SWF needs a de-buff, the bigger the SWF the bigger the de-buff.

Needs to be a slight de-buff to swf, a solo would need to run 6+perks to gain the info swf can share so why hasnt a d-buff been added? i dont mind people wanting to play with friends but its kinda boring every killer game having full meta swf with 0 draw backs... im sure most of us do swf at some point even if its duo and the difference is insane.
Never going to happen friend. It's time to let it go. The best you'll ever see if a post game BP bonus, and even that is iffy.
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SWF is not that big of an advantage when you can play against a solo queue optimal team that can demolish you.
SWF doesn't mean the team is good. I've played with many many players (not in a SWF) who played as good as a 4-man swf.
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just seems stupid to me how its even a fair system, its not like im being biased because i do duo swf sometimes and the difference is honestly broken and i would understand a de-buff to say repair speed (small %) just to make up for the info you can communicate, iv never done a 4 man swf but would you even lose as a full team?
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i understand what youre saying but the constant coms will hurt so many killers, like i said i dont wanna take swf away but there needs to be a de-buff. some reason i only seem to verse swf running all meta yet in my solo survivor games no one runs meta, does gens or even lead on a chase and its honestly so damn weird. im not saying a huge de-buff just a little bit to negate all that info they can pass versing certain killers or just all killers in general
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If anything I'd say they need to look at individual perks to "confuse" survivors or throw them off.
For example, a perk like Devour Hope. Let's just say someone in your team saw a "lit totem" while being in a chase, the next thing you are going to hear is "I saw a lit totem by shack!".... someone goes to find it cleanse it. That was a big advantage because they probably wouldn't have known or definitely taken them at least a few seconds to find it.
So why not instead of having just 1 lit totem, have all of them lit? With only one being the actual hex, but the rest are "cursed". Sort of like how Haunted works. This way it forces survivors to cleanse them in the first place but also if there was a swf team they could possibly cleanse the wrong one. That's just an idea.
I think they could do small things like this to buff certain perks without necessarily de-buffing a group.
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You're suggestion of de-buffing or nerfing swf has been suggested multiple times. It will never be implemented.
One good reason I recall having vern given is that it punishes people for wanting to play with their friends. Even if they were to nerf swf the workaround would for the group to lobby dodge in regular que until they are in the same lobby. Which is exactly what survivors did before swf was in the game.
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its a nice idea but that isnt the issue, i dont use hex perks for that reason though. its just if you play a stealth killer and do hit and run they say when you have left them, which direction you go etc. which means you cant do hit and run/pressure as well not to mention killers like trapper, hag where they can just call out every single trap. same as when one is on a hook they know which way the killers going and who should go for the save etc. all these things would take so many perks for a solo to get that experience which is why i say the de-buff should get slightly bigger the more people so 2% for duo, 4% for 3 and 6% for a full team, its not a huge de-buff but its a start, or place perks into categories so a full team cant all run meta second chance perks and can only have 1. for example i only use DS encase i get farmed, i dont use a full meta because well its kinda broken especially since im a strong looper without. i understand that some swf are very casual but alot are very tryhard meta and its not fun, especially on certain killers or maps is all
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devs will literally never touch SWF because they're too busy monetizing the game.
Less and less killers every day, longer and longer wait times for survivors ever day, and they will still never even dare to look at the SWF issue.
They claim just under half of games are SWF, but I'd be really interested to see the stats on SWF percentage for rank 1-10 without the low-rank solo queues diluting the number, because I bet it would tell you a vastly different story.
They don't deserve a nickel of cash as long as they keep letting this crap continue.
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Not gonna happen.
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Or, you buff solo's to a SWF level and then buff the killers accordingly...
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There's no way to buff in ways that mimic the advantages of SWF.
Killers require buffs against SWF because they get advantages that solo survivors cannot have and that killers cannot counter through any traditional means, or SWF themselves need debuffed.
e.g. longer gen times if you're already SWF (especially since the game loves spawning SWF together), make it so survivors can't see when hooked so they can't report killer position and direction to their SWF friends, etc
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There is, I'll list one I can think of on the top of my head, built in kindred.
See, from your standpoint, you want killers to be strong against SWF, which is great! But you neglect the fact that solo's would heavily suffer and be even more unfun to play. The best route is to make solo's as strong as SWF, and buff killers accordingly.
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There is a way to buff them, give them everything swf has. Perk coordination, totem counter, chase indicator, unhook callouts, and a killer LoS indicator are all very feasible and covers pretty much all of swf's advantages. Did I miss anything?
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The point is to buff killers when SWF is present. Not asking for a universal buff, but buffs that happen when SWF is there.
I fully agree that solo's should not be punished for SWF, but especially the higher your rank the more and more SWF you see. The stats on SWF percentage is clearly diluted by all the solo survivors at like rank 14-20.
Devs ignore the SWF issue 100%, because they'd rather milk 4 SWF survivors for cash than keep the killers, but killers are all quitting because their metas keep getting purged and SWF are more of an issue every day. No matter what is suggested, devs are not even prepared to start a dialogue to even attempt to tackle the issue.
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In same scenarios SWF provides huge advantage. Do I need to write down a whole list? Like, I can make a whole thread about advantages SWF teams have.
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See, you're right in this sense, SWF needs to be dealt with. But by doing that, you ruin solo experience. The most healthy option that is unlikely to backfire is to buff solo and buff killers accordingly. But, a balanced game would actually repel a lot of players since it'd become boring and balance changes would be pointless, so without new changes to look forward to, lots of people would move on, so I can see why the devs haven't taken this route.
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How would the game being balanced be boring? Every trial is still a unique experience and there are still plenty of perks and powers to experiment with. If anything, an imbalanced game limits the pleasantness of these aspects and makes the game more boring. I think you somehow misspoke here.
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The game is meant to be killer biased imo, at least in as much as that the average survivor is not meant to be able to escape, rather a minority should. Yet the state of the game is that 2-3 gens be done by the time a killer gets his first hook even if he found someone within 15 seconds and only did a 30s chase, and every time killers come up with a strong meta, it gets nerfed to oblivion. We hook SWF players, they tell their friends who we're walking towards, if we double back, they play ping-pong with us on gens via comms to ensure we can't contest gens, and it's simply no longer fun, the wait times for survivors tells you there's an extreme shortage of killers now, despite the game only growing in size more and more (I think there was 42k online tonight at peak or something)
Solo survivors don't need buffed imo, solo survivors would benefit from anti-griefing mechanics being real instead of just "Oh no you camped a hook, we're gonna hurt your rank a little bit". It's just SWF that needs debuffed to mitigate all their BS
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It's fun when one of my friends goes on his alt thats rank 16 and we get to bully noob killers :)
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And they wonder why half of the killers are just insidious bubba campers now.
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In your opinion you think killers should be stronger? Not a strong argument.
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Unpopular opinion incoming: one less perk/gang member. All in all discord is better than having all the information perks in the game at once, and in addition you have your BS meta loadout of second chance perks that you don’t even need.
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You should be able to camp and tunnel against swf? Why would anyone play swf then?
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2 has borrowed, the other 2 has DS. Use the superior cordination you have and leave the killer confused EZ. Perk makes SFW games handicapped as hell.
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Against SWF? Yes. Absolutely.
Killers simply have nothing to even somewhat balance SWF issues like our position and direction being reported by a hooked survivor, players telling each other when we take them off gens so that gens never decay, or people calling their friends to ensure they are following you whilst they run out in the open so that you are guaranteed to be flashlight stunned when picking them up at the end of a chase.
SWF has ruined the game, and the lack of killers and ever-growing wait times shows you that. Killers wait 10-15s for a game, survivors often wait 3-8 minutes, until some poor rank 14 gets stuck with 4 red-rank SWF
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4 gang members means 4 less perks, no?
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I mean, 1 man alone can’t be a solo SWF lol. It would start counting /extra mates.
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Ever-growing wait times don't show anything. It could mean that survivor is extremely easy to rank up or that matchmaking is extremely busted. One clear problem that is actually proven to be major is the swf matchmaking change. Roughly 50% of all survivors are swf, so roughly 50% of all survivors are being boosted to match with higher ranks. The other three are not proven to be problems and can only be speculated upon, not used as evidence.
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Ah ok. I personally think 2 DS and 2 BT isn't punishing enough, but I've never faced or used it so I wouldn't know.
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Well of course, nothing can ever be indicative of SWF being an issue. Nothing is ever to do with SWF, heaven forbid that they be the issue ever.
Everyone defends SWF, despite the fact killers are telling you all that SWF have been a severe problem for years.
The long wait times are because no one wants to play high rank killer anymore, that I am confident of. There is no fun in knowing you'll go up against SWF, they'll cheat with all kinds of info and comms, and you'll be lucky to get more than a single kill. Killers developed metas to combat SWF, e.g. Hex Ruin to slow them down, Nurse as the competitive red-rank killer, and every single time we get our meta wiped out. But SWF? oh they get to keep abusing Decisive Strike stacking, nothing will ever truly hurt them, and devs are happy to ignore it and keep milking it for cash instead.
I will still hold my argument that if we were to see the stats on how many games are SWF when the average player in the game is rank 1-10, I bet the percentage would skyrocket. The 50/50 figure is diluted by randoms at the bad ranks.
Keep pretending like SWF isn't an issue, I'm sure the constant uptick in middle-rank killers only playing when they moris or if they just camp with bubba will magically stop.
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It seems to me the issue is players refusing to adapt. Don't want to adapt to playing against higher ranks? Survivors won't have to adapt to the use of moris and NOED. Equality is beautiful my friend.
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Killers do adapt. They adapted by going Nurse for high mobility, it was a serious SWF counter as it gave you strong gen control. So it got nerfed because killer metas are unacceptable.
So Killers took to using Hex Ruin so the low-mobility killers had the ability to cover the map. So it got nerfed, because killer metas are unacceptable.
Killers keep adapting and they're giving up because they know if they do adapt it'll be wiped out on principle. That's why a lot of killers are giving up and just only playing killer if they have the BP for their next mori on the bloodweb, or they don't care about rank anymore and so insidious bubba camping is fine.
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Giving up is giving up, no matter what the reason.
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Convenient argument. Not going to bring back the legit killers though.
SWF needs a counter. The fact that the devs will not even begin that discussion is only worsening the killer crisis.
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SWF isn't a problem at all. It's all about hours played. DBD is a game where if you put the time into it you'll learn to play more optimally. There's plenty of SWF squad out there with 300-500 hours that killers can own pretty easily. But there's also solo players with 4,000 hours that will destroy them. SWF is just an excuse that everyone wants to use. The only thing that really matters is how much time they have invested. Same could be said for killers. There isn't that many of them around. But there's 4,000 hour killers out there that will destroy everyone.
Not going to win every game. The faster you accept that the more fun the game will be.
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A skilled solo survivor does not get told for free where a killer is walking after hooking someone, unless someone takes a perk that gives them that info and even then it's a tiny window around the hook that does it.
Skilled killers are much better against SWF sure, but they still have no way to counter the comms.
One of the biggest excuses made for SWF is that because it's not guaranteed that they use comms to cheat, then we can't punish them at all. SWF players continue to gridlock the argument, but killers are just up and quitting now or they're refusing to play properly because they no longer have a reason to in this atmosphere of constant SWF, especially at any reasonable rank.
Eventually killers need help to deal with comms, as it's an out-of-game advantage that we have no in-game way of alleviating. If a solo survivor takes the perk that shows my aura when I'm near hook, then other survivors get to know where I go, but i can counter it by changing direction once I'm so far away from a hook. With SWF? They just tell their friends I changed my route and now someone else pre-emptively runs away with a 40m head-start warning.
Devs need to deal with this eventually.
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How do you buff solo survivors without buffing SWF by mistake and thus rendering killer buffs obsolete. We are already at a point where the first 3 gens get done inside 70 seconds unless you specifically get lucky as Billy or are against genuinely bad players, the queue times for killers is hilariously short atm, whilst survivors queue longer and longer to get a killer at all. The issue is only growing and eventually there will just not be enough killers to sustain the active playerbase.
also if you just toggle off the buffs for SWF, they'll just find each other in random lobbies instead of grouping up on purpose.
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I think you guys over estimate the communication that SWF teams use. I don't even know the names of the maps... Let alone the spots on the map. I know the names of the big building on the maps and killer shack. Have you guys ever played in SWF? At least the people I play with we don't even talk about DBD while we're playing. It's not like they're sitting there... "Killer is at the northwest jungle gym... Expected location 60,30" as if there's some kind of coordinates in the game.
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You'll see when it happens. Updates keep this game alive, in a balanced states, there'd be no big updates. Like all other games, it'd die. I know it sounds weird, but it makes sense when you think about it.
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My original reply to this vanished idk why.
we're not over-estimating. You don't need to know the location names. If you are on the hook and have discord open to tell your friends where the killer goes so they can run and hide pre-emptively, that's cheating we cannot counter. If you were a solo survivor we can counter the info perk by changing direction when we are far away from the hook, but with SWF you could say we changed direction.
If we chase you off a gen, you can tell friends to come save the gen whilst you get chased so you lose no progress after we damage it.
If you're about to lose to the end of a chase, you can tell your flashlight buddy to get ready to stun when you intentionally run into the open so we cannot safely pick you up whilst your SWF friend comes to save you.
SWF breaks the game in ways we cannot counter without dev intervention.
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There will be big updates. Chapters won't stop coming when the game becomes balanced.
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I SWF with players that have very little hours in the game. I win more as a solo player then I do when I SWF...
So we sit here and dwell over the fact that on a rare occasion you get bullied by a squad. It breaks the game... blah blah... it's unfair. But it's probably more fair to say that most of the times SWF gives killer free wins they wouldn't get elsewhere. There's obviously more bad SWF teams then good ones. SWF teams never want to let their friends die so it normally leads in killers getting more kills then they should. SWF players normally don't hide and play with confidence. Which means they stay on a gen till a killer's already right on them. Most of this gives killers advantages instead of disadvantages. I'd almost go as far to say killers have an advantage over SWF players. Not the other way around.
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Debuffs are not the answer. Buffs are. Buff solo survivor to be able to gain information as well as SWFs, then balance the game around SWF play. That means killers get a huge buff across the board.
All the nerfs over the past few years have created a mess. Time to fix the problem with buffs.
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Can flip your own logic on you, you're the exception playing with inexperienced players on purpose, so how is that indicative of the average SWF?
I hover around rank 4-5 as a shape main, playing some wraith and nurse and clown too. I can check steam profiles to see if each person in the lobby is a friend of the others, and I can ask at the end of the game, and most of my games are SWF who are red-rank try-hards who intend to get a free game by communicating as much as possible.
I agree that inexperienced players can give me free games, but this isn't 2016 DBD 1.0, high rank players are not inexperienced. They know what they're doing, they go SWF to guarantee it's much easier though.
are there SWF that don't use mic comms? Yes. That fact does not subtract from the insane issues brought about by those that do use mic comms though, and there is no shortage of those people.
It's also extremely common to see twitch streamers at red-ranks, and you can check their channel since they all desperately plug their twitch as their username, and you can literally just hear them communicating with each other (I've yet to sit and use that to counter their own info, I just see that as confirmation and find a new match since there's no shortage of matches for a killer).
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This has been suggested more times than I can count, but people are thinking about it the wrong way. Nerfing SWF will just kill the game. Instead, we should buff solos by giving them information that SWF already has access to, such as visible teammate loadouts in the lobby, like on Mobile, a totem counter by the gen counter, and chase indicators for all survivors rather than just the obsession.
Edit: I forgot to add that once we have SWF and Solo at a similar level, we can buff the killers to that level.
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Everyone's experiences are different. You can feel how you want to feel. But I've been tired of the QQ SWF arguing for years. It's really pretty just exaggerated. It's become an excuse that all killers use. I play solos 90% of the time and the killer accuses us of being SWF. When we were all solo players. Any time a killer loses at this point it is because of SWF.
When I played killer a lot it felt like I would 4k, 4k, 3k, 3k, and have all these dominating games over and over again. And then finally after 10 games I would run into a bully squad. They'd own me. I might kill 1-2 of them. I didn't perform well they were just too good at looping for me to handle. I accepted it and I moved on.
When you play survivor you deal with worse games a lot more for sure. 1 game you get camped, the next tunneled out of the game, then you face a couple of mori's in a row. Oh there's a game where your teammates didn't do anything all game. Oh ######### in this game the killer had NOED and no totems were done! Mori again. Camped again. Tunneled again.
I'm not bitching about survivor btw. I win plenty of games. I'm just saying you run into lame gameplay more often on the other side.
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Instead of punishing people playing together, how about coding a training ground for killers. So they dont need to cry every day.
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Oh I like it. Just like Fortnite add in AI. So killers can have more easy matches. But it might be a big issue if they face a good squad after all those bot games. Surely they'd have to complain about having to beat real players.
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This is always a strange argument.
Whenever we say SWF are too prevalent, survivors come in and say "but they're not even the majority of the game".
But we say nerf SWF, and suddenly they're enough to kill the game if we even hurt them a little.
Survivors need to make up their hypocritical minds.
Nerf SWF, save the killer community.