators repaired.
0 -
Killers will ######### about anything. Y'all won't be happy until survivors have no perks and nothing to help them. Get over it.
1 -
Because losing a kill for no reason is completely fine and I'm just whining. Yet you are the people who cry over nurse spirit doctor and freddy cried when you lost your god loops and when toolboxes were reworked
0 -
The guy did not have to do anything to escape. I had to kill the whole team and now I'm going to 100% kill the last guy but he gets hatch. You don't even need to do any gens to get hatch
0 -
Really? I didn't earn that escape though. My team got beat but since someone has to be the last to die I get to escape. Its not fair on the killer.
0 -
All and even more.
0 -
Even if that’s true you need a counter arguement. “Hatch is fine” is an empty opinion.
0 -
It is a better idea imo than having the hatch in the game. Still gives you a 50/50 chance to escape but only one. Hatch is stupid. I think EGC should have been it’s well deserved replacement rather than a thing on top of it. Also it should start when all gens are done rather than when the gates are open. It’s littearly a pointless never used mechanic when there is more than 1 survivor on the trial.
EDIT: Not to mention they nerfed Remember me to shįt when they introduced this mechanic for no real reason. This change could make it usefull again.
0 -
You are clearly a killer that hardly ever plays as survivor.
It is not even remotely possible to escape through the hatch 50% of the time when you happen to be the last one alive.
You would need to actively be working towards that outcome when there are still 2 survivors left. In other words, find the hatch beforehand and stay near the hatch for when it opens, but still far enough away from both the killer and the other survivor. Then on top of it, you would need to actually place all hope in the fact that the killer actually hooks the other instead of slugging and looking for you, which actually is far worse than the hatch even being present as it prevents EGC, hatch, and exit gates. Finally even if the killer happens to hook the 3rd survivor (and that survivor dies per 3rd hook, because if they happen to struggle becasuse they think you were playing like that on purpose, you can forget about getting the hatch in time) the killer gets about 10 seconds to get to the hatch before it opens, and also gets priority.
What you seem to expect is to get the 4th kill before the 3rd one is even fully sacrificed. Grow up.
1 -
You didn't kill the whole team, one is still alive what aren't you getting? The whole point of the game as a survivor is to survive, if you haven't killed them they are not out of the game yet.
4 -
How do you know that this guy did nothing to escape? Maybe they did 3 Gens on their own? Maybe they were the one guy you were not able to catch (I mean, clearly they were, otherwise they were dead, lol)? Or they were helpful in any other way?
It is not the case that the Survivor who gets the Hatch is always the Urban Evading Claudette.