Is it fair to 99 the exit gate?

BHVR agreed that it wasn't fair to do that for generators, and it wasn't fair to do it for hooks either, so then why the exit gate?
Being able to take as much time as you want to go back and get a survivor (or whatever else you may deem necessary), seems to defeat the purpose of the endgame challenge if survivors can 99 the gate doesn't it? At the very least I think the exit gate should start regressing if you choose not to open it.
*angry trapper noises*
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Honestly the endgame collapse timer should start the moment all the generators are powered in my opinion.
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Just open the gate yourself...
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Either this, or exit gates should slowly lose progress over time if survivors leave them, maybe 1% progress per second.
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That would put Bloodwarden in a really weird spot, though. Killers are notified when they can activate BW because the End Game Collapse has started. With EGC starting before the gates are opened, now the Killer doesn't know when they can hook someone and trap unwary survivors, yet if they do, likely all survivors are trapped inside before they even have time to react.
It puts BW in an unfair situation for Killers prior to opening the doors and an unfair situation for survivors after the doors are opened. Triggering BW would now be way too difficult to pull off right and simultaneously impossible to beat if it ever managed to activate.
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Yea, it’s fair
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Bloodwarden is already pretty useless now with the endgame collapse already in my opinion. I think it definitely needs a rework with the endgame collapse in mind since it was not built for that.
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Yes. Its definitely not worse than slugging, waiting for BT, waiting for DS or hanging Insidious to cheese the game. :^)
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OP -- just open the gate yourself if you don't want it 99'ed. Easy.
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Personally I think that makes a lot of sense. It's always seemed weird that I could go and 99 the exit gate, and then just leave it, and me and the rest of the team will either go back and get a survivor, or take our time and open up a nearby chest, or cleanse a nearby totem because we know we can just open the gate with the tap of a button.
And as a killer it's especially frustrating when you see a survivor you have hooked get rescued, and then all four survivors are running to a closed exit gate, only for one person to tap it, and it opens and everyone escapes.
So I agree that I think the end game challenge should start the moment all generators are done, or at the very least the exit gate should start regressing at a fast pace if you choose not open it.
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EGC is working as intended. 99 is fair, as is pre-opening or anything in between. Focus on stopping the survivors before they complete the generators if you want to be in a better position. The EGC is purposefully not there as a means of extra pressure, so stop asking for it.
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It's fair
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I think the OP is saying that it's unfair for the killer that survivors can 99% gates then leave them to prevent the endgame timer from starting, in order to give themselves extra time to try and save a hooked survivor.
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Citation needed.
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Egc was made to force games to end. Nothing more or less.
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EGC is there simply to help the game, it's not meant for a killer to use to their advantage. Open the gate yourself.
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I like it as a strategic option. It is a risk and backfires every now and then which is heartbreaking as a survivor but oh so satisfying as a killer.
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gates should regress as far as survivors are not opening them, the fact survivors can make such good plays EGC because of that really annoys me especailly when they are a good 4 man, at least would keep one survivor out of the last attempt because that survivor would need to be close the door to prevent it from regresing too much. making the task way easier if u already got rid of one survivor or 2 obviously.
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Yep its fair, i really dont like when someone is campping , andi tried do help my teamates to not be and ######### and besides having to try to make the killer stop licking my friend i have a fuckyng timer, sincerely i think that all that this timer does is to motivate the killer to slug the survival and let him die from the timer
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I did a match today as survivor: I opened the door fully, 1 person left, got a save during EGC, we picked up a slugged Meg, sadly she didn't run in front of me and I was solo so she got downed so besides that mistake (me trying to get her in front of me to body block, which would've worked).. If people know their own skill and the teams, even in solo, they can get the door open and do saves.
I only leave it at 99 if killer is running noed and the totems haven't been cleansed. It's not fair for me to leave someone behind due to noed, so I will take that chance to find it and get them, but if I can't, I'll either die trying or go for the door and get out - that's fair since the killer didn't patrol the exists but instead camped the hook that's most likely near noed.
Though 99 is fair. It sucks when it happens to me as a killer, but that just means they aren't a-holes to leave their teamates behind **which** is how the game is meant to be played, all survivors trying to survive together, while the killers have to kill.
Post edited by CampMeToDeath on5 -
In the patch notes.
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Theres nothing wrong with it imo. It allows the game to last a little longer to help save others. Also it can get you a few kills by them needing to tap the door first and wait for it to open.
I'd say doors regressing should've been a Remember Me buff. I wouldn't be against it anyway.
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Technically the Blood Warden perk icon lights up when an exit gate is open. You can also see survivor auras standing inside the exit area. But yes usually the EGC timer showing up is more obvious.
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It's fine as it it. Plus you can always open the gates yourself
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I don't think you understand why people 99 the gate - it removes any possible threat from Bloodwarden and makes it into a meme perk. If the killer wants to use it, they have to open the gate themselves - a risky and time-consuming venture.
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Then open it yourself. Easy as that
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Why would the killer help the enemy by opening the gate? And how can you guard a hook and open a gate at the same time? Maybe you can do that if the hook and gate are very close to each other, but that is fairly rare.
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Do u want the survivors to feel pressured? Yes? Open it
No? Camp the hooked survivor and the others get out
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Not really, defeats the pressure of EGC and has no downside to doing so
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Why do you think they gave killers the option to open exit gates?
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Why is everyone saying open it by yourself? I think OP means that as a killer its not fair for survivors to 99% the gate so they can rescue other survivors with no pressure. I think the exit hate should be opened up on like 5-8 seconds, but it has to be done all at once. That would fix a lot of the issues.
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Why is everyone saying open it by yourself? I think OP means that as a killer its not fair for survivors to 99% the gate so they can rescue other survivors with no pressure. I think the exit hate should be opened up on like 5-8 seconds, but it has to be done all at once. That would fix a lot of the issues.
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yes on this or if you 99% the door and walk away the gate open meter starts go back down.
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The entity should kill survivor who 99 exit gate.
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they 99% the door because normally the killers busy with another survivor by the time you get to the door they have they buddy off hook open the other door and get out.
there the killer stand there with egg on his face
so in other word no it not fair EGC needs something like i said exit gates should slowly lose progress over time if survivor walk away after 99% it.
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Changing the formula to meet expectations only kicks the little guy and makes it boring for everyone else. The EGC not starting gives just as much freedom for the Killer as it does Survivors. The EGC is only that final point so that survivors can't just teabag the gate the entire time, or hide in a corner because the killer has traps lined up on one gate and is guarding the other. The Killer can also just open the gates to prep up Bloodwarden, and it's one of the better strategies for the Killer to do if they're running that kind of game.
But starting the EGC in the manner suggested just rushes everyone out the door, it's not fun, it would just feel like someone pushing you out the door because they already got your money.
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Yes it's fair.
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I think if we get rid of NOED, it would be fair for it to activate once gens are done.
Being able to 99 doors with no downsides is the same as not having anything. SWF can still hold the game hostage 99ing the last 3 gens and ######### around for as long as they want. Sure doors can be opened by the killer but it's basically gg at that point. Survivors have way too many safety nets already.
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Imo it’s perfectly fair because both sides can open it, as killer I like when it’s just 99ed because I like using Blood Warden, ofc when I’m survivor I just open it because it’s fun
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EGC is just so survivors can't take game hostage like they used to be able to, it's why killers can open the gates to start EGC. If you don't like doors being 99% just open them if you see the lights on. I've seen ridiculous amounts of survivors screwed over while being chased to a door because a teammate 99% it, those few seconds to tap the door open cost them.
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Someone's brought up the idea of gates being opened in 3 increments for each light, so at best you could 2/3rds the gates and have to plan ahead on when people are leaving. A sort of checkpoint system where if you stop in between, it reverts to the last light.
Idk if it's a big balance issue, but this would make sense. You'd know at a glance how much progress is made instead of "Uh, are those 3 lights 80% done or 99%? Do I assume it was 99d properly or will I accidentally open it if I breath on it?"
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You could always open the gate yourself??
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99% the door put the door in the survivor favor 100% if there 4 or 3 survivor left they know if that wow best would be if they 99% the door and walk away to save someone it need to start slowly lose progress on the door.the doors shouldn't be survivor or killer sided how it is now it survivor sided it only killer side if it 1v1 and the doors are close together which also need to be fixed.
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Remember when killers couldn’t open gates?
Do you want the entity to pick up and hook the survivors off the floor for you to?
Open the gate yourself. It’s not that hard, only take 1 second.
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EGC is just a tool to keep a game from going into stalemate like over the hatch, or survivors holding a game hostage.
Is is not there to help you win matches - though that certainly can happen.
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Soooooo you guys as killers want us to die faster they have you endgame and noed what more do you want so you guys can get your kills easily it's good to 99 doors so we can wait and rescue our team now people want it to regress and start all over that's not right you guys can walk and teleport to us fast to stop us from the exit gate so there is really no need for doors to regress with bloodlust that gets 3 three ticks so we can die faster there's no point
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I have a question for everyone saying that killers should just prevent 5 generators from being done if they don't like people 99ing the gate.
What's the point of the exit gate if the killer has lost after 5 generators?
I personally really enjoy the time after generators are done. People play a lot more boldly, and you can often get some really exciting plays, on both sides.
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Yes it's fair. I don't understand the problem here.
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Because then the survivors would be pressured when the EGC is activated. The killer can activate that pressure
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I think its fair.. It gives survivors time to unhook anyone that is and help them escape..
Survivors shouldn't be condemned to death just because their first hook just happened to be at the end game..
It also allows survivors to deal with any potential problems, I.E. NOED should the need arise..