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Something I've notice about the whole mori fiasco



  • Member Posts: 2,870

    They arent insta wins so go ahead and go crazy. Pretty funny seeing them being brought in.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Since we agree I will reply to your second part.

    Franklin's has worked for me I have 4k'd even double keys with it. I play blight and the other three are gen regression/bbq. Also this is pubs not comp, red rank means virtually nothing. I dont think tis fair to dismiss Franklin's because of that. Lobby dodging was just a a lazy counter I said because if you dont have Franklin's and you dont dodge you will have to heavy slug the key use or tunnel them out. Which also worked for me.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    What exactly is a griefing goon. I'm guessing you assume more than 2 flashlights are spammers right? There is no way to physically know whos gonna spam click before a game starts unless you have faces them before. Killers will bring moris for whatever reason just like they will use perks like light born or Franklin's on flashlights or medkits. More on this later.

    Moris dont balance anything out they are objectively overpowered and cut the games time significantly way too quickly. If you think playing with 3 other friends needs "moris to balance" them all you did was make the killer genuinely op.

    That's a plain guess trying to blow a nerf to unrealistic proportions because based off of what you have said the devs have to have bias right?

    So let's debunk everything you have said.

    PH- he ignores everuway a survivor can to prevent being tunneled. This was very unhealthy I cant even st re essay this enough. If you can delete survivors in 2 seconds without problems why should they play? Why do you think even other killer mains want ds to remain to have its anti tunnel capabilities. No killer should completely be able to cancel out a survivors game

    Franklin's- it has no use other than to stop keys. Using it on another item a survivor brings is frustrating. Combine that with their bad bp economy (low bp gains), and cluttered blood webs with useless addons and offerings losing items are wasting the survivors bp.

    I personally dont hse it for other than keys and despise it and my other friends feel the same way it has no reason for its existence other than to stop keys.

    Noed- the perk is annoying same way killers claim dead hard is annoying. I'll still give this to you though. It can be countered but a face camping bubba can guarantee a 2k to 3k with it so it definitely needs tweaking. It should never give you a free 1 shot down when YOU lost gens.

    Are you referring to dead hard here? Please elaborate.

    Ruin- is genuinely boring to face now ifnits paired with undying and tinkerer. I dont think you play survivor enough to know that. Dont be a one side killer main who's bad at survivor and claims they play it.

    Old ruin was just too inconsistent good survivors neutered it and bad survivors couldnt do anything. It's way better now if the killer can pressure. I want to say one more thing. Tinkerer has infinite uses and can be used to staw out games forever that is not fun.

    Freddy- both versions were boring. Old freddy had passive slowdown built in. Except it was like tremendous slowdown. I doubt you played then but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Combine this wint the fact all old freddys did was tunnel you had a boring game. Gens took 80 years while sleep and the only way to wake up was missing skill checks.

    New freddy however is just boring because he has too many things going for him and to counter you just pre throw. Nothing else except pre throw. Boring uninteractive gameplay because his snares weren't fine tuned and he can spam them.

    Bbq- this is the most bs thing I've heard any good survivor doesnt care. Exaggerations doesnt make you more right :)

    I wouldnt say quick fixes are being brought to both sides at the moment. Well except hit validation instantly being turned off for oni players but hey killers are the oppressed and survivors are the oppressors amirite?

    I dont care about camping I can use bt,ds,ub and make the killers who choose to suffer. Not to mention actual try with my sqf and win games. It really isnt that difficult. They can camp if they choose but also know that I'm not holding back.

    Can I get a refund on odd bulbs, high end sapphire lens, and intense halogens too? I spent my bp and those alot nerfed to useless. All the flashlight add ons did to be fair and I have 100s to 200s of those. That's another story for another day.

    I agree with you on the compressor though.

    The tunnel and camp bs has been in the game for a whike now, and slugging. That's why DS and UB are meta even though people try te deny it. Killers were the main cause of this shift. The devs are the main cause of anti heal meta which promotes gens over healing. Dont blame the survivors for adapting and being smart. (:

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Are keys and Moris two different things? Yes.

    Are keys and Mori’s debated together and lumped together into the same conversations? Yes.

    Have keys and Mori’s been a hot topic that causes a lot of division? Yes

    Then they should’ve been changed at the same time by delaying Mori’s changes until keys were changed. It’s that simple. It would’ve prevented a lot of idiotic banter that should’ve never been spoken and also kept a lot of ppl from being butt hurt.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I wouldnt say everything but definetly more than survivors do. It's like damn 4 years of nerfs and it still ain't good enough lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    All I seen exactly this. When the nerf a xxv actually comes you dont...... want it? Really confusing but hey kinda expected more reasons to claim bias I love it.

  • Member Posts: 794

    The problem I have with the mori nerf is how it was done. The nerf itself is a good thing for the game and a long time coming. It gets rid of one of the "nuclear options" that people can use to ruin the game for everybody, like keys and the old insta-heals.

    Last year when they changed insta-heals they put them in a PTB and gave survivors weeks to use up their stocks of old insta-heals before the nerf hit. There wa a solid week where every game you played had at least on insta-heal. When they eventually do nerf keys ("Soon (tm)") they'll pit them in a PTB and give survivors weeks to use up their stock before the nerf hits. There'll be a solid week where every game you play will have at least one insta-heal (and if I'm being honest at red ranks I see keys in almost half my lobbies every weekend already).

    You can argue that those two changes were more than just "number changes", and it's a fair point. But as much as I love the change to moris it feels kind of insulting to have it dropped into our laps one morning like a hot coffee spill. If nerfing moris really only took some fiddling with the numbers they should have either:

    A) Made this change YEARS ago as many of us have been asking for.

    B) Waited and done it with the eventual key nerfs ("Soon (TM)"). Made a big announcement about it and let us celebrate by burning through our stockpiles.

    C) Done something more creative than just making moris only work on death hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    After using franklins people are seriously exaggerating how helpful it is. Keys are way more manageable with that perk. the only time it's hard is when an ACTUALLY good team plays. Which rarely happens becuase its PUBS. It would be better but hey moris are stronger.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    situationally keys are stronger but normally Mori's are.

    The moment the hatch requirements are meet and hatch is found with a survivor who has a key you lost a kill, if it's a swf you lost multiple.

  • Member Posts: 351

    That actually makes sense. Survivors would be horrified at seein their fellow survivor get split in half by a chainsaw or something so maybe they'd scream like infectious fright.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    There are people who think Nurse was perfectly balanced, Freddy doesn't need to be nerfed, Spirit didn't need to be nerfed, iridescent heads are fine as is, etc. There's really no point in engaging them because they're so far gone into their bias that they cannot see reason. They are a very loud minority and they will never admit to being wrong.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Thats why you bring franklins when you can. I've never seen such use out of it. They thirst their keys and you kinds semi proxy for free kills.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I've became a killer main to see the problems they have and nothing so far. The only thing that makes me angry is my totem rng. I cant get any good luck so when I run ruin and undying ir decides to give me open totems and my undying gets cleansed first.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Agreed, but Moris could also use a larger update.

    Setting Moris to only work on death hook is good as a band-aid, and changing keys to only let one escape is similarly good as a temporary measure.

  • Member Posts: 17

    it would mean that they either get rid of the achievement or have at least 3 people on the survivor team bring keys

  • Member Posts: 17

    moris are overpriced now and have no purpose than to save a hook from being destroyed

  • Member Posts: 10,156

    Well now the dreaded ebony mori is now as useless as 70% of pink killer add-ons. If it's an ultra-rare and it costs 7000 bp, why is it weaker than some common stuff?

  • Member Posts: 252

    You,did not debunk a thing I said..In kind of proved my point.

    "Dont blame the survivors for adapting and being smart. (:"- I am not following what you mean here...I just said nerfing ######### too much leads to people making more toxic crap to exploit.

  • Member Posts: 1,326

    Because it’s an offering, not an add-on. Last I checked, the vast majority of offerings have little impact on the game and is seemingly intended that way. The only one I can think of that’s actually decent other then old mories was the one that let all survivors spawn together. Even then though, Corrupt often hard counters this if you run it. There was nothing that could counter a Mori lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    You don't actually need to escape at the same time, just as long as everyone escapes through the hatch, I've done it that way before and got the trophy

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    No no, originally they where intended to have impact, but at some point the devs decided they didn't want that. Its fair to say they changed thier mind, which is fine, but its not what was ever intended.

  • Member Posts: 1,326

    Fair enough. Dbd back in 2016 was almost a completely different game I hear so it makes sense the Devs would change their minds on many things. Personally I just wish that this mori change had came way way earlier. For how simple of a change it was, it sure took them a long time to implement it :/

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    We wanted it to be nerfed not hey a waist of 7k BP and it dosent have the same feeling anymore when ever you saw a mori you'd say ohh f were dead now it ohh that's a thing

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Which is why it feels so odd they would do it in a hotfix instead of a main patch. As well as the fact that people are upset with how broken the game is, and this was only adding fuel to the fire. Its all very confusing and frustrating to me. I haven't played since this change hit, not because I really used Moris much, but I'm just disappointed in the way the devs went around this.

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