[Suggestion] Improving Matchmaking through a character, clothing, gear, perk, addons, etc....

The threads full title: [Suggestion] Improving Matchmaking through a character, clothing, gear, perk, addons and survivor/killer rating severity system.

I feel that currently when being matchmaked there a lot of factors that really should be taken into account, and the imbalance can certainly be experienced when playing, sometimes for one's benefit and sometimes for one's detriment. You've probably already experienced being matchmaked with a killer with the best perk combinations while you might just have had your first games or maybe this was your first game as a survivor, where you just got slaughtered, because you really didn't stand much of a chance. The same could also apply to a new killer facing 4 survivors with some or all of the best perk combinations without much experience or only having one or two perks, or maybe even both, where you couldn't really do much because they just kept escaping. What makes matters worse is that a lot of factors isn't being taken into account but really should be.


Currently anything owned can be equipped with no regard to balance what so ever, meaning it can create some gameplay that can be unintended that is quite unbalanced - which in other words mean that it directly impacts gameplay and therefor also gamebalance that can have a detrimental effect to killer or survivor but has no balancing aspect to it. Characters and clothing are intended to serve purely for theme and cosmetics, but each of these characters has some inherited benefits because of how they look which also applies to clothing. Given the nature of the game, the scene being dark, hazy, a lot game elements that obscure vision, which means a player's survival can either be tremendously increased or decreased from just these two aspects of the survivor - character and clothing. This will either increase or decrease the chances of survival for the player by some degree, because the killer will either have difficulties spotting the survivor or find it easier. This translates into a base concealment and the better concealment it offers the higher survivor or killer rating the player will get when playing that particular character with the equipped clothing. Characters should have various base stats pertaining various skill groups and other base mechanics depending on what type of character they are.

The current meta (not as in the most effective tactic available) is seeing a lot of dark colored characters (Claudette) with dark clothing (black t-shirt), which makes her very difficult to spot which increases her chances of survival tremendously, but with no regard to drawbacks. This is quite unreasonable in my opinion, however the same should also apply to the killer and it's clothing. When suddenly various perks are thrown into the mix it makes it even more complicated in terms of balance, especially because powerful unique teachables can be equipped in any combination without any regard to gamebalance. This basically means you can equip the most powerful top tiered unique teachable perks, along with the character and clothing choice that makes that particular survivor quite imbalanced in regard to the killer. So obviously, perks should also affect the total survivor and killer rating, so there at least is some measure of balance to it, because then suddenly its not without consequence when you select all the best. Also in my opinion I find the unique teachables to be detrimental to the game's balance.

A word of warning, this is a long post, so if you're type who don't want to read long and detailed posts with a lot thought and effort put into it, then you may want to skip this one. But let me ask you this, do you think it's completely fair that certain characters can give the player an unfair gameplay advantage alone from playing a character that gives this, where it's not the perks or skills, but just because of how the character looks and blends with the environment? If you disagree then this post may be for you after all, as would benefit to support the suggestion. Even if you think it is fair I can tell, you it can make a very, very big diffence. I have had a lot of matches where alone the fact that the character blended so well, that the killer kept walking past me and eventually I escaped. So yes, there certainly is a need for this type balance.

Characters, Clothing, Survivor & Killer Rating

As explained in the introduction the characters and clothing play a big part in the game balance, so its quite obvious that the characters & clothing need something that defines exatly how they affect gameplay, which is where stats come into the picture, which I will cover in more detail below. However, I will briefly touch on the concealment stat as it ties into character and clothing. The final output of the concealment stat will be affected by brightness or darkness of clothing and skin color and actual skill number, which lowers or raises survivor rating depending on the final output. Also clothing could potentially modify various stats, which also should affect the piece of clothing's actual impact rating (gamebalance). The survivor rating and Killer rating have now been mentioned quite a few times and deserves a brief explanation, however a more detail explanation will follow. This rating is basically to help create better and more balanced matchmaking, which is completely aside from actual pvp rank, but of course also will affect matchmaking.

Character Stats, Perks & Addons

So as mentioned in the introduction and the section above characters need to have some stats, these are fundamental stats and skill stats & skill benefits - the benefits are inherited in some way.

The character's base basic & skill stats, actual stats and current rating should always be visible to the player, so that the player knows what kind of effect he or she can have on the gameplay, but certainly also so the player knows what role he or she will serve best as in the group. Perks also affect gamebalance and as such it should also affect the survivor or killer rating. The same applies to any addon equipped.

Fundamental Stats..

These are the most fundamental stats to every survivor character. These are the same for each survivor character and are modifiable by perks, gear, clothing and potential others. Killer will have more or less the same stat types, although some will affect differently, I will add this at a later point as there is more than enough to consider.

  • HP - Base amount of health.
  • Speed - Base movement speed
  • Strength - Affects wiggle efficiency and stun duration from physical confrontation.
  • Perception - Controls sight range and detail range.
  • Endurance - Controls Maximum Energy & Fatigue.
  • Willpower - Suppresses Detrimental Vocal Character Sounds & Reduces Terror Effects
  • Luck - Affects rarity of items found in the level and affects luck margins.

Skill Stats & Skill Benefits...

These skills & skill benefits are what really sets the characters apart because each survivor will have a different skill preset from the other survivors, and this is what will make each member truly an important member of the survivor group. How the character has obtained the skill or benefits to the skills could come from a variety of sources, professional training, talents, inherited traits, hobbies, etc. These skills individually affect different gameplay mechanics and therefor will affect the survivor character different, which means that some characters will affect survivor rating with a higher, lower or more neutral rating, depending on how much the character can affect the gameplay mechanics. Each of these can be modified by clothing, perks and other various gear. The various character's skills & benefits to skills can easily be determined by looking at their unique perks. To note here, most perks emphasizes on specific skills or/and one basic stat which means that both their basic and skill stats will be affected, however some perks don't exactly follow this trend.

  • Empathy - Controls the strenth and range of auras can be seen.
  • Balance - Determines stagger duration & speed reduction from long falls.
  • Botany - Determines stopping bleeding & healing efficiency.
  • Concealment - Is mostly determined by the brightness/darkness of skin pigmentation - This affects severity & impact rating on gameplay and gamemechanics.
  • Leadership - Affects the strength and radius of auras.
  • Medical - Determines base healing output - speed and efficiency.
  • Running - Directly affects speed.
  • Sabotaging - Directly affects sabotaging output - speed and efficiency.
  • Sneaking - Reduces amount of noise when running and crouching.
  • Tech - Directly affects repair output - speed and efficiency.

Perks & Addons...

The above sections should by now have given a clear indication what this section will be about, you probably already guessed it. If you guessed the perks & addons modifies the survivor/killer rating then you guessed correctly. Some will increase the rating more than others, but no one will decrease it unless it has a detrimental effect on the character's ability to perform somehow. The actual perk/addon rating output should be determined mostly by its tier, rarity, power and versatility - in other words how much it can impact gameplay & gamebalance. The final number should have taken every aspect of the perk or addon in consideration. However, some combinations are considered more powerful than others and will therefor also additionally affect the final output of all the perks and addons.

Survivor & Killer Rating...

To avoid confusion, when I'm talking about survivor and killer rating, I'm not refering to actual pvp rank with the character types, but the actual severity / impact rating the characters will have on gameplay and gamebalance.

As mentioned before, this is basically to better balance matchmaking and is completely aside actual pvp rank. This part of matchmaking is directly affected by the final survivor or killer rating, which in other words mean that they will be matched up based on what they have selected. This is specifically so that players will be better matched up with people based on how much they can impact gamemechanics and gamebalance. One of the problems matchmaking has now is that it doesn't take level into account, but is solely based on pvp rank with the character. With this, character level will actually affect the matchmaking a whole lot more, because lower level characters won't have as much unlocked and thus won't be able to equip as much and which directly will mean that they have a much lower rating. The survivor / killer impact rating can be also be combined with the actual pvp rank where one them should act as a multiplier, to create the final value used in the matchmaking.

An Example of the improved matchmaking system

Here is the order in which players would be matchmaked when not combining them:

  1. Killer / Survivors are first pooled into the first queue based on severity rating.
  2. Killer / Survivors are then pooled from that queue into the final queue based on rank.
  3. Killer / Survirvors are then from this pool matchmaked.
  4. If too few players within the severity rating / player ranks then it will be expanded slightly.

Note: If using the combined value then 1 and 2 can be skipped, to speed up the matchmaking process.

This will take a lot of things into account and will make it a more even playing field for all, and would in my opinion also improve gameplay experience as people wouldn't just go for whatever gives the best concealment while taking the best perks as this now would have a significant drawback - high severity rating which equals getting matched against killers or survivors who have the best as well or have similar potential to affect the gamebalance somewhat equally.

Some Final Notes
I feel the above is a logical step to better and more balanced matchmaking and certainly will be a great addition to the game.

The actual numbers for the various items is subject for debate, but is solely up to the developers to decide.

If you have something constructive or beneficial to add, please feel free to comment.

If you don't have anything constructive to say, then please keep it to yourself.


  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Reeee matchmaking is fine how it is please let me bully killers that are 19 ranks higher than me reeeeee.

    good post btw 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Another thing. Playing Claudette does have a drawback. You can see her hair floating through the fog across the map XD
  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677
    edited August 2018

    @xxaggieboyxx said:
    Another thing. Playing Claudette does have a drawback. You can see her hair floating through the fog across the map XD

    I haven't seen that before though, but I'm pretty sure if that's occuring that it's not intentional. It's a different batter if it's the brightest moolight and thin fog, but then most are easier to see anyways.

    I find it odd that they haven't considered those things I've mentioned to be important for gamebalance in regards to matchmaking, especially when considering that they themselves have admitted on a devstream that addons, equipment and perks affect gameplay balance hugely. Considering that they have admitted this, then they should know when they look at the design of the game that there are serious areas they need to improve on with respects to gamebalance, and considering they haven't done that in my opinion says something about how much they don't really care enough for gamebalance, because otherwise they would've done something to fix it already. I know the perk amount and perk tier differences between opposing players have been brought up and discussed before, and devstream#59 was a long time ago, at least a year ago.

    If they want this game to make it to the e-sports arena, then then they really need to focus a lot more these kinds of things, remove alot of RNG elements that are bad for gameplay balance and make it a lot more skill based.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    @Incarnate yeah the hair mostly noticeable on backwater swamp because of all the fog.

    as cool as all of this sounds its the sad truth that none of this would ever happen. the devs simply dont care enough or they dont have the funds to do something this huge. even if they did, matchmaking would take longer and then people would complain about that. i would be happy if they at least made your loadout(perks items and add ons) lock in before you found a match then took that into matchmaking. although i dont doubt claudette is invisible sometimes i see claudettes in corners all the time. but of course i dont know how many times i missed them because well, they dont tell me i missed them. i dont play claudette so i wouldnt know first hand how good the clothing is.

    the perks and items for matchmaking seems in the realm of possibility but still unlikely. would be cool, make things more fair

    but cosmetics? would never happen. even if they had the money it would probably never happen

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @xxaggieboyxx said:
    @Incarnate yeah the hair mostly noticeable on backwater swamp because of all the fog.

    as cool as all of this sounds its the sad truth that none of this would ever happen. the devs simply dont care enough or they dont have the funds to do something this huge. even if they did, matchmaking would take longer and then people would complain about that. i would be happy if they at least made your loadout(perks items and add ons) lock in before you found a match then took that into matchmaking. although i dont doubt claudette is invisible sometimes i see claudettes in corners all the time. but of course i dont know how many times i missed them because well, they dont tell me i missed them. i dont play claudette so i wouldnt know first hand how good the clothing is.

    the perks and items for matchmaking seems in the realm of possibility but still unlikely. would be cool, make things more fair

    but cosmetics? would never happen. even if they had the money it would probably never happen

    Interestingly enough though, its seen with smaller indie studios with even smaller budgets to make even more elaborate things than what I suggested, and even better.

    In regards to Claudette, I'd wager that you've probably missed her many more times than you give her credit for, including others who've been in darker clothes. Dark clothing is a great advantage, and combine it with dark moonlight, thick fog or just very dark shadows, then you can become almost invisible. One of the only things that would would be a dead give away to your location is if you suddenly became highlighted. Honestly, clothing should affect matchmaking.

    I don't think matchmaking necessarily would have to take that much longer, because as I did write, they could have all the various values be combined into one rating, where this rating would be the one used when matchmaking, and they could even do it for SWF, so that if a group of SWF players each had the highest possible rating, they'd at least be from a system and balance perspective be attempted to matchmaked against a killer of a combined rating to match. Honestly I think they could do this more easily than you think, instead of pumping out dlc's.

    I think they should the very least have perks, items and clothing affect matchmaking. The sad part is, even if they could afford it, they wouldn't do it, simply because they don't care enough of about game balance, because they have admitted on a devstream that addons, perks, equipment and their respective amounts and tiers affect game balance hugely, and this was well over a year ago, so considering they've acknowledged that it's something that affect the game balance hugely and they haven't done anything about it, just shows they don't care enough about it to fix it. Because if they did care but just didn't know how, they could easily have looked to the community's suggestions - like this one - yes this one have been posted before, along with others that put emphasis on fixing gamebalance and matchmaking, they could also easily have made the community draft up suggestions on how to fix it, and from those maybe even create something better. So I think it's fair to say, that if they cared enough, they would've fixed it by now.

  • Carnival_C_
    Carnival_C_ Member Posts: 9

    Killer's balance is not good.
    Bloodlust should be further strengthened, we can not understand weakening.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677
    edited August 2018

    @Carnival_C_ said:
    Killer's balance is not good.
    Bloodlust should be further strengthened, we can not understand weakening.

    There are a lot of things aren't good balancewise, RNG being one of them. I do think they they should improve a lot of the core mechanics, bloodlust in my opinion is just a bandaid solution because they don't know how to deal with looping meta. Honestly, I don't think they know how to deal with all of those issues.

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2018
    I have to give this a read but from the title alone yes. I’m sick of my level 4 single perk survivors getting matched with tier three stacked killers from getting 4 to level 10-13 for the trophies but no strong main to share perks
  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018

    @kone19 said:
    I have to give this a read but from the title alone yes. I’m sick of my level 4 single perk survivors getting matched with tier three stacked killers from getting 4 to level 10-13 for the trophies but no strong main to share perks

    You definitely should! I will look forward to your input and feedback.