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Something I've notice about the whole mori fiasco



  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah I'm a 100 hour killer main who mains spirit and deathslinger because of their lore. I 100% think the devs are survivor biased they need to make survivors spawn on hooks! I face top 1% deathsquads everygame as well. I face team agony and team sinister twice a week!

  • Member Posts: 618

    You can not get caught.... twice. I'm not sure if you are aware but franklin's has been nerfed. You now see the visibility of the dropped item as a survivor and have a chance to pick it up before it despawns. If you're bringing a key you are most likely in some size of swf group.... on comms. This means even if your item is dropped your teammate will just go pick up the item and drop it back down to be picked up later. Also survivors are smart enough to know that once franklins is being played they will simply drop their important items around the map and go back to them when they need to use them. Franklin's is now a pointless perk.

  • Member Posts: 239

    rather than nerfing the mori the way they did (making them near useless) they should have worked like most stack perks.

    either you get 1 free kill with green after 2 hooks on ANY survivor (so hooking any 2 players = mori next victim you down) and pink being that you may kill one player after one hook and a second player after 3 hooks


    they should have had max charges in the old form so green = 1 mori, pink = 2.

    as it stands right now with the new mori requirement unless you play a meta killer in a meta build against sub par survivors you will never get any use from a mori because 1 chase = 1 or 2 minutes of chase vs decent survivors in which by the time you hook THAT survivor once, the other 3 have likely done 2 or even 3 gens, by the time you hook that same person a second time on a not so meta killer you will already be on your last gen.

    and to put icing on the bull crap cake, mori takes much longer than a simple hook meaning that extra time for a "wicked sick nasty animation bro!" kill will likely cost you 3 escapes.

    mori is more or less a self imposed handicap now.

    meanwhile keys can win a 4 man escape if the team are lucky enough to find eachother or an orginized SWF group rush the hatch as soon as it spawns.

  • Member Posts: 239

    uhhhh wut?

    mori's punish you for being careless.

    careless survivors are those who dont respect the danger a mori brings.

    you stall or even prevent a mori by not getting hooked. something thats pretty doable against most killers minus a god nurse or spirit.

    meanwhile how do you prevent a 4 man key escape beyond running franklin at all times in case chests give a key?

    oh did we forget that you can earn the survivor equivilant of a mori DURING a game so you cant even predict it? survivors are the only ones who can pick up a key or 3 via RNG DURING a match AND USE IT DURING SAID MATCH.

    "counter play" that.

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    I mean I can complain that keys not being nerfed because to remove one or the other but not both at the same time for these item is a good design choice, shadow nerfing them is still kinda annoying but more understandable but nerfing one but not the other instead of waiting for both just isn't a good change, right direction, wrong method/timing

    yes I know moris need to be nerfed, and yes I know keys need to be nerfed, but for the sake of temporary balance its not good

    and the amount moris got nerfed is a bit much and the only key nerf I can think on par with it would be last survivor can open hatch with key

  • Member Posts: 583

    Now you just have a situation where keys are saved for the last two survivors, then. The one with the key leaves and the other gets a free open hatch because they're the last survivor on the field. Nothing actually changes about it other than people are abusing the so-called problem in a different way.

  • Member Posts: 636

    That’s not a fix to keys, there can be 1 gen left and if say one person leaves with a key, as soon as that hatch closes the End Game Timer will start and the survivors get away with a free gen being done.

    You may say “oh make it so that doesn’t happen”, not as easy as it looks as it’s a functionality not a number change. It’s like saying make it when a survivor walks over a Hag trap it doesn’t activate, that’s not easy because it’s original function is to activate when a survivor is standing up.

    All of this requires waaaaaaay more work than you think.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Hey--just wanted to say that I very much agree with the majority of what you said here, with one exception; being able to kill everyone after 2 hooks is kind of the opposite of rarely strategically useful. If you're using BBQ, sure, but even considering the length of some Mori animations there are plenty of times I would rather kill someone directly without hooking them. I would argue that it's still functionally one of the strongest killer offerings, just not broken like it was before the change.

  • Member Posts: 106

    That's your argument for defending against a mori? Dont get caught? Then heres my advice for keys then. Dont let gens get done. Your argument is garbage dude.

  • Member Posts: 657


    Endgame collapse only happens if the killer shuts the hatch.

    If it closes on its own, the others are just short a player.

  • Member Posts: 239

    theres a big focus on stealth in the game, the fact you can HEAR and SEE the killer before you even encounter them and the fact there are many ways to avoid LoS via walls, corridors, lockers, shrubbery, etc further puts this big emphesis on stealth.

    this is what helps you not get caught.

    there are 4 of you, if one is being chased thats 3 free players to go do gens.

    if you suspect the killer is camping a mori? rush all of the gens, by the time he gets his kill from a hook he's already wasting his game, he is punished for not applying pressure his item gave him.

    meanwhile people with keys are REWARDED for mistakes by having ANOTHER chance at escape and can FURTHER be rewarded by the RNG gods by having a key from a chest.

    the "hurr durr you gotta do gens" argument holds no water when its so easy to get 3 gens done before a single player is hooked.

  • Member Posts: 334

    The issue is the way the devs have managed this community.

    Following the trajectory of the game its been a net 'killer buff, survivor nerf', however the devs have done this without any significant push back on killers.

    The result is an entire class of entitled killers who think if they go onto the forums and whine hard enough they will get what they want.

    Anyone's whose played since release and being paying attention would know this. The problem is that a certain % of the population has no perspective they just know tribalistic talking points 'Survivor bad, poor killers'.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    The only thing that i really noticed is that survivors are feeling the fire under their heels and are using their keys now before they are nerfed.

    I haven't had a single match without a key since the update. Really shows how much survivors were holding back on those

  • Member Posts: 778

    Most of the time I disagree with almost everything you say. This time, however, I agree with you.

    I too, was under the impression that any reasonable killer player would understand that a Mori nerf was necessary and it's better that it comes sooner rather than later, especially when it's something relatively simple. I guess I was wrong...

    Mori's aren't a direct response to keys, they just make dealing with keys a lot easier and I don't blame killers for using them to do so. However, they are still pretty powerful, because you can still tunnel someone off second hook with a Mori without worrying about DS. They can still be used against keys, they're just not as easy to use...

    Now, to be fair, regarding your last assertion, every single post complaining about Mori nerfs has a pretty decent amount of people shutting them down, as well as people supporting them, and most of the support I've seen is because it was a nerf that came before the survivor counterpart, which I guess it's better than not agreeing with the nerf at all.

    I'm sure if the situation were reversed it would be a similar thing, you'd have people complaining about it, you'd have people agreeing, and people shutting them down.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    egc does not trigger with the automatic close. that was specific when hey put it in the game, the killer or survivors had to open a door, or the killer closes the hatch. i've been in a game where the hatch closed and egc did not trigger till i opened the door (we had all gens done). so that change can be done without it affecting the game.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Finally someone said it , killers are the ones that whine ! Thank you I have been saying this. They complain about every single thing under the sun

  • Member Posts: 786

    Can we take a second and be realistic and can everyone stop over exaggerating,

    How often have you had 4 people do 5 gens and then all escape In The hatch ? I for one can say I have never in the 3 years playing this game have 4 people all escaped in a hatch, the most that escape is 2,

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    actually currently it's all about killers getting nerfed and the survivor mains like yourself (your post seems to point that way) say GET GUD or some crap like that. but before that it was survivors being nerfed and killers being buffed and killer mains were saying GET GUD or some crap like that. hmmm seems like it goes in cycles yes but currently there is a much larger gap in the survivor buffing that is happening. This has fostered a rivalry between those that main one or the other and it's just toxic as hell. GUYS listen to yourselves! the issue that is being brought up here is not that the mori's were changed to second hook, some are saying mori's are worse now and useless now, and others are praising the devs for doing this becuase they wanted it a long time ago.

    PEOPLE the problem is as follows:

    1) Mori's and Keys have both been identified as an item that is in a good state for the game over all. and this is spoken to by both survivor and killer main alike that both of these are needing to get changes (NERF!!!!!).

    2) people like you are going to claim one thing and people opposite you will claim the other thing. and only in the middle will the true benefit be found and not with one side or the other "WINNING"

    3) people like you are the entitled that think they can make others act the way they want not the way each person wants (the survivor rule book for killers etc). and it doesn't matter if you're a killer main or a survivor main! both are acting childishly here.

    4) MORI's and KEY's should have been dealt with at the exact same time because the appearance of favoritism is causing strife and this is what is going to cause the game the worse damage is the fact that the killer mains right now are hit hard, with buffs to survivors and even a killer perk being made into a pro-survivor perk (hoarder) because there is no stopping keys from being found in those EXTRA chests and only the one in the basement is protected by alerting the killer that it's being looted the other TWO chests are someone on the grounds with no extra restrictions on them. This is what is fueling this killers are being screwed over, another is from this patch being that victor can only lock someone in the locker for 10 seconds and it takes 2-3 seconds to move back and be able to move as charlotte again and 7-8 seconds later victor gets out of the way and the survivor now can leave the locker BUT!!!!!! the killer doesn't see them leave or where they are going!

    Now this is why people are saying this is proof the devs are survivor sided but here is more proof: originally moris could happen no matter what hook state you were on, this got changed and back then they said they'd change keys but they haven't changed them YET. originally there was no hatch but soon after game launch they put it in, requiring two gens to be completed before the hatch was visible (still in game but did make a small concession to the killers by changing the time the hatch appeared to require one more generator completed before the hatch would reveal itself. but still did not address the key issue after mori change. now the killers are being "PROMISED" a key alteration "SOON" with no time limit and thus they are upset as they feel it'll be another 3-4 years before this happens (not the midchapter patch as someone on here said it would be without any idea otherwise).

    Honestly this is showing more and more survivor side bias because of the fact the community talked about both needing a change at the same exact time, the community equated the two so they should have been changed at the same time to prevent from one side poking their fingers into their ears,sticking out their tongues out and waggaling their hands saying "NAH NAH NAH NAH" you got your change first. which is why people are upset, most are not the ######### survivor or killer that is saying that mori's aren't the problem but keys are or keys aren't the problem mori's are, it's the people in the middle that is upset at this point as well i know many survivor friends that are now concerned for longer queue times (I am as well) because a new tome level comes out and if i'm waiting 10-15 minutes a match i might as well not play why spend 10-15 minutes in a match that lasts 1/3 to 1/2 that time?

    here is an example: gen speeds 80 seconds one man gen, get two people on a gen it's even faster. but lets keep two gens being worked by one survivor each, and the other two are farting off or searching chests, doing bones etc. within 2 minutes if the killer is not lucky they will have get this..... 2 gens down and 3 to go before the match is over. same thing again now say we're down by one survivor (dc or tried to escape and didn't struggle) you can have one person keep the killer busy while 2 more gens are done in 80 seconds so that's 160 seconds which is 2.8 minutes into the game. now you're down to three gens on the map and 3 people still as survivors. moris now are a non-issue to those survivors they'll sac one person and get out, OR they'll get the hatch open with the key they brought in because they have 4 gens done and one survivor gone so the hatch is visible. so that's basically 4-5 minutes for the match. as survivor that is crap i don't have fun, but i'll do it to get the 7K survival points (including the hatch escape) oh yea.... the killer? now loosing rank thanks to the survivors and their key. they spent 5K to 7K for the mori and could never use it because they were unable to get enough hooks.

    KEYS ARE A PROBLEM, and they are not being treated the same thus survivors are not being treated the same (better) than mori's and killers even if it's for one week, it shows a short sighted view to fix things and mend the rift that has been widening. I am seeing several dbd streamers slow down their dbd streams and put up WOW or other games because of stuff like this. in a day we get cyberpunk2077 and you think you're going to keep people that feel disenfranchised playing the game? i'll be honest i myself haven't played all that much lately because my friends aren't playing it like they used to and i don't blame them what so ever. STOP THE PETTY BICKERING ABOUT THIS TOPIC! SPEAK WITH ONE VOICE, WITH ONE MIND AND TELL THE DEVS TO TREAT EACH SIDE EQUAL IF YOU WANT TO YELL ABOUT SOMETHING DO SO WHERE IT'LL DO THE MOST GOOD! but honestly stop yelling at each other and calling each other toxic and asking if i was toxic, (if you have to ASK 95% of the time you were being toxic and yes that was an exaggeration) but really you know if it is or isn't. play the game and have fun, stop saying your fun is more important and play by the rules damn it!

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Jesus I've never noticed how terrible that Spirit hair is until now. It's like she went bald and couldn't live with her lack of hair, so she attached neon-white pieces of cloth to her head and called it a day.

  • Member Posts: 334


    I just read the first paragraph and you are SO FAR off the mark it made it hard to read everything else. So if any of the rest was relevant, feel free to post it again.

    Release date DBD: 14 June 2016

    Nearly 4 years, so when I see 'MORI'S and KEYS' in caps and you've FAILED to even mention the map reworks (unless it's lower caps), that clearly have benefitted killers. I'm just rolling my eyes at you. Because if you can't accurately report recent changes, why do I care what you think across the games lifespan.

    Also you FAIL to distinguish between soloQ and SWF. IF (conditional) I am a survivor main, then that context makes it different again.

    Seriously, just try again.

  • Member Posts: 714

    Ppl like you is the reason why I last second switch into my p3 meg with flashlight or key

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    All these people saying they are useless because they no longer can use them to turn losing games into winning ones when they fell like it.

    Even if it is only on death hook mori's are still good, it's like having an extra perk that says "ignore any perk/item/game interactions and kill downed survivors on death hook". that is more impactful in a match than any other offering unless you count map offerings which can conflict with each other.

    A nerf is a nerf if you seriously expected them to still be around as strong as they were your delusional, nothing needs to be that strong same thing with keys which are in due time soon.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Precisely. You're playing Spirit, so it balances out the key just fine. Just hard focus the key user and slug everyone for your 4k, king. c:

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Nah it's 100% a minority. There's just a bunch of loud ppl running around claiming that it shouldn't have left, it's what happens when any sort of killer change or "nerf" happens. Any decent killer player will know they were busted and needed to go.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    People whine about every change killer or survivor, you need to stop with the killer vs survivor rhetoric that infects every post you make. It doesn't help the situation at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    Agreed, there were so many people begging for it to work on 2nd hook (and some even requesting to have it deleted) and then as soon as it's nerfed loads of people are like "shame on the devs! Survivor bias!"

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    problem is this yes very much so but it is also the apperance that the devs are siding with one group or the other, things that they are doing should show impartiality to keep their player base happy, they are only seemingly doing things to keep survivors happy and that appearance is the problem.

    again most who are claiming survivor bias here are not talking about the actual change as most feel it was needed but the fact that they release that when survivors still have keys that have been unmolested for years despite their promise back then to address keys, is what people are really upset about.

    then you need to learn to read critically.

    1) I was speaking about the topic at hand and how this is an appearance of bias not specific bias

    2) I was talking about how people attack each other here instead of banding together to get what needs to be done for the game.

    3) I did say from the wording of your post you seemed to be a survivor main

    4) map re-works actually changed many positive changes implimented into conditional positive if you know what to do but by the time you learn what you should do people loose their want to play that side and this has nothing to do with the appearance of bias with the topic of keys and moris.

    5) soloq and swf have nothing to do with keys and moris appearance of survivor sided bias beyond the fact that swf's tend to bring maps and a key to work together as well as the killer bringing a mori to take care of the swf issue. again i was not talking about that

    6) you just proved my point when I was pushing a more balanced look at things and why there is such an outpouring of outrage over the issue and people think now the majority of those upset are outraged at the actual change when most like it (there are some that don't like it) but they feel that it should have been put in when the key nerf is put in to balance the equation.

  • Member Posts: 106

    No your stealth argument is bad too considering how many perks the killer can use to find you and even then any killer worth they're salt will find you quickly. considering how many forum posts there are about how bad stealth is I don't think I need to go into it. Also complaining that a key is usable after gens get done is like complaining about noed popping when no survivors did bones. It's not the survivor being rewarded for bad plays it's the killer being punished for not tunneling the person with the key. Just like how survivors get punished by noed for not doing bones.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Saying dont get hooked litterally saying just stop gens. It holds no merit. Moris arent just unexpected danger they were objectively broken and a good killer is getting a survivor out 2 minutes in making winning impossible thus its nerf. 4 man keys were never and still arent common. Franklin's usually does the job for most key users (1).

    I'll give you this tho that's why keys are getting nerfed. It's really only during a match it has that mori suprise factor but it still isnt as strong because you have to do gens still. But I still agree with you this needs a change.

  • Member Posts: 195

    I agree with this completely. They were too strong the way they used to be but now they're just a waste of bloodpoints in my opinion. There needed to be a change but not one this drastic.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I understand where you are coming from but moris were always stronger. I knew this even before. It would of been better to nerf the keys and moris at the same time but keys need more work. Moris are also really common in the blood webs for whatever reason.

    I'm all for a nerf keys into the grounds as I dont use them.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Saying dont get caught is saying dont let gens get done...5 times. It's such a bad argument lol. I cant check the validity of that claim but I'm like 100% sure only the killer sees the items aura so maybe you can be reading wrong. I'm actually looking at the perm and no where does it say the survivor does.

    Key does not mean swf group it can but like I said you see the item and you can proxy the item and the hooked survivor if it really bothers you.

    Yeah survivors can hide it so I understand that i'll give it to you. That's also a good reason to take advantage of hitting the key user with Franklin's. They shod thirst the key if your claims are correct giving you free pressure.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I want to say survivors have way more blood web clutter. Every flashlight addon except batteries are bad. They have been for 3 years. And we still have to pay for them. Killers also earn objectively more bp and have bbq which has a solid way of getting stacks while wglf never got its extra way which the devs said they would give. I'm averaging 50k plus a game so you can not complain.

    I still havent seen many key survivors and if I do I can run Franklin's or dodge.

  • Member Posts: 5,784
    edited December 2020

    moris are extremely common actually, pretty much 1 per 3 bloodwebs or more because 2 can spawn in bloodwebs sometimes

    but most players just accepted them as broken and swore off using them

    personally I had 1 scenario which I used a mori

    3 keys in a row

    but other than that no moris

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    I would use Mori's now and again in certain situation, but mostly I prefered blood point offerings. But it was still nice to have a threat in my tool box. Now I just have something that is pretty but mechanically worthless. While I like pretty things, I am much more of a function over form person.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I Used to be stock piled on my billy before I got him p3. Dont feel bad using moris if the keys are in play.

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    I have like 80 of them sitting around on my blight now, so now I actually don't feel too bad for using them for fun now

  • Member Posts: 1,093
    edited December 2020

    You've either been very lucky (as a killer) or unlucky (as a survivor). I've had it happen to me multiple times as a killer, and I've been part of the 4-person hatch escape twice as a survivor, and I've only been playing since March. I thought that the achievement for getting out that way by the hatch would have been near impossible, but I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong.

    FWIW, in both of those 4-person hatch escapes, I was playing as part of a 2-man SWF, and our teammates were NOT on comms with us. I've been in matches where people have used a key and left my teammate and I behind since we weren't on comms with them -- I imagine I'd have more 4-person escapes if I was part of a 4-person SWF (and a better player, lol -- I'm a Red Rank survivor, but I'm still a potato).

    I 100% agree the Mori needed to be changed, but now it's next to useless. I almost never ran one before, but I'm actively avoiding them in my Bloodwebs now and probably won't ever run one again, even for a daily (I'll just delete those -- it's not like I need the BP).

    As a survivor, I never bring items into a match normally (unless there's a daily, like sabotage, or for a Rift challenge). I NEVER would bring in a key, since I would see that as an invite for a Mori to be brought in return. I streamed 4+ hours last night and brought a key into EVERY match (I had them and their add-ons stockpiled, lol). I had NO fear of a Mori being brought in, since seeing one would mean I would be essentially dead anyway (we only saw one Mori as it turns out, and that game ended up with a 3-person escape and the Ebony never being used -- the killer got an EGC kill with NOED). I had a fair number of escapes where the key never came into play (but more than one match where, if all of us had been on comms and someone had known where the hatch was, we could have easily done the 4-person hatch escape). I definitely had one completely undeserved escape with a key, when a killer got us down to two people left with a gen to go and my friend spotted the hatch.

    The next time I play survivor, I'm not bringing keys -- I just wanted to see for one night what, if anything, changed in my matches if I did. I know how much I hate seeing them as killer, so I'm not going to be "that survivor". A suggestion was made at some point in this thread that a "lobby dodge" if a key is in it is something to be considered -- if the counter to a mechanic in a game is to "lobby dodge", well, that's an issue in itself.

    I believe the key rework is coming -- right alongside console optimization, a working MMR, better matchmaking, a buff for solo survivors who aren't playing SWF, an OOO rework, QOL fixes for outdated killers like Trapper, Wraith, Myers, etc., counterplay for Spirit, add-on changes to things like Iri head, an adjustment to fix DS abuses, and all the many, many fixes to bugs, some of which have been in the game forever. I also believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Tooth Fairy too. 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I 100% agree with you on the blood web clutter. It is an issue for both survivors and killers (the extra BP killers get notwithstanding). The huge number of add-ons for both are borderline useless (some for killers are actually detriments), and the grind to get through bloodwebs for something worth having can be overwhelming. I've gone through 5-6 bloodwebs as The Pig and not seen a single Combat Straps -- a common -- while getting stuck with a number of terrible add-ons I'll never use under any circumstance.

    I will completely disagree respectfully with you on the Franklin's/lobby dodge comment though. Frankiin's doesn't warrant a perk slot against Red Rank survivors, and lobby dodging to avert a game mechanic means that there's a problem with the game mechanic. Lobby dodging should never have to be a "counter" to something in the game (much like the sign that the Mori was overpowered was the number of disconnects you'd see in the loading screen if a killer brought one).

  • Member Posts: 657

    4 people? Not too often, and at that point it scarcely matters since you already lost.

    3 people? 2 people? Quite a few times.

  • Member Posts: 252

    Usually, I would save a mori to get rid of a griefing goon or a flashlight spamer. Now,that aint gonna happen..ahh,well.

    This would more then likely not be talked about as much other then the fact Killers are lock-in on their killers so,in order to balance It out they more then likely used moris to counter some of the "problems" because lets be frank the "match-up" balance of the force lock crap is a fairy tale If I ever seen one.

    That being said, If they address keys I am gonna bet a perk will be involved (like most cases) and people will have to fork over catch to counter a key or wait at the shrine. While hearing how said perk is overpowered.

    "I can say killers are more whiny"-If ya gonna throw some stone get ready mate..Cause,I have seen every possible ######### fit from survivors about

    PH-making DS and get out of jail free perks useless

    frankland's-Because they get a item knock out of hand

    NOED-That one is self explained

    DH-Because If I gets 3 charges you get one shot

    Ruin-Even now with it being reworked.

    Freddy-both versons

    BBQ&Chilli- Oh, awareness

    And the list goes on..And usually this is met much more quickly then Killer complaints And unusually with a more brutal effect. And by Brutal I mean the quick Appeasement version not a total redo or rethinking how to make It function. Which is the problem.

    Quick does not equal good..This was done quick..But not good. It is gonna promote tunneling...It is gonna promote camping..It is gonna promote bad habits. On top of that. It aint worth the amount of points to get It now. So,either refund everyone who wasted points on them..Or atleast make a compresser so people can grin unwanted add-ons and crap into bloodpoints.

    Agressive nerfing crap will lead to worse things coming out of It..Tunneling and camping are gonna be the main things..Either that or the return of the slug meta..

  • Member Posts: 1,326

    Then Keys would just be used to sandbag by leaving, even when they’re team really needs them. Personally I think Keys need a more comprehensive rework, not just a number change.

  • Member Posts: 41

    i 4k with key HURR DURR buff keys. Keys are so weak bro nerf Pig.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I was. Because i started playing killer only to learn about their weakness. But the thing is, a not neglectable number of survivors are ######### carried by bad matchmaking and/or swf, trying to make your game as unfun as they can. I know you dont belive they exist in not marginal numbers, but maybe you are just lucky or play in a different region. I encountered them regularly when i played killer for challanges or dailys.

    So yes, i started using moris all the time to handle the bad matchmaking pairing me against much higher skilled players and swf. And since i dont knew who were an swf beforehand, i used them all the time.

    Now, i just stop playing killer till the game is fairly balanced (which i dont expect to happen) and play survivor exclusivly again. And if i want a break from survivors, i just play something else.

    In fact, i play this game less and less, and while i got all the dlc´s (except the saw one) and a few outfits, i won´t spent any more money on this game. It might change if they fix the matchmaking, but i honestly don´t think they have a clue how to do that. I believe its next to impossible to balance around both swf and solo survivor while keeping the core of the game intact. They can buff solo survivor to swf level informationwise, but that does not make other solos reliable, and it will destroy a core element of the game i actually like about it.

  • Member Posts: 801

    The issue is now surviris KNOW the key nerf is coming sometime without warning and will use all their keys ASAP

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