The real reason you hate Spirit



  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    Oh absolutely, it's not impossible to counter. I agree with you

    I just don't know how I'm meant to improve and learn what to do against it, if that makes sense? Any play feels pointless when I know she has Stridor and will almost always know what I'm doing, pair that with the fact most Spirits run movement speed addons + use the power in short bursts, plays certainly feel impossible to make

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    No thats calm spirit and no they were saying run it FOR her

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Yeah I'm in agreement then, im hoping when I play as her some I might be able to plan strategies against her, but alas I dont own her yet.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899
    edited September 2020

    I mean when she had silent phase or the amulet didnt have the speed debuff and her wakazashi gave her super lunge it was terrible. ANd i get that its frustrating. It doesnt bother me because my build helps all around no matter the killer

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2020

    Thank you for acknowledging that your issue with her is frustration and not lack of counter play.

    "The only issue I have with the fighting game comparison you made here, is that, again - both opponents can still see each other."

    In a fighting game there is a back and forth. A mix up character is strongest when it's "their turn" and they are pressuring the opponent. In this case, it doesn't matter if the opponent can see the other guy or not, they have to preemptively counter them by predicting what mix up they will do. This is how Spirit is like a mix up character, because you have to analyze the situation and commit to an option for knowing what she was going to do. However, in most situations you will have at least 1 option that can counter every option she has at once and give you the highest probability to escape. It would be like if blocking in a fighter counter 3 of the potential mix ups that could be done, so now you only have to worry about him picking a 4th option that is maybe higher risk for him, but a lower chance he would take that option. I know that being able to counter 3 options at once doesn't make it a mix up really, but that's what can be done against Spirit.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I do like how you are approaching the subject and making the comparison to fighting games, they do have a lot more in common than one might think at first glance

    In terms of having no counterplay - I'm of the opinion there is always something you can try to do against every killer. It's whether what that something is will have any impact on the chase. If you could give me a DBD example of what you mean with regards to "having 1 option to counter every option she has" that'd be neat if you have the time.

    I'm curious to hear your take

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Yeah those add one were pretty harsh and yeah if you run strong perks you can handle her better. But I hate relying on that and when all survs get is trash talk about how bad they are for running these perks you think that feels good. I have no skill because I always used dead hard and DS so now I have to run other things. But now idc because I run perks that arent counters to killers. My build is a copy paste I guess but adrenaline sprint burst and ds and hope. It helps be deal with noed killers or pull off last minute saves. And ds is because I always get tunneled for the most part when I DONT run it which sucks. And sprint burst to prolong chase. Anything that actively makes me do better in chases is a no go. If I wanted to run perks to make sure I am almost untouchable I could but thats unfair and pathetic

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I will disagree because I find spirit enjoyable to go against, I've seen the other sides point of view, they disagree with me and do not find her fun to verse, and their opinion that it's not fun to verse I cant call wrong because it's an opinion, just like they cant call my opinion of enjoying to verse her wrong.

    However when you try to say its completely uncounterable when theres been multiple times proven and shown by a variety of sources, then people can call you wrong.

    I dont enjoy versing oni, doesnt mean I think anyone who likes to go against Oni is 'BIASED' or that they refuse to look at my point of view. I just assume they have a differing opinion from me. and if I were to say oni is uncounterable theyd be completely in the right to call me wrong.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Spirit is a reactive killer, not a predictive killer. She requires tracking, not reading.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    No I say everyone has a right to an opinion but saying someone is wrong due to bias is wrong in my opinion I would say that you can say they are wrong if you at least make the effort to put yourself in their shoes. And tru3 and scott are the only ones who made videos about it. You can talk all you want on forums but you dont have proof without video. And thats why I want to see these counters working. Id love if there was a GOOD counter to her and if there is would you mind sending me a video with proof or record it yourself. I'm open to changing my mind but I need to see something that can get me thinking

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899
    edited September 2020

    I don't let anyone deter me form using perks I like to run. You are not trash for using something that is part of the game. If a killer has an issue with it its because its something they haven't learned to deal with as a player. But that is a whole different subject. And to be 100% honest i barely am affected by any of the commonly hated survivor perks as killer as I play around them and i don't tunnel much and if i DO down someone off hook i leave them let them unbreakable w.e the case as it is still a form of pressure i don't need to hook them immediately as it still either forces the unbreakable or another survivor to stop what they are doing to get them up. It is interesting to see survivors completely throw themselves at me to save someone who is downed off hook.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    False. I hate Spirit because she takes no skill and is insanely stupidly designed.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    50/50s just suck in a game like this. There's no clear-cut way to actually counter a spirit it's just "git gud". The issue with that is "good" is heavily dependent on how bad the Spirit is at tracking you. Tracking is arguably the easiest part of playing killer. Once you see a survivor, it's extremely easy to keep the chase. Following scratch marks and sound queues while being invisible and having faster ms make it ez mode for her.

    On the survivor side, you can try to listen for her light as fck footsteps over your way more prominent grunts of pain, guess what she will do next with near zero information, or hold w to the next loop and hope she sucks.

    The 50/50 is just too easy for her while the survivors have to be literal rocket scientists at every opportunity where she can phase.

    The only way I have been able to reliably outwit a GOOD Spirit. Is by playing unpredictably with lithe, dance with me, and quick and quiet. Aka anti spirit build.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Reregardless I want to have perks that dont help me with chases

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I have tried I assure you and also I didnt know about these videos so im going to watch them right now and ill tell you if the killer in question was bad or if the video had proof and ill tell you my thoughts and if you want you can watch it as well and we can discuss

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    ....good killers hide their red stain all the time. Once the stain is hidden, the survivor is pretty much stuck guessing which direction they went lol

  • cristalcaos
    cristalcaos Member Posts: 17

    spirit is far from being a 50/50 character, most of these character in tekken pay a really high price for strong mixups, like weak punishment and weak neautral which are essential to be competitive in the game, moreover if you mess up the 50/50 you are most likely getting launched and die.

    if spirit messes up she doesn't get damaged a lot and in ten second you are already in another 50/50, survivor don't like her because they aren't rewarded at all for guessing right at most you'll live 20 seconds more before going down

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    You're missing the part of the fighting game where I have an animation to react to. That's a pretty major part of any mix up in a fighter.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536
    edited September 2020

    Its absolutely not. a reactable 50/50 isn't a 50/50 and a reactable mixup isn't a mix up.

    If you can react or fuzzy block its neither of those things lol

    Reducing spirit to 50/50 is also intensely disingenuous. It's not block high or low, its pick one of half a dozen paths the spirit will take. Not a 50-50.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Most of the complaints on this forum are really illusions people conjure up to hide the simple fact that they suck at this game.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    I mean i wouldn't say suck at the game because they could be really good at facing other killers. I would say to hide the fact that they dont want to adapt to certain killers and learn now strats

  • Broadside12
    Broadside12 Member Posts: 3

    This is a major false equivalency.

    Fighting Game

    In a fighting game a 50/50 is a technique which is usually set up before hand by a combo, telegraphing to the other player that an attacker is going for a 50/50.

    The "punishment" for guessing incorrectly is actually a reward to the attacker for initiating combat. Fighting games which lack rewards for initiation (For Honor anyone) suffer from a stale game play loop which is generally un-fun to play and to watch.

    The 50/50 is inherently a guess where either side can come out on top if guessed (or read) correctly, meaning the defender has an option for not only saving health but actually punishing the attacker.

    Both players have an equal chance at guessing correctly, the attacker is rewarded more highly to encourage interaction (IMO how games should be).

    Dead By Daylight

    Spirit's phasing is not a 50/50

    -The survivor does not know if she is phasing (barring the inconsistent and impossible to replicate "glowing shards" which are hidden on certain cosmetics anyway)

    -The survivor cannot see, hear, or bump into the spirit


    -The spirit phasing can freely get to either side of a loop meaning physical barriers (pallets, vaults) are mostly ignored

    -The spirit can see blood, scratch marks, and environmental physics (crows, survivors push grass and corn while moving through it)

    -The spirit can hear the survivor running, walking, standing still (breathing), fast vaulting, slow vaulting, fast locker, and slow locker

    -If the spirit finds the survivor she gets a hit. If the survivor somehow dodges the spirit they gain mere seconds in a chase. Good spirits reserve full charge for a chase and only use a quarter to a third of the bar to get on the same side of the loop as the survivor.

    -Iron Will counters injured grunts, while Stridor counters Iron Will, thereby negating the perk.

    -Quick and Quiet does allow you to enter a locker without any noise whatsoever. This is generally a bad idea as lockers are a huge commitment and getting caught ends the chase even while healthy or with endurance.

    As you can see there is actually little to no guess work for the Spirit, while the survivors have no information or defense.

    However Spirit's still lose. That is down to gen speed being extremely fast, and not survivors outplaying the killer. The Spirit can win every chase quickly while still losing all the gens, leading to a game experience where interaction is punished for both sides.

    Thus many people dislike facing Spirit.

  • KillScreen
    KillScreen Member Posts: 166

    So... spirit its a complex killer because you need to know how to use a surround sound headset.

    How hard it is to soundwhore a game actually? Is that skill?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    does everone think anyone who play her uses surround sound headset?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea so like, if she is chasing you and you see let's say shack window (a strong window), depending on some things, you can essentially vault that window and counter anything she can do. Unless you are already super close to shack, chances are that she can't phase around to the other side in time to hit you. So you vault the window and then have to go left or right. It's a 50/50, but the idea is that you avoid getting hit out of phase. Obviously that's a super simple example, but that's kind of the idea. You do something that just flat out negates her only valid options. Most of the time that means vaulting a window which she can possibly phase around to get you right after you vault, so she has to pick a side to approach and you have time to continue running as she goes around.

    You should always be looking for the path that maximizes the distance she has to phase to reach you so that she can't ever hit you out of phase.

    Which she is a 110 killer and struggles on certain maps that are large or maps with really strong windows. Ward is a great example of an anti-Spirit map, the main building can be really hard to play around if survivors know how to run those windows.

    She also lacks tracking, and that is probably the hardest thing to do well as Spirit is finding and tracking survivors.

    If Spirit messes up, that's at least 10 seconds of pure 110 chase. If you can do that consistently enough you waste enough of her time for her to reconsider chasing you. Really you only need to do it maybe 3 times for it to REALLY hurt her.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2020

    "Reducing spirit to 50/50 is also intensely disingenuous. It's not block high or low, its pick one of half a dozen paths the spirit will take. Not a 50-50."

    There is nothing disingenuous about it. Spirit does not have half a dozen paths she can take, she has usually 2 MAYBE 3 valid options that will catch you in a good situation. Either she follows directly behind you or tries to cut you off. Maybe an alternate path to cut you off or avoid a pallet/window maybe. That means it is a 50/50 because she has to pick on of 2 or 3 valid options. She can't just do anything she wants and catch you, there are practical limits to her power.

    Also if you are running at a window it is indeed a 50/50. Either you vault or don't vault, and if it's a decent window she has to predict that before exiting phase. She can't react to you vaulting the window because she will waste her power waiting for you to commit, and if you slow vault or maybe have Q&Q or something then you just baited her to wait on the wrong side and waste her power.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Spirit doesn't allow you to "read" her. That's the problem. On top of that, this isn't a competitive fighting game and it is an unfair comparison.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    My main issue with her is that they slap the “she can’t see the survivor” as a weakness, but you can clearly hear a survivor if you are right on their behind. Even with collision being removed you can still direct the hit without the survivor being able to do much.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    But... you can't read a mix up character either. Did you read the article? Mix up characters tend to have moves with similar start up animations. In order to counter play these characters you have to predict what they are doing. This is the exact same thing as the counter play to Spirit.

    The comparison is only surface level. There is nothing unfair about it.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    This is why Spirit has no counter play:

    Stridor makes Spirit OP (you don't get this with any other Killer) it synergies far too well with her M2 ability. Far more so than any other Killers special ability.

    Spirit needs to not have Stridor for any counter play to be effective. Bearing in mind that Stridor renders Unbreakable ineffective, the entire control point of weather the Spirit is counterable or not hinges on the Spirit itself. This makes her uncountable.

    Doesn't get much simpler than that.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2020

    The 50/50 is always in the spirits favor, well I guess I shouldn’t call it a 50/50 anymore. Lol

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And what you just said invalidates half of your argument, something I am surprised you didn't notice. Seriously, if you cannot read a character then that character cannot be read. That's... That's basic logic. And it also means that your "prediction" is actually "guessing," which are two completely different things. And the reason the comparison is unfair is because competative games don't need all-around fun gameplay - so they can have absolutely awful things like that. DBD is a casual game that literally cannot be balanced, so it should at least be fun for everyone.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm not going to go in depth with this comment, I just want to point a few things out.

    • Spirit cannot see blood while in phase, only with a UR addon.
    • Stridor comes at the cost of distorting depth perception, so take advantage of that if you infer that the Spirit has the per
    • "the punishment for guessing incorrectly is to reward the attacker". Is getting hit for guessing incorrectly not a reward for the attacker/killer?
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2020

    You can indeed read someone before they act.

    The first clip is a meme, so just go to the second. The Luigi read that the Peach would tech roll left when he spiked her and pre-emptively performed a wavedash and then reactively did up B when he got the confirm on the tech roll left. He did the wavedash BEFORE she teched. That is a read. Therefore, you don't need to see the player to make a read, a read can be a predictive act.

    "And the reason the comparison is unfair is because competative games don't need all-around fun gameplay"

    This is patently untrue. Games that aren't fun don't last very long in a competitive setting. The game has to be fun before it can be competitive.

    "DBD is a casual game that literally cannot be balanced"

    I don't agree. It can be and mostly actually is pretty balanced. Gens need to slow down a tad at high ranks, mori/keys need to be looked at, stuff like Iri Head still needs a rework, but for the most part the game is actually quite fair most of the time.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Spirit is fine

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    is way simpler than that, you cant loop, stun in teh easy way and then t bag, thats why they dont like her because they feel they are not in control, since survivors are the power role and everytone who think the killer is never played on a good 4 man, not even got carried once by them. Spirit is power role, seh has the power to ignore survivor defenses, survivors cant s ee her and the counterplay is non existant because GUESSING is not counterplay but at the same time i cant blame spirit WHY? because if m1 killers were the only ones who could be played then gg, because you are gonna get bullied everytime you get a decent group of survivors.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm not going to watch some clip from a completely different game that only supports your argument on a theoretical level. We're talking about the in-game impact of spirit, not some competitive fighting game, and the fact that, like it or not, you're only guessing. You don't know when she's phasing, you don't know where she is when she's phasing, and you don't know what she's doing when she's phasing. Sure, maybe after an entire damned match and 2 gruelling chases you might be able to accurately guess what she's going to do, but by then it's far too late.

    Look, DBD isn't and should never be a competitive game. That's not what made DBD popular and it isn't the game the Devs have been making. DBD is a game where winning and losing used to be secondary.

    Competitive games aren't fun. That's the core thing about them: the enjoyment comes from beating your opponent, not the gameplay itself. Fighting games are easily the most obvious offenders, but even a casual game of Siege with 9 other memeing friends shows just how boring it is without the desire to kill. People don't play them to have fun, they play them to beat other people. That's what they find fun about them. And that's not what DBD is.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Nah man, these guys are so good they can react to 0-3f command grabs :)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2020

    "the fact that, like it or not, you're only guessing"

    You're not. Thinking like that is why you get caught in the first place. Stop stating this kind of stuff as a fact.

    "You don't know when she's phasing"

    You don't need to know.

    "you don't know where she is when she's phasing"

    There are only so many places she could go to actually get a hit on you.

    "and you don't know what she's doing when she's phasing"

    She is most likely chasing you. If she's not then what do you need to worry about?

    "Look, DBD isn't and should never be a competitive game."

    I never asked for it to be. I merely am pointing out that Spirit has counter play and that requires a different skill set than what you need to escape your normie killer type.

    "Competitive games aren't fun."

    They are hella fun. Smash Melee is one of the most competitive ever AND it is insanely fun. Even at the highest level. The only time it's not fun is if you are playing against a good Puff (eg. Hungrybox). Which I've compared in the past to playing against Spirit, as it is a frustrating experience for many players. CS is a lot of fun and very competitive. People that games competitively initially did so because it was fun. The only ones who maybe don't have as much fun anymore are the top players who are at a point it's a job to them, but they get paid so the fun is irrelevant (to them specifically).

    "And that's not what DBD is."

    There are literal threads of both killer and survivor mains stating how they get off on killing/escaping while also making the game as miserable as possible for the other side. Not to mention, there are MANY players in this game that play to win and will sweat as much as possible.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    What fighting games are these people familiar with that come down to "block up or low"? To be fair, the only fighting game im barely familiar with is Blazblue, but you gotta block up or down 3-10 hit combos before you erven get a chance to counter, while theyre doing it. The inittial attacks arent those huge swings you can react to, but the tiny jabs that get out fast.

    Schrödingers spirit is a fun problem, if you dont know if she's phased or not, then do something that works against both. Why'd anyone be running into her because she's standing still is beyond me.

    Normally there are many things i dont share similiar opinion to suicidefox, but this comparison is rather good.

  • AegisReflector
    AegisReflector Member Posts: 5

    Dude. Please do not compare spirit to a fighting game. Mix-up characters in fighting games are characters that force you into 50/50 spots. The pro players who study the game will know what each fighter is capable of, potentially punishing the opponent if they guess right. They also have an opportunity to fight back.

    Spirit is a very dumb killer for many reasons. One, you can't see her through her power. Giving you zero opportunity for counterplay. She doesn't really need to loop because she just shifts on you. Also most killers with movement powers get a penalty after using their power. Hilbilly cooldown, legion stun, nurse fatigue, Oni slight pause. Even blight will have one. But spirit does not. If she whiffs, it's no biggie. She didn't follow properly? No problem. Passive phase is just dumb as well. So yeah, she is a killer that definitely needs to be looked at. And I think most people agree on that, including killer mains.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited September 2020

    Not as fun as facing Billy, Huntress, or Nurse

    Feels like some skill is involved in those 3 at the very least.

    I find Spirit, much easier to play than them. Or at least am much more consistent with Spirit comparatively. Being more dominant doesn't = more fun though. Challenge is fun, usually, of which the 3 listed above supply fairly regularly. She isn't 100% balanced though, but what killer really is?

    May be biased though, I like to play against and play as the 3 mentioned above sooo....

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    If you guess right vs spirit, you extend the chase. Thats punishment. She has a cooldown on her ability, which is worse than a stun imo (though stun AND cooldown is just plain bad) and she only moves at 110% speed. 2-3 bad phases can easily cost her a gen, especially since she needs to phase again across the map to traverse it at a decent pace. Though all of that aside, the problem with most survivors mindset is the last line:

    "They also have an opportunity to fight back."

    This is what it all boils down to. The majority of the people being loud on the topic want to be able to punish the spirit harder for a mistake. They want to be able to humiliate her for playing such a mindless babby killer. They want more footage for their youtube montages. The toxicity is getting so out of hand, that if a killer can deny it, they MUST be a broken killer, right?

    You're not supposed to be able to "fight back" vs any killer. You are supposed to be able to waste their time, to ruin their map pressure, and prevent them from achieving their objective. Its not a 1v1, and its never intended to be. the 1 SHOULD be more powerful than any one of the 4.

    Lastly, play her until you learn how to counter her. Missing a phase hit can be a lot more damning than you're making it out to be, especially in situations where sounds get bugged, the survivor uses fixated to walk away from the phase and behind a wall, other survivors making noise notifications to throw you off, etc. Hell, even meme perks like pebble can waste your time off a bad phase.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited September 2020

    "Learn how to counter her". This is a stupid response. There is NO counter to a Spirit with Stridor. Trying to be random wont work because they ahve all the info they need/

    Thats the problem. Base spirit with no add ons? Potentially if they aren't a high tier killer you can outplay them. Iron will? Free win (which is stupid as hell anyway). Stridor? Even if you have iron will you're just making it easier for her. There's no "picknig the right option" against her when she has that much info. Its a flawed arguament by people who cant underrstand how unhealthy her design is from a long term game health perspective.

    Old freddy was ######### trash but he was unhealthy. Thats why we hated him. LEgion is trash but extremely boring to play against hence the DCs. Spirit is strong, yes. And that MAY be why some poeple hate her or want her changed. But the truth of the matter is that Spirit is extremely unengaging to play against? You think I want to loop killers? hell no its boring as #########.

    But you cant take away counterplay without adding some new form in response.

    And "just be unpredictable" isnt counterplay because she has all the cards with the sound she hears. This is the equivalent of a Tekken game where that enemy Yoshimitsu can see your buttons before you input them. This aint mordhau. Unpredicatbility doesn't work.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited September 2020

    I think that's part of my reasoning aswell. I've gotten flak for it but I've said I'm fine with Wraith staying meh for example until they increase his skill ceiling. Freddy is a similar case. Extremely basic to play and lacking in any sort of skill ceiling at all, but so strong that 4 equal skilled solos to a skilled freddy will pretty much always lose.

    It says a lot that him and Spirit are considered the go-to "turn your brain off" killer for grinding bloodpoints or pips.

    Deathslinger, for how much I complain about the chase and find him pretty dull to face. Is skill based but has pretty major penalties to misplaying or lacking skill. As do Nurse and Huntress.

    I find it hard to dictate wether Spirit as a mid level skill ceiling or a high one. There's a lot you can do with her power especially with the speed add ons. But it never really comes into play because the survivor will lack the feedback to get into a situation where the killer needs to use that skill.

    Her power also charges way too fast if she does misplay, there's basically no punishment.

    At the end of the day I still play her occasionally because I find her extremely fun. But, and this may be hypocritical, I'm at the point a year or more later where I hear the phase at the start of the match and struggle to motivate myself to continue playing. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't DCed against a Spirit or two in recent months due to just not being in the mood. I usually pride myself on not DCing unless someone else quits early or 2 survivors go down at the basement a minute in. But at this point its just not fun to face her anymore. I get no satisfaction from "outplaying" a Spirit because I know I DIDN'T outplay her, I just got lucky. There was no skill involved from my side. Whereas if it did happen, its because she lacked skill and outplayed herself.

    I consider doing the same with Legion and Deathslinger sometimes even though 95% of games against them are free wins so "le you just le mad you cant le loop her xD" is a cop-out excuse. I still love playing against Billy, Hag, Huntress, Micheal and Pig. Even Oni, who is mysteriously never mentioned by the "you're mad you can't loop arguers". It's just boring. "Oh, I think shes phasing I'll tr- Oh im dead good play yep lots of fun. Oh shes on me again how about I fake a double back and then vau-Oh Im dead because she heard me because STRIDORLOL"

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    And how does Spirit prevent you from reading her? From learning how she plays and adapting to her weaknesses?

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Competitive games are hella fun. Why do you think E-sports exists?

    Because people have fun watching and playing it.