😭 So many DC's....

I was never a big fan of DC penalties but gee...... I was just in a match where 3 players DC'ed and then I went to work on a gen(lol) The killer found me (surprise!) and downed me(uh oh) then he hit the air a few tines, picked me up let me wiggle(I think he enjoyed that the most ☺️) Then when I escaped his grasp he DC'ed. Lol....weeee...that was fun!

Now its my opinion the DC punishment is direct from THe Entity punishing those who refuse to play her games. They cant connect to new ones cause they are being tortured for x amount of time. She sick of this #########! 😇



  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    OMG you guys! I cant beloeve this got posted! I struggled so hard and tried so many times. I kept getting an error then it said I couldnt try again for 5 minures...ugh..then I just turned off from the forum until now. If this topic posted more than once..I appologize...I didnt mean too...

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Yeah, I've been playing less since DC penalties are gone again. If you're a solo player, you've got like a 50% chance of someone DCing right now.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Here's a game from today;

    me and 1 friend playing together, both red (rank is meaningless nowadays buts its for reference.) Queue into 2 console players vs. Spirit.

    I loop her for 3 gens, go down. From this point on, the 2 consoles keep hiding and self caring vs. Sloppy, another 3min chase later and the only gens are done by my friend whilst the other two keep pissing their pants while im being chased.

    I just said F it mid-chased, DCd and got a drink. Fun Fun

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    This. I mean, how hard would it be to just make sure the top Streamers can't be penalized this way, anyway? I seriously doubt Tru or Otz would be like: "I can now DC from matches with impunity unlike everyone else?! Let's do that every game!"

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    👆🏽This could be the reality👆🏽

    A really good idea also.

    Jus like MMR has capabilities that enable a player’s in-game performance to be logged into the database so as to group certain players of similar skill set together, it is absolutely possible to create a record of players who DC, and the frequency of their habit, and group those players accordingly.

    Devs may stray from that route due to the nature of unintentional disconnects, tho. Can’t see many more reasons why they wouldn’t put such a program into play.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    I tend to agree with this. Nothing ruins a game faster than someone DCing. I get that top-level steamers were targeted but aren't they the extreme minority? Sure, they also deserve the same opportunities to enjoy the game.

    Could this be the solution? Make the Fog Whisperers impervious to DC bans. I'm not sure what else to do, it's basically happening in well over half my games.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Exactly, if they mass disconnect, they should get longer queue times.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    I don't see your point at all. It's the same difference with the inclusion of a bait, which might backfire.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I haven't had a DC yet today by a survivor or killer. I'm pretty shocked. I have crossplay off, figure that probably helps plus people trying to get xp to finish the rift.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Are you kidding? That would be disgusting if some players were given free reign to disconnect while the plebs got the penalties. Especially when you consider the previous drama about an unnamed Fog Whisperer who used to disconnect to derank, or another Fog Whisperer who is currently involved in some drama and disconnects when their ego is at stake and is known to troll other players to bait disconnects.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    It wasn't me who suggested all Fog Whisperers - I'm just talking, like, the 10 biggest streamers on their main accounts... so folks couldn't DDOS them and force penalties. It would be pretty obvious of those streamers started abusing it... and no one's gonna bother DDOSing the 11th ranked streamer or lower.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Contrary to your assumption... they do indeed DDOS the 11th ranked streamers and lower. People with 100 viewers were still getting attacked alongside those with 3000+... there is a very large playerbase of DbD streamers and internationally streamed in Oceania and Korea/Japan/China etc. The "cutoff" would create some more headaches for them in this case.

    My personal fix for this would just be Disconnect husks for survivors.

    If a survivor DCs a greyed out soulless version of their avatar with crows flying around them remains than can still be hooked (for things like BBQ), mori'd, etc (The disconnect icon still shows up at bottom left for everyone). For survivor side - playing at least 3+ minute with a disconnected husk on their team automatically results in a black pip for the survivors. Survivors can also rescue this husk for bloodpoints/altrusim if they wish. Also for survivors if the killer disconnects at any point - they should have depip protection and automatically get rewarded 5000 bloodpoints for escaping (Survival Offering actually gives you even less bp if you are at a level where killers rage quit on you a lot if you're winning). No timeouts necessary, would alleviate alot of the "cuck him of his achievement/challenges" mentalities and whatever else there.

    Yes, players are still being robbed of the full game's experience (plenty of other games acknowledge leaver penalties and sacrifice on hook) but at least there is built in compensation for it so it softens the frustrations.

    A more elaborate suggestion from me would include:

    1. Remaking the struggle on hook mechanic. Stop making us spam Spacebar or whatever - it doesn't add tension and any bit of latency seems to kill console players according to them. Just make it skill checks just like PH's cages if you have to. People who "don't want their ability" to suicide on hook to be taken away should realize that their "leaving" the match also negatively impacts the other 4 players in the game. If you "need to leave" the esc + disconnect option is always there to leave your husk behind - I suppose players could also sandbag into the killer repeatedly but this still allows other survivors to get unhook points. If you choose to attempt to unhook yourself fail then choose to also fail every skill check you will still die in struggle phase faster - just not within 10 seconds like currently. 
    2. New post-game display on every player total number of games played, total number of disconnects (combined with above), total number of "props" received. Killers have Total games played, total games on killer, total number of disconnects, number of "props" received. Prevent people who queued together to give "props" to one another (disable for Kill your friends mode as well). It'll be a nice little curb towards positive behavior... League attempted this with some rewards and stuff but cosmetics and banners aren't even necessary for it to motivate some people to not be asshats.
    3. New matchmaking - possibly use the numbers from suggestion #5 to weight in on the already existing matchmaking system meaning your ranking is "harder" to shift around when you have a LARGE number of games. Make matchmaking go to the highest ranking person in a SWF group - meaning if you queue up with your Rank 20 friends - you can't terrorize Rank 17 killers as a R1 squad (this used to be a thing and now it's not for some reason). In my dream scenario those with more disconnects will be paired with others with lots of disconnects in a Dota 2 Low Priority Queue type of setting. Gather the cesspool together
  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah, I'm tired of DC's too. Just had a match where two survivors DC'd. I farmed with the last two, cause no reason for us to all depip. Guess Pig is just too OP! No wonder the devs keep nerfing her.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It won't work if devs give immunity from penalties to fog whisperers. Yes, everyone has no doubt that fog whisperers not gonna abuse their immunity. But then hackers might just focus on random streamers with 10-15 viewers. And this problem may take larger scale.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    except if you do that, you end up being slugged for 5 mins while the killer runs off to find the last victim.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Pretty much why I wouldn't mind seeing Kindred and Whisper perks removed from the game and just made basekit for both survivors and killers. Would also make things like Blindness matter more for killers and make it less likely for a survivor to attempt to just hide out going locker to locker for 4 minutes while you bleed out on the ground.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426


    Check your phone! Jerk off! Do something! But don't screw the other players out of whatever they're trying to accomplish for whatever reason.

    This literally happened to me yesterday as a survivor, but I ######### waited there even though I just wanted to quit and got nothing out of staying since my own tome challenge was busted now. I waited because the damn game wasn't over and that wouldn't be fair to the killer, despite how godawful boring and campy a Doctor that killer was too.

    Hell, sometimes the killer HAS to slug the penultimate girl. Not everyone has finished with the Tomes yet, and there are a lot of killer ones that are honestly a real ######### to get done.

    It's not the killers fault that that the hatch exists. Now that hatch shows up despite zero gen progress, so there's even more random chance involved than entirely GitGud enough to ever guarantee Devout. Maybe they'd still have the 10 hooks for that Irr if you DIDN'T disconnect and it wouldn't matter if they went free. It's hard enough when sometimes that 1st hook ends up the final hook sometimes too and the survivors might go for a late save even if you're on the other side of the map. There's just so much ######### that can happen.

    For all you know the killer normally would giving the other person the hatch, but they just NEED you to be patient for a few minutes and die with integrity instead of forcing them (and another team) to go through all this again, and again. This, like many things in DBD, tend to be cyclical and it'll only "pay it forward" to the next group. Lets just hope that the next "penultimate girl" is more mature, or yet another group is up to bite the dust.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Prob even i DC from time to time without penalties. There you have it, main reason.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2020

    Imagine defending one person completely ruining the game for 4 other people. Suppose self-centered people would be the ones to defend it in any way they can to enjoy the benefits of it.

    Every single game out there punishes you if you disconnect enough, even if it's casual, even if it has backfill, even if it isn't competitive, they hit you with one. It's like that for a reason. But far be it from me to attempt to write a long winded argument to debate logic with the toxic dumb dumbs who defend it.

    I always find it funny how people use this reason or that to justify it, when the reality is they're just using the best example, as rare as it may be, when the reality they use it for even the more tiny, irrelevant reason because they can. Why not just admit it? It isn't like this is a LoL game, where you're stuck in a game you might lose for what? 20 minutes or something? DBD games are short, so it's kind of pathetic you can't even play it out. And if people will just "kill themselves on hook" then perhaps it's time to stop looking that as a reason to not have a penalty (which it is not) and instead look into maybe finding a way to prevent that, too.

  • ArthurDent
    ArthurDent Member Posts: 44

    Just a suggestion

    but it if there was the ability to block players from playing with you eventually all the dc’ers and toxic players would only have each other to play with.

    And if if you were really aggressive with your blocking because you are too precious you won’t have anyone play with but that is tough luck.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    I feel you brother, yesterday I was doing an ebony daily, I have wasted 1 hour trying to play killer, one guy always dc during loading screen and is dumb

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    DBD is a casual game, it's not meant to be taken seriously

    Literally the same people: Disconnect whenever they feel like it for any reason at all, while also being completely against the DC penalty so they can freely DC. You know, because they don't take the game seriously.

  • zeroskill
    zeroskill Member Posts: 15

    loving the no penalties. I've been dcing at the best times to really stick it too them.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652
  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2020

    good for you my times worth more then that. maybe in that instance the killer should just be just as respectful and hook said survivor and not waste their time?

  • zeroskill
    zeroskill Member Posts: 15

    wrong. either play the objective or lose points and the game gets ruined. screw my fun screw yours

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    If you don't have the time to wait for the game to end, then you shouldn't start the game at all.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited September 2020

    They ARE playing the objective. They are trying to kill all the survivors, and keeping one alive to make sure they kill the other. Surely you don't complain when they allow someone to get saved from the hook even though theyre suppose to want them dead? That's all in their objective and the emblem system that reinforces it and playing with their food.

    Your objective isn't and never was "baby takes ball and goes home boohooing"

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    " It is a selfish, abusive act"

    First off, there's no reason not to be selfish. Second of all, as a survivor you're part of a team. If you can help someone get out on your team, that is selfless. Thirdly this has nothing to do with abuse. If you feel abused from video games you should not be buying nor playing them. Grow up.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    No, again... and it is embarrassing for you that you are unable to understand this. Disconnecting to change a game's outcome is using something outside the rules. It is called CHEATING. It makes you a dirty, reprehensible cheat. You cheated another Player in the game. There is a reason that there are disconnect penalties. The only reason they are off currently is because hackers keep messing with innocent people, you know... people who AREN'T dirty reprehensible cheats.

    There is a way to help your fellow Survivor that is within the game. It is already provided for, i.e. you can get into a chase, you can lead that Killer off, and you can even sacrifice yourself on the hook to take yourself out of the game. This isn't hard. If you use something OUTSIDE the game, to change the outcome of a game, you are cheating. Your intent is to cheat; you admit it. You seem proud of it. There is literally nothing I can say that makes you look worse than you do yourself.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "and it is embarrassing for you that you are unable to understand this. Disconnecting to affect change a game outcome is using an outside the game method. It is called CHEATING"

    The only circumstance that I mentioned is one where one person is slugged on the ground and the other person still has a chance at escaping. The game should not be designed where an altruistic action is punished and a person has to sit there on the ground for several minutes while the other two play the game. That is poor design, no way around it. Maybe they should put in a seppuku button for that scenario or something because it is not immersive, it is not fun, and a player should not be punished for not wanting to writhe around on the ground for five minutes because the killer wants a 4k.

    "There is a way to help your fellow Survivor that is within the game"

    I'm obviously not talking about that scenario. I'm talking about two people left, one slugged on the deck and the killer really wants that last kill so they don't hook. Obviously if there are other options then use them but sometimes there aren't. It is extremely common for me to be slugged at the end game and just sit there doing nothing while my teammate could be going for hatch. It's actually penalizing that teammate because the killer now has an unfair lead on looking for hatch.

    " Seriously, what is your mental malfunction? This isn't hard."

    No, it isn't. I've already told you the circumstance where this option is desirable due to a gameplay flaw. If you ignored it, it's because you are afraid of admitting there is a mistake with that slug-hatch scenario.

    "Your intent is to cheat; you admit it. You seem proud of it."

    You couldn't be more wrong. If a person is slugged and not doing anything while their teammate is debilitated then obviously the game design did not account for this. It's a crappy situation that devalues altruism. You're drawing these very personal assumptions where they don't belong. Maybe take a break for the game or something because you seem a little too hurt by all of this.

    "There is literally nothing I can say that makes you look worse than you do yourself."

    If a survivor feels they have to DC in order to save a teammate or not be staring at a slug for five minutes then that's the game's fault-not anyone else's. Maybe stop slugging the third person because you desperately crave that final kill.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    And to be clear, the scenario I've just described could be construed as taking the game hostage.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Again, what you are doing is NO DIFFERENT from creating a Lag Spike to help your friend avoid a hit or get out the gate. That is the context.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "It's not the killers fault that that the hatch exists."

    And it's not the survivors. 3k is good enough that you don't have to ruin someone else's experience just because you want to get greedy and take a 4th every time. A 3k is generally seen as a win for the killer.

    "Hell, sometimes the killer HAS to slug the penultimate girl."

    This happens every single time in this scenario. I've never been not slugged as the "penultimate" survivor left.

    "For all you know the killer normally would giving the other person the hatch"

    I've seen this happen maybe a handful of times. According to your theory though, the best move a killer could make would be to slug the last two, let them bleed out on the ground until one is about to die, then pick the other up right before in order to minimize chance of DS,hatch time, etc. Basically screw survivor gameplay.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    No it isn't. It's not nearly the same thing. It's giving the last survivor a chance at the hatch-as was intended by even creating the hatch. Leaving the second to last player slugged not only ruins their experience but bypasses the whole point of the hatch in the first place. It has nothing to do with a "lag spike". You're reaching for straws now because you know it's not fair to leave a person slugged because that makes the hatch useless. It's also incredibly unfun to have to sit there and do nothing while other people are playing the game.

    To be clear, you are advocating for holding the game hostage simply because you want 4ks every single time and you're willing to cut out a fundamental part of the game-the hatch- in order to do it.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited September 2020

    This happen with the doc more frequently for me too, that's because that cowards blendettes playing immersed builds (which are quite popular), with the doc you counter them and they DC crying.