BHVR opened Pandora's Box, so now what happens to Slinger?



  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Has anyone actually held ads with slinger. I did it's god awful. The aiming is clunky as hell basic zig zaging massively screws with your ability to correct. I play a large swath of fps games your halo's, left 4 dead's, valorant etc and never have I seen such a miserable ads movement. These posts don't even want balance. Just a nerfed slinger who is already garbage by just spreading out and holding w. What's he gonna do use his miserable 18 meter range to pull you in. Hell the example you gave should be a death sentence they positioned poorly didn't put any debris in the way or block los so the slinger would have less time to adjust the quickscope shot. I have played against survivors who know how to play against slinger. Who recognizes bad loops to avoid and will give little to no vision on there position so I cant get a clear shot.

    You would rather leave it to behavior to fix the killer then put an idea forward on how to make him balanced. Make his ads have a charged exposed shot which increases in range the longer he's adsed. Adjust ads movement so its smoother and less clunky. Make his gun require a minimum of adsing for 1 or 0.5 seconds. If you think these ideas are to strong play him familiarize yourself with him and see where all his problems are because I 100% guarantee slinger is utter trash vs competent survivors who know how to push gen's. I really dislike how someone can bash a style of play or killer without at least exposing themselves to it. His counterplay shouldn't be rudimentary.

    But it's ok behavior will fix this killer and make him both fun to play and play against. Looks at legion, freddy's long troubled history and pigs completely unnecessary trap change. No they need actual direction on these changes and if you want to contribute play the god damn killer and offer some idea for changes.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Except the distance you get over a slinger via a well timed vault puts him much further behind then your average 115% ms killer. This distance can scale even greater if that vault is in a spot that the killer has to vault through to catch up. If you hold w traveling behind debris then slinger gets horribly wrecked. Not to mention if your pushing a gen across the map there is virtually nothing he can do to stop you until he gets in range which is assuming there isn't a wall or obstruction blocking his shot as your doing a gen. Slinger is easily the most overrated killer in DBD I remember nurses who had a higher skill level be played more often then this slowpoke. There's a reason no one plays this killer and it ain't skill level its because he feels awful to play and shock horror is actually a mid tier killer with a gaping weakness.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    There is so much bs on survivor side that's not good for the game but that always gets forgotten. 2-3 gens popping after the 1st pretty short chase, hatch (free undeserved win), keys, instaheals, medkits healing in 5 seconds for a max of 4 times or so,... but no lets nerf an above average killer who will be trash after the change because god knows he will be. I dont believe you mainly play nurse either and if so not at high ranks.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    He is a ranged killer vaults are a guarenteed hit. What exactly is a "well timed" vault. A place where the killer has to vault is called an infinite. That is ynless it's a height but not every map has though. I'm also quiet sure any average slinger will wait for the animation lock to shoot a survivor.

    Not every map has debris just scattered around. If it does it's probably bad rng because the single debris is pallet less. Gen rushing is general not chase counter. Chasing are the most fun thing in the game. You shouldnt have to get 5 gens in 2 minutes to beat a killer.

    Hes quiet fun to play as. He's worse than nurse yet is so boring to verse. His shock horror is good enough he doesnt even need to do anything to zone just be there. What does that tell you?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited September 2020

    I play both sides, huntress and nurse on killer, just because 1 side has overly strong things doesn’t justify another

    btw trying to use the idea of rank to shut someone down omegalul

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    So were ignoring the immediate lack of mobility 110% ms killer, very limiting range of a mere 18 meters, pretending there are a low amount of maps with debris and cover (how can you come to such a silly conclusion?). As for a well timed vault its taking a vault earlier before the slinger has direct los thus increasing distance between you and him a common mistake is only vaulting when the killer is breathing behind you but just out of lunge range. There are a load of zones take the back of dead dawg saloon where you need to vault through to continue the chase, crotus prenn asylums window loops in the main structure. Again the shock horror I pointed out is that he see's a low play rate Despite his suggested low counterplay.

    Almost like as if there is some strange phenomena keeping such "a powerful top tier killer" from being played (sarcasm). I tend to not buy the fun crap. I know friends who love playing against myers and friends who love playing against huntresses, I have friends who love playing against slinger but hate huntress. I just don't buy that a killer can be no fun to every survivor out there if there are survivors who I personally know enjoys the challenge he brings to the chase. Personally I adore the excitement of hammering dead hard before the shot connects making a prediction at a point I know the slinger has to shoot or running through the trees with that harpoon always threatening to drag me in. If denying los isn't fun to you then he's not for you.

    You don't get to decide what's fun and what's not. Wanting more counterplay would be great but again no suggestions on what to compensate him with because it's only your enjoyment you care about not the slingers. I have suggestions above with buffs and nerfs to give some of you people options on how to correct his issues but your so obsessed with hammering this unfun rhetoric and expect to be taken seriously. It sounds to me like a core component of your survivor playstyle is keeping the killer close on you so you can get stun's and always leave the killer just out of range of a lunge hit in which case you are handling slinger badly.

    Always maintain distance. Use vaults earlier in a loop and do not wait for the killer to be on top of you to start dropping pallets. Never let a slinger close that distance. Use routes that create large degress of distance and on occasion double back when the slinger is taking a shorter route towards you that leaves some room to sneak back the way you came.(this is best done when the killer has obviously lost los on you.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Looking at what they did to PH there's no way they don't nerf DS.

    Might as well go for the throat now survivors. Spirit got whacked, PH got whacked, Nurse got whacked, Billy got whacked (yeah I was part of that one), it's time for Deathslinger.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited September 2020

    You really seem to enjoy spreading misinformation for sole goal of just gaining +1s from people, PH is fine, Spirit is fine, Nurse is fine, Billy is fine.

    people like you are why killer players are viewed as complaining babies

  • Esperiae
    Esperiae Member Posts: 75

    I know I'm quite late to the party, but to be honest I think that slinger is fine how he is and comparing him to Pyramid head is bad, since Pyramid head does almost everything slinger can do, but better.

    Slinger moves slower than other killers, has a limited range for his skill, moves slower while aiming, projectile slower than a fully charged hachet, cannot hit through walls, has to slow down and reload after each shot, gets stunned if chain is broken and so on.

    The only way I could see his aiming being "nerfed" is if they made a wind upc like huntress or clown which increases his range while holding down, up to Let's say 50% increase. The only problems with this is how quickly the chain may break.