Hatch Problems

jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a survivor main, I think there need to be changes to how the hatch works. There is nothing more annoying than having an end game that turns into "the patience game". Both killers and survivors understand what I mean. In my opinion, I think the killer should be able to close the hatch like they used to BUT have it be on a timer like a totem cleanse. Also, remove the ability to catch a survivor as they are jumping down. For the killers, have it where a survivor cannot jump into the hatch while the killer does their cleaning animation. I hate going into matches where once it's me and another survivor the other guy is running around looking for the hatch instead of doing gens, then hides in that area hoping I die first. I understand why the hatch is there, but it gives toxic survivors too much incentive to not want to try to complete the gens. Likewise, where is the incentive to do gens when you're the last survivor when the killer can just loop the gens? There needs to be better end game options for both the last survivor and the killer. Playing the hatch game is boring and there has to be a better way.

If you're a killer main, this is more to help you than survivors so don't just reply with "git gud" and actually give me your perspective (and yes I know by adding this part I will inevitably get git gud comments). The more options and the more perspectives the better! It may not even be a problem for killers, my killer is still only rank 10.

Post edited by jmaximo93 on


  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I agree with you. I think the hatch is one of the most broken mechanics of this game.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    They discussed changes on how they envision the new endgame on the last devstream

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited September 2018

    Identity V fixed hatch stand-off easily, Dead by Daylight can easily do the same

    once hit the survivor goes a few meters away from the hatch when injured, ofc nothing happen if they are healthy

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2018

    Identity V fixed hatch stand-off easily, Dead by Daylight can easily do the same

    once hit the survivor goes a few meters away from the hatch when injured, ofc nothing happen if they are healthy

    <font color=coral> I don't understand what you said, can you reword that please? I can't get the color change ffs...
    Post edited by jmaximo93 on
  • Acroyear
    Acroyear Member Posts: 33

    And I don't understand why hatch even exist. Like Entity wants last survivor had a CHANCE? LUL. Chance capsed cause it's not chance..it's almost guaranteed escape cause surv's animation way faster than killer's and fresh surv have 3 chances to esc. Killer have one micro chance to catch. Full attention, and surv can chill AFK untill he hear hit sound... Ya, entity on killer's side...
    It's ok for me to hatch not exist at all. That will solve the problem of selfish survivor not fix gens but look for hatch and watch (want) his team die quick.

    Nevertheless it's better if hatch became not RNG escape, but 3-rd or 4-th gates to open. for example there are 2 hatches appears on the map. killer can see it, just like gates. And they are closed, but with loud noise, like they are now. So surv can open it with time (5-8 sec) and escape (without notice for killer). Catch animation stays if surv barely escape. And it will be more real that survivor afraid to be caught when he is the last. Killer can close forever first hatch with time (10 sec) and second (20 sec). Surv can interrupt closing animation with flashlight. And if both closed, he should do gens.
    My point here is that all survivors should work as a team. and while 3 fails = all team fails. It's already huge reward to have second option to escape and have no effects of ur lame teamwork with gens. Like you have to pray to find it, pray to killer won't find you open it and if he closing the first one, pray to find second one.
    Less chances to escape if all ur team failed sounds fair to me. And it won't look ridiculous when killer have less power and tries to catch surv, when they standoff.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited September 2018

    @jmaximo93 said:

    I don't understand what you said, can you reword that please?

    Identity V is a mobile version of Dead by Daylight, everything is the same. They fixed the hatch stand-off like this

    When a survivor gets hit and they are injured, they go flying a few meters away from where they got hit, meaning when they get down they won't be standing on top of the hatch like in DBD

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    There's an easy solution, killers can close the hatch and there's two ways to open it back up. Do a gen (very difficult but possible) and interacting with it. Takes 30 (possibly 40) seconds to open and progress is saved (So you can leave it and come back) but progress decays immediately. Or takes 10 seconds but requires you to go through a number of difficult skill checks. Think overcharge sized skillchecks.

    And once it's reopened it cannot be closed again. Opening it back up means the survivor worked for it.
  • Carnival_C_
    Carnival_C_ Member Posts: 9

    I think hatch is one of very boring elements.
    In front of an open hatch, I bend and stretch in front of Killer and I am waiting for Killer to give up leaving.
    Killer in this situation is truly crappy.
    If you do not change hatch specifications, Killer should have a short range throw technique.
    It carries a survivor with one action.
    Survivor should be played more carefully.

    As for the progress of Gate, once you release your hand from Gate, the meter should gradually go down.
    It is not interesting to open the gate little by little.

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    Today (I was the killer) I stood 2 hours with a survivor at the hatch, playing a waiting game. Eventually I hit him twice and got him to the hook because he went afk.

    Everyone knows the hatch is a problem. The dev's are also aware of this end game issue.

    So how to fix it? (I am playing as killer and survivor so I am looking at this from both pov's)
    I read several suggestions:
    1) Remove the hatch - I don't have any problem with this because the game should reward the survivors for working as a team and doing gens + escape @ gates. But most other survivors probably find this too harsh.

    2) Killer being able to close the hatch as it was tested in PTB. - I don't know why they went on with the idea because it was a good one from my pov. You either find the hatch and escape or end up trying to do gens which leaves survivors with little chance of escaping overall but its possible.

    3) Put a timer on the hatch from the moment of third survivor dead.

    4) Make it work like Identity V where you hit the survivor near the hatch and he gets pushed far away from the hatch. - I personally don't like this idea and makes no sense.

    Overall either way it goes the survivors are 4. They have to work as a team. Right now when 2-3 survivors are left, in some games, one of the survivor or all just sit around waiting for everyone to die and escape @ hatch. Then there is also the waiting game which goes on right now.

    I think a timer would be a good idea. This way the survivor still gets one small chance to escape if he finds the hatch before the killer, once he finds it he was to escape. If both survivor and killer at the hatch, survivor has to think of something - either try to escape the @ hatch OR run away and try to do gens.

    Same goes as it was tested in PTB. Which I think it was a good idea.