Killers Can't Complain About Anything on The Survivor Side Now.
Lithe OP?
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Don't tell me you've forgotten about the Lithe abusers?! otzBad
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It's not about the killer downing after using Dead Hard, It's in the sense it's bugged out so you get exhausted on the floor. Yeah it's a good loop extender, but some cases you need to use it out in the open. BT doesn't give anyone 2-3 minutes extra game time, i'm sorry but in what universe is that even possible..."You should probably learn to play the game before you comment on issues" says the person who thinks BT will buy someone 2-3 minutes extra in the's funny how brain dead people are in these forums who can't take anyone elses opinions and instead chalk it down to them apparently not knowing how to play the game.
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To be fair, Lithe can catch you off guard.
Though I wouldnt say it's abusable
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1: Some maps (even changed ones) still have infinites on them if RNG is cruel like that.
2: The gen nerf is a complete and utter joke, it's not even a point.
3: When survivors still have 800 second chance perks like DS, Adrenalin, every exhaustion perk, Unbreakable, and many more killers have every right too complain about it. The only second chance perk the killers have is NOED.
4: Even if the game was 100% balanced people can still complain about whatever they want. The amount of people screaming that "X killer is OP, NERF THEM" or "DS is completely UP and needs buffs!" is ridiculous. The forums are here for everyone too speak their mind no matter how backwards it is. If you don't like the post then don't comment on it, but people have every right too complain/say what they want (as long as it regards too DBD.)
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why are you doing 50%x4?
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LOL another moron not reading properly. No one is mad they took away god loops. I'm saying Killers really should not be complaining for survivor nerfs after getting such a large buff...Killers still struggling after these map changes need to look at themselves before following the crowd of complaining about "OP Survivor Perks"
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I was just ######### around. "Lithe abusers" is a running joke from Otzdarva's chat.
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And you think they're too strong perks?
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It doesn't make sense for a Killer to have second chance perks...what else could you possibly want to catch survivors? Oh you missed a window vault hit but never mind here is a 150% haste effect to catch back up to a survivor?
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You literally ignored all of my points just too cherry pick something I didn't even say lol.
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Well, considering that "bug" has been there forever, yes it's a buff for survivor. Just like fixing oni flick was a nerf.
Killer is supposed to be able to hit through the window. Now its basically impossible once they've started the animation. You basically have to be ending the swing right as they're starting the animation to get the hit.
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Stridor affects all 4 survivors :o
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so why say "The only second chance perk killers have is Noed" Like it's a bad thing....?
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I'm saying survivors definitely have a meta they rarely deviate from at higher ranks, so complaining about killer's meta perks isn't exactly fair.
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Another person thinking i'm complaining about Killer's meta perks when that's not what the post is about.
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you hear each one 50% louder so you times that by 4? to make 200% so your saying i hear them 200% louder? what happens if i kill a dude or someone has iron will?
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But it is part of your argument that killers "can't complain about anything on the survivor side now", isn't it?
Quote: "So with killers running these perks it takes forever to heal up and even do gens."
If these weren't both part of your argument that killers can't complain anymore, why even include it?
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Because i was explaining why Killers shouldn't be complaining with how much easier it is now when running that type of build...I didn't say anything about their perks being bad or in turn asking for survivor buffs/killer nerfs.
I'm baffled to see how Killers are still complaining when survivors have had gens speeds nerfed, maps made smaller, loops and pallets adjusted and soon getting more breakable is way towards the killer now the way it should be so Killers shouldn't be asking for more survivor nerfs. Crazy.
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Pallets are the same amount and to be honest, I find it easier to loop killers when I play survivor now. Strong tiles are closer together on some maps so it's literally just one big circle.
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Well infinite loops were a serious issue. Some maps had loops that didn't require too much to use properly, that killer's couldn't do much against. I see that as less of a nerf to survivors and more of a quality of life/game health fix. Survivors can still make excellent use of structures like the shack and jungle gyms, and that's a good thing. Unlike the infinites that were fixed, those require higher amounts of skill and game knowledge to use properly.
People will always find something to complain about because it's a live service. There's a lot of moving parts, and with every update, those moving parts can be changed completely. A game with as much content as this will be nearly impossible to completely balance, and as such, there will always be something to complain about.
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Never you say. Are you v sure about that!
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a survivor bug fix isnt a killer nerf lmfao. killers were granted way too many hits they didnt deserve with buggy vaults :clown:
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I'm actually fine with bein bled until DS runs out, I'm actually talkin about bein bled to death (BLED OUT) even half the games I'm in solo and bein last alive, I'm left to bleed right out, the toxicity is gettin worse with most of u killer mains
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Are we going to ignore that Noob3 runs (and has been running) perks that help with things like vaulting?
Also, he only played against Clown, Huntress, Demo - All who rely on distance for their powers rather than being up the survivor’s crack.
the one killer that didn’t, dc’d.
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It depends, if you're already outside of the window walking, you shouldn't be getting hit unless it's Huntress or Deathslinger. If you get hit after you vaulted the window and you're already standing up on the other side, then that's not right and for that reason vaults are very unsafe most of the time.
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If it improved survival odds, is absolutely a nerf. There's nothing about vaults in the patch notes, so the new vaulting could be a bug.
Yeah, if you've taken steps, then you should be hit, but I'm missing people that are still in the vault animation.
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Today I have faced 4 survivors with flashlights that blind me in less than a second. Couldn't do anything. After the match the only tip I got was "you have to accept the flashlight existence".
I came to the forum, read the post title, laugh and qeue as survivor to have some relaxing games looping big boys.
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so youre absolutely willing to to say that a de-synched, laggy vault that was fixed is a nerf...? lmao the silliest mindset iv ever heard and you should get better at the game.
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I posted this in another thread, it applies here too:
One survivor can do all 5 gens in 400 secs. That's 6.6 minutes. So lets say 7 and a half minutes for time to run in between gens (450 secs). The time only goes down from there as 2 survivors working on gens cuts that time in half.
The killer by contrast has to get 12 hooks, thats 24 stabs assuming nobody heals. That means the killer has to stab someone every 19 seconds, and that time includes having to hook and find the next stab.
This is mathmatically impossible for the killer to get a 4k unless the survivors do something very stupid. The reason billy and nuse do so well is because theyre able to end chases very very quicly when a good killer uses them and their average stab rate is probably well below that 19 secs. Freddy only does so well cause hes able to teleport across the map and his stab rate is slightly lower than 19 between the snares and the teleporting.
So yes, unless youre running a really good killer character, this game is absolutely survivor sided still.
That doesnt mean they should balance around killers getting a 4k every game because that would be stupid, but increasing that 19 to something closer to 25 or 30 would be more fair.
Thats why ruin worked so well. It increased that 450 secs, and its why playing killer is so much more stressful. Youre under a serious time crunch
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I wouldn't say survivor is THAT much harder to play now. I haven't noticed much of a difference, it's the same old. Honestly most of the map changes barely feel any different than before which is a good and bad thing. Autohaven without a doubt got worse which sucked because wrecker's yard and gas haven were actually balanced, but then you have azarovs that was already killer sided get even worse dead zones. Ormond and cowshed are still just as broken as ever. I dunno, in my opinion it's still the map RNG and the early game that's the biggest factor, not the survivors themselves.
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I wish i could see what people like you could see....
When i did a vault pre vault BUFF it just looked like i jumped through the window and landed on the other side. Now when i jump through a window it flings me forward 3 steps so there is a gap and the window becomes a safe zone.
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You do realise the fixed a bug that sucked you back to the window? So Ofcourse your gonna go further when you vault now since you keep you keep your momentum and dont get sucked back
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a "bug" that has been in the game since its creation.. yeah totally a "bug"
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This is bhvr were talking about. Im sure you know how amazing the devs are at fixing bugs.
Do you really think the devs would intentionally make you get sucked back when you vault?
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Windows got fixed a couple weeks ago, but pallets are still bad.
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Your right, because now killers only 4k 70% of the time and that is unacceptable. Until killers can 4k every single match the game will continue to favor survivors who just want to play too, but who cares.
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Did it massively improve your chances of surviving in a chase? Does it require completely relearning distances while chasing? Is the killer now at a disadvantage? Does it make these new long walls with a window in the middle extremely powerful?
It's not about being good at the game, with the new windows and the fixed vaults, you only have two options, abandon chase, or bloodlust, which means that the maps need even more work, because they're just as strong as the infinites if not stronger.
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The majority of killers had above average kill ratings before the most recent sweeping changes. So no, this game is not survivor sided.
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This, and the way survivors can still abuse braindead perks like BT and DS still bothers me. Not to mention Balancing BT messes with TWO killer powers (Legion and Deathslinger). And Keys destroy any kind of killer power in a match. A killer is doing well and killed two of us? Lets use a key and both escape! See how frustrating that is?
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so you seen 4 survivors with flashlights before the game and you don't think to run Lightborn or Franklins...kinda asked for that.
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I mean you can sit and do math about it all you like, it doesn't apply to every games scenario.
Generators are the biggest problem in the game, simple fact on both sides...boring dumb mechanic that separates players in the game. It would be better to have everyone working together to solve stuff to escape whilst running around the map trying to avoid the killer etc...but they said they would never change the core of the game which is sad really because imagine this game without the dull basic mechanic of Generators and instead survivors had to find items hidden around the map and join them together or whatever before they leave. I don't believe this would cause it to be linear as the devs have said they don't want people to be learning the easy escape strats...when reality is that is what is already happening with gen spawns etc...
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"Abuse Braindead Perks" Both of these perks pretty much rely on the Killers style of play to even work..."Keys destroy any Killers power in a match" sounds like you're getting mad people are hatching out of the game before your NOED get's activated. I'm not even going to compare a Key to a Mori because that makes literally no sense, people should see Keys as a counter to NOED more than anything...Mori's are drastically unbalanced and while they're fun, no one should be taken out of the game within 2 minutes of loading into it.
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I see killer mains of 2020 have adopted the same mindset of survivor mains in 2018. Bunch of entitled dunderheads we've all become evidently
Oh give me a break bro. How about YOU go do the same? A playerbase that becomes so blind and deaf to the otherside of the game is a playerbase that has lost its rocker. People need to quit it with the "tribalism" and quit this absolutism
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4 minute matches.... yeah, still a thing
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Its not about game scenario, its about what is possible. And right now because of that 19 secs, the only way the killer wins is if the survivors make mistakes. Luckily they do, a lot, but when they dont you get those games that felt impossible to win. Cause they were
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The more you nerf and disregard the need for QOL buffs for solo survivors, the more you nerf items and perks that give survivors a more forgiving experience. THE HARDER you will make them push through generators because of it
There's very little room for error on survivor's part thus the quicker they need to do generators to increase their chances of winning
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So so much yes.
Pressure 7 gens and 4 separate players as one human being is nuts. Fight against 12 perks and 4 tools and boxes of tools around the map with a killer loadout of 4 perks and 1/6 of them (hexs) can be disabled by survivors
Remember as killer when you run for 10 seconds you cover 4.4mps seconds of ground in the map 44m
Surviors all run during those same 10 seconds 160M of map covered
You over estimated and forgot all the extra steps killers need in a find-chase-hook-down-carry-hook...
if you match hooks(killer obj) and
Gens+gate(survior obj) 420sec
U have a find-chase-hook-down-carry-hook in 35 seconds flat that needs to happen mistake less 12 perfect times all
while being at a 1/4th the map coverage of survivors and having a limited FOV giving you reduced information and awareness the entire time
I can't believe people can say the game isnt Survior sided... if survivors don't play horribly there's no way they can die.
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I can't believe people can say the game isnt Survior sided... if survivors don't play horribly there's no way they can die.
I can't believe people can say the game isnt killer sided... if killers don't play horribly there's no way they can lose.
(The fact there are people that are going to be angry because I switched survivors to killers while being happy at the original version annoys me)
This freaking playerbase, the fact that such statements exist boggles my mind. Do any of you even play this game?
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In a community like this where both sides can be toxic to one another and eventually close off both sides purely as a form of tribalism to protect their own self esteem and interests? Yes, those people do play the game. Just half of it.