Is it fair to 99 the exit gate?



  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    If we lost progress on exit gates then get into a chase what do we do lose?

  • BenTenSimpForMen
    BenTenSimpForMen Member Posts: 6

    I smell entitlement.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Honestly, most people that 99% the door don't even know why they're doing it. They just do it because they saw other people do it.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    It is fair, however I hate it when my team does it. I tend to be that person who is running to the gate hot (got the killer on my tail) and the damned thing is at 99 which means I have to stop and open it, take a hit then try and escape. I peeve off my team mates because I never 99 it. It's either all or nothing.

    As a killer, if I want that gate open, I will open it myself.

  • lilddbeast
    lilddbeast Member Posts: 5

    If they did that then I think the timer should be like a minute longer? Something like that

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The perk could just light up when any gate is opened. Simple fix.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Why would it not be fair if they put in the time to get it to 99 that it should stay there? You forget as a killer the time you spend doing things matters as well. So what the game is supposed to constantly be there to hold your hand and support you in other areas of the map while you camp hooks or dilly dally around

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Getting tired of killers being rewarded for abusing their right to camp hooks. You’re over here worried about 99’ing things that YOU are supposed to keep them off of in the first place. However, if they were to make it regress I think the killer should have to interact with it first to start the regression! Just like a generator. But to regress on its own.... no. Absolutely not.

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    it's similar to 99 a survivor as ghosty, it's annoying. but it's whatever

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Not true. I get teammates that STILL pre-open the exit gates.

  • lalkx
    lalkx Member Posts: 1

    Why don't we have survivors just be injured at the begining of the game... And have their auras shown to the killer all the time... And have the survivors not be able to rescue each other... And die on the first hook... Or always Mori... And not be able to open the door...

    Would that be better??? Would killer main like that??? Why is it always such a cry out for every little thing that bothers killer

    And trust me I play killer and get ran over sometimes, and i just roll with it, say GG and move on. (Spit a little venom at times.) But move on

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    You're right. It's DOESN'T make sense to open a gate, giving them a pass by taking away the time it takes to open it by themselves, leaving them to freely run, or go to the other gate for fear of blood warden. Unless you play remember me and blood warden every match JUST to account for that when there are so many better perks that should ensure it never gets that far, it's just not worth it.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    All these comments and still no one can give a reason why it isn't a bad idea for exit gates to regress.

  • Starchild_Steven
    Starchild_Steven Member Posts: 2

    In my honest opinion, I think it's fair, if you're so upset about it you can always just open it yourself 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • No, it is completely unfair and should be replaced with a new mechanic. I like adding one minute to the end game timer but end game collapse starts as soon as the last gen is done, or the gates regress 4-10% every second. 1% regression per second means it takes 100 seconds to regress, which is waaaaay too long.

    I don't post on DBD forums at all, but there was just so many entitled survivor mains arguing that it is fair, that I had to make an account. I play both sides equally, so I'll try and pick the juiciest arguments they have and say why I disagree. The only regret I have is that the devs might not see this 6 pages in this forum post or ignore it because it's long, but I really hope they read all of this.

    Firstly, Bloodwarden is a gamble. You gamble whether or not survivors will stay around long enough to get value out of it. Bloodwarden costs a perk slot that could have helped you throughout the game, so I don't really see why the gates should stay the same because of a medicore perk. 99% of experienced survivors will 99 the exit gate and not open them unless they intend to leave... which would NOT start the end game timer to alert killers that they can use bloodwarden... so that's a weak argument. If Bloodwarden is so weak or weird... than simple, rework Bloodwarden.

    Just because you don't like those parts of killer doesn't mean end gates not regressing is fair. Put yourself in the other sides shoes and you'd see how entitled you sound. Killers could easily talk about hatch, doing gens in killers faces to avoid pop goes the weasel, clicking flashlights and teabagging, etc.... but it's COMPLETELY unrelated

    In what scenario would doing that be beneficial? Very, very few if any. Even with bloodwarden, opening the gates early means you need to down someone near a gate, open gate, hook survivor, and hope the survivors don't wait out the minute and let the person on hook stay there until right before they die. Or you can walk to a gate and open it, which is literally a free escape you're giving healthy survivors, which is what many entitled mains actually want! What a bad idea, and you say "easy" like you just had the most common-sense idea ever.

    That's honestly funny. If end game collapse isn't for pressure... Why is it there? Maybe to pressure survivors to leave and not prolong the endgame? No, that would be a crazy idea, and you just said end game collapse wasn't for pressure. So I wonder what end game collapse is really for then.

    And what? Because that's why YOU say end game collapse was made, so it can't do anything else? Gens could not be kicked or regressed originally like OP said. Survivors could fast vault windows from ANY angle. But I guess Dead By Daylight can't do anything to make themselves more balanced because they designed every mechanic perfectly and said exactly what each mechanic did, nothing more or less?

    Put yourself in the killers shoe. All the gens are done, and people can escape through the door. What else can the killer do except camp the last guy they hooked? Walking away means they could end up losing a kill, so why would they walk away? To make you happy? That doesn't make logical sense for a killer to just leave the hook and possibly give up a kill when there are no more gens to protect.

    Entitled. Entitled. Entitled. Why are survivors entitled to making sure and having every advantage to make everyone escape? The killer wants a kill. Why should survivors have unlimited time to deny the killer one kill? Because survivors want everyone to escape so everyone should? It's a 4v1 game. That means if someone's on hook, survivors already have the advantage. If one person is on hook and only one other person is alive, well then you might as well leave unless you want to sacrifice yourself to save the guy on hook. But if there are 2 or 3 survivors? Then they have a massive advantage in rescuing just by their numbers being able to overwhelm the killer, unhooking maybe with borrowed, and then chaining bodyblocks to the exit gate. This isn't very skillful, and these types of rescues are incredibly easy to do in an swf. But that should be it. The killer should have some sort of pressure to have an advantage as well. The survivor death timer takes way too long, especially if someone's first hook and survivors keep rescuing and switching who's on hook. Having a ticking timer forces people to decide if they really want to save one single person when they could just.... get themselves out. Again, just because you want everyone to escape... well guess what, the killer wants the opposite and wants everyone to die. Why should one side get prioritized in making everyone escapes after the killer chased and downed a final survivor? There's nothing wrong with survivors wanting every survivor to escape, its like the killer slugging for a 4 man (this slugging thing for a 4k is a whole issue in itself, but maybe for another time). It's acting like you're entitled to having everyone escape that's the massive problem.

    Mainly for when killers completely give up and just want the game to be over. Why do you think they gave that option, so entitled survivor mains have unlimited time to unhook once all gens are done but they can counter and say "yOu cAn OpEn tHe GaTeS LoL"

    You're so close to getting it but yet so far. Most killers want to get their one kill. They want to end the match and move on. Put yourself in their shoes, imagine that multiple survivors are alive and all gens are done. You can't do much about it and want the game to end quickly so you can move on with your one kill. But you can't. You have to wait until the survivor on hook dies, which can take like what, 1 minute per hook stage? And in that time, their team can come and rescue them with borrowed time. So you down the rescuer. The other 3 survivors heal and now you're at square one. The other 3 come to rescue and this process repeats for minutes until A) someone is death hook, or B) killer makes a mistake and now all 4 people ride off into the sunset. Having more pressure on the end gates or an automatic end game collapse can heavily, heavily mitigate this end game time and end the match, which is probably what most killers want at this stage.

    Okay, and that's page one of entitled players. I don't know if I can even look at the other 5 pages, there's was so much entitled people here and people that only play one side and don't understand what the other side is doing.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I can't believe I have to explain this, but here goes . . .

    When a gate is 99, you have two options . . .

    1. Open it yourself so the countdown continues
    2. Don't open it, but know that the survivors can leave at any time anyway and now have unlimited time to do so.

    Either way, they can escape.

    If you don't want them 99ing it OR you have perks to benefit from the open gate, open it.

    If you don't want either of those, you can leave the door at 99 and take your chances to get more kills.

    Any changes would be too much killer-sided EGC given that it is already killer-sided (gates close together and limited time are killer-sided aspects).

  • CrazyDiamond021
    CrazyDiamond021 Member Posts: 2

    I think this is also fair because if people open the gates really early and teammates are either hooked or chase, adding a timer on survival makes it super stressful and adds to a layer of difficulty.

  • CrazyDiamond021
    CrazyDiamond021 Member Posts: 2

    You sound like a survivor I would want to have as a teammate.

  • CampMeToDeath
    CampMeToDeath Member Posts: 47

    Thanks! I try to play as best as I can and if I get hooked near or at EGC, I'd want my teamates to try and save me (unless it's one then I'll gladly die for them to try for the hatch) so why not try and save them if I can. 😊

  • LeroRo
    LeroRo Member Posts: 2

    A slight regression would be fine, but, ultimately will make the EG more of a campfest than it already is. If you're that worried about not getting your 4k, or a kill, just tunnel and slug like the rest of us. The exit gates already spawn right next to each other too lol. Which makes patrolling the gates significantly easier. This is not something that would provide fixes to any of the current mechanics. You're basically complaining about 99'd gates because you were incapable of securing a kill before they were able to do so. You aren't going to "win" every single time and if you're really struggling that badly.. There's a perk for you called "No One Escapes Death"

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    But if the gates were far apart then the regression would be acceptable yes?

  • JoseNoSkillz
    JoseNoSkillz Member Posts: 1

    Nah a good killer would kill a few before survivors can get to door especially with loadouts if used correctly... All i see is killers complaining more so they get more of an advantage be happy with a kill or 2

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    How much of an advantage is it though? Would it be game changing?

  • dark_bassist
    dark_bassist Member Posts: 6

    Then let's rework BW, lest make it that it activated the second the last gen is done, EGC triggers and the entity claws blocks the gate switch for 10/20/30 seconds how about that?

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I don't think regression is needed at all. It's only killers who suck that need help with it honestly. Play a full day as survivor and you'll see that it doesn't come down to a 99 door very much. In fact, if it does, it's most likely survivors who died from not opening it all the way.

  • just_an_adam_main
    just_an_adam_main Member Posts: 0

    Honestly survivor mains don’t wanna get hit with blood warden and also try to go back and save teammates and I mean I always 99 the gates and imma continue to do it bc idc what salty killer mains think 😂

  • TxMurderer
    TxMurderer Member Posts: 4

    In my opinion, DbD is a killer based game. And survivors are put in even more bs situations... Taking the one thing we have as a means to save time and help friends is overkill. There's always one random who opens a gate anyway, so he just put me on a timer to help or be helped if I'm hooked. I say leave it as is.

    N1NJAXF0CUS Member Posts: 1

    Someone's salty...

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    I usually 99 the gates these days, but if I start seeing a lot of noed popup due to killer woes I'll just start opening the gates and leaving it to every man for itself.

  • babygirl91580
    babygirl91580 Member Posts: 66

    It’s just as fair as slugging , Moris , tombstone, or anything other one sided crap that they pander to for killer. I swear I play both sides and all I see on here are whinning killers. What’s next, y’all gonna complain and say all survivors should start the match down i in front of the killer.

  • ImAMarshmello
    ImAMarshmello Member Posts: 1

    I want to give my opinion on this all-

    1. EGC was never meant to be a tool for Killers to use to win it was meant to be a tool to stop the game from being taken hostage.

    2. If they are at the gate and opening it, they've won already anyways. I play 50/50, and u have never felt cheated by people escaping through a 99ed gate because they earned that escape.

    3. Making the gate regress is a bad idea, because it only further splits solos and SWFs. SWFs will be able to plan accordingly around it if it regresses, Solos will not. Any change to the game that splits those groups is a bad change overall.

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11

    Honestly this game was fine before the endgame collapse, if it wasn't for the people who'd wait at the exit gate till the killer showed up. And sometimes it ######### the "unhooking mission" too, when they have to tap the 99d exit gate. And considering you can just start the endgame collapse yourself i think it's fair.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    But it does, it puts the killer in a lose lose situation. The reason to 99 a door is if one or more survivors is hooked. To open the gates the killer has to leave the hook, which guarantees a save and an escape, so the highest benefit play for the killer is to stay on the hooked survivor. Best case result is a hook trade, but the killer is already being punished simply for guarding the hook, and it's not like there's any other objectives for the killer to pursue after gates are powered.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    No I didn't. I said it's not needed and I don't want it in the game, so it's irrelevant how distant the gates are in considering it.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    How would it be unfair? I'd say I play both killer and survivor equally, and I don't see a single issue with it from either perspective. Trying to kill people after all the gens are done is like a hail Mary anyway. Outplayed, gg.

  • brandil86
    brandil86 Member Posts: 5

    I agree the killer can open the gate if they want to force the timer the 99 the door helps survivors and the killer too. If the killer is on someone's tail and they have to stop to tap the gate allot of the time they can down the person anyways. Also with no ed that would not be good to not be able to 99 anymore. As a survivor main taking away the ability to 99 the doors just makes it even harder to get out with randoms dcing all the time or giving up on first hook its hard enuff.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited August 2020

    I want to thank everyone for contributing to this topic. This is obviously a hotly debated issue (and I'm surprised the devs haven't chimed in yet), and regardless if you're for the idea or against the idea of being able to 99 the gate, it's clear that people are split.

    I understand why people think you should be able to 99 the gate. I know a lot of people have mentioned, "If you're the Killer, why not open it yourself?", and imo that idea simply doesn't prove fruitful if you're the Killer. If you're making a beeline for the exit as the Killer, then you're abondoning your main objective which is hunting for survivors. If the Killer opens the gate then survivors can rush the exit, and provided noed is not active and it's not a Killer with an instant down ability, it's all but guaranteed that the survivors will be able to escape.

    Fundamentally from a game mechanic point of view, I feel that no one should be able to 99 the gate. I personally have had games (and have watched streams of games) where someone has 99 the gate, and the game continues to go on for another 5 to 10 minutes because the survivors keep trying to rescue one another. And then once the survivors are content that they have what it takes to escape, they all run to the one exit that they 99, and with the tap of a button they open it and escape. Given the amount of time that transpired from the time they tried to open the gate, it should have regressed by at least half, because at that point you're practically taking the game hostage until the survivors say that the game is over.

    So again I appreciate everyone contributing to this topic. If anything, this issue proves that the devs should probably consider - at the very least - discussing a potential rework for the gate that both sides could be happy with.

    Post edited by SweetTerror on
  • yagirlcheetos
    yagirlcheetos Member Posts: 4

    We literally only 99 gates so we can get other survivors. Almost every killer nowadays runs noed, and killers are op compared to survivors. Behavior is doing nothing but ruining the game with the constant nerfs they have on survivors and the buffs they give killers. Behavior adding endgame is the reason why we 99 gates. We physically cannot do anyone once that timer starts because killers love to camp after the gate’s open. Behavior honestly needs to listen to the survivors for once and stop listening to what the killers want.

  • yagirlcheetos
    yagirlcheetos Member Posts: 4

    Just get good at playing killer. 4 stacks are annoying but you could also lose to a 2 stack. My friend and I run 2 stack all the time and manage to piss off the killer. All you need to do it get good and you won’t be complaining about us 99 doors and then going to save our teammates.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    What do you propose killers do but sit at hook after all gena are done? What else is there for a killer to do. This is why people need to play both roles, to not make statements like this. I understand the function of 99ing gates, I do it when I play surv and it's pertinent to do so, but so it is pertinent for the killer to sit on a hooked surv because there's literally nothing else to be done at that point.

  • I think the killers that are complaining about the 99% Gate shouldn’t have any reason to. I mean the killer has no penalty for camping the whole game in front of each hooked survivor. The killer can open the gate & close the hatch as well. They are fast enough to make it to both gates even if it’s across the map. Plus the survivor runs into the biggest risk of the killer runs no one escapes death totem. So if a killer doesn’t like it they can open the gate it shouldn’t be a issue unless they are just trying to camp the hooked survivor. I play both killer & Survivor. Unless they wanna make the gate time to open the gate shorter & get rid of No one escapes death perk. I don’t see the problem. Killers have traps & hex & shock abilities & are able to throw hatches across the maps. How much more baby do they want the game to be. The game caters to the killer as is. Some can even see when you work together & have no heartbeat at all. They can track scratches & can see generators & hooks. Why no let survivors see their Generators & the killers see their hooks or switch it. I mean it keep things interesting. I don’t see why killers complain unless they stalk hooked survivors. Which should be a penalty, which again there isn’t. I see it as a strategy that is a higher risk for the survivors.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    This pretty much tells me you don't play killer, or don't play at ranks above yellow, as you have literally no idea about anything you just said. 99ing is a no risk strategy for the survivor, you're literally better off with a 99 gate because the end game timer isn't running.

  • I think I have a great idea on the subject. I don’t camp survivors & I don’t usually miss out on killing the entire group. I use my perks well. How is it not a risk when killers run No one escapes Death, or blood warden. Or even remember me? Them coming back to try to save their fellow team member gives me a chance to get them all. They run the risk of getting downed. It seems you are one of the few killers that just seem to want it all handed to you so there isn’t really any fight for your points. I like a challenge as killer or survivor, again the game is highly favored of the killers at the moment.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Yeah but you can’t put 99ing gates in the same category as say, a generator which is capable of regressing on their own without the killer interacting with them. Generators are objectives and should be able to regress, gates are not objectives and shouldn’t. End of story. They are two completely different things. Survivors should have control over whether or not they are permitted to leave at the push of a button because they have earned it. They did their objective already. Yours was to kill them which you failed to do. End game is a 2nd chance for killers. Smh 🤦🏽

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I see this argument all the time. Killers or survivors shouldn't get x because they have y and z. By your logic we shouldn't change anything in the game because we have something else.

    The line of thinking is completely counterproductive and it would have been more useful if you didn't say anything at all.

  • Well that can be said on both parties but that is how things get seen by both sides when people speak up.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Your doing it again, the discussion is about one thing. You bringing up other issues derails the conversation then saying it's ok because others do it once again doesn't add anything to the discussion.

    You can dismiss literally anything with that line of thinking.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    If the exit gates are not an objective then why does it take 20 seconds to open them?

    Why isn't it just a one tap?