New Auras are fine



  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I have to agree with a lot of people here, I don't think the auras are very good. The whole reason they worked well enough before was because I as a player could see them very easily as they were bright and pronounced. Now I have to really focus when I'm scanning around because it's harder to see the auras. Just last game I put on Ruin and I couldn't even see where the totem was. With BBQ it was a lot harder to see the survivors as well.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Maybe fine for you, but i am red-blind, and until now, survivor auras were just fine, but i had an issue with killer auras on certain maps. There were maps where i couldn´t see gen auras and had to search the gens like a survivor.

    I havn´t tried killer yet, but i can´t see survivors auras as survivors anymore. also suddenly, bbq becomes an issue, because you can´t dodge it with the gen you are working on if you can´t even see where the survivor is downed.

    Well, gl if you are my fellow survivor next game. If i dont come to your rescue, it might be because i can´t see you.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I genuinely have no idea why they wanted to change them anyway because they were perfectly fine as they were. Had been for years.

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    im not even joking it looks like dead by roblox auras

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ohh thanks theres a decent forem and not crying 9yr olds asking whats the point of ptb. This is what the forems are meant for so if a dev sees this rather than hearing only complainys they hear the problem and a solution

  • Jambeard
    Jambeard Member Posts: 15

    I don't hate the aesthetic of the new auras, but their bad visibility just makes it unacceptable. It's even more difficult to play killer now, as if that was necessary.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266
    edited July 2020

    Being a killer with only being able to see red auras is crap in itself. I used to be able to see survivors with bbq and now they are literally transparent like the auras of generators are. Its ridiculous how killers can only see red auras and not multicolored auras like survivors can. If they changed the auras of survivors for killers to be pink or something then it wouldnt be a problem. Survivors have no reason to see the aura rework to be a problem because of their multicolored aura abilities so I dont even know how you can write about how we shouldn't be complaining when its rightfully inclined for us to. Literally any aura perks for killers are unusable. Like, wth now killer perks are being affected by this. Why, just why.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I like the appearance of them but that's no excuse for them being so difficult to see, especially at long distances and on specific maps.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    The new auras suck. Seeing things on the map is much more difficult. I run kindred, and detectives hunch, and if it wasn't for being an experienced player, it would suck more. My teammates are scratchy silhouettes, the hooked survivor can barely be seen. I'll take the bright red and yellow blobs anyday

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    It’s bad when a totem aura looks like a survivor aura.

    I am ok with the look, just need them to be brighter or something.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    They really aren't. As killer, I can BARELY see the hook auras. Especially on Ormond.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597


    They look really hard to see in my opinion. Auras shouldn't be this difficult to see, for me personally, even the previous auras were a little hard to see at times.. this is significantly more difficult.

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    I play on console and I am having a very hard time trying to see people with BBQ especially when there is a survivor on a generator. Just overall the hate the new aura system it is atrocious

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    They need changed back. period

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533
    edited July 2020

    As survivor, sure, they are manageable. But as killer, I hate it. Survivors basically get free Distortion if they are on a generator. I am someone who already struggles with scratch marks due to partial red-green colour blindness (which makes Ormond a constant issue for me, they are literally invisible to me on that map). Now I can't even see if one of them is on a gen with BBQ, which is the whole point of that perk.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I'll get used to them, but I don't like them. I feel like I'm facing wire frame fighters in Melee.

    It's a small dumb thing but it's whatever. There are more important things to be worried about in the end.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    They need to revert the changes. I have no idea how this made it to the live version of the game... 😒

  • BigFatChungus
    BigFatChungus Member Posts: 66


    Excuse me???

    As a main huntres,i use barbecue every match and is literaly impossible to see survivos, if they doing gens forget, for some reason now, the auras are all distorced and trasparent

  • ScardeyCat
    ScardeyCat Member Posts: 13

    **I am COLORBLIND and can’t SEE downed and hooked survivors auras!!!!** Survivor main here and I have been playing this game for over a year now. I love it! This new update though, has made the game practically unplayable for me, as I can’t see a downed survivors aura and I also can’t see a hooked survivors aura. I can’t see their auras because they’re red and they are translucent. My husband who is a killer main was playing the trapper tonight and he couldn’t find most of his traps. The red sliver of light was so small he couldn’t even see the traps, he also had some difficulty finding the Gens. He’s a rank two killer so he knows what he’s doing. He is a good killer and he was having difficulty playing the game normally. He is not colorblind and he said he had to strain his eyes to see the auras. Please change this back to the way that the auras were before, so me and many others that are colorblind with certain color shades can play this game again. I don’t want to have to give up the only horror game that I can play (I get Bad Migraines) because it isn’t flashy, and one of my favorite hobbies during this COVID-19 quarantine situation. Please either change them back to how they were before or make the color different than RED. I don’t want toxic comments coming my way because I didn’t save people off of hooks and/or heal downed survivors. I’m sorry that I can’t see you! :/

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    I ican't see any aura and if I'm colorblind where the hooks are, the gens this is extremely frustrating....

  • NekoNyu
    NekoNyu Member Posts: 8

    Srry, but... not, they don't. I can't SEE anything as killer/survivor. The old ones were right. Why change it? Just to nerf bbq even more?

  • legion_quen
    legion_quen Member Posts: 11

    I'm glad people are thinking of those who are colorblind. As someone who IS colorblind, this is impossible to play. Just impossible. I might as well uninstall the game.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    New auras are a horrible quality of life change and a massive nerf to survivors and an even massive nerf to killers.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Played 3 games with a hex perk. I Didnt know where my totem was at any point during those 3 games. I like the design of the new auras. And i get they are trying to show distance with them, but playing on yamaoka the killer was basically running knockout due to not being able to see where survivors were downed. (No killer wasnt using knockout)

  • hanibel
    hanibel Member Posts: 164

    @Peanits tell the team to revert the auras

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    So I played a lot of games today, most as survivor. Didn't have many issues at all. Was using empathy and OoO frequently and didn't affect my gameplay. Played one game as killer. could they not test this properly? As mentioned BBQ is almost impossible to see, survivors blend in with the gens. Nurses Calling is horrendous! Even the hooks are terrible, I literally couldn't find a hook and had a survivor wiggle off. Please up the brightness to these aura's.

    Also, you make it so killer can't switch but survivors still can and see who the killer is through the game files.... then switch their build to counter? I know I am plenty critical of this game but I have to wonder ######### the dev's are thinking.....

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    I mistook my hex on the other side of the map for an OoO... and didn’t see a survivor on a gen with bbq

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    This was an abomination of a change. Horrible. Revert or fix please. Not playable right now.

  • Anghroth
    Anghroth Member Posts: 40

    I'm sorry, but if you REALLY, honestly, believe that those god awful new auras look any better than the old ones, then you are either a massive troll or a straight up liar!

    I'm not even talking about all those poor colorblind players, who can't see anything at all anymore...I'm talking about the general design of those things. While showing outlines might be a somewhat cool idea, they definitely need to be a whole lot thicker and brighter, so they can actually be seen from a distance.

    As is, the new auras are simply unacceptable. Period!

  • Crap_Martini
    Crap_Martini Member Posts: 50

    I don't even think they are "less gamey", polygonal shapes like that literally used to make up game characters and worlds. If anything they have become more gamey! Looks like low resolution tron.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    I don't play killer often, but they are so much worse on that side. I have really bad eyesight so I could barely see the old auras, but now, I'm doomed If I ever want to play killer. However, I do agree that eventually people will get used to it, though colorblind people have issues, and so do people who can't run the game on high/ultra. But I find it funny how a lot of the comments here are long the lines of "Oh, imma uninstall cause it's impossible to play, and killers get nerf after nerf, and survivors op, just remove the exit gates, and make teabagging bannable and blah blah blah my killer main is showing". They are just overreacting a little bit

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    As someone who was diagnosed legally blind at 4, yeh it ain't fun

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71
  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Go on ormond. Try to see any auras there. Good luck

  • zeroskill
    zeroskill Member Posts: 15

    They are fine indeed. Now maybe bad killers can stop relying on a easy mode perk to find every one cause their to lazy to actually do it themselves.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2020

    So now Killers have to find Gen themselves to patrol because those are hard to see? Fair enough.

    Color blind Killer players need to gid gud at finding Gen and stop being lazy

  • tikapuuvuohi
    tikapuuvuohi Member Posts: 10

    They need to change it. It's horrible for both killers and survivors.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    As a colorblind person I'm already trying harder to find people. Blood is non-existent except indoors, scratch marks are abysmal at best, don't murder my auras

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    This makes no sense. Easy mode perk? Running too much object of obsession are we?

  • knee_ah
    knee_ah Member Posts: 56

    I like the older ones better, I didn't play killer yet but considering how dark and hard it is to see on some maps it is definitely awful.

  • LadyRahl
    LadyRahl Member Posts: 15

    New auras are fine.... if your within like 10 feet of a hook or a survivor. They look really cool but any further than that and you are just looking for the barest sliver of red or yellow.

    Unless you high resolution on PC you're basically screwed.

    I'm legit praying they change it back or at the minimum find a way to make auras pop again. Changing them was a good idea as a concept but its not working for me in practice at all.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    "I only play half of the game but here's my opinion on a game changing mechanic"

    I don't get it. If you play only survivor or only killer you just don't know enough about the game to comment on changes that effect BOTH of them. Make comments on survivor changes but to not play killer and make a comment on a change that heavily effects them is just ignorant. It's no worse than people who only play killer and call DS broken.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    "Everything looks fine as survivor guys, nothing wrong here"