Why the new hud is worse then the current one shown with an example.



  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    New hud is WAY too generic and simple. Old hud has charm, the new one looks like it came from an FPS.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Please don't ruin the HUD. Just don't. At least place those icons better.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Old UI is more compact, new UI is all over the place

  • KeiOrtem
    KeiOrtem Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2021

    Ok so starting out I love most of the changed that they are doing, the only thing I'm not liking is the new UI, it just seems all over the place with the survivor portraits being on the top left while your item/add-ons are in the bottom left(perk area remains unchanged thank god) and the gen count is in the top middle. I feel like if they just changed the portraits to the characters and added the hook count it would have been fine.

    The old UI felt so clean and compact compared to this new version, not only is your information spread out across your screen, the UI takes up your screen as well leaving you with less FOV(field of view) no matter what side your on(although it hurts killer more due to them being limited to first person) and yea I know you can increase/decrease the size of the HUD but you shouldn't have to choose between your FOV and your HUD.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Definitely prefer the old UI

    I think they could stand to mix it in the way you said. Adding survivor portraits and hook counter to the old, allowing the positions to stay the same.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    My only concern is that they didnt add a totem counter...

    How hard was that? Seriously...

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    Yeah, I would also prefer having everthing close togheter, like it is currently

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    edited January 2021

    It seems to me something bad that they change the hud, to have summed up, in the previous update they took away the option to reduce the graphic quality to 0% and then they put it to 65% at least, but the HUD, IS REMOVING EVERYTHING THAT IT STAY IN THE OLD ENVIRONMENT OF DBD, The hook hook counter seems great to me, the photos of the survivors the same, but moving it around is tedious and also putting the object or power down on the left of the screen, WHAT IS THIS? A MOBILE GAME, Please leave the old HUD in place but give us the hook counter and the survivor photos, it is the only thing that remains in essence to the old DBD.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,049


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    This is really good list of issues with the new HUD. The placement all over the screen looks cluttered and is not helpful. Not only is all the information now spread out all over the place it also blocks FOV for killers and survivors. I can't believe with ALL the requests for colorblind mode and them denying it with "it'll give others an advantage" they add yet another thing that will not help those that are colorblind.

    Consoles/lower end pcs already receive plenty of FPS drops from status changes popping up on the screen, this new HUD makes me extremely worried about how it will further effect those issues.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2021

    Also the UI elements being all over the field, rather than consigned to the lower area as before, breaks immersion and obstructs vision of the beautiful environment in the game.

    In actual gameplay, you rarely have to look down, except to look at UI elements, or if you suspect a Survivor is below your eyeline.


    Its countrintuitive, that at the same time as map graphics etc are being updated/improved, and also more people with better PCs are gaming, that UI elements would be used to OBSTRUCT viewing of that game environment, in the visual field below the bottom, which is where players spend most of their time focusing their eyes.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Honestly I'm going to be very disappointed if there isn't an option to switch between the current and new hud in the options. The new one is probably going to be pretty great for killers but for survivors I'm just like... why? Make it optional please.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Everything feels and looks strange and seems scattered around the screen, but we probably all will get used to it. I don't think the items should be on the left hand corner of the screen. I think it would look better with the item shrunken down in size and put it next to the gen counter. Also, now that killers have a hook counter, survivors should get a totem counter. It would help solo queue immensely.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I like the new hud. Def gonna make everything small though

  • theman43
    theman43 Member Posts: 40

    don't really like the survivor portraits on the side but its whatever. looks more standardized than the old one but its not that big of a deal to me. just something to get used to is all

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778
    edited January 2021

    I'm kind of glad to see people are giving good feedback on the new HUD update they announced. I there are several issues with it I'm just going to post the most important one IMO and then list others.

    MAIN ISSUE: As the title says, the new HUD has important elements that show up on the top of the screen. As a survivor it's not too bad, because of the 3rd person perspective. As a killer, however, most of what you need to keep track of (obstacles, your pathing, survivors crouching behind things) is located on the bottom half of the screen (Ground level) or at most halfway since usually the horizon(half of the screen) will be at eye level.

    Looking down at the current HUD, you still have your vision in the part of the screen with everything relevant during gameplay itself (ground level). With the new HUD you will have to look up to check on gens or survivor statuses, meaning you will look away from the ground, meaning you will be more likely to miss survivors crouching or hiding or detritus in your way (especially important with Blight and Billy who can have their paths disrupted by tiny obstacles).

    This is not to say every killer is going to be missing survivors constantly or bumping into things. But in a game where you must keep track of so many things, a HUD that makes you look away from what's relevant is disruptive. It's not good UX.

    Important HUD elements should never be on the top of half of the screen, imo.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Other Feedback: 

    -Injured icon could be problematic for colorblind players. 

    -Having to look all over the screen for pertinent information is not preferable to having all that information in one place as it is with the current HUD

    -The hook counter is welcome. The killer one seems a bit intrusive, it looks like some status effect separate from the rest of the HUD. If there could be a better way to integrate it with the rest of the HUD instead of making it a separate circle it would be preferable.

    -The UI scaling is a welcome change. 

    Feel free to add more feedback that's constructive.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    I LOVE the idea of portraits tbh. Other than that, I hate the placement. And the color blind issue mentioned above is valid

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,049

    Killer Instinct does the same thing as well, but nobody seems to talk about that.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2021

    I'm all for modernizing the game and making sure it lasts for longer but the new HUD is just bad. I like the additions of hook states and the survivor portrait doesn't anger me too much, but why is it spread all over the screen?! Previously I could glance down at the bottom left of my screen and get all the information I needed, who's injured, who's downed, who's hooked, how many generators are left, and the status of my power. But with this new HUD I have to look at every corner possible to get the same information.

    Let's say I'm playing Bubba, I am in a chase and I have one person slugged on the floor a couple meters away, I'm using my chainsaw so I am paying attention to the state of my power but I am waiting to see when the other guy gets picked up, previously I wouldn't have to move my eyes and just look down to see oh he's been picked up, all without being un-invested in the chase. But now with this new HUD I glance up all the way to the top of my screen and bump into a part of the loop I didn't see causing me to go into tantrum. I know that's a little bit of an extreme scenario, but in a game that requires so much time management and focus, having all the information you needed in one small area in the bottom left of your screen was so convenient. I just don't see the need of spreading it out, and if it's for the convenience of hook states just forget it then, it's not worth it.

    I'm sure everyone loves the addition of hook state info, not only will it remind the survivors to hide in a corner when they're dead on hook, but it will also remind the killers who to tunnel next. Sure it's convenient for both sides but do we REALLY need it? I don't think remembering how many times you hooked a guy is rocket science, and if you do forget then just hook him and you'll find out! I get what they're trying to do but PLEASE if you need to add this just provide a toggle between the new and old HUDS, you don't even have to update the current one with all the hook state stuff, plenty of players will agree that the convenience of the old HUD far outweighs the addition of hook states and player portraits. The spread across the screen is just plain unnecessary. And talk about ironic as well, in your dev update you mention that the HUD was designed with streamers in mind so need not worry! But alas our poor streamer friends will come to the realization that now three quarters of the ######### screen is taken up!

    TL;DR: All I'm trying to say is that the addition of the new hook state info and portraits doesn't warrant scattering everything across the screen, you lose the current convenience of glancing down and getting all the info you need and the HUD turns into a scavenger hunt.

    If you haven't seen the new HUD here is a comparison of old/new.

    Post edited by MiniPixels on
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    I'm not a fan of the HUD being all over the place. It doesn't look nice, screen feels cluttered/disorganized, and having information on sides/top blocks FOV. I'm also concerned about how it will effect console/lower end pc FPS drops when status effects are already a trigger.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2021

    I'm with you on the positioning. The glance value of information is all over the place in a game that needs you to constantly focus on your surroundings.

    We needed a clean way to bring information closer, not spread it apart.

    There's some interesting ideas in there I don't hate the modernization. Killers knowing what the obsession looks like is great. Knowing what hook people are on let's you know if it's worth taking hits for them. Hook counter seems silly when 12 hooking is rare in high level play.

    I'd love it we had control on positioning the UI elements ourselves, or hiding the ones we don't care about.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    it also just looks good all compact like it is, like why do we need the gen icon at the top of the screen by itself and the hook count all the way to the left. they are both super small and simple they don't need a separate spot on the screen same thing with your power.

    I can understand why the survivor icons are separated because they are adding things to them but they didn't need to disassemble that whole part of the screen into their own open spots, In my opinion the hub looks better with them all in that corner even if the new icons look better.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    The new UI lacks the original game art, makes it look like a bad Mobile game UI. This is my opinion.

    Secondly, the info is scattered all over the screen now. If this is not changed people will start modding UI into the game to replace this.

    Thirdly, if you are going to be adding portraits, then how are we supposed to differentiate 3 Davids from one another for example?

    I'm all for new elements being added, but honestly this looks like it was thrown together really fast with little thought to intuitiveness.

    Best case scenario would be the UI brought back down to the bottom of the screen. That's most important, then some more of that original art style. But that's just my opinion.

  • I want the ability to put the survivor info back in the bottom left where I am used to it being.

    Other than that I like it.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    The post has 2 images comparing how much mroe compact the current UI is. Like you just have to cehck 1 corner to see gens,your power and survivors instead of 2 seperate corners and the top center

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    My post was merged with another since i have more info and reasoning for why i don't think the new hud is good. I believe the original post literally just said title and when merged was moved to a comment.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    Welcome to feedback and suggestions where posts go to die!

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    The main problems I have with the new HUD is that the text and bleed out timer look WAY too small, and the placement of the icons. The survivor portraits look out of place as well, but that's something I could deal with. I do like the hook counter, though.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Yeah seriously, they merged mine and two other peoples posts about the HUD to get it more concise and easier to read in one place, but they are just hindering themselves by making it so no one is gonna reply to the post anymore.

  • lil_moskito
    lil_moskito Member Posts: 1

    I think what they could do is add the new UI and put it where it is in the old UI basically just change the portraits add the hook counter

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    At least it shows that they are aware that we have issues with the new hud which means they will adjust it.

    I would actually be more worried if they were not responding/merging because it would show that our complaints are going under the radar. If these posts are merged it will make all of our suggestions easier to read for the devs.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Who knows? maybe this post will actually live on? It seems like they are merging posts into this one so at least they are looking at all the feedback.

  • Tai_Chini
    Tai_Chini Member Posts: 1

    I personally really dislike this new HUD. It is way too distracting and over fills the screen too much. I feel like by just adding the character pictures and maybe a mark like the skulls in the logo to count the hooks would be perfect. The old look in my opinion is simpler and just works. Why try to fix something that wasnt broken to begin with...

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136

    I like the new HUD. The only improvement I have in mind would be to make it a little bit less spread over the screen than it is just now in the preview.

  • atlasbunny
    atlasbunny Member Posts: 28

    I love the addition of the hook counter, and being able to attach a name to a face much more easily is fantastic. That being said, it's a bit too all-over-the-place. I suppose we'll see how impactful the HUD changes are soon?

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2021

    A couple of things I didn't mention in my original post that other people have mentioned that I completely agree with. The new UI design is incredibly tacky and looks like it's from a mobile game, it lacks the gritty dirtiness that the original has. The survivor portraits look very out of place and make it difficult to tell if a survivor is actually injured or not. The new UI is incredibly unintuitive and it is difficult to tell what's going on. And my last question is why is the UI being changed in the first place? It's completely fine as is, it provides all the information you need in an easy to understand section on your screen. No one has been complaining about the UI, the hook states and survivor portraits are a nice convenience sure, but is it really worth sacrificing the look of the game and the ability to get information quickly?

    Why aren't these resources being used to do things that people have actually been asking for for years? Like an actual settings page that lets you control things like v-sync anti aliasing etc. why is it that games from 1998 have more settings options then a game from 2016? Or instead of that how about some color-blind support? Something people have been asking for for a long time, you have a rapidly increasing player-base which is bringing in more color blind players that can't play the game. You say that it takes too much development time and you don't want to take away from the cash cow that is a new chapter every 3 months but why is updating a functional UI more important then making the game playable for a large group of people? I just think you guys make some very weird decisions and you need to get your priorities in order. Survivor animations were fine, didn't need re-doing. Dead by Daylight is a truly fun game with very unique concepts but it lacks a fundamental level of polish that other games on the market have, and it's clear you have no intention of fixing that.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited January 2021

    Your eyes have to "search" to a greater degree with this new HUD, but I also don't think this game is complex enough that this is going to add much if any added inconvenience. You are not gonna need to constantly check gen status or keep your eyes glued to the survivor status readout -- and when you do look at that stuff, it's a very small amount of information to process and then return your eyes to the center.

    Final Fantasy XIV is my gold standard to compare things like this to, in terms of complex UI that you need to be able to intuit constantly, in chaotic situations. I have my UI in that game heavily customized, and everything is in the bottom third of the screen in a way that is specifically intended to cut down on my visual "searching" during combat.

    Given the option, do I think it would be ideal to restrict all of these DBD HUD elements to the bottom corners of the screen? Well, yes. But I don't think that the amount of information that you need to keep track of is gonna be enough to overwhelm in this new layout.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    No reason not to implement a crosshair when some people have monitors that support them anyway. Same with brightness options and the like, if some people can and do use them, and others are unable to, the most fair thing to do is either find a method to get rid of them (not possible) and therefore subsequently give them to everyone.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Yeah the issue with the injured icon thing is it's harder to notice at a glance, we need it to change shape in some form

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,075

    After thinking about it, I dont think that I will like the new UI. It just looks silly. No offense to the people working on it, but it just looks bad and not fitting.

    I would prefer if that change gets reverted/not into the game.