Even Otz finds Undying + Ruin meta boring af



  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I would figuratively kill to have Surge proc regardless of the method of how the survivor is downed.. hatchets, Victor, rites of judgement, grabs... even if a survivor potatoes out and forgets to mend lol. Also unless perks like Surge and Thrilling were tested and were somehow god tier op without cooldowns then I’ll honestly never understand why perks like that have restrictions.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    You can have to break all 5 not just four, three dulls, then you get undying, then ruin last. Has happened to me multiple times.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    4k religiously and they do guides and play this game for a living hmm some correlation here. Lets be real here the reason killers is easier is the large influx of new players and frankly atrocious matchmaking. Ive watched some of there streams and the number of console players and genral mismatched matchmaking is way worse now then it was.

    Not to rag on console players but there years behind the pc players and it shows and the large influx with crossplay is pulling many high level survivors down. Ruin undying is busted 100% agree I just dont see the point in nerfing something that has opposing equivalent opponet perks.

    Killer might be easier for vetrans but I can say with certainty its still hard as nails to pick up it has so many barriers to entry and it shows in the matchmaking queue times.

    If anything I'm nore annoyed how lacking the survivor is in mechanics and objectives. Killer has had a lot added in terms of variety of powers but survivor is the same dribble. Wheres the glyphs that were rummored, new items when and how about adding more means to obstruct or hide information like pained moans scratch marks without running perks.

    Id love to see survivor get some buffs but I don't want them to come whilst also maintaining the busted second chance onslaught of perks that continue to dog every survivor build.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    It would be almost impossible to play Twins without undying ruin combo. You would have to buff Victor to take advantage of aura perks in the least.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Yep. Solo queue survivors, I feel ya. I usually destroy these teams without issue and a few bad teammates ruin the bunch, it's true. Swf sweats on comms destroy me as it is. Take away this combo and it would be near impossible to do anything against swf reds.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Just because a few streamers say something doesn't make it true. Most survivors in this game are trash, it is to be expected that streamers who play this game for a living have gotten so good at it that their opponents just no longer provide them with a decent challenge.

    Repeatedly match them up with 4 survivors who are equal to their skill and know how to coordinate and I am willing to bet the streamers wouldn't think that killer is "too easy"- Unless of course, they're playing Freddy or Spirit.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If survivors are nerfed even more so all killers will stomp a top 4 man SWF then everyone less than that has no chance to win.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    a streamer finds something boring, and people treats them as sacred. I love Otz, but I don't unironically worship him/let him tell me what my opinions are. Players have a voice too.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    Agreed. That's why I think MMR will help. The game overall is fairly balanced, but there are some things that need tuning/help.

    I'm not personally saying killer is too easy. The person was just trying to claim how "difficult" it is for these players without Undying/Ruin, which is completely false and misleading. They're trying to use an argument that doesn't even exist, so I called them out on it is all.

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    So killers mustn´t stomp premades right? Because the game was designed with the idea of 4 friends at discord bullying the players who is the one who should bully them :)

    "Survivor are nerfed even more" ¿Ruin is a survivor perk? Nope and it was nerfed. ¿Moris are survivor addon? Nope and were nerfed ¿DS, BT, UB and BT are survivor perks? Yup, and no nerfs yet :)

    Oh man, sorry, Survivors are nerfed as hell, that is thhe reason of long queue times , right? Because nerfed side is the most played

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

    Ruin/undying isn't the problem, bad teammates are. If you're constantly doing everything like you say find an swf group to team up with, there's a section in the forums to find people to play with. You can find a squad that will split the work instead of relying on randoms.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Yes. Very very much. Since mori's were nerfed to make it essentially useless.

    Getting rid of ruin undying combo is just the cherry on top.

    How bout we fix keys first?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Tbh I feel they should just swap thrill of the hunt and undying's other effects with each other.

    Undying gives you a notification when it's being worked on; and thrill of the hunt reveals the aura.

    Suddenly thrill of the hunt is more viable; and undying is slightly less oppressive while maintaining its primary purpose of supporting totems.

    That or make the aura reveal happen when a totem is finished like retribution and give retribution a new effect. I mean if they have to break like every totem and you only defend them even occasionally, that's still enough to probably keep it up the entire match easily.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    That's actually a great idea I'd love to see that, buff an almost completely unused hex (maybe not as unused as the third seal) while also nerfing undying but keeping it's core functionality I'd love to see it in the game.

    At least in that case you would have to run 3 hex perks to get the same aura reading as before or just have hex totem support with undying. I feel undying can be annoying to go against especially for a high mobility killer with tinkerer who will zoom right to you when you are 2 seconds to cleansing it and have to leave it.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    there are several "content creators who main killer"

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited January 2021

    Yes and this one is considered by most as being unbiased. Also not full of himself.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    My fellow killer dudes, if ds is such a problem for you, you are returning to the hook too often. Yeah you can get hit it with at other times, but if you think ds ub is anywhere near as broken as undying ruin, you're biased. Undyings aura reading needs to be removed completely

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I do, I play as much killer as survivor. That's how I know how BS it is, I used it religiously for the firs two months after Blight's release. I've seen it from both sides and I'm not impressed. As survivor I've tried dedicated anti-totem builds, casual anti-totem builds, none of them matter. My knowledge of totem spawns and DS/UB/DH does better than any of that, but I think we can agree that BS doesn't fix BS.

    I mostly play Blight and Legion. Maybe run one slowdown perk on each. And I win about half my trials, and the ones I lose I lose to meta perks and/or actual genrushing more than anything else, which Ruin/Undying doesn't solve. Which leads to it existing purely to help me get 12-hook trials with 2 gens left. Fair, balanced gameplay.

  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    I mostly main survivor, but just recently got this combo on killer and...I still don't like it. I don't like giving up 2 perk slots to something so OP it feels almost stupid not to run, when I could be picking perks more tailored to my play style/more fun. I'll probably ditch it soon on most of my killers for this exact reason soon. But man, had some matches that were bloodbaths that I feel I fully did not earn thanks to the combo.

    I don't like the argument that it's counterable by survivor perks for the same reason. I don't like feeling like I'm being forced to run a perk. Not to mention this cure heavily favors SWFs. If one dude has the locating ability, he can either hunt while other folks do gens or he can let the team know where stuff is. Solo's you either have the whole squad out looking (then the one guy who spots it gets spotted by the killer and he can't tell his bros where it is, etc, etc) or no one's doing it/running the perks at all.

    Another thing I dislike about ruin/undying both as killer and survivor is the amount of randomness. This goes for all totems, but undying just compounds it. Skill just seems to play such a minimal part in your outcome if a 3-4 man swf is not involved. Sometimes the totems are both located under flashing neon signs that say "cleans me plz," sometimes with undying, people have to cleans all 5, and sometimes one or more of your totems spawn somewhere deep inside satan's butthole...

    "high risk high reward" just feels unfun for both sides.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well I agree it's not the most entertainment thing to go up against your reasonings for it being fixed could not be well my teammates suck.

    While it's not entertainment to go up against it's essentially a gamble combo it can be easily taken out if the cards aren't in your favour just because you have bad teammates doesn't mean that the combo is overpowered

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    People will call every meta "boring" if it lasts long enough. This is not the first or the last time we will see a content creator get frustrated at a powerful combo. It's a competitive game, that is the way it is.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531


    Ruin+Undying is lowkey trash. Like all hex perks it's to inconsistent to be actually good. It's rare I get good value out of it when I play killer, and it's never a bother to me as a survivor either.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited January 2021

    I think you dont understand pressure. I highly recomend playing killer if you think every unhook should be free. Play 20-30 matches and see what happens when you let unhooks go unopposed.

    Answer you lose any presusre and slowdown you have. You enable gens close by to be worked on and pushed at a faster rate since there is two surviors together. Also and this is a concept many experianced killers miss as well your taking chases in new zones that have more defenses.

    Part of why strats like slugging and pressuring hooks is the norm is that you place the downed survivor in a weaker zone where the survivor can't just pre drop pallets they need to engage with vaults and more difficult looping tiles.

    Any time you alleviate pressure from a survivor your inviting a loss. If you let an unhooked survivor go they will often push gens close by. Many wont even bother with healing any time you let a survivor freely push gens you are making a mistake.

    People issue with ds to this day is a survivor with ds isnt healing post unhook. He hoping on a gen and pushing the last 20% out on a nearby generator. If you stop then you get a slug if your smart and even then if they unbreakable it resets your progress.

    You can't push gens and still have ds post unhook that is way to exploitative.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Ruin/undying promotes the healthiest play for the killer. It rewards not tunneling and camping so I hope you don't whine when you get facecamped after they nerf it to the ground.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I honestly dont give a ######### what internetcelebrity#24 thinks about a perk. They have thousands of hours and don't represent the bulk of the playerbase. Regular pepople don't play this game for a living, we just play it to have fun and ruin/undying gives us a chance against bullshit survivor combos that never get nerfed.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    I think everyone agrees the BT,DS, UB, UNDYING, RUIN, POP meta is boring. We need huge balance fixes and maybe a slight rework for the core gameplay to work these things out.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,921

    this, then if the killer wants to be able to track who's on their totems they'd have to run Thrill, i.e, 3 perks that can be removed and aren't hard to find if you know where to look

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    And who is exactly the Otz? A god? This combo is legitimately good against broken SWF. Just do bones.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    You said yourself that teammates are trash. Just let survivors learn to clense totems it's the same with Noed. When survivors reach that level were they are good enough to do bones then this combo will be just good, not great.

    As others said survivors have perk combos that are stronger, and I say that playing 90% survivor in this game.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Love all these posts. It’s always god survivors with trash teammates. Must not own a mirror

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    The game has a lot of issues and devs keep releasing stuff without balance/fix properly... Don't worry we'll get a change next Xmas..

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I'm pretty done playing killer until they balance ######### out, literally every survivor runs that in their build and its chaos trying to put pressure on 4 people doing the same annoying crap

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Unfortunately the devs gives little choice with gen slowdown perks.

    They don't want to increase the repair time and for the survivors having little other things to do the gens CAN go fast, even with ruin up and even with gen pressure.

    If i play survivor I just push trough if ruin is up.

    When I'm with 1 or 2 more on a gen and we get chased off, if I see the killer go to after the other survivor I immediately go back, so little regression is made.

    And i have to disagree that it is boring af, and I don't even care what streamer says it is.

    I play solo and barely ever notice a problem with it.

    Yes you do sometimes get patatos, hell I've even had 3 people looking for totems 🤷‍♂️

    The problem is easily solved with adjusting gen speeds.

    Not by much but just a little.

    Like instead of a gen with 2 people on it which takes about 40ish sec to complete, make it that repair time goes down with 10 sec for every survivor working on it.

    It's not a big change, but enough for killers to make more fun builds instead of a lot of gen defence builds.

    And sure you will always have people who will use almost every gen defence perk in the game.

    Look at forever freddy, still being used a lot eventhough he doesn't need it

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    if you adjust gen speeds, killers will continue to use any form of gen slow down, even more

  • hardtimefun
    hardtimefun Member Posts: 293

    who gives a ****? cleanse totems or change DS unbrakable before doing any changes, I don't mind facinf this build as survivor and barely use this build on 3 killers, very good killers don't need it, some killers are made for this build (like legion or plague) but definitely not every killers

    And not because otz find it boring as well means it's broken, there's many broken things in the game and the fact survivors can remove those perks while keeping theirs the whole game makes it balanced

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I didn't say that, a top 4 man premade. Survivors have been nerfed for 4 years straight and killer is way too easy against the majority. Perhaps if killer is indeed a shortage, it is due to lack of challenge. I hardly see a killer streamer lose and I'm honest when I say such.

    Killer must say over and over in their head: "I can't win every game no matter how good I think I am."

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    otz also finds unbreakble + ds + dh + ironwill/adrenaline meta boring af

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Like I said, you will always have people who keep gen slow down perks no matter how slow gens will go.

    Even if a gen would take 10 minutes to complete, some will use gen slow down.

    A gen takes 80 seconds solo, 40ish with 2, i believe 35 with 3.

    So yeah they can go really fast, so making it only go 10s faster with every other survivor working on it, doesn't make a very big difference and imo fun for both sides.

    I really think a lot of killers will start using much more different perks instead of the mets ones

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Agree. They should take more time to do gens. 75% killing rate is so low, we wanted 90% at least

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704


    I'm not gonna have this conversation with you again as you have already made up your mind and will not accept anything else, no matter how true it is.

    So let's just agree to disagree, because someone who will truly play both sides will agree that gens are just fast.

    Survivor mains want to get rid of ruin and undying, but don't want to give anything in return for it 🤣

    Gens still can go as fast as a little over 3 minutes, but no gen speed is just fine 😂

    Btw that is without any gen defence.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    gens were only done too fast if the objective of the killer were to prevent every gen to be done. Guy, escape rate is 25%, and that include killer mains that escape every game they play as surv (you can see dozens of comments about it) and 4 swf squads that appear almost every game (you can see dozens of cry killers talking about them). So the solo escape rate of survivor mains should be about 5-10%

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Who's otz?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    He is a streamer who seems like a nice guy. He has many, many hours in the game because he makes his living playing it. He has played this game so much that it would be surprising if anything in it was difficult for him since he knows the ins and outs of killers and survivors.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Intresting. Since you seem to say that you get one skill level to play against very regular, so the performance have to coincide with your perks, can you explain why i got poatoes and death squads while running the same killer at the same rank with the same setup?

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I've played hundreds if not thousands of killer matches. You win some you lose some, I'm not some turbo sweatlord that thinks if I lose a match I'm a worthless person and have to do everything in my power to win. This is hardly a serious game, if there is such a thing, i generally 3 or 4k using whatever killer even the crapper, and I do it without playing like a douche, I don't sweat for the 4k leaving the third survivor on the ground while I hunt for the 4th for 4 minutes, etc. I would rather lose playing fair than win being a tunneling dick, yeah ill go back to the hook if I got nothing else going on so I can get the unhooker, but the amount of killers I go against that will drop chase ON AN INJURED PERSON EVEN to go tunnel a person that was just unhooked halfway across the map is disgusting, or that I see on streams if there is no obsession tunnels off the hook because there is no ds and probably cries about ds here. Git gud Jesus christ, that person you're tunneling to feel better about yourself is a real person trying to play a game for fun too.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2021

    The only thing I'll add to this is that I love Otzdarva. Absolutely love him and respect his opinions on the game. I think he's one of the best, if not THE best player I've seen play DBD, and he understands the game as good, if not better, than the anyone else, and that includes the people who work on the game for a living.

    But what he finds boring doesn't necessarily correlate to the huge player base because he's SO good, and therefore not typical of the vast number of people playing the game. Same thing with other top players like OhToFu, Scott Jund, Tru, Ussylis, Aryun, etc. (both killer and survivor players -- that's just a handful). What their game experience is and what the rest of the player base experiences do not necessarily intersect.

    It's like saying Michael Jordan felt something about playing basketball and trying to apply that to everyone else who ever played the game. Hordan was on a whole other level than anyone else. How the game played out for him wasn't even the same as other NBA players, never mind the average person picking up a basketball, so while whatever he thought would be an opinion that was valuable and worth listening to (as Otz's is in this case), it doesn't necessarily speak for the experience of the majority of people who play the game, and that has to be taken into account.

    ETA: As a perfect example of that, OhToFu (who I love to watch as well) is currently doing a series on his YT channel where he's running killers with NO perks and the add-ons that HURT the player -- and he's still doing well in his matches, lol. He just played as Nurse and had a match that might as well have been 4K's (two people used a key to escape -- they would have been dead without it. He also had similarly good results all things considered with Billy, Trapper, and Wraith). He's so good that of course he doesn't need an Undying/Ruin combo to do well -- he doesn't even need perks to do well. But he's in that top 1% or better of players -- he's not a typical DBD player, clearly.