Let's put together some of the most popular proposals... from some killers:



  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    I wouldn't add all of them. No normal killer player would want that. That way the game would be way too easy. At least add 2 of those tho. Like nerf pallet looping or make gens longer and add a counter to hatch standoff. They don't have to remove SWF, they have to give killers the chance to chose whether or not they want to play vs SWF lobbies.

    Most killers also say nerf Nurse and buff every killer to Hillbilly's lvl. You were just using cliché ideas of killer mains.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NextKillerSpongebob i think you are getting your wish hatch will come at some point and the last two chapters are giving you perks to prevent long loops.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch
    2 - nerf ds, sc
    3 - nerf looping
    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.
    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)
    6 - remove SWF
    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?
    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.
    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.
    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.
    I may be too optimistic, but as far as I can tell, it's only a loud minority of crybabies among killers who keep pushing these. Surv mains too have a number of such ppl among them. I don't think most players are extremely whiny - it's just the ones who are spam forums full of their salty nonsense.
    Which gives us a great opportunity to troll them, and who would pass up such fun :)
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @George_Soros said:

    Which gives us a great opportunity to troll them, and who would pass up such fun :)

    Here we are.

    The reason why this community will always be toxic ,In-game and on all forums.

    Thanks to toxic scrubvivors.

    Easy to act all smug and saying trollish non-sense ("Everything it's fine, they're just crybaby huur duur")

    While playing the EASY side of the game.

    Some respectable "people", yeah...

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited August 2018
    Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:

    Which gives us a great opportunity to troll them, and who would pass up such fun :)

    Here we are.

    The reason why this community will always be toxic ,In-game and on all forums.

    Thanks to toxic scrubvivors.

    Easy to act all smug and saying trollish non-sense ("Everything it's fine, they're just crybaby huur duur")

    While playing the EASY side of the game.

    Some respectable "people", yeah...

    You're probably assuming I play survivor, which I rarely do. It's just silly when people want things too easy. Most of Vietfox's list is actually something crybaby killers have been asking for, which is quite ridiculous. Nothing wrong with DS, hatch, SC. SWF is tough for a killer but one can adjust.
    And while insults are stupid and sad, trolling people who deserve it IS a lot of fun. It's also good for their character.
  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    1. Yes, remove free escapes.
    2. Yes, nerf free escapes and a perk that renders hits effectively irrelevant.
    3. Yes, nerf (or remove) what used to be an exploit.
    4. Yes, make Killers powerful.
    5. Yes, make it so Survivors don't dictate the length of a match as much.
    6. Yes, remove a feature that completely shits on the balance of the game.

    looping = exploit xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:

    Which gives us a great opportunity to troll them, and who would pass up such fun :)

    Here we are.

    The reason why this community will always be toxic ,In-game and on all forums.

    Thanks to toxic scrubvivors.

    Easy to act all smug and saying trollish non-sense ("Everything it's fine, they're just crybaby huur duur")

    While playing the EASY side of the game.

    Some respectable "people", yeah...

    @Giche said:

    @Sleepy said:
    This forum is laughable by the amount of salt coming from survivors.

    Are you really surprised ?

    It's like the Steam forum, with better troll who know how to write.

    The content remain the same tho.

    You say the community's toxic and then what do you do, you toss out an insult right away. I mean some killer mains yourself included aren't ever toxic in game and on the forums. Because if they and you were toxic that'd make your statement completely false.

    I could post quite a ew more showing you doing the exact same behavior you just described but it's pretty obvious you''re just as bad if not worse.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @George_Soros said:

    You're probably assuming I play survivor, which I rarely do. It's just silly when people want things too easy. Most of Vietfox's list is actually something crybaby killers have been asking for, which is quite ridiculous. Nothing wrong with DS, hatch, SC. SWF is tough for a killer but one can adjust.
    And while insults are stupid and sad, trolling people who deserve it IS a lot of fun. It's also good for their character.

    Would be amazing and all... if it was remotely true.

    It's not.

    I always see the same scrubvivors (playing it or not doesn't matter, it became a mindset a long time ago) trolling here on a regular basis.

    On EVERY thread.

    No matter if it's a crying one or a well writed feedback.

    You are all just here to troll, like on every DBD forum.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch
    2 - nerf ds, sc
    3 - nerf looping
    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.
    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)
    6 - remove SWF
    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?
    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.
    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.
    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.
    I may be too optimistic, but as far as I can tell, it's only a loud minority of crybabies among killers who keep pushing these. Surv mains too have a number of such ppl among them. I don't think most players are extremely whiny - it's just the ones who are spam forums full of their salty nonsense.
    Which gives us a great opportunity to troll them, and who would pass up such fun :)
    Yeah i know, that's why i said "some". Just want those people to know how those ideas sound when combined, thanks for the feedback ;)
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited August 2018

    @Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:

    You're probably assuming I play survivor, which I rarely do. It's just silly when people want things too easy. Most of Vietfox's list is actually something crybaby killers have been asking for, which is quite ridiculous. Nothing wrong with DS, hatch, SC. SWF is tough for a killer but one can adjust.
    And while insults are stupid and sad, trolling people who deserve it IS a lot of fun. It's also good for their character.

    Would be amazing and all... if it was remotely true.

    It's not.

    I always see the same scrubvivors (playing it or not doesn't matter, it became a mindset a long time ago) trolling here on a regular basis.

    On EVERY thread.

    No matter if it's a crying one or a well writed feedback.

    You are all just here to troll, like on every DBD forum.

    Just a slight correction: I'm not here to troll. I'm here to troll YOU.

    EDIT: But you know what, I try to give you a serious answer instead of trying to piss you off. I'd honestly like to see if you agree or disagree. Let's say devs somehow limit the advantage of SWF, nerf DS and SC and do some other things to make the game easier for killers. Question is, would that be good? I really mean it: if the game were made easier for either role, it would do a disservice for everyone. Cheap victories are not satisfying. That's why I oppose such changes. I'd rather have my 1K or 2K at the end of a difficult game than cut through all four survivors like butter because of their perks or other game mechanics have been weakened.
    At least that's how I see it. But please tell me if you think I'm wrong somehow.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:

    You're probably assuming I play survivor, which I rarely do. It's just silly when people want things too easy. Most of Vietfox's list is actually something crybaby killers have been asking for, which is quite ridiculous. Nothing wrong with DS, hatch, SC. SWF is tough for a killer but one can adjust.
    And while insults are stupid and sad, trolling people who deserve it IS a lot of fun. It's also good for their character.

    Would be amazing and all... if it was remotely true.

    It's not.

    I always see the same scrubvivors (playing it or not doesn't matter, it became a mindset a long time ago) trolling here on a regular basis.

    On EVERY thread.

    No matter if it's a crying one or a well writed feedback.

    You are all just here to troll, like on every DBD forum.

    Yeah we are trolls cause we disagree with you, right...
  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2018

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018
    Btw you seem to forgot one.

    Each time a new killer comes out, I'll swear there's always at least one thread asking for them to get buffs a couple of hours later.

    But we're having a intelligent discussion...
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    1. Adding entity on windows

    Yeah because of infinites.

    I know that fixing gamebreaking bugs, exploits and flaw in map design, is considered has a nerf for some peoples.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:
    Just a slight correction: I'm not here to troll. I'm here to troll YOU.

    I guess i should be nice and follow some faggy rules with peoples like this huh ?

    Knowing that this kind of peoples pop in every thread, even the feedback one, spewing non-sense and insidiously starting flamewar.

    You can judge me all you want, for what i care.

    I also saw you defending this kind of behaviors quite a few time across the forums.

    "They've opinions and the right to express it "

    Of course .
    The said peoples hide behind this assertion after trolling on some thread.

    This little detail only tell a lot, i have no sympathy nor respect for peoples with this kind of mindset.

    I call out people on both sides for going overboard just like I did with you and your next 2 responses just proved my point. The mods don't get involved too often but when they do it's because the threads started devolving into flame wars.

    Now which would you prefer, a good discussion with some joking around and light trash talking? The alternative is what you're currently involved in which is a insult laden flame war which the mods will come in and either warn everyone or shut the thread down.

    I prefer the former to the latter since it lets everyone have a discussion while blowing off steam. The latter tends to end rather abruptly and not always nicely if mods have to close the thread.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    I think he was going for really intense and dry sarcasm of the British kind. It's like a fine wine, it's an acquired taste.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    Okay, so you are saying that killers wasn't making tones of threads about mentioned above on steam community forum. If not survivors, not killers then i guess we got some kind of sect which is trying to make your dbd lives change for the better. You have got an group of angels and you killers are still complaining? :blush:

    /edit And am sure you all killers would be happy without all this changes just if DS would be removed? If am right, let's do this lol.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    Okay, so you are saying that killers wasn't making tones of threads about mentioned above on steam community forum. If not survivors, not killers then i guess we got some kind of sect which is trying to make your dbd lives change for the better. You have got an group of angels and you killers are still complaining? :blush:

    /edit And am sure you all killers would be happy without all this changes just if DS would be removed? If am right, let's do this lol.

    Let´s see:

    • gen regression = probably some killer asked for it
    • nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever
    • removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op
    • bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid
    • entity on windows = same
    • exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af.
    • double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore.

    And who could have proposed the changes if not for killer and survivors? Are you kidding me? It´s not like the devs come up with bandaids on their own.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2018

    @George_Soros said:

    EDIT: But you know what, I try to give you a serious answer instead of trying to piss you off. I'd honestly like to see if you agree or disagree. Let's say devs somehow limit the advantage of SWF, nerf DS and SC and do some other things to make the game easier for killers. Question is, would that be good? I really mean it: if the game were made easier for either role, it would do a disservice for everyone. Cheap victories are not satisfying. That's why I oppose such changes. I'd rather have my 1K or 2K at the end of a difficult game than cut through all four survivors like butter because of their perks or other game mechanics have been weakened.
    At least that's how I see it. But please tell me if you think I'm wrong somehow.

    Just saw this, you've made an effort, so i will do :

    I play this game since his release, i've gone throught all the shits it has to give since then.

    I'm far from being the best player out there, but i saw the whole evolution of this game.

    Squads with 4 times instant DS, good ol' infinites, window vaccum,... the list goes on.

    Do you really think that i want to be handled/spoonfed the victory ?

    We veteran killers are used to make the better of the few we have, while survivors got second chance after second chance, for the reason that "They're the majority, it has to be way easier".

    I just want to start an high rank lobby without playing a boring meta killer and without knowing that if the survivors don't goof around i can't mechanicaly win. A FAIR chance.

    I don't want a game that consist at running in circle 80% of the time. It wasn't always the case, i'm still sad of the time where the devs made it possible in October 2016.

    I want to work for my kill, but the survivor should also work for his win, that's not the case.

    I know that the killer role is harder at his core, but the gap between both role should never have been this huge.

    The toxicity in this game come mostly from his imbalance, it shouldn't be forgeted.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    1. Yes, remove free escapes.
    2. Yes, nerf free escapes and a perk that renders hits effectively irrelevant.
    3. Yes, nerf (or remove) what used to be an exploit.
    4. Yes, make Killers powerful.
    5. Yes, make it so Survivors don't dictate the length of a match as much.
    6. Yes, remove a feature that completely shits on the balance of the game.

    looping = exploit xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Yes, it used to be considered an exploit of the different hitboxes between the Killer and the Survivor. Maybe if you'd played the game longer than 3 months you'd know that.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    Okay, so you are saying that killers wasn't making tones of threads about mentioned above on steam community forum. If not survivors, not killers then i guess we got some kind of sect which is trying to make your dbd lives change for the better. You have got an group of angels and you killers are still complaining? :blush:

    /edit And am sure you all killers would be happy without all this changes just if DS would be removed? If am right, let's do this lol.

    Let´s see:

    • gen regression = probably some killer asked for it
    • nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever
    • removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op
    • bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid
    • entity on windows = same
    • exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af.
    • double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore.

    And who could have proposed the changes if not for killer and survivors? Are you kidding me? It´s not like the devs come up with bandaids on their own.

    1 gen regression = probably some killer asked for it ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    2 nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever ✖ After that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heutrr7Pf1A and more other videos with using BK+we'll make it poeple starts crying about that on dev streams(not sure, but i guess on the one of devs streames mathieu even read question about " if bk+WMI will be nerfed)
    3 removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    4 bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid ✖ Ofc killers didn't asked for a bloodlust because they didn't know for that moment what it was but... Killers asked for solution for a pallet looping, then Mathieu said that they can make: Longer chase = killer gain speed bonus, that's how bloodlust born.
    5 entity on windows = same ✖ Entity on windows has been added when survivors starts learning jungle gyms, then killers get salty and yes killers was asking for it, even after adding they was asking for improvements to it(https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/0/350543389011218244/)
    6 exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af. ✓ See, you are getting even more than you want and still complaining
    7 double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore. ✓
    Not many of those was "devs ideas"

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    Okay, so you are saying that killers wasn't making tones of threads about mentioned above on steam community forum. If not survivors, not killers then i guess we got some kind of sect which is trying to make your dbd lives change for the better. You have got an group of angels and you killers are still complaining? :blush:

    /edit And am sure you all killers would be happy without all this changes just if DS would be removed? If am right, let's do this lol.

    Let´s see:

    • gen regression = probably some killer asked for it
    • nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever
    • removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op
    • bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid
    • entity on windows = same
    • exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af.
    • double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore.

    And who could have proposed the changes if not for killer and survivors? Are you kidding me? It´s not like the devs come up with bandaids on their own.

    1 gen regression = probably some killer asked for it ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    2 nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever ✖ After that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heutrr7Pf1A and more other videos with using BK+we'll make it poeple starts crying about that on dev streams(not sure, but i guess on the one of devs streames mathieu even read question about " if bk+WMI will be nerfed)
    3 removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    4 bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid ✖ Ofc killers didn't asked for a bloodlust because they didn't know for that moment what it was but... Killers asked for solution for a pallet looping, then Mathieu said that they can make: Longer chase = killer gain speed bonus, that's how bloodlust born.
    5 entity on windows = same ✖ Entity on windows has been added when survivors starts learning jungle gyms, then killers get salty and yes killers was asking for it, even after adding they was asking for improvements to it(https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/0/350543389011218244/)
    6 exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af. ✓ See, you are getting even more than you want and still complaining
    7 double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore. ✓
    Not many of those was "devs ideas"

    Do you really want that i dig up the killer nerfs?
    Believe me, that list is 3 times longer than the survivor nerfs.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

    Because that sounds dumb as #########

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Orion said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    1. Yes, remove free escapes.
    2. Yes, nerf free escapes and a perk that renders hits effectively irrelevant.
    3. Yes, nerf (or remove) what used to be an exploit.
    4. Yes, make Killers powerful.
    5. Yes, make it so Survivors don't dictate the length of a match as much.
    6. Yes, remove a feature that completely shits on the balance of the game.

    looping = exploit xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Yes, it used to be considered an exploit of the different hitboxes between the Killer and the Survivor. Maybe if you'd played the game longer than 3 months you'd know that.

    Bigger role in that case is playing perspective between survivors&killers, not a hitbox. I need to tell i hear about that first time since 20 August 2016. I would be grateful if you could write who said that can be exploit? Survivors? Devs? Or just a few killers who was pissed off about that in moment when it was discovered.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.

    Damn... i do not remember that i was proposing:
    1. Adding generator regression
    2. Nerf for botany knowledge + we'll make it combo
    3. Removing pallet teleporting
    4. Adding bloodlust mechanique
    5. Adding entity on windows
    6. Exhaustion nerf
    7. Removing double pallets and reworking pallet spawns

    If not survivors, then who could propose it ...

    Neither did killers. But sure, whatever you say.

    Okay, so you are saying that killers wasn't making tones of threads about mentioned above on steam community forum. If not survivors, not killers then i guess we got some kind of sect which is trying to make your dbd lives change for the better. You have got an group of angels and you killers are still complaining? :blush:

    /edit And am sure you all killers would be happy without all this changes just if DS would be removed? If am right, let's do this lol.

    Let´s see:

    • gen regression = probably some killer asked for it
    • nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever
    • removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op
    • bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid
    • entity on windows = same
    • exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af.
    • double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore.

    And who could have proposed the changes if not for killer and survivors? Are you kidding me? It´s not like the devs come up with bandaids on their own.

    1 gen regression = probably some killer asked for it ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    2 nerf to BK + We´ll make it combo = Nope, no one ever ✖ After that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heutrr7Pf1A and more other videos with using BK+we'll make it poeple starts crying about that on dev streams(not sure, but i guess on the one of devs streames mathieu even read question about " if bk+WMI will be nerfed)
    3 removal of pallet teleport = that was plain op ✓ Killers propose that = Killers get that in the game.
    4 bloodlust = sure as hell, no killer ever asked for this one bandaid ✖ Ofc killers didn't asked for a bloodlust because they didn't know for that moment what it was but... Killers asked for solution for a pallet looping, then Mathieu said that they can make: Longer chase = killer gain speed bonus, that's how bloodlust born.
    5 entity on windows = same ✖ Entity on windows has been added when survivors starts learning jungle gyms, then killers get salty and yes killers was asking for it, even after adding they was asking for improvements to it(https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/0/350543389011218244/)
    6 exhaustion nerf = killers asked for a SB nerf, not exhaustion. SB still is stong af. ✓ See, you are getting even more than you want and still complaining
    7 double pallets = sure, killers asked for a solution for those spots. They still exist, but not as often anymore. ✓
    Not many of those was "devs ideas"

    Do you really want that i dig up the killer nerfs?
    Believe me, that list is 3 times longer than the survivor nerfs.

    I got better idea, can you however make a list of things for which we was asking and they are added to the game? Would be grateful.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Giche said:

    @George_Soros said:

    EDIT: But you know what, I try to give you a serious answer instead of trying to piss you off. I'd honestly like to see if you agree or disagree. Let's say devs somehow limit the advantage of SWF, nerf DS and SC and do some other things to make the game easier for killers. Question is, would that be good? I really mean it: if the game were made easier for either role, it would do a disservice for everyone. Cheap victories are not satisfying. That's why I oppose such changes. I'd rather have my 1K or 2K at the end of a difficult game than cut through all four survivors like butter because of their perks or other game mechanics have been weakened.
    At least that's how I see it. But please tell me if you think I'm wrong somehow.

    Just saw this, you've made an effort, so i will do :

    I play this game since his release, i've gone throught all the shits it has to give since then.

    I'm far from being the best player out there, but i saw the whole evolution of this game.

    Squads with 4 times instant DS, good ol' infinites, window vaccum,... the list goes on.

    Do you really think that i want to be handled/spoonfed the victory ?

    We veteran killers are used to make the better of the few we have, while survivors got second chance after second chance, for the reason that "They're the majority, it has to be way easier".

    I just want to start an high rank lobby without playing a boring meta killer and without knowing that if the survivors don't goof around i can't mechanicaly win. A FAIR chance.

    I don't want a game that consist at running in circle 80% of the time. It wasn't always the case, i'm still sad of the time where the devs made it possible in October 2016.

    I want to work for my kill, but the survivor should also work for his win, that's not the case.

    I know that the killer role is harder at his core, but the gap between both role should never have been this huge.

    The toxicity in this game come mostly from his imbalance, it shouldn't be forgeted.

    Looks like there are some points we agree on: I also think making non-meta killers more viable is crucial (although again: score a 3K or 4K with a "weak" killer once in a while feels real good, exactly because it's hard to get there).
    I hate nearly endless loops too, and I don't necessarily find it a satisfying solution to take up all slots with antiloop perks. The game should be more about stealth, less about running in circles.
    As for majority/minority question: I firmly believe that the devs HAVE TO keep the balance somewhere around 1,8K/match. Why do I think that? The game needs players, otherwise it's dead. And it needs almost four times as many survivors than killers. So, since people don't like to lose too often they HAVE TO keep it a little unbalanced in favor of survivors, which is okay, even if it's hard sometimes, especially if one is too sensitive to teabagging. Which we shouldn't be, but I admit it took me quite a while to learn how to let it go. Balancing things slightly in survivors favor is not ideal, but I don't think devs have a choice here.
    The biggest issue I believe is not DS, SC (all can be countered to some extent), but SWF. Being on comm is such a huge advantage that solo survivor groups cannot match. So devs can either make killers generally stronger, thus crippling solo survs, or leave things as they are and so giving SWF groups a much easier time. I don't mind most difficulties, but constant communication among survivors seems unfair even to me.
    I do have one idea to limit it (I should probably post it on some "ideas" subforum but whatever). Similar to some other games (L4D2 for example), DBD should also have its own inbuilt voice chat, for survivors. With one limitation though: they can only speak to and hear each other, if within a certain distance (a few meters I guess). Reality wise and gameplay wise it would be a great improvement, would cut out the chance to "monitor" the killer by one while the rest is doing gens.
    Some SWF groups would continue using Discord or whatever of course. But I see a chance at least that many of them would appreciate a limited, but still useful, and more fair way to communicate. In my experience, most survivors are NOT a**holes.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CornChip said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

    Because that sounds dumb as [BAD WORD]

    Just like your proposal.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    1. Yes, remove free escapes.
    2. Yes, nerf free escapes and a perk that renders hits effectively irrelevant.
    3. Yes, nerf (or remove) what used to be an exploit.
    4. Yes, make Killers powerful.
    5. Yes, make it so Survivors don't dictate the length of a match as much.
    6. Yes, remove a feature that completely shits on the balance of the game.

    looping = exploit xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Yes, it used to be considered an exploit of the different hitboxes between the Killer and the Survivor. Maybe if you'd played the game longer than 3 months you'd know that.

    Bigger role in that case is playing perspective between survivors&killers, not a hitbox. I need to tell i hear about that first time since 20 August 2016. I would be grateful if you could write who said that can be exploit? Survivors? Devs? Or just a few killers who was pissed off about that in moment when it was discovered.

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

    Because that sounds dumb as [BAD WORD]

    Just like your proposal.

    My "proposal" is what the game would look like after the killer suggestions numb nuts

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @powerbats said:

    I call out people on both sides for going overboard just like I did with you and your next 2 responses just proved my point. The mods don't get involved too often but when they do it's because the threads started devolving into flame wars.

    Now which would you prefer, a good discussion with some joking around and light trash talking? The alternative is what you're currently involved in which is a insult laden flame war which the mods will come in and either warn everyone or shut the thread down.

    I prefer the former to the latter since it lets everyone have a discussion while blowing off steam. The latter tends to end rather abruptly and not always nicely if mods have to close the thread.

    As i agree with you on the principle, the double-standart here made me laught.

    For what i saw, if a survivor troll, whatever the thread is about, it's "some lighthearted joking" while a killer reacting to it is starting a flamewar, i also assume that a killer's feedback is whining ?

    I know this game and his community at least as much as you do (i assume too), don't tell me how to react to it.

    Also i still haven't figured out where are the insults in my posts.

    I mean legit one.

    Scrubvivor maybe, but isn' it considered like a "lighthearted joke" like the numerous "Killers just want EZ 4K" and other happy things i see regulary down here ?

    I saw that some peoples like to be quite sensitive over this aspect on this forum.

    Some weren't on the Steam forum back then, and still aren't on Reddit, quite weird ?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CornChip said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

    Because that sounds dumb as [BAD WORD]

    Just like your proposal.

    My "proposal" is what the game would look like after the killer suggestions numb nuts

    No killer ever asked for what you proposed.
    Killers don´t want fast matches where no one has the oportunity to escape.
    Killers want a tense game, a good chase, mind games, and have the feeling like they are being feared by the survivors.
    Killers don´t want to be the party clowns for survivors. The bullied kid that gets beaten up for the entertainment of the survivors. Killers don´t want to run in circles like a rodeo clown. But it seems that survivors want exactly that for killers. Because thats exactly how the game is right now.

    Everytime a killer proposes a change, survivors beat that down, asking if they want something ridiculous like your proposal.
    I enjoy a good chase. I couldn´t care less if a survivor keeps me busy for 5 gens, IF its an actual chase and not running in circles.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    @CornChip said:
    Why not just make the game 4 survivors walk around a small map with no objective and no way to escape while a blood thirsty killer mows them down every game in only two minutes.. should sell well

    Why not just give the survivors electro shockers and let them torture and bully the killer...
    Should sell well.

    Wait so we get to be the Doctor and nuke you from 1 floor on Gideons and never do anything but spam electrode most of match? Well damn sign me and the rest of us up. :tongue:

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited August 2018

    Holy it post once it posts it 2x instantly

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Orion said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    1 - remove the hatch

    2 - nerf ds, sc

    3 - nerf looping

    4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.

    5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)

    6 - remove SWF

    Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?

    I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.

    PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.

    Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.

    1. Yes, remove free escapes.
    2. Yes, nerf free escapes and a perk that renders hits effectively irrelevant.
    3. Yes, nerf (or remove) what used to be an exploit.
    4. Yes, make Killers powerful.
    5. Yes, make it so Survivors don't dictate the length of a match as much.
    6. Yes, remove a feature that completely shits on the balance of the game.

    looping = exploit xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Yes, it used to be considered an exploit of the different hitboxes between the Killer and the Survivor. Maybe if you'd played the game longer than 3 months you'd know that.

    Bigger role in that case is playing perspective between survivors&killers, not a hitbox. I need to tell i hear about that first time since 20 August 2016. I would be grateful if you could write who said that can be exploit? Survivors? Devs? Or just a few killers who was pissed off about that in moment when it was discovered.

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

    Not sure who was those " certain devs " but after quick research i found only that. Take a look on it. https://mmoexaminer.com/dead-daylight-pallet-looping-really-exploit/

    If you can't open site or other i giving you a little quotation: " There are fans that would like to see this method removed, though developers have stated that it isn’t actually an exploit, according to a post on the Steam community. "

    With that logic we can tell that 360 is also exploit because it wasn't " an intended mechanic ".
    It's very easy to make a fairy tale for it, survivors by ping and spining really fast are making hitbox desynchronization with the body which killers see and that's the reason why killers miss.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

    Not sure who was those " certain devs " but after quick research i found only that. Take a look on it. https://mmoexaminer.com/dead-daylight-pallet-looping-really-exploit/

    And this show that you aren't really reading him, or lack reading comprehension.

    He said "I am certain the devs ..."
    And not "Certain devs..."

    A lot of peoples seems to have this problem on this forum.
    I think some does it on purpose, to be honnest.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Giche said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

    Not sure who was those " certain devs " but after quick research i found only that. Take a look on it. https://mmoexaminer.com/dead-daylight-pallet-looping-really-exploit/

    And this show that you aren't really reading him, or lack reading comprehension.

    He said "I am certain the devs ..."
    And not "Certain devs..."

    A lot of peoples seems to have this problem on this forum.
    I think some does it on purpose, to be honnest.

    Same here.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Giche said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

    Not sure who was those " certain devs " but after quick research i found only that. Take a look on it. https://mmoexaminer.com/dead-daylight-pallet-looping-really-exploit/

    And this show that you aren't really reading him, or lack reading comprehension.

    He said "I am certain the devs ..."
    And not "Certain devs..."

    A lot of peoples seems to have this problem on this forum.
    I think some does it on purpose, to be honnest.

    @Orion said:

    @Giche said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Orion said:

    Fairly certain the devs have said it was "an unintended mechanic/strategy", which is usually how they refer to exploits.

    Not sure who was those " certain devs " but after quick research i found only that. Take a look on it. https://mmoexaminer.com/dead-daylight-pallet-looping-really-exploit/

    And this show that you aren't really reading him, or lack reading comprehension.

    He said "I am certain the devs ..."
    And not "Certain devs..."

    A lot of peoples seems to have this problem on this forum.
    I think some does it on purpose, to be honnest.

    Same here.

    Oh sorry and thanks in the same time then. English isn't my main language that's why, but still that's not changing a fact that theory about pallet looping being exploit is a lie.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Giche said:

    As i agree with you on the principle, the double-standart here made me laught.

    For what i saw, if a survivor troll, whatever the thread is about, it's "some lighthearted joking" while a killer reacting to it is starting a flamewar, i also assume that a killer's feedback is whining ?

    **There's always trolling on this forum, but the flame war insults go over the top, scrubvivor really? I'm also not talking about just hat post but others as well. The art of trolling is actually quite fun when done right and no one gets offended because there's always certain lines you don't cross.

    Some good biting sarcasm within a well reasoned post is a great way to zing one or more while keeping it still this side of civil. I don't see killers feedback as whining anymore than survivors. But what I do consider whining is when the killer isn't even out a full day and the rant threads popup.

    What makes it so extremely hilarious is these come from sometimes along with the usual posters who when something negative will affect survivors. They say the exact same thing to them we're saying, it's only been less than a day. We tell them the same thing they said to survivors complaining, wait and see how it works out.**

    I know this game and his community at least as much as you do (i assume too), don't tell me how to react to it.

    I'm not telling you how to react to it, just warning you of the consequences of one of your choices you've chosen to follow. Since given the direction this thread has gone I'd give it less than a day may'be two before the mods become involved.

    Also i still haven't figured out where are the insults in my posts.

    I mean legit one.

    They're there, you just can't see them since you're so used to using them.

    Scrubvivor maybe, but isn' it considered like a "lighthearted joke" like the numerous "Killers just want EZ 4K" and other happy things i see regulary down here ?

    Saying killers want EZ 4k isn't on the same level as calling everyone who plays a survivor scrubvivor then repeating it.

    I saw that some peoples like to be quite sensitive over this aspect on this forum.

    **This is funny since the moment someone calls out some of the killer mains on here they go ballistic. It's not that people are sensitive on here, it's that they're tired of seeing the same mindless mudslinging from the same few on both sides.

    If you and the rest really want to have a flame and insult war go get your own private forum and have at it.**

    Some weren't on the Steam forum back then, and still aren't on Reddit, quite weird ?

    Some don't bother with the cesspool that is Reddit and Steams just as bad now. I've got one of the original accounts from back when Condition Zero was the 1st release from Valve long before Steam was even out. I've had a Reddit account since they were out as well

    But Reddit has become the new 4Chan and Steam forums aren't far behind with the COD crowd infesting it. So the fact some refuse to deal with that type of 6 year old behavior means nothing in the context of where they post.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    Oh sorry and thanks in the same time then. English isn't my main language that's why, but still that's not changing a fact that theory about pallet looping being exploit is a lie.

    No problem, it isn't mine either and i know sometime it can be difficult.

    Back on the topic, pallet looping actually is an exploit.

    You couldn't loop objects that efficiently back then in the firsts months of the game.

    A patch (can't remember wich one) changed the survivor's hitboxe to make them harder to hit as a killer.
    Those reduced hitboxes coupled with the 3rd person view and the pallet vaccum made survivors looping things efficiently and faster than the killer.
    They just have less distance to do.

    Devs just chosed to build the game around it rather than fixing it, doesn't make it less cheesy.

    Glad they haven't re-added the vaccum tho (aka instant stun on killer).

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Giche said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    Oh sorry and thanks in the same time then. English isn't my main language that's why, but still that's not changing a fact that theory about pallet looping being exploit is a lie.

    No problem, it isn't mine either and i know sometime it can be difficult.

    Back on the topic, pallet looping actually is an exploit.

    You couldn't loop objects that efficiently back then in the firsts months of the game.

    A patch (can't remember wich one) changed the survivor's hitboxe to make them harder to hit as a killer.
    Those reduced hitboxes coupled with the 3rd person view and the pallet vaccum made survivors looping things efficiently and faster than the killer.
    They just have less distance to do.

    Devs just chosed to build the game around it rather than fixing it, doesn't make it less cheesy.

    Glad they haven't re-added the vaccum tho (aka instant stun on killer).

    We got already response from devs which is saying that pallet looping isn't exploit. The End, no more discussion, that's end of that topic. All we can do now is speculate, they even add bloodlust to help counter pallet looping. (here we also can say that using this is sometimes exploit if killers use that when survivor isn't really looping xD jk)

  • This content has been removed.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @SovererignKing said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

     @Akuma said:
       @Tsulan said:
      I would add a list of survivor wishes. But they have all been implemented.
      I want my fast blinds back. 
    I want the bug fix back where you can stun the killer at the start of the animation so you dont need to time this.
    I want the pallet vacuum back.
    Remove bloodlust.
    Exhaustion recovers while running.
    Want back the first hook generation so that they dont respawn after 300 seconds.
    Want back sabo jukes.

    So what exactly got the survivors the last 17 months? Explain (rhetorical question)

    You forgot infinites guaranteed and not only sometimes generated by RNG on some maps as it is now.


    PTSD of the Magic School Bus

    PTSD of the "magic house in badham as leatherface" i only did not DC due to the 26 k bp but i might as well have.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Giche said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    Oh sorry and thanks in the same time then. English isn't my main language that's why, but still that's not changing a fact that theory about pallet looping being exploit is a lie.

    No problem, it isn't mine either and i know sometime it can be difficult.

    Back on the topic, pallet looping actually is an exploit.

    You couldn't loop objects that efficiently back then in the firsts months of the game.

    A patch (can't remember wich one) changed the survivor's hitboxe to make them harder to hit as a killer.
    Those reduced hitboxes coupled with the 3rd person view and the pallet vaccum made survivors looping things efficiently and faster than the killer.
    They just have less distance to do.

    Devs just chosed to build the game around it rather than fixing it, doesn't make it less cheesy.

    Glad they haven't re-added the vaccum tho (aka instant stun on killer).

    Patch 1.4.0 Giche
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    Patch 1.4.0 Giche

    Thank you, as we can see, it's been a while.

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    PTSD of the Magic School Bus

    PTSD of the "magic house in badham as leatherface" i only did not DC due to the 26 k bp but i might as well have.

    Isn't it beautiful ?

    They add Bamboozle to fight some bullshits windows rather than fixing them (as usual).

    And i'im pretty sure that they willingly re-added those infinites/semi-infinite .

    Wouldn't surprise me that they thought : "That will balance the perk and make people use it".

    At least you can get the Clown for free... for the moment.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Giche said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Patch 1.4.0 Giche

    Thank you, as we can see, it's been a while.

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    PTSD of the Magic School Bus

    PTSD of the "magic house in badham as leatherface" i only did not DC due to the 26 k bp but i might as well have.

    Isn't it beautiful ?

    They add Bamboozle to fight some bullshits windows rather than fixing them (as usual).

    And i'im pretty sure that they willingly re-added those infinites/semi-infinite .

    Wouldn't surprise that they thought : "That will balance the perk and make people use it".

    At least you can get the Clown for free... for the moment.


    And bamboozle does ABSOLUTELY 0 in those magic houses since the survivors have to vault 2 windows to make the infinite too.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Giche said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Patch 1.4.0 Giche

    Thank you, as we can see, it's been a while.

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    PTSD of the Magic School Bus

    PTSD of the "magic house in badham as leatherface" i only did not DC due to the 26 k bp but i might as well have.

    Isn't it beautiful ?

    They add Bamboozle to fight some bullshits windows rather than fixing them (as usual).

    And i'im pretty sure that they willingly re-added those infinites/semi-infinite .

    Wouldn't surprise that they thought : "That will balance the perk and make people use it".

    At least you can get the Clown for free... for the moment.


    And bamboozle does ABSOLUTELY 0 in those magic houses since the survivors have to vault 2 windows to make the infinite too.

    Bamboozle should work longer and on more windows.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    We got already response from devs which is saying that pallet looping isn't exploit. The End, no more discussion, that's end of that topic. All we can do now is speculate, they even add bloodlust to help counter pallet looping. (here we also can say that using this is sometimes exploit if killers use that when survivor isn't really looping xD jk)

    The reasons why i can only play this game for short period of time and stop playing for months.

    Because that's what we killer are told since 2 years, and running in circle 80% of the time is not fun.

    It's only fun for the one who like bullying the killer and make him feel hopeless.

    Will not name it, as it will offend some peoples...