Can We Make DS And Corrupt Base Kit?

SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


People don't want to have to run a perk to not get gen rushed and a perk to not get tunneled. I don't think this would break the game. Obviously they might need to be tweaked to work better as base kit.

Edit: If people are opposed to making perks base kit the devs could also build in basekit counters to tunneling and gen rushing.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited August 2020


    Any kind of DS changes will only incline killers to complain for more changes.

    They will never be satisfied, they'll move the goal post every time they imagine a new situation.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    100% agreed they should tweak DS, and agreed that CI is very important on Trapper, but I still don't love the idea of making either base kit. Trapper can snowball insanely fast with even one hook in the right place, so I feel his slow early game is the price he pays for his high potential once he gets set up. If we want to buff him in other ways I'd be down, but I would prefer to leave gens as they are.

    I'm sure you know all this, but as survivor there are plenty of ways to not get tunneled without DS:

    • Loop well. If a killer tries to tunnel the best looper on the team, it's very likely they won't do better than a 1k.
    • Play cautious after getting hooked. I almost never intentionally tunnel someone as killer, but if you're trying to repair the same gen I just downed you at before you stop to heal I will happily hook you again. Once you get a quick second hook that's when some killers might decide to take advantage and tunnel you out of the game. I don't, but people who are trying to win will.
    • Run Kindred or play in a SWF. That way you're less likely to get farmed, which is a common reason why people end up getting "tunneled".
    • Don't play toxic. If you click flashlights, tbag at pallets, etc. you're way more likely to get tunneled.
    • Don't bring a key. Some killers hate keys.
    • Don't be shy about brushing the killer off on teammates if you're in trouble. If you're getting chased while on death hook and you have the chance to run through a jungle gym with teammates in it, for example, it's probably smart to do it. You're more useful to your team alive than dead, even if that means interrupting gen progress. The one major exception would be if you have adrenaline and that's the last gen.
    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited August 2020

    Thats fair, I personally disagree though. As for not getting tunneled. I know all that. But if one of my dummy team mates unhooks me 10 feet away from the killer and they don’t have borrowed time I kinda want DS. It’s pretty hard to loop someone when they’re right next to you.

    Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on
  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Eh, no. I think devs can do better than slapping some perks into the base kit to solve design issues and boring gameplay mechanics.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    That a good use of DS most of the problem with DS are when they do gen in the killer face and are like you cant grab me if you do you get DS and if you slug me i will just use unbreakable and finish the gen.

    Its the same during endgame the DS user is like fool you only hook me ounce ofc i still have DS and look my teamate just open the gate look at my free escape and if you slug me i will just crawl out hahaha baby killer

    This is the survivor with DS in a nutshell

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    edited August 2020

    DS isn't supposed to be an anti-tunnel perk...why do you think they haven't changed it by now? Ignorance? No, it's because they know that there's nothing wrong with the perk, it's just the community that's confused at how a perk can help prevent tunneling and simultaneously be useful outside of tunneling scenarios. Here's a hint: A perk doesn't have to be specifically designed to counter something in order to counter it naturally. Think Fixated and Spirit.

    Post edited by Waffleyumboy on
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I don't know about them being basekit but I like your idea.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    If they tweak DS in one of the many ways people have suggested maybe. As long as it ends up in a non-abusable state I don't care if you give everyone unlimited DS. The problem right now is that is hits people clearly not tunneling at all.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited August 2020

    I'd prefer borrowed time being part of the base kit, I don't like being farmed, no one does. DS is too strong to be part of the base kit, it would have to be a super weak DS for it to be part of base kit, like 30 seconds, or something.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Pointing out a small mistake in my grammar and calling me names doesn't help your argument. DS is too easy to avoid to deserve a nerf, but I think you deserve to get good and stop complaining about a perfectly balanced perk that I absolutely don't mind to see as killer myself. Why? Because I know how to play around it and exploit survivor cockiness to gain an edge over them. Things you should learn to do before your head explodes from having to comprehend too many complex strategies like "slugging" and "distributing pressure". I don't expect you to reply, you made it evident from your last comment that you have run out of valid arguments and have resorted to name calling. Here's your L.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Being farmed is NOT being tunneled according to most killer mains. Killer mains have no argument here.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    This is true, DS never was an anti tunnel perk, it's a perk that let's the survivor have a guarantee wiggle, the original was too strong, because if all 4 survivors had it, all 4 survivors could stun the killer on their first down.

    The new DS is in a good place, the condition for it to activate is after you've been unhooked for 60 seconds, if the killer tunnels you they get stunned, if the killer finds you within those 60 seconds they also get stunned. It's in a good place right now, anyone who had to deal with the original DS would know that.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    I think killer mains also forget that if a killer is tunneling you after being unhooked, the survivor is not necssarily going to go down within the first few seconds after being unhooked, their rscuer may have had BT allowing the person to take a hit and run, meaning a chase now started, and a chase can last easily up to a minute, depending on the skill of the survivor, killer, and if there aren't any dead zones around the hook. 60 seconds definitely does protect you from tunneling because what tunneling is, is a killer not breaking off the chase of one survivor and chases can last for some time.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    I'd be for making Borrowed Time and Corrupt basekit but no way in hell would I be for it if the perk was DS, you literally couldn't have picked a stronger survivor perk. However if they brought old ruin back I am sure killers wouldn't mind. :)

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. But that quote also specifies tunneling as well as farming.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    DS on its own isn't too bad. When all 4 people have it it can be real annoying because you can legit chase and hook someone else, come back and chance upon that first person, and by the time you chase and down them, they've STILL got DS up. That can be infuriating, especially near end-game when that kind of ######### just means a free escape.

    Pair it with unbreakable and it's just a nightmare.

    It'd be like if I had a perk where if you made me chase you too long (the "anti-looping" perk) then after I picked you up I'd just get to do a really easy skillcheck to auto-yeet you to the basement hooks.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    But it specifies that its to stop tunneling, whats your point?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The quote specifies that it's to stop tunneling and farming...

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah, only those 2. Therefore its anti momentum when it shouldn't be.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I've literally never seen farming used in the context of momentum. I'll make a post about it to be sure.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Farming isn't an action of the killer its an action of the survivor so its completely unrelated to a killer's momentum.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It wouldn't be farming if the killer wasn't there to benefit from it. Please bring an argument that doesn't look like Swiss cheese.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Wouldn't that be mutually beneficial and not momentum for either side then?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You really don't know what farming means. I'm tired rn. I'll explain tomorrow. Good night.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    My argument maybe Swiss cheese but its better then your thin air.

    Farming is survivor based as its done simply to gain BP rather then to actually help the team.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I don't know how I've managed misunderstand it all this time. Guess I'll know tomorrow. Good Night.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    The perk is primarily used for anti-tunneling - tunneling should not be available as a cheap tactic to win. Therefore yes, DS, although a bit nerfed, should be basekit, same as corrupt to prevent 3 gens from being done after downing the first person.

    DS we have now is fine as it is. To be fair, it is a perk you may not even use once during a match. It is used in a scummy way only rarely and survivors use it mainly to prevent being tunneled. I can't imagine going solo queue without DS.

    All killer mains should have the experience of being proxy camped and tunneled off the hook without DS or Borrowed Time and see if they have fun. Maybe then they will stop complaining.

  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 190

    I've thought about it recently and I really think DS could be a basekit mechanic if it were heavily restricted.

    -30 second timer

    -Timer freezes in chase and slows to half speed while in the dying state

    -Deactivates when another survivor is hooked or you perform an unhook/repair/sabotage/cleansing action

    -Does not activate on locker grabs

    -Does not activate after the generators are completed (alternatively: does not activate within the exit zone)

    Then they could change the perk to do something like: When you escape the killer's grasp (by any means), the killer is stunned for an additional 1/2/3 seconds. For the duration of the stun, you make no sound and leave no scratchmarks or bloodtrails.

    As for Corrupt, they said they're planning some sort of mechanic to help slow the early game, so it may not be necessary. We'll have to wait and see.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Main main main main main. Main.

    What about survivors? If I get farmed, it's not getting tunneled. If the killer then proceeds to completely ignore the arsehole that farmed me, then yeah, I got tunneled. But if we both go down and I get picked up? Not so much. Or, in fact, at all. I wish that DS, in that situation, let you both escape AND confer a hook state onto your farmer. If they die... Maybe they should learn to play better.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited August 2020

    I would have another more on the troll side idea. Make a perk or a baseline passive called "not like this" (Don't know if this name already exists).

    When a survivor tries to farm a hooked survivor inside the killers VICINITY (not tr!) without bt, you can resist the unhook (farm) and siphon a health state from the unhooker (deep wound in case they were injured).

    This would make the unhooker the target after an unsafe play and discourage tunneling the hooked survivor. Also this would give the choice to the survivor on hook and not the one with/without bt.

    I know this is probably not usable or whatever, I just thought this up from the top of my head right now.

    Edit: To clarify, you would still be unhooked. The "resist" part is more flavour text. I just read in another thread about kicking the survivor that tries to unhook unsafely.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    so you are contending that a killer should be able to keep 2-3 mental clocks going on how long its been since they saw and downed a survivor they were not intending to tunnel? a clock that doesn't start when they hook, but starts after they get unhooked? all too often i see survivors search out the killer after being unhooked with DS to get "value" out of the perk. why are you advocating for such a baby hand holding perk. tunneling killers should be punished to an extent however survivors who jump into a locker, those that jump right on a gen, or heal brazenly at the base of the hook knowing they are better served as a sacrificial lamb to get the 5 second stun off this is not very sportsmanlike.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    DS really isn't that OP, killers get DH, and that has an inbuilt mori. Sure the totem can be destroyed, but it can be combined with haunted grounds or hex hunt, and with the new hex perk it'll be even stronger.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Absolutely not. Corrupt, maybe. But definitely not Decisive. I get that it's supposed to be anti-tunneling, but it's hardly anti-tunneling if you are brazenly baiting the killer into downing and picking you up or grabbing you out of a locker.

    I see DS being used offensively so often that I just automatically assume every survivor has it, so I tunnel in the hopes of eating it early which of course is no fun for the survivors but being hit with DS is no fun for me as a killer, either.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    ^ this.

    If DS would be an Anti-Tunnel Perk, it would protect me if the Killer goes after me and cannot catch me in one minute. Often enough I get chased, survive a little bit longer than a minute and they can pick me up. I 100% got tunneled, but DS does not protect me. (I mean, I can jump into the Locker, but according to this forum, I can also eat Babies, thats the same level of evil)

    Same with getting slugged - the Killer tunneled, he does not NOT-tunnel me, just because he leaves me on the ground.

    If DS works as a true Anti-Tunnel Perk, it can have retrictions. But then it needs to be a big middlefinger for any Killer who goes after someone who just got unhooked.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I feel like this would be reasonable if DS deactivated under the following conditions:

    1. Repairing a generator
    2. Being healed to Healthy
    3. Entering a locker
    4. Unhooking a survivor

    If any of those are happening, you are not being tunneled. The killer has zero obligation to eat your stun and is 100% within their rights to leave you on the ground to keep pressure up