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Is it fair to 99 the exit gate?



  • Member Posts: 3,167

    The thing is Exit Gates work the exact same way they worked before the EGC was implemented, you could 99% them before (which a lot of people did if they believed Blood Warden might be in use), the only difference is Killers didnt complain as much, for some reason the narrative shifted from "EGC is here to force end games" to "EGC is here to add more pressure to Survivors" and Killers started to complain. EGC aims to leave the Exit Gates gameplay as close as it was before with an added timer to stop hostage situations, if it starts the very moment 5 gens are completed it becomes Killer sided and thats not how it was originally.

    The game mechanic is fine, is the false believe EGC was implemented to help Killers secure one kill by adding a lot of pressure what is wrong.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Its as far as facecamping after all gens are done.

    Make your own mind about it, in my opinion its ok.

  • Member Posts: 6

    This is really annoying..... Devs cry it's unfair to 99% gates and gens but slugging, tunneling and camping is perfectly fine because "it's part of the game". ######### right off.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    i'm saying the gate sure regress if they 99% the time so it not easy way out with just 1 press that if survivor advantage this mean to be dam horror game there no risk if there 3 or 4 survivor left.

    not ones did i say EGC should be killer side but are you saying it should be survivor sided?only time it unfair for survivor it when the door are close and it killer and 1 survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Im saying gameplay around it should be as close as it was before EGC was implemented, which was only implemented to avoid hostage situations not to give any kind of advantage to either side. Its Killers who want to see EGC as a tool to get more kills instead of seeing it as a tool to bring the game to an end even if one sided refused to.

    In any case, Gates were more Survivor side before EGC as only the tought of Blood Warden could stop you from open them right of the bat, they are now slightly more Killer sided than they were (just slightly).

  • Member Posts: 580

    It's unfair to compare the way the game used to be to now as it is virtually a different game.

    I think having the gates regress will enrich the survivor experience. Usually once the gates are 99% the game is done and it plays out the same way again and again. Kinda becomes a routine at that point.

    With a slow regression there will still be uneasiness for the survivor and weighing up the pros and cons of abandoning to exit gate.

    The position of the exits gates do need to be addressed though.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    well not many killers use Blood Warden so 99% helps survivor and with budyblocking and the perk BT and DS 99% the gate is strong in the EGC and it shouldn't i remember people 99% before EGC but it didn't happen to offend but with EGC they do it a lot more because it give them a lot of time.

    yes killers can open the gate but only if they down near the gate if you down someone and walk to the gate to open it they have the down person up in no time be at the other gate.

    in other word in survivor sided if the 3 or 4 survivor left or killer sided if the gate are close it 1v1 match how is either fair?

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    Thank you you get vote up what i been trying too say......

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2020

    You are missing entirely my point, EGC is not a tool to help the Killers, is a tool to end the game if Survivors chose to not exit and stay around looping the Killer. Simple as that.

    Before EGC Survivors would just open the doors or leave them at 99% and then open it after the hook to avoid Blood Warden, it works the exactly the same now except for added timer which is there to finish the trial not to help you secure one kill or to help you get aditional kills when the timer ends.

    Its the belief it was implemented to help Killers what made people start whining about 99% gates because before EFC Exit Gates worked the exactly the way they work now and noone complained. Some Killers complain the Exit Gates and EGC doesnt help them getting kills and thats fine, it was NEVER supposed to help Killers get kills.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    before the EGC many survivor didn't 99% they just open it because there was no timer now that there is a timer they 99% the open so they can save the buddy take out noed or anything why should there be 0 risk when they 99% the gate

    survivor 99% the gate they 100% are going to get out everytime that survivor sided LIKE I SAID NOT ONES BEFORE EGC HAVE I EVER SEE SURVIVOR 99% THE GATE....they only do it now to not start the EGC timer to get advantage.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    You are still missing the point, you are asking for the EGC to either start or to reset the gate progression which didnt happen before, its here to leave the Exit Gates gameplay as it was before with a timer to force end the game, simple as that. There is 0 risk because there was 0 risk before it was implemented, it remained the same, as it should.

    And Survivors did 99% gates if they tought there could be Blood Warden or if someone was in a chase and to be downed, if they didnt tought of it they just opened with no timer, which is worse for the Killer than 99%.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    asking for progression to go down slowly if they 99% the agte but you you can't see the advantage survivor have do this there no more to talk about if i ever stream i show everyone because it happens a lot.

    but for now i'm done......

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I see the supposed advantage and Im telling you, the advantage was before EGC and it remained the exact same after EGC was put in the game because they didnt want it to change. Im going to be extremely reiterative it is not supposed to help the Killer or the Survivors, its supposed to end the game to stop hostage situations where people refuse to leave so they left the Exit Gates gameplay as close as it was.

  • Member Posts: 1

    99ing the exit gate is completely fair. Killers get NOED, blood warden, and can use Moris (and most newer killers have built in Moris due to perks) killer mains need to stop whining. As some who plays both killer and survivor I have to say I have an easier time playing killer bc I can easily down and hook survivors and am permitted to "babysit" an area waiting for rescues resulting in more hooks)

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    show me video of someone 99% the gate before there was EGC i bet you wont find one because there was no reason to 99% the gate they just open it do what they doing now because there be no timer.

  • Member Posts: 15

    That's why the killer himself can open the exit gate

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I did 99% gates when I suspected Blood Warden and someone was being chased or downed and being carried to the hook.

    And again, the gameplay just remains the same, instead of opening the gate now its left at 99%, same thing. Ill repeat it again, EGC exists to end trials not to help Killers get more kills, the idea was to put a timer and leave the Exit Gate gameplay as close as it was. Before it people usually opened the door, now they 99% it, almost same thing. You are complaining EGC is not punishing enough for Survivors, it was never meant to punish normal Survivor gameplay, only the ones who lingered around trolling Killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    Blood Warden pretty crappy perk anyway no that many killer you in other then egc build with that they make sure to down the person near gate and open it them self but tho who don't use it 99% more survivor sided i seen it first hand done but hell maybe it not 99% maybe just DS and BT when the EGC start they need a nerf pick one because survivor got it to easy already.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    EGC is NOT SUPPOSE to help killers get KILLS even though it absolutely does. It was created to stop standoffs. 99ing a gate is a strong counter to blood warden .

  • Member Posts: 580

    This discussion is losing focus lol

    I don't understand why it's such a bad thing that the gates regress.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    because survivor want an easier time then they already have.

    what i talk about DS and BT because they another part why 99% the open is an issues they need some kind of rework.this topic has become pointless you know what it don't matter because no one going to agree or disagree on this.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I have never seen a killer complain about 99ing a gate unless they are camping a survivor for a kill. Because thanks to the EGC not starting survivors can save that person who is getting camped. Quit complaining, killers just got a perk change that straight up made flashlights do nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2020

    And then when you have that killer who camped 3 survivors and closes hatch to force EGC, and then just walks door to door and you have to open a door that is constantly regressing...

    At this point killer mains are just wanted survivors to play without perks or movement. Hate to say it but honestly this is a case of just "git good" it straight up impossible to loop a good killer for more than 2 to 3 pallets, and lets not forget pallets are less and less now a days so 2 to 3 pallets could be every pallet on one side of a map free win. The End Game IS MENT TO BE SURVIVOR SIDED they worked for it, your whole goal is to prevent it. And lets not forget Noed.... so quit crying and work for your wins just like everyone else

    Im a killer main and even i dont complain about stupid crap like this, majority of the time i have killed 2 to 3 by time the gates can even be 99ed, thanks to no flashlights and waiting out DS and slugging its an easy game to win agaist a bunch of rank 1s

  • Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2020

    So instead of regressing, what if it regresses gradually in the 1st light stage, holds indefinitely in the light 2 stage, and *progresses* gradually in light 3 stage (so if you 99% it then it just opens half a second later than if you had finished)? Seems like that'd benefit both sides equally in different situations, and make the strategic use more advanced of a technique

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    ok here i go again this is what not fair when they are 3 or 4 survivors left they 99% the gate it feel unfair and survivor side which it is but when there matches when killer a get 3k closes the hatch and last survivor got open one of the two gates but the gates are to close together that unfair and killer sided both should be change or get a rework.

  • Member Posts: 11

    There are a lot of situations when 99% the gate can be helpful, and it can lead to a loss. I don't think it's fair to 99% a gen, and why would you want to honestly?

    If a killer is running noed and I have a teammate in the hook. The smart thing to do is to 99% the gate and then find the totem. I don't think theres anything unfair about that, it's a strategy just like camping and tunneling.

    But it can also bite you in the butt. What if all your teammates leave, you COULD find the totem and then try to get the teammate bit what if she slugs you? That's two kills for the killer. I would personally take the risk, I have before.

  • Member Posts: 127

    If I see a gate 99'd I open it. 99'ing the gates kills survivors far more often than it helps. The EGC timer is more than generous enough to get everyone out. If someone is downed or on hook the timer is slowed drastically to give you time to get them off the hook or off the ground. If you can't get them saved in the time the EGC gives you they are going to run out of struggle time on the hook anyway most of the time. With the doors 99'd people will be running to an exit while being chased and have to stop to tap the gate and wait the moments it takes for the gate to open enough to get through it. With a killer hot on your heels that's more often than not enough time for them to catch up and down you. Take a look at how your games go when someone 99's the doors and really look at how often a 99'd door helped and how often it prevented someone from getting out.

  • Member Posts: 6
  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Egc isn't there for free pressure for the killer mate

  • Member Posts: 339

    As much as I do it, I wish you couldn't even do it.

    I've always had the idea to make a Key (purple or red) instantly do a Percentage of the exit gates, instead of opening that damned hatch; feels like a good rework to me

  • Member Posts: 461

    So it's not meant to advantage anyone, but it's fine that it advantages survivors?

  • Member Posts: 858

    That would be fantastic.

    If not that, make exit gates function like totems, except rather than completely resetting when let go, make them only regress to 50% completion. As it stands, there's really no consequence for 99%ing the exit gate, and it's hardly any different than how things were before EGC was implemented. The only difference is that now the killer can open the exit gate if he wants to. But often times, it doesn't make sense to do that, unless you have a downed survivor and blood warden equipped.

  • Member Posts: 858
  • Member Posts: 90

    Oh come on every single survivor talks like NOED has no counter, just do totems. Not many people care enough to run Blood Warden, and most Mori related perks require some sort of work to be put into them, on the topic of offerings I would agree there.

    Survivors have DS, BT, Adrenaline, and various other meta perks.

    So in my eyes a regressing door percentage would be completely fair.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Apparently you've never opened a door as the killer. Survivors run to it nearly every time and boom, you've got them all. Hook one during egc and they run to save and you got another, and another and so on, and so on, and so on. Noed or leather face chainsaw mixed with warden or Myers stalking or ghost face marking they're cooked. Most of my builds are around that door opening. I'll have to find a new way to play if they change the 99 system because that door will nearly never open.

  • Member Posts: 2

    a killer perk? having a COUNTERPLAY??? gotta patch it immediately!

  • Member Posts: 249

    Sure. Just cut the wait out of the way for the Survivors and give them an easy out. ๐Ÿ™„

  • Member Posts: 249

    It was a half-hearted measure that should have come with the complete disabling of the other gate when done. No one uses the mechanic because it serves no purpose beyond forcing EGC to start. It still leaves an open gate and one that can be opened if the killer chooses to camp or keep watch at the opened one.

  • Member Posts: 196

    No it's not. The EGC is already a joke. But 99 the door completely undermines the EGC and endgame perks in general.

  • Member Posts: 279

    It's very fair. Killer can open the gate.

    If killer can slug for 4k, survivor can 99 for a potential 4 escape.

    EGC isn't there to give you free pressure. It's there so you can choose if you want to end the game there by opening the gate yourself.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Big Fan of the idea of the gate regressing when you try and 99 the exit gate

  • Member Posts: 15

    The whole reason end game collapse exists is to ensure that if the killer wants the game to end and survivors won't leave then they can open the door and or that survivors are forced out. It was not intended to pressure survivors to into rushing the gates. 99 is fine on gates and same with gens because there are ways for killers to counter play these things. Ruin/ Bw/ tinker/ etc. Otherwise you can run a perk that might later on be made to regress the doors progression and combo that with Freddy's remember me.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I would like it if EGC started at gets done but moves at like half speed of its current until the doors are open and the normal survivor down/hooked slows it more. This way the second chance perks most SWF use to secure their escape by 99ing the gate is removed but the normal player won't feel it.

    Or possibly if the killer can activate a switch in the basement to start it. So he can use it for pressure but has to be away from guarding the doors.

  • Member Posts: 445

    That makes zero sense. If the gate is 99ed, then the survivors could have easily left anyway.

    If you are running a perk like Blood Warden, having it open is to your advantage. Either way, if it's open, the clock is ticking and they have to act fast.

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