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General Discussions

Killers Can't Complain About Anything on The Survivor Side Now.



  • Member Posts: 704
    edited May 2020

    even before these changes were made, gens were getting done way too fast.

    Besides, the other stuff needed changing as well. After gen rushing is taking care of by introducing some sort of slowdown mechanic, the game will be fine. -- well, good enough anyway

  • Member Posts: 257

    It’s hilarious watch all these mains squabble like ######### ######### while I’m just a neutral eating my popcorn thinking you should play the other side

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    These nerfs have done nothing but exacerbate the issues in the game. BHVR has forced survivors to do nothing but generators for the best chance of escaping. Time wasted by searching boxes, looking for totems, and chasing can lose a match for them

    The only thing the nerfs have done is incentivize and only incentivize doing gens. The past half year's worth of balancing has been a utter disaster

  • Member Posts: 580

    I think if all survivors and the killer were on the same level of skill, the match would be skewed towards the survivors favour.

    But in the majority of games this is not the case. Nearly every group of survivors has one or two "potatoes". This is what skews the match in the killers favour and why they would get the win.

    The most effective killer in the game are bad survivors and the red ranks are filled with them. But the rare case you do play against a group of survivors where not one is get destroyed.

    So I kinda agree with you that maybe enough is enough with the survivor nerfs but only because of how many bad survivors there are in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I wholeheartedly disagree that the past half a year of balancing has been a disaster, quite the opposite actually.

    I am someone who plays 50/50, though I do sometimes prefer to play Survivor for the chases, and the balance has been relatively better than what it was ages ago. To deny that is just being willfully ignorant of the attempts the devs have made to create a more balanced game (which they have)

    It's not as balanced as it should be right now, purely because the maps themselves present a real issue, but it is far better to play DBD right now than it was 1-2 years ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,379
    edited May 2020

    The meta has become even more strict and forced for survivors then I've ever seen. For every good change like the Balanced Landing nerf there have been even more that have homogenized the survivor meta to the point I'm surprised anyone that players survivor has fun anymore with all the repetition

    The lack of build diversity and off-meta groups have shrunk so hard that I see more No Mither memers then I do off-meta builds these days

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Oh I do agree that the meta is strict, but they are the meta for a reason.

    Especially when you get more competitive, you begin to feel like the meta is necessary because both sides want to bring the best.

    And what's wrong about that? You will still see people with meme builds, but if you want to win you have to use the perks that are arguably the best of the best. Would I love to see Killers that use anything other than NOED? Of course. But do I care if they use NOED all the time? I don't.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Having tile logic spawn changes will sometimes remove pallets that would spawn there, that's how tile spawn logic WORKS

  • Member Posts: 120

    look, as a killer main (legion in particular) i believe both the killers nd survivors have some stupid perks. killer:B&C Survivor:DS.

    they are both somewhat unbalanced, so no one should complain to eachother, but to the devs to start fixing and reworking than adding new content.

    hope you found this helpful.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    My point is when they killed so much synergy and strong item/perks they ended up crippling who knows how many perks. Survivors could run with a offmeta half-build because it was more forgiving back then

    Now that things are the way they are, that's not exactly possible. Its forced survivors to bring in all strong meta perks if they want to win, and that kills the game for me even as a Killer-main. There are so many fun and dynamic builds for survivors and killers and you'll never see the survivor side of it and with so many killers being entitled you'll rarely see killers do it. Even though they can now

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I guess I can't say much myself because my builds usually consists of Dead Hard, Iron Will, Borrowed Time & Adrenaline. Or STBFL, Pop Goes the Weasel, BBQ & Chili and Sloppy Butcher.

    You can certainly still play with meme builds, but you shouldn't be expected to really win with them since it will always be an uphill struggle. It makes no sense to try and use other perks other than the meta if you want to win. But if you want to just mess around and not care how the game ends (like my build of Head-On, Quick & Quiet, Iron Will and Decisive Strike), then that option is still available to you.

    Just don't expect to have an easy time because everyone is competitive especially in high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 704
  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I plyed 168 games as solo survivor since the last patch, and i died in 58 of them.

    In the ones that i died (and that were 3 or 4ks), it was not uncommon for a game to resolve around a combination of mori/camping/tunneling,

    as well as suvivors simply losing the game for being stupid (my survival rate took a big hit after the rank reset. Now in red ranks its better again)

    Hookfarming, some people just doing nothing than hidding around the map (for a long time i thought those people dont exist, but i had to take aura perks, and now i know they do), and survivors just flocking around the hook, or running to the hook with the killer in tow.

    I would say this game is still survivor sided, but if you play solo, it depends a lot on the survivor you get. Just one potato can lose the game for all of them.

  • Member Posts: 613

    and if you read in another comment i explained this ALREADY.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    As someone who is rank 1 both roles, this game is not killer sided. If the entirety of the game were solo, sure, or every map was gas Heaven (seriously ######### that map and the inability to find even an L wall T wall, nevermind a pallet in the majority of that trash) then sure, I'd agree. But the fact is that if we take into account the information that survivors have when it comes to them being in SWF, it's very much against the killer, especially if the survivors are efficient.

    Of course, solo survivor is very weak, because they lack too much information. And I do agree that more info is necessary in order to make playing solo an enjoyable situation since atm player agency is lost unless you get very lucky with teammates.

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  • Member Posts: 887

    Only less skilled survivors feel that way, and people that don't play killer. A strong killer vs strong survivors, is a survivor sided game. Yes, some maps definitely benefit killers, but many maps benefit survivors. I'd like to see the maps a little more balanced for both sides. I'm sure it is difficult to perfectly balance them, but I'm sure that they can do better.

  • Member Posts: 606
    edited May 2020

    Wow, another moron that doesn’t understand how the game works. It’s a 2-sided game, killer AND survivor. As long as the game remains horribly unbalanced and heavily favoring the survivor side, killers mains can ask for all the debuffs they want. This doesn’t mean they’ll get them, some requests would be too OP to even consider. Four years; 4 years of one side having a heavy advantage by simple clicking on the β€˜Play as Survivor’ button.

    Edit: Yes, after the map rework and the killer reworks, the game is still unbalanced favoring survivors, it’s just not as bad now.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Neat quote cutting but do you disagree with the pages of math and facts above ?

    No arguments huh?

    Killers statistically loose the game 70% of the time or more depending on killer thats not Survior sided to you then your blind.

    The game is heavily relant on Survior mistakes and I haven't seen someone fail a skill check since 2018

    Pin any aspect of the game and its crazy how much advantage 1v1 killer vs Survior they have litterally pick any gameplay element. Fov Vision, action speed, locked animation length, objective times, resources allocation, role Ballence, gen charge regression vs repair.

    Basegame and perk for perk survivor sided every time

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Neat quote cutting but do you disagree with the pages of math and facts above ?

    I see little facts or Math but there is plenty of emotional biased thinking and ridiculous claims

    Killers statistically loose the game 70% of the time or more depending on killer thats not Survior sided to you then your blind.

    The data isn't telling you the full picture many players in this game lack situational awareness, the ability to outthink an enemy and the like. The numbers present a statistic you can bring them up all the time, but you forget one simple thing. What do we change? Did these killers lose because they tunneled, had imbalanced rank MM, were running weird builds, etc. I personally don't care for numbers and the argument "But the chart says" I want a genuine detailed reason for why is such and such

    The game is heavily relant on Survior mistakes and I haven't seen someone fail a skill check since 2018

    That is the most ridiculous and absurd claim I've seen in this thread yet. So you've somehow been able to remember the last time you saw a skill-check fail despite all the rank resets, despite perks, addons and the Doctor, you've not seen a failed skill-check in 2 years? Something tells me the last time you played survivor was in 2018. Because that statistic is quite literally so improbable I have a better chance of being eaten by a Jet-Pack Shark then have it actually be true. Its claims like this that exemplify the ACTUAL reason people want nerfs, and its not because of fairplay

    Pin any aspect of the game and its crazy how much advantage 1v1 killer vs Survior they have litterally pick any gameplay element. Fov Vision, action speed, locked animation length, objective times, resources allocation, role Ballence, gen charge regression vs repair.

    Let me guess, you main the Spirit?

  • Member Posts: 5,883
    edited May 2020

    What you said is partially true. This game SHOULD be balanced around the highest level SWF gameplay. Every game should be balanced around the highest level play. However, in the top level play it is still clear that survivors have an advantage. Although with the previous changes that advantage is much lessened.

    What needs to be done to fix this game is to give solo survivors the same power as SWF. And that power is information. When playing in a SWF, discord basically gives you the following perks for free:

    • Aftercare
    • Alert (you know where broken pallets are)
    • Babysitter
    • Better Together
    • Bond
    • Buckled up (at least half of the perk)
    • Empathy
    • Kindred
    • Open Handed (effectively infinite range on all your "perks" from discord)
    • Wake up!

    That's 10 perks for free. On top of getting things that perks can't give you such as:

    • Communicating how many totems are left
    • Communicating the exact position of hex totems you saw
    • Communicating what perks the killer has ("hey he has pop, he broke a pallet fast he has brutal" etc.)
    • Knowing exactly when a chase starts and when you can safely do gens
    • Knowing exactly what killer it is as soon as someone spots them
    • Knowing the position of the killer most of time (worse with Object of Obsession)
    • Being able to communicate hook saves.
    • Knowing the exact progress of all the generators being worked on
    • The list goes on and on

    The way they fix this game is by giving more information to solo survivors. Do the following:

    • Survivors now see the aura of all other survivors are at all times with unlimited distance.
    • Kindred is now baseline for all survivors (also helps with camping)
    • Survivors get an icon that shows when they are being chased
    • Add a totem counter to the UI
    • Rebalance/fix/rework all of the perks this effects to do something else.
    • Make WGLF baseline, for Bloodpoints (i'd argue the bloodpoint bonus for BBQ should also be baseline)

    Now buff killers to compensate. This brings solo players more in line with SWF and closes the gap more. So now killers don't feel so helpless against SWF depip squads, and survivors don't feel so helpless when playing solo.

  • Member Posts: 769

    Glad someone said it. Really tired of survivors getting nerfed patch after patch because killers can't take their own and advice and "get good".

    It'd be nice if BHVR took some time to give survivirs something other than perks/cosmetics to play with as a distraction but nah...they're too busy spoonfeeding killers their 4ks.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    I agree, the amount of stupid coming from both sides in this thread is insane. Long story short, killers don't like the survivor meta, survivors are pissy that a few maps got shrunk, and both sides think the other is super easy when they should be playing both to improve their skills and gain more perspective.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Honestly the fact people think these changes were unfair is beyond me. I main both and im completely content except with campung, tunneling or gen rush and Tbh people are mad at RNG and thats funny

  • Member Posts: 343

    as long as camping tunneling and mass slugging exists, survivors have no reason to try new fun builds. every time i do i just get super toxic people who wanna camp like crazy or tunnel with mori etc. the game design just doesnt favor fun. same goes for killers running corrupt pop, endfury etc. on weaker killers so they have a chance

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    It's not about ruin anymore! It's about bringing balance and trying to give the non-viable killer's a chance. Nurse, Spirit, Billy, etc. are the only top tier killer's because they could waste time dealing with strong and un-mindgameable loops and if they couldn't, they had the map pressure to drop a chase. Leatherface and Clown couldn't because their map and chase pressure is #########. It's not fun being on a map where survivor's can go from loop to loop with a window right there, and not being able to do anything about it except drop the chase and go find another survivor just to have 3 gens pop, and than have another gen or two pop by the time you get your first hook! But god forbid when the killer is Nurse or Spirit (Killer's that force survivor's to use different tactics) that killer needs to be nerfed because they have great map pressure, and you can't mindlessly loop them.

    Those perks are YOUR choice of using, no killer's shouldn't be a reason you are forced to run perks!

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Actually I run discordance not barely useful Thana

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    How are most killers running Nurses, Sloppy Butcher, Thanataphobia & BBQ & Chilli and then pulling a NOED out?

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    TBH: Same goes both ways with DS,BT,Unbreakable,DH,ext. Making survivor's so powerful killers have to rely on the above to counter them.

    Saying this for sake of example: Mass slugging can be a legit counter to DS if people hook bomb the killer repeatedly in under a min... Yes that has happened to me both when I played a survivor(The one who was first unhooked unsafely and by watching from a distance doing gens.) and as killer.

    Its a bit of a chicken and the egg issue with both of these.

  • Member Posts: 64

    It's actually not a choice when almost every game killers are campin and tunnelin because they legit don't have the skill to outplay therefore is no other choice to run anti tunnelin perks!!

    Well it's no fun bein camped or tunneled then killers complain of bein gen rushed because they choose to play like dicks πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚ u'll find most of the maps have doors where a window vault is now, and the clown can easily stop a loop with his gas, and imo clown is has quite good movement speed, non of the killers really need a nerf, certainly none of them need a buff either, i am sick of killer mains STILL cryin for nerfs even after the new killer will render our meta perks useless πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚ ppl seem to think a mori is balanced? On the hook, tunneled off the hook BOOM dead, how fun for the survivor, and tbh whilst balance is in there keys make most survivors play selfish! This game will never be balanced, everyone just needs to stop bein toxic to each other and have fun

  • Member Posts: 204

    No, the game is still unbalanced, every survivor are running meta perks and purple flashlight now, especially those disgusting SWF players. Gen rushing, god loops x head on, hacking, there are no fair for killers, if you think I am wrong I can only tell you that the survivors you are against with is bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    This was BHVR's original intent! Idk abandon the idea, but I believe if they stuck with bringing solo survivor up strength with SWF than we would be in a more balanced state, but they insist on nerfing survivor's instead

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