BBQ Suggestion



  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    BBQ is almost in every match. Killers really aren't viable without it. I always hear "it's for the bloodpoints" and yet, they often have some other aura reading perks and add ons. At best it's half true. It's very rare at red ranks to a see a build that doesn't any combination of bbq, nurse's, ruin, undying, infectious fright, and tinkerer. Since they maps some maps smaller, clowns can cover the distance using bbq and tinkerer.

    I'm not saying the perk isn't balanced, per se, but I'd be interested to see how much use it would still get by removing the aura reading and bonus at different times.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    For real, I run into people using BBQ with Nurse's, Bitter Murmur, and Whispers. That's excessive, and it's definitely for a reason.

  • ble3kaudio
    ble3kaudio Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2021

    Solo Survivor console main here. I don't think BBQ is OP. Only time it really hinders teams is when there are Survivors who are new or unaware of how to handle BBQ. You can easily counter or bait Killers who rely too much on BBQ tracking. Quite fun actually, watching them look around in a spot you baited them to (this also buys Survivors gen time)! Def annoying though when I have teammates who repeatedly get wrecked cus they don't know what's going on, but what can ya do 💁‍♂️ ...oblivious players are oblivious, they'll learn.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Maybe things are different on console, idk. I turned off cross-play because I wasn't fond of how console players do things. But on PC, killers slugging and using BBQ to find their slugs is common practice. And this isn't among "new survivors," this is in red ranks. Killers with instadown abilities especially like to do this for easy 4Ks.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    "You can easily counter or bait Killers who rely too much on BBQ tracking."

    From what I've seen it's all of them that use it. The excuse is always "I only use it for bloodpoints". It might be true if they weren't also using Nurse's Calling or other aura reading perks and add ons.