Remember guys, NOED is for bad killers...



  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Except I do every single bone I see?

    Your reasoning doesn't seem all that legitimate to me, as a solo survivor NOED strikes the most, and the spawns sometimes are not really all that common.

    I play the way I feel like without following the meta, and yet I don't feel like running a perk just because a broken, overly relied on by bad killers perk exists, I have to alter what makes me have fun.

    Its REALLY not that hard to understand it, is it?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    That's just flat out stupid. "Oh, if you use this perk in a situation that basically it's unnecessary in or gets you the least amount of value, you're a good player"

    Just saying, if it's not perk shaming it's tactic shaming, you really have a laundry list of opinions on how killers can play, but whenever survivor play is brought up, there's always an excuse or reason..

    I don't understand why people have to tell others how to play, then have the nerve to call others smoll pp

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Get a feel of how to play as killer. Don't slug, unbreakable. Don't tunnel, DS. Don't camp, BT.

    All of those are valid options to killers but yet they are dictated to play a certain way, but hey we ain't complaining!

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    Hence, this topic exist. Ergo, don't feel ashamed killer players, those people literally good at only holding M1 while you juggle four survivors and feel the heat, play however you want. Tunnel, camp, mori, NOED.. All is fine.

    I don't even need NOED/Mori but heck, I will use them when I want to. And, I will add a sweet iri head on top of that too.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Nah of course not, it's not like we see these kinda threads every single day. /s

    It's a game, adapt and get over what you dislike, cause calling everyone out as an entitled surv that tells you how to play is not the way to prove your point.

    That's all on you buddy.

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    Rank 1 killer and survivor, NOED isn't even a consideration in my build because having it in your build means you're accepting that the survivors are probably going to do all five gens against you. It is literally a crutch because you know you're going to lose, but you want to have a chance at a couple kills at the end that you did nothing to earn. Doing bones is very difficult for solo survivors, and shouldn't be expected unless there's a QOL balance to help ensure they know when all totems are done. DS, BT, UB are definitely crappy when used together, but they are all very avoidable. Run devour hope, it counters all three. You'll be out of TR range to get the stack. And if you say 'But it's a hex, I don't want to use that!' then you don't actually want survivors to look for totems if there's no other hex. You just want to abuse the fact that they don't.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347


    Have you................... Have you read the topic?!

    The whole topic is about entitled (yes entitled) survivors crying and shaming killers for using ONE perk they consider a "crutch", while themselves each using 4x crutch perks.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    Do forgive me if I'm wrong but If I can get to here

    In less than 3 days playing two so-called "Weak" killers (Wraith and Pyramid Head)

    Without using the perk once then forgive me for calling it a crutch perk people rely on.

    If I can do it, so can you.

    I critique both sides just as much. Curb your bias.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    All I read was more of everyone is rank 1 killer, but clearly survivor-biased. The point of this topic is it's stupid to shame NOED and dictate how killers play when you do whatever you want and use 4x crutch perks.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    Those pictures prove absolutely nothing lol. Mind as well be from Google.

    Stream high level killer gameplay please.

    P.S: Like I said million times, no one here thinks NOED is necessary good/bad, it's not the discussion. Thread was made to "unshame" killers and let them use whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    You didn't regard any of my points explaining why NOED is something that only weak players use. And I don't use UB, BT, or DS, despite those all carrying the expectation that you will be hooked, because even if you're winning you definitely should be. Anyway, my point was regarding NOED relying on you to be bad, and you didn't respond to that at all. Care to try again?

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    I don't "regard" your points because they are irrelevant and I couldn't care less.

    Topic is discussing how it's lame to shame killers when you have 4x crutch perks, not discussing NOED at all.

    Killers: Play however you want, and use whatever perk you want! Equip an iri head for me please, and a mori too! Thank you kindly.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    Oh you want me to stream it? Okay.

    Have fun. Feel free to look through my vods, though be warned the most recent one I was not in a good mood and dbd wasn't helping so I'm pretty shirty.

    I play killer and survivor, but mostly killer at this point.

    also here's a screenshot with my steam name included:

    here's a link to my steam profile, you'll see they match.

    @2ndBusiestmusicnerd @hahadrillgobrrr and @Respectfulnancymain have all watched me stream live. they can comment as further proof that i do, in fact, stream.

    would you like some more or is this enough?

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    I mean yes, if you're a bad killer and that's the only way you can win and you have fun doing it, then do so. You're playing the 1v4 side, you dictate what rate the game is played at. The fact that you disregard any arguments proves that you don't actually care about any of these perks and you just want justification to play in a way that clearly implies you are an extremely weak killer. It's definitely not lame to shame killers for a perk and bad tactics, just as it's not lame to shame a survivor for running all 4 crutch perks. Both people are abusing something that makes the game feel worse for the other side.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    No man, my point is: Let killers play how they want and stop being a hypocrite and shaming them when you do way worse.

  • Harlekin
    Harlekin Member Posts: 12

    always this suvivor 

    wrong NOED does not reward bad killers much more punishes NOED stupid survivor 

    who are too stupid or too lazy to destroy totems 

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    I am a Killer, keep in mind XD You keep trying to throw 'you' in like it accentuates your point. And I feel that it is a multiplayer game that is seen as not competitive, and therefore it should have attempts by both sides to make it more fun or enjoyable for the other side, while also preserving the fun for themselves. It is a game where doing certain tactics makes the game drastically less fun for the other side. Survivors bullying, running four instances of head on and quick and quiet, flashlights, Ob of Obsession, etc. Killers not engaging in the match at all, or tunneling extremely hard, or facecamping.

    Complaints should definitely be made about things that are a problem. That's the only way that they have a chance to be fixed in the future. Killer side or survivor side

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    And why, pray tell, is this even a need?

    They're people of their own, you don't need to create a whole topic just because a couple of "entitled survivors" hurt your feelings with it.

    Not everyone is using a crutch only loadout in the surv side btw, so calm down.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    It did not get to my feelings at all, but it does get to other killers' feelings. Hence, this topic. To un-shame and encourage killers to play how they want.

    Go tunnel, camp, mori, iri head, etc. etc. my guys!

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    Oh sorry I didn't realise that I was a survivor main.

    Apologies thanks for telling me what I play and what I don't.

    I cleanse totems. My issues stem from the fact the perk is a Solo Stomper and helps significantly less against the co-ordinated SWF groups you need the help with. It sucks doing 4 totems and my team can't even do one. Just add a totem counter to the HUD and I'm fine with the perk. I won't use it but I'm fine with it.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    thanks for coming to my aid but don't worry i literally stream dbd so ill gladly let op here watch it :D

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Hatch is killer-sided if both survivor and killer are on the hatch at the same time.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275
  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    It's irrelevant because hatch is out-of-jail card for Survivor, it spawns when Survivors plays poorly as yet another second chance.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Dude you ever gonna be tired of posting such weak sauce bait?

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Thanks for contributing to the discussion. Not sure how it is sauce bait but I guess more survivor nonsense.

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    If you rely on noed, you suck. But I love getting to the endgame with 2 survs left and get a free easy kill

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    You literally made a post the other day asking for NOED to be basekit. What else could this be but epic bait?

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    ...? So it's a bait because you disagree with it? Yep... Survivor nonsense.

    I make rational points to discuss. Survivors shouldn't have second chance (hatch) and killers nothing, so I proposed NOED as an example only. Provide context next time my logical survivor friend.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Point is: Killers can mori, camp, tunnel, iri head, and NOED if they want because survivors abuse everything they can without a shame.

  • Get_Beaned_B0I
    Get_Beaned_B0I Member Posts: 106

    Anyone that says that NoEd is a crutch must automatically be a survivor main that runs 4 crutches ever single game


  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    Doesn't matter really. So long as survivors abuse anything they can (items, addons, perks, lame techniques oh and let's not forget SWF) killers can also use any strategy (camp tunnel), items (moris, iri heads) and NOED.

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    NOED is bad for killers though. It's a crutch perk that holds so many killers back from getting good at the game. If you can't get a single sacrifice in a match without NOED, then you need to go watch some good killers on twitch or youtube and practice their tactics until you get good at the game. Using it to rank up is only holding you back from getting good at the game, I dropped it within a month of starting the game and I'm glad I did, I'm a better killer for it.

    Yes, Survivors also have a crutch perk. DS in it's current state is OP, it's supposed to be an anti-tunneling perk, but not all tunneling is intentional, sometimes the tracks you follow from a hook end up being the person you just hooked instead of the savior, and then you're stuck with the choice of either eating the DS or slugging and guarding or slugging and leaving them to go back top gen patrolling. The game would be alot better if both NOED and DS were nerfed.

    I disagree with you calling unbreakable, borrowed time, and dead hard crutch perks though. Unbreakable is in the game so that there is some counterplay against a killer who likes to slug survivors to slow up a game or use them as bait to get other survivors, you're never going to get to use it against a killer who picks up survivors normally instead of slugging them, making it a wasted perk slot in those matches. Borrowed Time exists so that there is counterplay against a killer who hook camps. As for dead hard, it takes some actual skill to use, you need good timing to use it, too soon and the killer doesn't attack and it just prolongs the chase by about 2 seconds, too late and the killer hits you.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 968
  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    NOED just gives that final push for killers who didn't have insta-down to apply enough pressure because they played like survivors always tell them to do. It's a little reward for the killer and an unpleasant surprise for survivors who did nothing but gens without worrying about totems. Balanced; as everything should be.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    i like how op never did respond to me after i said that i actually streamed me playing killer and provided proof that i wasnt just some bIaSeD sUrViVoR mAiN. interesting.

    Edit: hey did you guys know I'm an entitled survivor main despite the fact I main killer?

    Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on
  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    There's a lot of validity in your post and I agree with, between the two sides only killers are shamed for their choice of play be it add ons, perks, or even tactics. They'll face abuse at the end of the match and often forums. Using NOED will earn you the mark of shame but none of the survivors perks will. That being said, you should have addressed this in a different way, it's bad faith and no one will engage with you. You also need to be careful in what kind of arguments you choose to make or how you present it. But shaming is a huge issue and needs to be addressed.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    2nd chance perks for survivors counter toxic play styles by killers such as camping and tunneling. Unbreakable is for killers who think they're going to be greedy and slug for the 4k, or just start slugging to be toxic(which is quite often).

    I personally don't run 2nd chance perks. Since I play solo, i'm at a severe disadvantage.

    If you're going to tunnel, do it early and get DS/Deliverance out of the way. Every 2nd chance perk is easily countered. NOED requires everyone to break totems, or a majority of them. Since they don't, NOED is a "problem". Not for me tho. I'm breaking everything and leaving dumbasses on the ground while i exit. NOED will never be my fault personally.

    So until the community stops being little weasels, suck it up or play something else tbh.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    It's bait because it's utter nonsense. So if NOED gets to be basekit Adrenaline should too, they're two sides of the same coin after all. That's how nonsensical your argument is.

    Also NOED is a crutch, if you can't get a kill without it. DS has a counter, slug. BT has a counter, go after the person who unhooked. Like, I can see your bias from 1000 yards.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I agree to the extent that shaming players for using stuff in the game is stupid no matter who does it. No, killers aren't automatically bad just because they use NOED or a mori. The same goes for survivors using their strong perks or a key or something.

    Maybe one day people will stop taking out their grievances with game features and mechanics on players that dare to use them. Should by all means talk about changes they'd like to see, but shaming players for using something that's in the game is just pure scrub mentality BS.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Play the game with only 3 perks, and that makes that killer bad? Lol cool story bro, enjoy you're DS and other second chance perks.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    People are still having the NOED debate? Sheesh, run Small Game or Det. Hunch and call it a day. I'm a rank 1 Survivor and Killer, I typically run NOED if I'm running a meme build but 9/10 games against Red rank survivors, the bones get done (Even when I don't run it) so if you're dying to NOED then who's fault is it other than your own?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    Using second chance perks and relying on second chance perks are completely different.

    If you can still do well as survivor without using Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Smol pp^tm, then you're a good survivor. If you can do well with off-meta builds you're a good survivor. If you can't play the game without those perks you're a ######### survivor.

    That's my stance on it for both sides. If you use NOED okay. If you rely on NOED you suck.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I try hard not to run meta perks, but the second I use a scavenger build, u get a rank 1 spirit with NOED + Rancor.

    But the second I do, Baby hillbilly has to take it

    Then it's a never-ending cycle from non-meta to meta over and over and over again.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Listen, it's counterable, but the perk really is problematic. Survivors have more second chance and busted perks like DS and unbreakable that need changes (not unbreakable, just DS, but the combo is broken). I run detective's hunch to make NOED useless, and it works for me, but NOED still rewards the killer for letting gens fly, which is problematic.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Just out of curiosity: When I play an end game build, I sort of rely on Noed to get me one or two downs as well. Does that make me a bad killer then?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Are people really still complaining about BT? Which is literally 15 seconds, which isn't even a quarter of the time that DS is active. Everyone's like "If DS lasted less time, it'd be fine!" then groan about freaking Borrowed Time which only lasts 15 seconds.

  • Negitive
    Negitive Member Posts: 27

    It's clear you didn't even READ the post you quoted lmao.

This discussion has been closed.