New Auras are fine



  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    High end resolution and rather high end PC user here. Still colour blind. Still can't see auras. Just because my pc is good doesn't mean my eyesight gets any more clear. Just because the resolution is good, doesn't make colours I couldn't see before magically make them appear.

  • Suiv
    Suiv Member Posts: 35

    Try playing both sides then form a opinion. If you do play both sides then you are in the minority. Auras are useless for killer unless you are right up on the person.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    What? Okay.

  • kaikura
    kaikura Member Posts: 13

    Mount ormond resort as trapper, couldn't see my traps or the hooks, had to guess, some survivors wiggled off....... Hard mode? 😢

  • EpicTransitions
    EpicTransitions Member Posts: 17

    Sure. I love the more indepth detail, but make the old auras detailed instead of a new system

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2020

    Fine? Bollocks. I just died on Ormond precisely because of the new aura change. I don't get idiotic changes like this. If it ain't broke, there's nothing to fix. How about actually fixing a bug like say Huntress' hatchet hit box which still hasn't been fixed.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Yep, auras are fine... Just played on Haddonfield and could barely see the hooked survivors.

  • xiozen
    xiozen Member Posts: 61

    probably the best solution to date for the current state... when a video game gives me headaches due to eye strain... uninstall.

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    Lol well that's it pack it up guys. No more complaining. Since auras are fine for OP it means they're fine for everyone. End of discussion.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    "Auras are fine"

    Then shows a bunch of screenshots showing they aren't :x

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    The majority of us complaining about the new auras aren't doing so just because they aren't the same. This isn't some resistance to change we just need to get used to and quit complaining. We are complaining because for many of us we literally can't see them at times. I personally can't see them unless they are close to me.

    Try playing a match where you barely see an aura that is farther than 20 meters away from you. An aura between 20 and 40 meters is a guessing game. Any aura past 40 meters out may as well not exist because you can't see it at all.

    This isn't a get used to it scenario for those of us complaining unless you are suggesting we just get used to not seeing auras.

    I'm glad they are fine for you. Believe me when I say I truly wish my eyesight allowed me to see the new auras without a problem. That isn't reality for a lot of people. We aren't talking about a change to a perk where everyone has their own subjective opinion. We are talking about a change that literally prevents us from playing this game effectively since it all but eliminates an important aspect for us. That isn't an opinion. It isn't subjective.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    They have the "comic book" style of auras, which is a choice.

    I can't see most of the things I should be able to see. Just because your high-end settings makes the auras visible doesn't mean that the developers shouldn't worry about the players that can't distinguish scratch marks from the choppy aura of a gen or can't see traps or totems because the auras are smaller than a piece of lint on my screen.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    The new auras are absolutley horrid.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170
    edited July 2020

    Sure they look nice up close but they absolutely need to be adjusted. I have a clip of how bad they are. I'm working on a gen and someone is hooked on the other side of the map. You literally cannot see the aura of the hooked person unless I move the camera just right so that their aura is inside the gen I'm working on. As soon as you move the camera they disappear.

    I played one match with a hex totem. I had no idea where it even was until the end of the match. BBQ is actually a challenge to see where people are half the time.

    I agree that they look better.....but the thing is I actually have good eyesight and it's this bad for me. I can't imagine what it's like for people who don't have 20/20 vision, colorblindness, etc.

    I would also point out that your picture examples are all dark maps where red stands out in contrast. Let's see some pics of the auras in corn maps or dead dawg saloon.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 500

    How can it be fine for survivors and awful for killers? Both need to be able to see survivors auras.

    The hypocrisy of this forum is sheer endless.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Yeah honestly I like these better.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    The hypocrisy comes from survivor mains who say that auras are fine. They are not. And as a survivor, you are much less reliant on auras

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 500

    The hypocrisy comes from people that can't acknowledge that it's a problem for both sides.

    That includes you, as you said it's fine for survivors (which is far from being the truth) but awful for killers. Saying that survivors are much less reliant on auras may be your conclusion, but it's not the ultimate truth. Survivors have aura reading without and with perks too (which depends on the used perks, but that no different from killers), and need to be able to see auras the same way as killer need to.

    If you can't acknowledge that, then it's your problem.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Well, I don't care, I can't stand these horrible auras, and I was saying it's fine for him because he said it is. You're really making a useless argument

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Who even asked for new auras when there are so many others problems in the game? I don't get it.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I agree that I like the new design of the auras, and in general I dont actually have a problem with it, if they fix the brightness as they have said they would. But beyond that is the change to survivors aura color. If it was intended as a nerf to BBQ and other Auras for killers, then fair enough. If not then fix the colors as well. Because atm the difference between a survivor and a gen is hilariously small. It was easy before, even if they were hiding behind the gen, if a hand or anything tiny poked out it was quite easy to see. Even as someone used to working with minor changes in color these differences are.....hilariously small.

  • piterOOO
    piterOOO Member Posts: 5


    just play as trapper and try to find the basement without stepping into your own trap

  • Halun
    Halun Member Posts: 177

    Lol they're anything but fine.

    They seem to be an issue for literally all sides, and they're impossible to play with if you're colorblind.

    Even if you think "oh these aren't so bad", or "I like the style better now!", have some consideration for the rest of us. Some of us can't even play the game anymore because of these changes... 😟

  • Riquan
    Riquan Member Posts: 54

    No, they are not OK.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    $20 game shouldn't cater to high end game machines. The auras are not as terrible as everyone says, unless you're colorblind. Nonetheless, they are considerably ... No ... They are tremendously more difficult to see on low and mid gfx settings.

    Also, please fix the language arts. Numbers or adjectives, but not both, BHVR. It is a sorely misplaced inconsistency, and the devs have no reason or excuse for delineating the perk modifier descriptions.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Play on Ormond and try to see the hooks,