Remember guys, NOED is for bad killers...



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Since I take a lot of my suggestions and builds from the Aces who play here, top Rank both survivors and killers, and few if any of them have a problem with Noed, I think I'll just have to take their advice over yours. But you have my sympathy, since your name says it all. You are disappointed in yourself.... you can get better! We will help you learn to over come that oh so difficult option of cleansing totems.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2020

    Being able to admit one is bad at a video game is not bullying. Pretending everyone is good at this game and perpetuating a fantasy is harmful. I’m sorry others won’t allow you to escape reality and that it hurts your feelings. Perhaps you should take a moment to fortify yourself and ask yourself if you actually think you’re good at this game.

    How in the world did people like yourself ever survive in the real world? Have your parents spent their entire lives coddling you and telling you that youre perfect and can’t do anything bad or wrong? Is that what’s happened here?

    You’re currently bad a video game. So what? Grow up. Accept reality. Work on it. And get better. Why is that so upsetting to you?

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Im not insulting you at all tho? im just asking you why you think selfcare is op

    Imo self care is a waste of time as it takes 32 seconds to get healed which is way to much since you could do half a gen in 32 seconds

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2020

    You are calling other players bad for using a perk, while haven't said anything against 1000 survivors.

    You did not even play with me or see me play, but apparently I am "Bad" because I think killers should use NOED and everything they want, and you can't see how dumb that is?

    Did not read rest of your gibberish, I don't tolerate e-bullies who call other people "bad".

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    It neglects getting hit. Survivors don't even care about first hit as noted by them swarming at you to body block (you don't even touch killer I guess, you wouldn't know).

    So getting first hit is nothing. Regardless of that, in an actual chase it takes waaay more than 32 second to hit a survivor who is not a total potato. So the times are against the killer, and yes it's a second chance perk as explained.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816
    edited August 2020

    It's a waste time even if it neglects the first hit, good survivor's prioritize gens over healing which is why most good survivor's hate baby clauddtes cause they self care in the corner for 22 hours

    Can we please just discuss without you calling me a survivor main?

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Already went through "waste of time" point since the time is still on the survivors side.

    I am saying play killer sometimes to get a better perspective of the game. Then you can tell if it is balanced or not, and what nerfs/buffs should be.

    I play both sides.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816
    edited August 2020

    Self care is amazing to go against cause i use sloppy + nurse on spirit. if you can apply pressure and end chases quickly survivors wont even get the chance to finish there heal before you intrupt them

    I do play killer infact i play more killer then survivor. I would provide screen shots but i dont have any recent ones cause im on a break from dbd

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I have no problem with either perk. But NOED will be a factor in every game that you don’t dominate. DS will only be a factor if your fellow survivors unhook poorly or the killer is a proxy camper or some combo of those 2. It’s been nerfed into a limited role and you can only use it in 10% of matches or so.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I’ve been running self care lately as well. I’ve noticed a new breed of player that either doesn’t understand that you are asking for a heal or doesn’t want to waste their gen time on a heal. I do want to be in control of my health states so yeah I run self care. Tried IS but I find I can spend twice as long looking for a totem as I would just doing self care. Hawkins in particular is awful for finding totems. (Well it’s awful in every way I can think of except aesthetics).

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    This is not what my topic is about. Please stay in-topic.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Noed should slow down Gens. There was a time when people spent the time clearing those four totems. Every second searching for and clearing a totem is a second not hurtling the Generators toward being complete. I literally had two different Generators (last night) pop in the first two minutes of the game. They got salty with me because when they powered the gates, I proceeded to slug down three of them. One got out. If you can get all the Generators done THAT darn fast, you can also dedicate the time to taking out some totems. I don't want to hear any lame excuses. You can choose to take out Totems or not.

    I play both sides. I have perspective. Do you know how many times I've played against, or been part of, a group of Survivors who were sitting in the SAME room as each other in the real world? Let's not mince words, it happens a lot. It happens more and more every day. They have a 5th Perk, a type of Information Gathering tool which is off the charts. Even when they aren't in the same room, there are those in constant communication with each other via microphone. Most Killers just shrug and go, oh.... survivor friends.... going to be tough match. So you will have to forgive us if we don't have much sympathy when you complain about our perks.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    2-3 gens done within first 3 minutes is very, very common in high rank gameplay.

    Makes it way too anxious and stressful, gen times are total wack especially ever since Ruin was gone.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    Nah, hatch is the last chance, its more a luck then a crucial change. Keys kinda are, but anymore

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Pretty common in mid-rank play now too. Because of the rise in commonality of survivor friends, a calculation has been made that finishing the generations lighting fast is the best route, i.e. provides the most wins in a reliable way. Totems are considered secondary, and only taken if you happen to spawn on them or get lucky. Survivor friends are the new reality and there is no fix for it (if it is even a problem). So we should all expect more perks and add-ons to re-balance, and I don't expect Noed to go anywhere. I expect to offset the speed of the Generators that people will Mori more often and early simply to slow things down. I know that works for me. If you carry a tool chest into my game, you put a big target on your back.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    NOED doesnt work on pretty much big amount killers. Those are: slow killers, non-m1 killers and one-shot killers. And this is HUGE. Like i carry noed on huntress just in case it all goes wrong, it, however, doesnt really work cuz she is so slow that i cant chase survivors to hook them... Her axes dont one-shot survivors while exposed(which is kinda weird)

    You know, whatever, noed wont be changed

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    I mean they nerfed Hex: Ruin which was literally the only reliable (that's proper use of reliable, take note certain somebody) slowdown perk for killers.

    It's getting worse for Killers and that's a fact, more nerfs and "reworks".

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is certainly getting m ore challenging. I think better or worse is too subjective in this case. There is no way to fix people using group tactics outside the game via in person or the microphone, other than hope that people adhere to honor. :) So we adapt. Me, I mori more. I tunnel more. I honey-pot or camp. I am specific about who I delete , when and why. They complain about it. I don't complain about them. It is a reality. We all play to win.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Honestly yes, once Ruin was gone I don't shy away from mori/tunnel etc.

    IDGAF what lame survivors cry about.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I just think it makes commonsense. If I see four survivors and one is putting serious moves on me, popping gens, and carrying the team.... and I get them down. I'm not letting them back up. I take the strong first and then my time with the weaker. Cut the head off the snake.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Lol i was told I was bad because I was only chainsawing people instead of hitting them twice to down them

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I know right? All you chainsawing "bad" killers... have Noed all game effectively. You must be the WORST. :)

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
    edited August 2020

    😂😂😂 i'm tempted to slap on bamboozle, fire up, noed, blood warden on billy now to see what kinda hate chat I get...

    I don't have fire up or blood warden unlocked yet on PC though 😔

  • Get_Beaned_B0I
    Get_Beaned_B0I Member Posts: 106

    They aren’t justifying how survivors can use everything, they’ve said multiple times that if survivor rely on DS/UNBREAKABLE/BT/ADRENALINE/EXHAUSTION PERK/etc. They aren’t a good survivor, by rely I believe they mean that if someone runs these perks every single match and cannot play correctly without them, they rely on those perks.

    They also said that if a killer relies on NoEd to get kills for them every single game, they rely on it. I believe that they mean that using the perk is not relying on it to be there for you every single game, you’re using the perk but not to the point where your performance drops substantially when you don’t use it.

    You’re starting to act like they only said anything about killers relying on NoEd and didn’t say anything at all negative about survivors which is simply not the case, it also seems that you couldn’t understand the difference between using a perk and relying on it so I tried to (hopefully) clear that up for you.

    I’m not here to be biased to either side and say that relying on NoEd is okay but survivors relying on perks is not, I’m just here to (try) and clear up some things

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The problem is that it is a false narrative. All Killers rely on the Perks they like and work WELL for them. There are plenty of Perks that you just don't see some killers without. So people being salty, either side need to stop winging, adapt, and play the game.

  • Get_Beaned_B0I
    Get_Beaned_B0I Member Posts: 106

    I can understand this the but the purpose of the comment was just to spread information I’m not going to side with anybody on this because I don’t want to be someone who gets wrapped up in this threads heavy drama

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Good point, and I don't begrudge you that. Me, I don't mind the drama one way or the other. I'm a cold fish. If I'm a Survivor I'm going to use every tool I have ethically within the confines of the game. If I'm a Killer I'm going to do the same thing. I'm not going to winge or cry or get salty at other people for doing their best. Too many people are just "bad sports" and PVP games lets this vocal minority really be TOXIC. So when I've got people being Toxic to me, accuse me of being a Tunneler, Camper, whatever, I'm just going to embrace it and own it. I'm going to say, "yeah, and?"

  • Get_Beaned_B0I
    Get_Beaned_B0I Member Posts: 106

    I can 100% understand using the tools given to you and this is the reason I will not message or bash ANYBODY based on their play style in game, sure I have my opinions on some things but why go out of my way to attack someone for little to no reason, this is just a game, no reason to Harrass people or force your opinions on it or anything like that, sometimes people just need to calm down about certain things because at the end of the day we’re all people with the only thing separating us being a screen.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    No, you can't admit to malicious intent. The whole point of NOED is that it was made for end game, just like any other perk that activates when certain criteria is met. No one has to follow your standards on what makes a good player. The whole point of these "callouts" is to shame players((usually killers, lets be real here)) into playing the way you want them to. Perks and add ons are tools, it's on the onus of the killer whether they desire to use them or not, not you.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I hate the OP didn't carry himself that well and got himself banned, otherwise he had valid points. This needs to stop, we need to address certain tactics and look for ways to ensure both parties enjoy the game without shaming each other. Killers being humiliated because of how they want to play the game is something I wish the community would address and correct. If I go into a game and play on auto-pilot, I am not going to enjoy myself.

  • Bluesage
    Bluesage Member Posts: 11

    No One Escapes Skill need a re-work like many of the perks do. I am fine with the speed to the killer, but the Exposed status (when we have way more one shot wonders now than when the perk was put in) is a bit much. When I see a Myers, or Bubba with it...I can't help but think overkill. If it only applied to the obsession, I could live with that.

    From a survivor stand point, it encourages lazy play on the killer. I get that some people are new, and learning, but they shouldn't have to rely on one perk to get them a kill. I get it that there are matches both sides get way out happens. But for a killer to need to rely on a perk, rather than take a loss...and people call survivors entitled.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    As a nurse main, I always use noed. Although its usually not ever going to activate as I'm a good nurse, I use it to handicap myself. Am I the only one who does this?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Did he though? The OP didn't have points; he had an agenda. It was to insult and shame certain players. It is a detestable way to try and influence the meta. And no, it isn't our job as PLAYERS to ensure anything. This is PVP game. It is a competition. Your fun should come from the joy of competing. You play HARD. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you. This isn't a tea party or brunch. Our job is to play the game to the best of our ability, and not to cheat. You can't make anything fun for someone else. They either bring their own fun or they don't. You get out of a game, what you put into it. If some of you truly feel things are too hard on the Survivors, feel free to be Santa Claus, play Killers and go soft. Give the Survivors you choose to "service" a good time. Just don't let them find out you are handing things to them. They won't appreciate you taking pity on them; they will resent you for looking down on them.

    It is the job of the Developers to try an maximize fun and balance the game. They do a pretty good job, considering how damn hard it is to deal with the nearly infinite variables and the historically bad temper of people on the internet. What would increase the fun of all involved a thousand times over would be for people to grow up, keep their tantrums and opinions about how other people should play to themselves. That stuff brings nothing to the community or the game. Salty players are deluding themselves if they think toxic whining and winging wins over the general population or the Developers. It is annoying, and most of us would do the opposite to spite them. As a general rule, I have this to say to them: If you don't have the temperament for this game.... to quote Dalton from Road House (1989), "There is always Barber College."

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    The OP was lamenting the fact that killers are being shamed for usin NOED as I was I, I think there was a misunderstanding that I am not clear on. You and I have been saying the same things, maybe you were responding to someone and accidentally got me?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You are correct, and we are saying the same thing. I can admit when I get lost in a thread. I confused the guys doing his best to shame and insult people with the OP.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    Um, are you aware of how bad tunneling and camping is at even rank 1? I am. I could make a 158 hour long compilation of all the times I've been tunneled through two hooks and DS and facecamped.

    If you want to survive longer than 10 minutes, you need DS. This is especially proven by how killers will play if there's no obsession.

    You couldn't make it any more obvious that you've never touched survivor.

    Oh well, I guess I don't deserve my rank 1 for running DS and Unbreakable, but the way killers play caused me to run these things. Just like how I can't take off Spine Chill because of too many stealth killers.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771


    I couldn't make it any more obvious that I haven't touched survivor and yet according to op I'm a toxic entitled survivor main? How very interesting indeed.

    Sorry buddy I play both sides of the game, although admittedly survivor is incredibly unfun right now I'm trying to get back into it.

    Maybe I'm just not actually biased and I see both sides of the coin?

    Also rank means nothing but how much you've played and its an accurate measure of skill in any way. Ranking up as survivor is piss-easy at this point because even I can hit rank 1 and I barely play the role anymore.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    No, I'm calling you a toxic entitled killer main.

    You're claiming people who run DS, unbreakable do not deserve to be high rank, seemingly ignoring the genuine reasons these perks are used. Then now you go and say rank means nothing?

    I can equally say ranking up as killer is piss-easy as well as I went from 20 to 1 with more than half my hours only playing survivor. I'm right up there with you having experience on both sides.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    AndAnd yet we look at perky perky and I'm a survivor main. That was what the whole "interesting" bit was about- you're not the op of this thread are you?

    Great if you've got experience on both sides you should be able to see the issues with stacking ds and unbreakable together, and why all I'd want changed with those perks is to crest anti-synergy. You'll see why I say Bt should be deactivated in endgame and why I think cleansing all 5 totems in solo when you're matched with rank 19 teammates is very difficult, glad we can agree.

    Shouldve clarified too, rank above green ranks means nothing. Obviously yellows and greys are going to be much less experienced 9 times out of 10.

    Edit: Also you as well seem to have missed my entire point.

    If you use the perks, okay. If you can't do anything without using those Perks, and rely on them because you make bad plays, you're a ######### survivor.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sigh noed is a perk like any other, just as BT, DS, UB, Adrenalin and all the other second chance perks in the game. People only moan about it because when gens are done they expect to escape and then noed undermines that expectation and they can't do much but either take the hit, play around it, or throw a tantrum.

    Same goes for DS etc you get hits and downs and you expect to hook or sacc and then these perks undermine your expectation and you either take your hit, play around it, or throw a tantrum.

    Yes survivors have more perks that can make up for bad play and many folks wouldn't get as many escapes or kills without particular perks to help but that's what perks are for!

    To say all killers that take noed are trash is just you throwing a tantrum, do totems, don't get hit, know when to save and when to use your DS etc etc so you don't waste it. Yes killers try and tunnel out the DS because its most powerful during the EGC, getting it out early is a great counter. The counter to noed is cleansing totems and doing your best to avoid the killer once it pops. That means unhooking in their face during EGC probably not a good play.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I'm not throwing shade here but why do you neglect to run small game when you acknowledge that almost all killer s run noed?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    At this point I'm still slightly hopeful my teammates will be smart and cleanse totems, and I've got a decent understanding on a lot of totem spawns. When I keep running into noed after noed however I swap out to a different build which includes inner strength and detective's hunch. I prefer DH over SG anyway.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Dont forget that perk might not be in use or you are solo and you dont know if your team is cleansing!

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    It's all good. That's why I said he didn't handle himself well. It's the reason I wish killers would up their debate game here, they fall for obvious trolling or they shoot us collectively in the foot with threads like these. Its frustrating because we have valid issues but no one is interested in hearing them, not even the devs half of the time.

This discussion has been closed.