Crossplay ruined the game.

I'm tired of console players ruining my games. When I play survivor many sandbag me by dropping pallets in my face as I'm being chased or hiding all game without doing gens.
It's not like they're low ranks either, this is purple and red ranks I'm seeing here. Sure, you'd get the bad PC player at these ranks now and then, but no where near the frequency I see bad console players. Controller is just plain inferior to mouse and keyboard in this type of game.
They even make survivor queue times longer since so few of them play killer (probably because most can't aim well with a controller).
IMO crossplay was a terrible idea.
EDIT got survivor and killer queue times mixed up. But yeah, going against console players as killer is an easy win.
As a console player I'd like to say, NO CONSOLE PLAYER WANTED TO DEAL WITH YOU PC PLAYERS. If you're a pc player just now realizing crossplay was a bad idea than good on you. I don't think there were many console players who thought crossplay was a good idea before they even announced it. Why do you think a lot of us have it off?
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same, this is why I play killer, I literally was a team with 3 console players, and even with a godly set up on coal tower, 4 long walls, shack with a good window side and vs a legion, they somehow went down in 4 seconds over and over again while wasting everything on the map, my one chase with 1 pallet lasted longer then any of their chases combined
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Bad players are ALLWAYS Console players, that's a fact!
(i) This claim about Console players is disputed.
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There're good console players... Yea it's a little harder with a controller but not like the way you have made it seem
Would you do about it though... rather then disabling Cross-play
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I was going to yell at you until I read the "(i)" part lol, not all console players are bad. It's just that when you're used to it, mouse and keyboard is better. Console players learned how to play in a different style to pc players. Funny enough, when I play with crossplay off pallets don't go down as fast as people say they do against console players. I think it's the fear of how much better pc players set up is so pallets go down faster.
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Percentage wise I'd say console players are worse than PC players. Of course not all are bad.
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Removing crossplay would balance queue times more and solve the issue. Idk if there's another solution.
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Crossplay was implemented to improve queue times in the first place
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It increases them though (for survivor at least). PC players play both killer and survivor a somewhat similar amount. Console players almost all play survivor and very little killer.
This has the effect of raising survivor queue times and decreasing killer queue times. I can now find a killer game almost instantly but it will take sometimes 10+ min to find a survivor lobby.
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I can assure you it's because it's so damn eaay to get to high ranks and stay there as survivor.Not because of your better hardware or mouse and keybord
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It just depends on your region.
For example:
Before crossplay killer queues were instant and survivors queues were pretty long but now both queues are pretty fast for me
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Only if you're a console players. Enough people played the game on PC before crossplay that adding new players from console didn't impact queue times positively, it only unbalanced them.
But yes, I can see how console players benefited from it, but playing with all the mediocre console players ruins many of my games.
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I'm a killer main on Xbox.... so don't say all console players are survivor players
Because of more survivors looking for match with not a lot of killer players (that's why)
Even more so over the weekend... but that'll go back to normal 12+/- hours from now
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Plenty of garbage players on both platforms, only difference is now you have something new to blame.
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Where did I say all console players are survivor players?
I said few of them are killer players. Nice strawman attempt though.
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As I've said in the post, I see more bad console players than bad PC players.
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Could just be confirmation bias but if you say so.
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Turn off crossplay if you're bothered that much by it.
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After a big enough sample size you can use the normal distribution to make conclusions about the actual population.
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Please enlighten me on how to do so.
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There should be an option to turn off Crossplay. In your options menu. It's been awhile since I've taken a glance at the menu's, it might be under social. It will make queues longer though, since it only pulls from people who also have crossplay turned off.
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Go to the main menu, click on options, and scroll down to the crossplay tab and turn it off.
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Yep, makes queue times longer since not all survivor PC players are aware of the option. Nonetheless I'll remember to enable it when playing killer and disable it when playing surv, thanks.
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I hate that I cannot socialize with console players. When I solo'd I enjoyed chatting in the pre and post lobbies. Now they are just strangers I'll never communicate with or be able to add to my steam friends list.
Crossplay has added nothing to this game. The queue times are exactly the same. The players are just as bad or worse. So what was the point?
Turning it off is not an option as surv or killer. Queues are endless when you opt out. Overall a pointless change in my experience.
I fail to see how crossplay benefitted anyone's gameplay experience.
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Let's be honest though, the only reason people use chat is to flame.
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It's really not. When you have a solo team actually do something successful especially now, it's nice to laugh about it and add eachother. Now that is not possible most of the time. I rarely have a single pc player with me when I solo now which is ridiculous. Feels like I'm playing with bots.
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Idk what games you play, but 99% of mine when there are PC players is full of GG ez when survivors win, or calling the killer a camper or trash at the game when they lose.
Chat is fun though, I don't disagree.
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I’ve played both and I don’t notice a difference.
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I'm a console player who has always had it off. None of us wanted this. Why not just opt out instead of insulting console players to make your insecure self feel better?
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Aight, stuff like this is ruining the community and game. I'm sorry, I'm on xbox and have destroyed PC players and been sandbagged more times than I can count by 'BIG BRAIN PC GAMER' bc they think it's funny. I think people who are bad need to get better, on all platforms, and PC is not amazing. I can't stand having people think I suck at this game just because they see I'm on xbox. Then again, I have had wonderful teammates on PC and other platforms, and also some talented killers, but that is from playing well, not just owning a device. Seriously, get over yourselves lol
EDIT: I came back bc this sounds super harsh and I hate being mean so I'm adding this and a smiley to remind people that at the end of the day, we are all here to have fun! On all platforms!! So you can disable crossplay or give people the benefit of the doubt, but keep in mind we all have the potential to be extreme gamers lmao! Thank you for listening to my DBD Talk :)!
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Bc queue times are very long when you opt out of crossplay and killers dodge a lot as well. (You end up playing the same ones over and over) so if you outplay them they'll dodge or bring moris. It's unplayable.
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talk to the devs.
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Yeah queue times are long for console players as well. If the game is unplayable, stop playing. I did for a long time and just now came back.
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Hey it's almost like there is an option to turn cross play off and it's not a bad idea let's say your bf plays console you wanna buy a xbox? Just to play with them
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But there are times I'm not on dbd to have fun. I play dbd becuz I'm addicted to it.
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Join the club we've got jackets lol
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I actually love crossplay as a killer, because it means I get way more solo Q teams.
And against solo Q so many more un-optimal builds are viable. It's nice to see some variety in the survivor builds too unlike the sweaty SWFs where typically everyone has meta perks and you basically need meta perks yourself to compete.
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For survivor gameplay a controller is not inferior. There is no difference. For playing killer there is, leading to "weaker" controller/console killers than the PC ones. My conclusion is that console players still are in the process to adapt to stronger killers.
(There are quite a few very good console killers that easily destroy PC players).
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i can agree with you that most console players are not the best (this coming from a console player) but you gotta understand that consol is a much more casual platform most people are playing for fun not necessarily to win.
hopefully the mmr system will fix most of the issue as the more hardcore players will be in the upper ranks whilst casual and inexperienced players will stay at the low ranks but we will just have to wait and see.
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The matchmaking has never been balanced. This wouldn't be an issue if it was. I don't see why it would suddenly become balanced any time soon.
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I play on console and we aren't as bad as idiots like you think we are. Just because we play with controllers doesn't mean we lose the ability to use our ######### brains. I don't even feel bad for you a little bit cause you wanna come on here and say that console players are the worst thing in dbd. Refrain from the ignorance.
Us console players never wanted to play against pc players, imagine constantly being at a disadvantage to someone because they use a computer.
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How is it ruining the game? Just turn it off and it no longer affects you in any way
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there is a fix for you not liking crossplay.... from the main menu (where you see the killer and can choose the game mode) go to the settings and uncheck allow crossplay. there you will never be matched with an console players or any cross platform person which means the microsoft store, xbox one, xbox series x, ps4, ps5, steam. solves all your problems, you will only match against those on your platform. thus removes the reason you even posted this other than to get pity sympathy from others. This goes for all the rest trying to say it was a problem, just remove the option to play with others on different platforms what so ever. and before anyone yells at me becuase xbox series x can't play with xbox one, thats because micorsoft made it a different platform not behavior. so go to the place that made it different not the game that you play. you're choice leave it on and don't complain, turn it off and be happy it's the way you want it to be.
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Percentage wise you are probably right, more console players are worse than pc players.
I am guessing it has to do with the kids. I know this game is rated mature, but let's be honest about it, how many 8 to 12 year olds are playing?
Do you think they are playing on console or pc?
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This isn't a shooter, there is nothing in this game that gives you an advantage by playing on mouse and keyboard over a controller.
Now onto the main topic... the problem isn't console players, there are plenty of good ones. The problem is that Dead by Daylight was put on gamepass(which despite existing on pc is mostly used on console), and that means its basically "free" which means that a lot of people can play it without having to buy it. Most games that are "free" in a manner will have a lot of bad players, simply because the player base can grow much faster.
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well im a console player and since crossplay has been put on every game seems to be filled with bad players. dont go doing that console players suck when games have never been this potato. i was more than happy before crossplay as players actually done gens, but now im stuck with players that dont do anything as well as PC players with bad wifi and potato PC`s editing their setting trying to get advantages. LETS HOPE THE DEVS LET US PICK WHICH PLATFORMS TO PLAY WITH.
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They did. play with your platform or everyone. your choice.. make it and be happy it exists!
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You can turn it off.
If turning it off increases your queue times too much that is because more people don't feel the same way as you and don't mind leaving it turned on; in which case there are a lot of people who don't want it removed so it shouldn't be.
I like them cause' they don't have chat so they don't shoot off every game lol. They sure seem to take a LOT of mori's when they play killer though, but other than that I haven't noticed any trend on my end. The faster queue times, and no toxic chat and such is more than worth it though imo.
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<<insert random thing here>> ruined the game.
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cRoSsPlAy rUiNeD tHe GaMe
Turn it off then.