Is it fair to 99 the exit gate?



  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    im not even gonna take you seriously at all. your ignorance is massive.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    This argument that the exit gates are not an objective makes no sense whatsoever, and if it did I'd wish someone could explain how.

    If the killer kills 3 survivors and closes the hatch...what's the new objective? Last time I checked it was the exit gates, and as I mentioned above if it isn't an objective then why is it there?

    Why not just have it one tap or make the exit gates disappear when egc triggers or all gens are done?

    Why does remember me extend the time if it isn't an objective?

    There are plenty of examples showing how the exit gates is an objective in the game, I've yet to see one example of it not being one.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    That concept sounds a lot worse than what BW currently does.

    Everyone's been pointing out it lights up when activated, but honestly it just feels like agency is taken from the killer by not letting the killer activate it on their terms.

  • Deadboy
    Deadboy Member Posts: 15

    They kind of do when they can choose when to hook someone and if they have the doors open at the same time with end game timer near depletion can grantee a four kill. Kinda op in a way but also is a big gamble so I think it speaks true to what dbd is played around. Skill, and playing with builds to test what works for you. Not a bad gig so far if you ask me.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    No that's what I'm saying, the current BW gives them a ton of agency, which is a good thing for a perk like that. Changing it to match this concept we're debating about removes that agency, leaving it the same also removes that agency, because the Killer doesn't actually know when the doors are open, unless they happen to catch it.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287
    edited August 2020

    Opening the gate activated pressure for the survivors to 1: leave or 2: attempt to save. U get one kill for sure and the others have to leave. I dont get how people dont understand this. If the survivors are smart then they would leave and the survivor will instantly die. If they arent smart then they'll just waste time and either way you still get the 1 kill. I'm not entitled I'm just pointing out the strat that is used.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Any time a post starts with,"I can't believe I have to make this", you know it's about to be an nonsensical 'I know better' diatribe.

    So how about stepping outside your myopic view and listening? The force out countdown is situational AT BEST. Yes, some perks work with it, but it's a newer mechanic that only really had Freddie's perks in mind. As the game is currently still VERY Survivor sided, it should absolutely be scaled more towards Killers in this regard. If WE open the gate, the other should lock down, leaving only the hatch and the opened gate. It would create the sense of pressure lost by gen-rushing, as well as create a deeper sense of urgency to open the door and prevent the '99' mentality that Red ranks slip into as a tactic.

    It should also degrade over time if left unfinished, so that it's not used as a means to juke the killer. WAY to often Survivors 99 it, and the killer nearly stops them from getting out only for them to hit it and get out, but then sit there teabagging as if they did something worthy of being so smug. The ONLY thing you're trying to do here is preserve this absurd notion that Survivors should have ANY sense of control in a game where they're the prey being hunted.

    No wonder it's so boring for them. It lacks any discernable challenge with nearly zero sense of fear or suspense.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I don't see how it would be unfair since the killer can also interact with it and open it ^^

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    LOL. How about you realize that it's NOT needed? You just want it to assist in some failures of your own play. You're so attached to an idea that is truly not needed. Get gud already and post something worth reading. Thanks!

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    And there it is- my point proven. Go troll someone else. You can't come up with a coherent counter argument, so you devolve to the 'git gud' trope? Your post screams," Oh no, I'm a Survivor main and I don't want things to get easier for the KiLleR!!!!"

    It's all this damn handholding nonsense that lets Survivors feel entitled to act smug and do stupid crap like teabag killers at exit gates.

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2020

    ikr, it should be just a one tap, it doesn't even make sense to hold the lever lmao

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    You are just a special flower aren't you? My argument is that it is NOT needed. We do not need regressing doors for any reason other than to appease baby killers like you who can't figure out how to get good. How can you be so unable to understand that that is a valid argument? Oh, I know. It doesn't suit your "reality" that you're actually a good killer who keeps losing because of 99'ed doors. Lamest excuse ever. Keep working on it bud. LOL.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    This argument that its not needed just because is simply a bad one. A why would be nice to add so the discussion can go forward.

    The exit gates are pointless the way that they are now. They might as well be one tap to begin with or just disappear to when the gens are done.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    LOL. So now you admit it's an argument but in your OPINION it's a bad one. Lovely. No point in arguing with anyone who is so silly.

    At any rate, EGC didn't used to exist. Originally, the gates could remained closed or opened for as long as desired. Now they do have a clock on them once either side has opened them. That is sufficient. The gates are not meant to be exciting. They are meant to facilitate an exit (or a kill in the case of Blood Warden). If you're looking for action and excitement in every part of the game, maybe play a different game? LOL.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Adding LOL to your "argument" does not make it a good one. Whether you like it or not the exit gate is an objective in the game.

    And once again your argument is a bad one and instead of explaining yourself and giving me a disregard it again.

    So I'll ask you again, why isn't it needed?

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    If camping and tunneling is a legit "strategy" then doing these things like 99% gens and Exits is too. I feel end game collapse before the gate is opened just pressures survivors to get to the gates allowing the killer to just run back and forth because they know the survivors HAVE to come before the time runs out. It would end up being like another NOED without NOED if we had to race to the gate knowing the killer will be right there.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Because the end of the game is fine as it stands. There is no need to lengthen it. EGC was added to shorten it. Adding a needless timer would needlessly lengthen it and for what? To prop up a killer who obviously sucked? No thanks. Maybe stop trying to prop up this bad idea and come up with a better one. And I'm adding LOL because your responses continue to be laughable (like the original idea).

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I've already made this point based on your first post by so I'll just copy and paste:

    I see this argument all the time. Killers or survivors shouldn't get x because they have y and z. By your logic we shouldn't change anything in the game because we have something else.

    The line of thinking is completely counterproductive.

    As far as starting egc before gates are opened, I agree with you that it would be too oppressive unless the time as increased by alot but then it would be redundant. But a simple regression on the exit gate wouldn't break the game imo.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid. 99ing the exit gates is stupid.

    I can't say it enough. The amount of times I've died, or seen someone else die because some muppet 99'd the exit gate and RAN AWAY from it is insane. Gates should regress if they are not fully opened, to punish people who do this more harshly.

    The ONLY correct way (this isn't opinion, it's logic based FACT) to 99 and exit gate is to 99 it, and STAY BY IT so you can be ready to open it if someone is injured and being chased towards it. If you 99 it and run away, you're a trash team mate.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    If you had read my previous posts, you'd see that I never said the egc should start earlier or when the gens are done. I simply asked for a regression on the exit gate so it wouldn't be a permanent 1 tap.

    There are other issues with the endgame like the exit gates can be too close together but should we also ignore that because "it's fine".

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I like your post and yeah the idea of the regression on the gate was a idea I have seen before and thought it was a good idea. If gens can regress why not the gate. =)

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Thank you, I don't want to gut the survivor experience. Just want to make the end game more interesting.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Again, the regression is not necessary. If the gate is 99ed, the survivors could have left any way. If anything, the killer gets more time to kill them because they hung around instead of going straight out.

    While I think the gates spawning too close together is an issue, if you read my posts, you'll see that I'm not calling for that to be fixed. I'm simply mentioning it of how that + EGC are already killer-sided. Regressing the gates would be yet another endgame thing that is killer-sided. It's too killer-sided as it is. No need to increase it.

    Now, if you want to talk about creating a new perk that does it. That would be fine. At least they'd be giving up a perk slot to make that happen (just like Remember Me and Blood Warden do).

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Plenty of aspects of this game were "fine" but got changed anyway and for the better. Old kindred was fine but the new version is alot more fun to play with.

    New killers, survivors and maps are not necessary either but its nice to get them.

    Should we ignore current or future issues because they game is able to run with them?

    I would be fine adding the regression feature to remember me as a compromise.

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    Jesus why is there so many comments? The answer is yes it is, there'e no need to go anymore into this.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    You do realize that nothing you say upsets me, right? I'd guess not so much. At this point, it's pretty clear your an idiot, but that much was clear from the get go. Since you live in delusional 'Survivors must have all the control' land, I don't expect you to understand that the issues with matchmaking have ALWAYS been an issue, or that Survivors are, at this point, stronger in nearly every respect than 75% of the Killers that play this game due to the devs coddling them. The ability to open a door as a killer works for BW at ONE gate. If an swf is using comms, which is the majority of the time, one person is all it takes to figure out it's active. Or if you have a designated spotter.

    The ability to 99 the doors also pretty much nullifies RM unless there's only one person, which already nullifies it unless the killer finds the hatch first. Since gens haven't been slowed in the least, and BT/DS are almost assured in every match, unless you Kill all of the Survivors before the doors are ever powered, you're looking at trouble.

    Then there exists the obvious issue: experienced players assume perks. If a killer opens the door too quickly, an experienced Survivor would be stupid not to as BW. Given experienced Survivors will also have cleansed as many totems as they can, NOED is moot. Being overwhelmed by gen rushers in a swf team and taunted is extremely disheartening for newer players, and just annoying for the rest of us.

    But since you're obviously one of those coddled teabagging types, it's no wonder you would insult people and rail against such a proposal to change door mechanics.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    LOL. I think it's clear who the idiot is. It's also clear who sucks so bad at playing killer they have to call for nerfs on everything including 99'ed doors. I'm glad I'm not you. Maybe find another game or actually get good instead of asking for nerfs to make you feel better about yourself.