Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Crossplay ruined the game.



  • Member Posts: 1

    Hello everyone,

    After reading all the posts, I'd like to offer this contribution with the disclaimer that I am a mediocre player as survivor and horrible at killer.

    Overall, I have a 400+ level and I do watch YouTube videos on how to get better and attempt to use in-game.

    1) The claim that equipment does not matter - disagree.

    In watching YouTube videos, I have seen survivors being able to perform 2 or 3 (360 degree) to avoid a hit from the killer.

    I am skeptical a console player can perform this at the efficiency that a PC player can.

    2) Cross-play - Up to level 400, I had the cross-play on. Since 400, I have it turned off. 

    In every game, there are a certain level of cheaters. The PC player (in my own opinion) has more chances to cheat by using other software (such as ESP)

    In my experience, I have noticed my game results are dramatically improved by disabling cross-play.

    It is feasible to suggest that the volume of skilled killers in lower on console compared to PC Killers.

    3) Sandbagging - No matter what platform, this seems to be a recurring theme.

    I record my play so I can review my mistakes and hopefully learn from it.

    I started keeping track of how many games I played and how many times sandbagging occurred.

    1 in 5 (or 20%) is my experience.

    In closing, I hope this is helpful to the discussion.

    Hopefully, I conveyed I am a student of the game and welcome any feedback on how to improve my skills.

    Based on items 1 and 2, I highly doubt I will be turning cross-play back on anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Bad survivors are not unique to consoles.

  • Member Posts: 636

    I mean I'm a Xbox player and I love crossplay? It's truly nowhere near as bad as you lot make it out to be.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    We're at a disadvantage because playing killer on pc is much easier and you have more control/better optimization.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    When I had crossplay on I was constantly playing against killers that are great on pc, those killers are very bad on console. (Nurse, huntress, deathslinger etc)

    I personally found it unfair to play against killers that very blatantly shine on pc because against console players, my people, those killers aren't viable. It made me feel helpless in those matches.

  • Member Posts: 891

    Lmao ######### are you even talking about?

    I'm like rank 2, I play on a gaming rig, I have a $100+ gaming keyboard and a $100+ wireless gaming mouse, and even a goddamn $50 mousepad so that I have a lot of space--and all of that is for FPS games because when I play survivor in DBD it's 10000% easier, more efficient and more comfortable to play with a controller. The only thing that's harder with a controller is flashlight saves and killers just look up and away from the beam anyway.

    I play KILLER with my mouse and keyboard because that does make a difference, especially if you're playing Huntress, Deathslinger, Nurse, or even Legion (because of the frenzy), but survivor? ... No. Controllers have nothing to do with that. I have 500 hrs in the game on PC and 400 hrs in the game on PS4 The real reason why console players might have problems in comparison to PC players is because:

    1) Console frame-rate is #########, and that's not their fault. It makes it hard to tell a Wraith in the distance from some dropped pixels.

    2) Sometimes console players play with tv speakers instead of a headset and it makes directional sound difficult to discern so it's easier for killers to sneak up on them.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Can’t do that..... then when the potato pc survivors do the same thing, he can’t come on here and try to blame console.

    as an aside, I’m killer main on console and I find that there enough potatoes to go around on all platforms.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    So turn it off then. You are not forced to play with crossplay on.

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