Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

SWF needs a de-buff, the bigger the SWF the bigger the de-buff.



  • Member Posts: 2,117

    You disqualify yourself with this nonsense. But i think you already know this.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Actually third party programs or comms, are not what makes a SWF broken, although I do admit it's kind of a cheat. I mean DbD is an horror game experience where everyone rely just in themselves. (that's why a voice chat won't be implemented ever, because that's more of cheating). First everyone is coordinated, so everyone knows what they need to do, even without comms they will manage. It's cheating because a SWF is a team, wich is why solo survivor is hard, you can be chased for 5 minutes but if there is a single gen that needs to get done and no one touches it then you're screwed. In SWF they know exactly what to do, the rescuer will bring borrowed time, a flashlight, the healer of course, healing perks... They're not supposed to know what the other is doing or bringing, because it's a horror game.

  • Member Posts: 583

    That advantage will never go away, no matter how much the devs nerf SWF.

    What needs to happen is that the devs need to give some basic communication tools for Survivors. Something that'll pop up above their health status below to inform the team without being an intrusive mess or giving way too much information away on the map. Simple phrases, like "I'm doing a gen," or "I found a hex totem!" or "Killer near me." And then allow for muting individuals or the entire system entirely if it gets abused by too many people.

    At that point the devs can balance survivors based on the assumption that they use the basic comm tools given.

    But if you're smart, you'll notice that you can already tell when the killer has found a survivor, their status icon will turn from gray to white. So in a sense you've still got a lot of information without any need to communicate a single thing. The game already does a lot for you, it's up to you to use that information and pay attention.

  • Member Posts: 715
    edited May 2020
  • Member Posts: 1,522

    People say that, but it clearly IS an advantage. Whether it's well-utilized or not.

    It'd be like saying that a 5th perk for killers might not be that big of a deal because a good killer could kill you with only 4 perks.

  • Member Posts: 583

    Actually you're right, I've always thought it was universal. Teammates highlight when they are hit, but that doesn't tell you much other than they got hit.

    Honestly it should apply to the entire party, not just the obsession, idk why they designed it like that.

  • Member Posts: 105
  • Member Posts: 153

    Would you give a killer a debuff for facing four solo queue survivors?

    No? Yeah, I didn't think so.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    SWF doesnt screw up game balance so badly like you want it to be. Also SWF wouldnt be the problem, it would be OoO in your case, your just rushing to unreasonable conclusions due to your hatespeech for SWF. Your still hardly overestimating SWF, or just underestimating solos.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited May 2020


    If you suck in SWF, you will suck in solo queues too. That is what I said.

    You can have all the information in the world but you still need to know how to play the game. That’s just a fact.

    Many of the solo queue’d survivors are inexperienced and want to simply hold M1, or don’t know how to make a proper save. That has nothing to do with being in a SWF group. Being in a SWF group doesn’t gain you skill, some advantage at best.

  • Member Posts: 632

    There is no reason to buff solo, as it is too many of red ranks are way too boosted and cant even lead on chases. i mean if they could killers kill rates would be far down but atm the game depends on bad players balancing it out.

    If you as to even try buffing solo to the same stage as a full swf team you`ll end up giving them 6+ extra perks, these perks share information that can make team play sooooo much easier however swf dont need the perks because they have coms.

    the ability to have this information of where the killers going, if he`s dropped chase, hex spots, nearly completed gens, where players are injured, where traps are placed can make going against swf unfun and kinda unfair.

    most people dont want people not to play with friends but instead have it balanced, and honestly if people dont wanna play 4 man swf because of a slight de-buff then its obvious theyre doing it for the advantage instead of playing with friends, the de-buff would simply mean its more challenging, wouldnt affect skill related things like chases but would require more effort due to all the benefits they get being on coms.

    Its not a nerf more of a balance, sure there are casual teams but even then its not hard to hold M1 or even run to unmindgameable pallets etc.

  • Member Posts: 2,238
    edited May 2020

    I think they are saying that the stereotypical "Toxic 4 man optimal SWF" is a small portion of players, but there are a lot of less organized SWFs not even on comms and usually only 2-3 players.

    And I never said that SWF isn't prevalent in the first place. Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Giving a debuff to SWF will never work. You can't tell if they're an optimal team or just friends on steam trying to have fun. It's already bad enough that new players who want to play with a red-rank friend is matched up with red rank killers (or at least, that's how the devs would have it work if matchmaking worked in the first place). One of the main draws to this game is SWF, and they're not going to do anything to drive away new players.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Long wait times are because of the SWF changes that killers wanted implemented. In low ranks, killer queue times are worse than survivor ones, while it is the opposite in red ranks. Does that mean there's a lack of survivors in low ranks? No. It's because the highest member of the group can pull lower ranked survivors into higher ranked games, drying out the pool of survivors in lower ranks, while leaving too many in red ranks.

    It's the matchmaking. Not killers leaving.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited May 2020

    I like how your arguments are listing the most extreme situations of SWF, in which the group is a SWAT team. But sure, lets just forget that they're extremely rare.

    I guess killer is broken too because you can be a tunneling, ebony Nurse too, right?

    Does a 3 or 4 man SWF tilt the balance in the survivors favour? Yes. Does it tilt it as drastically as you make it sound? No. Fact of the matter is, if you're a good killer, you will still probably get 2 kills against a really coordinated, skilled squad.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    swf helps killers because it matches low rank survivors with high rank killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited May 2020

    Nurse got nerfed to hell? Lmao

    Any good Nurse player, good being the key word, will tell you that she's still the best killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 632

    Survivor = easy mode

    SWF = Super easy mode

    Survivor isnt hard to play, i mean the amount of rank 1/2`s i see that cant even lead a chase, get scared of terror radius and hardly even touch gens is stupid, and as soon as people actually have some sense of loops and the others do gens its not really a contest. i suppose its always silly to suggest a balance to swf because lets be honest theyre usually the ones who would be the most toxic and hateful, i dont see how anyone can say swf doesnt give X amount of advantages... hell swf gets 6 extra perks due to coms easy but as soon as you mention a slight de-buff to balance all that com info and perk synergies etc. you get called bad. this game atm rests on there being weak survivors within matches for balance so when there isnt the game isnt balanced, by no means am i the best survivor but if i had 4 people my skill level i dont think id lose many games at all, oh thats not including running a bunch of second chance perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    No one said "barely anyone uses it" what people say is that most swfs are just friends playing together not "sweat with friends". If swf is nerfed alot of the people who just play with there friends would quit

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    It would actually be the other way around the tryhards will still be able to play, but the ones playing with friends would just play another game since it'll be too hard

    Imo best way to fix swf is buffing solo to swf level by giving map wide bond basekit and other buffs like that then buffing killers to be able to handle that

  • Member Posts: 253

    Im right there with you but many people (not saying sides or mains) think that it would just make playing surrvivors even more easy to play but personaly i dont think they read the second half of it. You buff solo q to swf level AND then you buff killers to be balanced around them. Like basekit kindred would only affect the people who like to face camp. So in conclusion i agree with you.

  • Member Posts: 632

    so i guess we shouldnt balance the game and allow broken swf to ruin it for killers and result in less killers, anyone that quits a game because of a balance isnt really that into the game and afterall those people that say the game would be too hard are likely those people that still need to learn more in the game, im not being mean to those people but theyre often red ranks but still lack some loop knowledge etc. so atm theyre playing within ranks they shouldnt actually be, thats not me being mean thats just fact and i see alot of people get upset if you even mention they probably shouldnt be that rank... overall swf provides so many benefits with 0 negatives, while some swf are casual and thats fine people dont wanna stop swf but they want to stop swf being too strong within certain hands afterall thats where you see those toxic survivors that will try to bully every killer they can in their swf group using all meta perks. so a simple 2 fixes, de-buff to repair speeds etc. this increase the bigger the swf, not going to be massive but it gives the killer a few extra seconds or balance the perks so each survivor cant use only meta perks breaking the game. DS, BT and unbreakable, DS means you cant rehook that person for 60seconds so okay fine youll probably have to slug to cause pressure but they have BT anyway, lets say you leave them and run into them again slightly later and can slug them, cant pick them up due to DS but they get up due to unbreakable, the whole team in the meanwhile know these perks, they dont need to leave a gen to get them up, the hooked person can use BT to protect the unhooker, DS means you cant punish people not healing or doing unsafe things because they will stun you and waste more time. ONCE again the game should be balanced, ranking is too easy atm and the game relies on bad player to balance it, i think its a complete fair ask to balance swf and they info they share over coms

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2020

    Okay but here's the thing, imagine getting 4 good solo queue survivors that are just as good as a 4 stack of SWF and they're using 6+ perks. You're hurting yourself with that argument. SWF doesn't need a nerf. I play a Duo with a friend of mine everyday and we never, and I mean never play the game seriously, we mess around the whole entire time and we hardly ever try to win. That goes for almost all of SWF. If you've ever played SWF yourself, i'm sure you and your friends take the game seriously.

  • Member Posts: 539

    I agree with the SWF nerf. The SWF are at to much of an advantage. I don't play this game much now because of how hard it's going up against the SWF groups.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Umm did you even read my comment? I said buff solo to swf level then buff killer. Did you quote the wrong person?

  • Member Posts: 632

    buffing solo to the same level means giving then x amount of existing perks, this means a bunch of perks will need a complete change and not a slight buff, i understand what youre saying but buffing solo`s will only mean more reworks of perks, perks removed and also swf are still likely to benefit over the solo players, i also dont feel killers need buffs, like okay some need some add-on adjustments as it is but none are terrible and all have strengths and most of the time killers are only made so much weaker by swf, whether thats duo, triple or a 4man. itd also be easier just to add a de-buff. i do get where you was coming from and its a nice idea but thats a hell lot of changes for perks, killers and even survivors as their teachable will change or just a simple de-buff to healing/repairing for a swf. 2,4,6% d-buff thats just above one person injured with a killer using thana which really isnt alot at all, do you think duo will notice that 2%? its more for the higher number of swf and its not a major de-buff, i think when people hear de-buff they get scared, im not unreasonable... i just want balance especially considering i play more survivor anyway

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    A 6% debuff is actually A decent idea. i was excepting you to want like a 20% debuff.

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