Even Otz finds Undying + Ruin meta boring af



  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Just ask yourself what you like more: Ruin/Undying which has already many counters and RNG, BUT with the potential to let all survs having 3 chases and 12 hooks. OR a killer who doesn't care about gen defense, slugging, camping and tunneling and kills you on 1 or 2 hook. With that Noed cherry on top.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    Killers always cry about DS/UB when its not even hard to counter, slugging multiple people instead of just picking up everytime helps them more, adds more pressure yet all they ever do is cry about it. they never will try to adapt because they dont wana give up there only playstyle of camping the hook and tunneling.

    bad killers stay bad.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yeah try that in red ranks when you go against a team that love to rush the gens.

    You slug them, they use unbreakable.

    You pick them up you get ds.

    Some even use soul guard with it, so good luck with countering that.

    Either you haven't played killer or not in red ranks.

    A good survivor with ds and unbreakable will let you lose the game.

    I've had not so long ago a 4 man swf who were all using ds/ub and 1 or 2 with soul guard.

    A typical gen rush squad with toolboxes, BNP and prove thy self.

    1 gen left and no kills, slugged them all out of necessity, and I don't think I need to tell you what happened from there right? 😉

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited January 2021

    I can agree with this aittude when the enemy team your fighting is playing for fun. However i disagree with claiming the owness is on the killer to make the game fun. Survivors define the tempo of the game just as much as the killer if not more and defines how the killer plays by the speed at which they push gens.

    I often use slugging as a means to test to see what level of play im at. They continue to push instead of help i know a firmer more competitive approach is necessary.

    On the statement of killers dropping a chase on an injured person. It is a very reasonable play the first hit is only half of the battle and as you know landing the second one is the real challenge. They could make it to the disturbed ward loop or a close equivalent to that loops level of power a simple well looped jungle gym can rob you of momentum. No comitting to the injured is not always the play. Acting like maintaining pressure is a sweatlord thing is really foolish.

    You can make allowances but claiming ds only punishes tunnelers as your previous posts imply is straight up illogical. If your happy with tje cream of the crop walking over you and taking there fun wins then be my guest. I and many others will compete and "sweat" to turn those games.

    Your perogative to make games fun is noble but it also assumes other killers don't mind getting beaten down by others who would abuse that kindness. Building the game around an exploitable perk and saying not everyone abuses just reeks of ignorance.

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    The killers that SWF bullies every day are also persons that just want to play :)

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I Get attempted bullied plenty it just doesn't bother me. I know that 1) I'm a competent player 2) if the swf is strong the game is heavily favored to them unless i want to 3) play some lame ass killer like freddy or spirit with a sweaty try hard build. Well, I don't enjoy sweating my balls off like that or stomping into the ground 19 out of 20 teams just to make sure I have a fair shot against that one sweaty tean, so ill take my 2k while they sweat their balls off. The fact is this isn't an esports game, if we all just chilled the f out we could have more fun games instead of toxic

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Ever wondered why its meta? Can't be because playing killer is extremely unforgiving....could it?

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    if some youtuber didnt make a video with this term noone would ever knew it and would never use it, its funny

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    he is sticking to the topic, by saying why is this topic so ridiculous

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    That build is annoying. Top that off with Tinkerer and your not escaping at all.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Killers: use Noed.

    Survivors: why Noed rewards Killers for not able to protect Gens?

    Killers: I change to Ruin + Undying then.

    Survivors: thats boring

    I think Devs should make a weekend test that all Killers have only Ruin, Undying, Noed, BBQ, Tinkerer. Survivors have only Unbreakable, DS, BorrowTime, + any exhaustion perk. To see the stats which meta is more powerful.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    They need to make gens take longer! The fact that it's even possible for them to all 5 be done in less than 2 minutes, even though it would require the killer to be afk, is ridiculous!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    It would be boring. The point of Gen done so fast because 4men can sit on the same Gen and boost it done in 36sec, and once a Gen done, there is no way Killer can make it regress.

    A simple fix without increase Gen time is limit 2 Survivors sit on the same Gen. And let Killer able to kick finished Gen regressed back to 95% (but no further).

    There was a match me as Spirit, dominated Survivors real hard (like 5-6 hooks and 1 Gen done), I decided to give them a 1min break then start playing again. At the moment I able to down a survivor after, 3 Gen is completed, 1 Gen left.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    His opinion doesn't change the necessity for them while the Survivors have their two meta perks that the devs refuse to touch.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Ah yes because games are definitely lost from start to finish due to ds/unbreakable... Just lol.

    People are so deluded about that comparison. The combo is good in END GAME. Prior to that? It can potentially lose you momentum. I got no problems eating the DS if its used aggressively or if I gotta get someone hooked again quick or frankly if I just wanna get the DS out of the way if its there. Its a one time perk that tends to be wasted. If it gets used aggressively prior to EGC it tends to just result in the person getting picked up right after. Once DS is out of the way the unbreakable is out the window unless -you- allow it. Now during EGC even then the perk combo can be fruitless if the killer either 1) Hooks the survivor at a low progress gate or 2) Hooks the survivor as far as possible from the gates.

    The only problem that needs to be resolved with DS is that it can be used to do a totem/gen with protection. Fixing that is as simple as deactivating it if a survivor touches a gen/totem. I wouldn't say it should go off for an unhook simply because that would then immediately strengthen facecamping.

    The fix to both combinations are easy to address. Only the lazy and those that want to take advantage try to grandstand with two wrongs make a right.

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 206

    I agree with this sentiment, but there is a problem which too many people deliberately overlook. Competitive SWF / Deathsquads aren't reflective of the general population either despite claims to the contrary on here. Does it suck when I get rekt and get 0 kills or seeing 3 generators fly because I made a few wrong calls? Sure, I recognise that there is plenty of room for improving to minimise the chances of that happening, but by the same token there are also games where the survivors get destroyed with 2 gens up. The issue with ruin and undying isn't so much about protecting ruin, but more about the combination countering it's own counter. On high mobility killers, particularly good nurse players, the information provided by the aura reading on dull totems is absurd. Combine that with players who know the game like the back of their hand or non SWF teams and it isn't hard to see why it's problematic.

    The point being that if we're talking about balancing for top level play and how perks can be abused by survivors / deathsquads then we have to also do the same for killers. I'm willing to bet that the latter would be getting nerfed a lot harder than the former which is why people are quick to chuck out the "Otz doesn't reflect average killers" while conveniently ignoring the opposite. That being said, I would like to see more defensive options being added for killers to slow the game down such as improved base regression on normal kicks

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    Or... you could lunge at the survivor while they're on a totem/gen. The only point where you're forced to eat the DS, is if they go into a locker.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I wouldn't mind ruin, undying combo nerf if you nerf survivor meta as well. Keep in mind this has been killer meta for 4 months. Survivors ran almost identical build for YEARS. DS, BT, exhaustion perk and semi meta perk: IW, UB. If you want to quote OTZ you should also mention what he finds "boring AF" from survivors side.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited January 2021

    Yes, I can lunge at them. I'm aware. Anyone who has played killer and seen DS does that. Which I will then be eating a DS upon picking them up. Why? Because in that circumstance the ds/unbreakable combo will let that survivor finish what they are doing. Hence the problem with the combination. The time after a stun may even be enough to pop a gen depending on the situation, disregarding the time they may have been there within the 60s. Why should that be a thing? I've come to that viewpoint from having done it myself in the past and from seeing it happen to me occasionally while playing killer. I don't mind it for unhooks. I do mind it for those two specific things. Oh and I don't mind locker DS. I do mind working on an objective knowing for a certainty that nothing bad will happen. It is unbalanced plain and simple in that circumstance. Plain and simple.

  • Lukeishness
    Lukeishness Member Posts: 27

    It is the only 'strong' meta for killers right now, I agree it isn't the most fun to go against, I think there are other things that should be looked at before this nerf, specifically DS and unbreakable.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    How much I agree with you I don't believe that will ever happen.

    Unfortunately they said that they will only keep an eye on it but not going to rework it.

    Which is actually very funny because I can remember very clearly the reason they gave for the ruin nerf.

    They don't want a strong synergy as they said it.

    Well if you ask me ds+ub is a strong synergy and combine that with soul guard ad it becomes even stronger.

    But looking for a change?

    Nope that is not happening.

    You can mark my words that there will be a nerf to undying first before they even take a closer look at ds.

    And my gut feeling says that you the nerf will be included in the mid chapter update.

  • Jetsallday24x
    Jetsallday24x Member Posts: 54

    Got to love it, "Playing against this sucks cause my teammates are trash" Kinda just summed it right there huh? Everything in the game has counter play to it expect for DS+UB . There are perks and items you can run to counter Ruin+Undying. Try a map or detectives hunch or small game. They have counters. Stop blaming the perks and play with a team.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Run/Undying is fine. Undying gives a much needed safety net for any hex perk, which survivors have notoriously destroyed upon spawning into the match. What exactly is so hard to deal with? Totems are still breakable, gens can still be repaired despite Hex being up. If your team is struggling, it's not because of the hex perks.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The issue is they have been trying to balance the issue of SWF versus Solo with Perks. The problem is whatever Perk they put in that slows down and balances the SWF, devastates Solo. A new matching system will NOT address this problem. Like it or not, eventually, they will have to have a SWF Que and a Solo Que, so they can balance the game for the SWF Que with additional objectives and/or a 5th Perk unlocked for the Killer. Then they can rebalance the Perks so they don't strangle Solo.