Can We Make DS And Corrupt Base Kit?



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This would be a bad idea in my opinion, but playing devil's advocate I'll address it in more depth.

    1. If D/S was a built in thing, it would require a GREAT Skill check to work, and how quickly you get that Skill Check would have to be random, i.e. it might not happen fast enough to avoid the hook. This is the only way to build it in so it doesn't invalidate the value of actually taking the Perk. *Of course I think the Perk should be 15/30/45 seconds respectively rather than its current incarnation.
    2. I think having an Offering and/or Add Ons that can mimic Corrupt Intervention (say for the first minute) might be workable, but locking off those two furthest Gens for two minutes for free is too much short of a Perk.
    3. By in large I wish that all the Survivors had ONE of their abilities as inborn (like the Killers) and thus an unteachable ability. I think game balance would be better, and Survivor choice would make for hard calls. Right now the Survivors are really just Skins. The Killers are not. I think the signature ability of each Survivor should be an inborn ability, but again, that is just me.

    Anytime I give this kind of commentary it comes with a grain of salt. I am not in the DEV, nor do I do this for a living. I haven't been playing long enough to really be qualified to make suggestions without this caveat.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    just like survivors do with wanting nerfs for killers

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    DS is strong and you're a moron if you think it isn't. It should NEVER be base kit regardless.

    Survivors whine about Moris being able to kill off first hook but lets look at what survivors can do with DS that is completely outside of its intended purpose.

    1) Paired with UB you are literally invulnerable and can't be left alone. This encourages killers to slug AND camp you on the ground leading to a massive waste of time for both killer and survivor.

    2) 60 seconds means if you get hooked next to a generator that hasn't been touched you can walk over to it and do 75% of the generator solo. Killer has 2 options here. Grab you and take the stun to spare the gen or play in a way that slugs you then effectively camp a single gen or risk of UB or another survivor now knowing the location of a gen and can heal. What incentive does a killer have to not wait it out? Lose more gens. catch 22.

    3) You just got unhooked, got DS and see a teammate being chased. Time to body block! Forces killwr to hit you. Or you can do the truly annoying thing and jump spam lockers to distract a killer (cause just an FYI survivor mains killers rely on sound a lot more than you think). Killer grabs you from locker? Haha stun.

    4) All gens done. You can use DS to sit at a door and fully open it at no risk. Top levels will 99% the door and just wait it out to avoid DW. Oh other survivor got hooked. Let me go save them. They can now unhook AND force killer to just watch as they run to the door open it and proceed to teabag.

    5) My personal survivor build since i mainly plat survivor solo. Since I main killer but play both sides consistently. You can literally go true immortal end game. Deliverance/DS/UB/Tenacity. If at any point in the game I've saved a teammate I dont fear killer at all. DS is the crux of the build and most killers dont expect UB when i start crawling.

    DS needs tweaks to disable when YOU interact, this means working a gen or door or healing another survivor but not while being healed, with anything but vaults and pallets including opening chest or doing event stuff. ATM it is beyond strong and it encourages toxic survivor play and toxic killer play.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Its been a day. In the meantime I posted a question asking what people though, all said it wasn't a form of momentum. So, please explain to me how it is.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Farming means the killer gets a free hook state on a survivor.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Where did you get that definition from? Did one of the devs or mods say that?