The Executioner's problem
lol ,I guess you would, but the entire point of his power is to save time.Theres people like that and have been around for many year's, they play the killer's in the most annoying to start conversations like this.I guess we have to suffer for the bad,and this is probably their goal,to get the killer nerfed in someway.
If you change that you take away his ability to save time,and as you say give yourself and teammates more time?ultimately pushing him further into the ground if that was to happen.
You know the killer doesn't need time 🤷♂️
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I understand that Ph is a killer made to save time but if he used his power like normal ( Down a survivor... are they tormented .. yes then cage... no then hook) no one would even know the change I'm suggesting and he will still save time by skipping the hooking process and I'm not even trying to change the Punishment of the Damned. No other killer make survivors suffer from something that can be in the begging of the trial the closest example is the pig with the Reverse traps but I don't care about those because you have the chance to get free and not die from those Doesn't mean that you live though the trial but at least you didn't die from that and it goes off when you are not in a chase giving the pig incentive to not chase you and care about other people
if that Ph really cared about saving time he would have attacked everybody as well so when I died he would have 3 injured survivors to easily get the knock downs
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Yeah well ,That PH is probably just a bad player ,with the change you're proposing will disrupt his powe,if I hook someone and the torment wears off and you need to hook a DS survivor's, but you have to torment them first either the full minute runs out on Decisive or you waste the full minute which is two gens depending on the situation.Thats a total of 2 minutes in the end that PH loses.
I guess the best solution to not totally destroy his power,You could force the cage hook ,if it's the final hook then the torment is removed upon the second hook?
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The only problem I see in that clip was your teammates (and your build). They farmed you off the hook repeatedly without borrowed time.
Jane even decided to hide after unhooking you instead of taking agro and Feng Min literally farmed you off the hook without Borrowed Time WHILE Pyramid Head was there AND she ran away after the unhook.
The 3rd survivor was near the hook instead of doing gens, too.
Blame your teammates. Any other killer would have killed you that match JUST AS QUICKLY with that kind of team.
That clip is a terrible example for that so called "problem".
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for the build i can aggrege with you kind of
I was using all Cheryl's items so I can prestige her I don't like the perks I had for selected for her I usually have perks that work together but I had non that matched
on the other hand my builds are not what you expect like one for healing other survivors and only that because that's fun for me but that doesnt help at all so what am i supposed to do ... bring DS to make the killer more mad or what if i miss then what its disabled for the rest of the trial and if i do get it killers just complain about it
And i wasn't saying his problem was that how fast I died even though its annoying its how much he gets rewarded for doing doing so since he gets to skip things like 3rd hook giving him more time and when he does it gets extra bp (10k in 2-4 mins while a survivor has to try to survive for a 10 15 mins for 20k ) so having that type of reward why wouldn't you tunnel then kill especially with PH since you get an extra boost
Post edited by oh_salutations on0 -
I don't want to destroy his power or nerf him I just think he is too strong in the wrong areas
In my honest opinion he needs a rework
some buff some nerf to make him stronger in areas he would be not good and nerf the parts that feel a little too strong
the change I was suggesting is something I would TEST first to see if it really does hurt him for the nerf portion of that rework
me personally idk what he is weakest in so idk what he could use a buff in
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Pyramid Head is one of the balanced killer's in the game ,he really shouldn't be changed in anyway.its starting to sound like you want the ability removed completely.I agree it's a bad move on that player's part .We all have been tunneled and camped and we move on,I'm sure with the change of mori's tunneling is at an all time high. Like before, I stated the match would have went the same way ,regardless of Dstrike or PH ability that guy just wanted to tunnel you it sucks but don't blame the design of the killer anything can be misused.
I can abuse my M1 buy just downing you repeatedly, it doesn't matter if ,I have a power ,the results are the same.
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Your right that every killer can do the same process and no I don't want to change the ability I just feel that it rewards people who abuse the power in a bad way I'm over the tunneling part and just posted this to see if people agreed or not
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Thank you for you consideration, and I wish you good luck in you're upcoming matches.It wouldn't be right for people who actually stick to the format for the game.
There's certain people who like to destroy the integrity of the killer's, for some reason,but if it's an issue Behaviour will change it ,if they do anything is change things.