Gen Rush is too strong at high rank play

The deciding factor for a game as killer is if the survivors have a hard time finding your Ruin totem.

I'm rank 1-2 and if i get paired with survivors that are 1-5 they are going to gen rush because that's their only objective. It's not uncommon that I get my first downed survivor with 2 gens left, which makes for a very un-fun game.

I understand this is a difficult topic to balance, because of low rank, but it needs to be addressed.



  • Doctor_Derek
    Doctor_Derek Member Posts: 93

    @YieldingBusiness said:
    It shouldn't have to come to the point where you have to always run Ruin in high ranks

    This always bothers me. I never really like gamble perks in games, but it's the only defense to gen rush atm

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Ag> @Doctor_Derek said:

    The deciding factor for a game as killer is if the survivors have a hard time finding your Ruin totem.

    I'm rank 1-2 and if i get paired with survivors that are 1-5 they are going to gen rush because that's their only objective. It's not uncommon that I get my first downed survivor with 2 gens left, which makes for a very un-fun game.

    I understand this is a difficult topic to balance, because of low rank, but it needs to be addressed.

    Agree with this statement. I'm not sure how to go about balancing it though. I'll leave it to people who are smarter and more creative than me lol

  • Doctor_Derek
    Doctor_Derek Member Posts: 93

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Gen-rushing wouldn't be a problem if pallets weren't so effective at wasting the killers time.

    For sure. It's all connected which is why game balance is so tricky.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    The problem is that it has been addressed multiple times and each time players have been satisfied for a few weeks, and then it was right back to the old complaints. They buffed gen times, they nerfed co-op bonuses, they buffed gen times again, they added regression, they buffed Ruin, they buffed regression. Not to mention the changes to exit gates.

  • VesselOfSatan
    VesselOfSatan Member Posts: 9

    What if a version of Fire Up was built into all killers and the percentages would increase based on how fast the generators were being done. This makes it so a full SWF gen rushing squad gives the killer a massive boost to whatever stats, while some newer players that get a gen done every 3 minutes or so don't.

  • MichaelMyers
    MichaelMyers Member Posts: 4

    kinda true

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    Firstly, Thanataphobia needs a big buff. It should be an alternative to Ruin for high skill and active players. weaker in the short term. but better in the long term. Using both should really limit gen rush.

    Secondly, they need to add more reason to sabo and cleanse totems.

    Thirdly, more perks like Ruin and Thanat need to exist. There should be 3 or 4 choices that do the same thing, each with its own playstyle. Ruin can be played as a hit and hope kind of perk, or with TotH as a beacon to lure survivors into a trap. Thanat should be for high skill, active, non camper/tunnelers. And more need to be made.Something along the lines of: For every generator that gets fixed, a debuff of 10% occurs to every survivor. Or the opposite maybe. Permanent debuff, that goes away and maybe even increases their fixing late in the game.

    Fourth: more perks could be made that speed gen progression, or buffs to leader/prove thy self/resilience and then increase gen time overall. Making those perks more desirable.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @ThePeeje said:
    Firstly, Thanataphobia needs a big buff. It should be an alternative to Ruin for high skill and active players. weaker in the short term. but better in the long term. Using both should really limit gen rush.

    Secondly, they need to add more reason to sabo and cleanse totems.

    Thirdly, more perks like Ruin and Thanat need to exist. There should be 3 or 4 choices that do the same thing, each with its own playstyle. Ruin can be played as a hit and hope kind of perk, or with TotH as a beacon to lure survivors into a trap. Thanat should be for high skill, active, non camper/tunnelers. And more need to be made.Something along the lines of: For every generator that gets fixed, a debuff of 10% occurs to every survivor. Or the opposite maybe. Permanent debuff, that goes away and maybe even increases their fixing late in the game.

    Fourth: more perks could be made that speed gen progression, or buffs to leader/prove thy self/resilience and then increase gen time overall. Making those perks more desirable.

    I'm hoping it won't be too big because Ruin is counterable by being a Hex. But dead/DC'd survivors should count toward Thanatophobia for sure.

    And yeah, what else do survivors do aside from scavenge items, totems, and gens? At most, survivors who want to win only have one objective to do (aside from Hexes).

  • MonitorZero
    MonitorZero Member Posts: 14

    There's no such thing as gen rushing. That's like saying kill rushing.

  • Doctor_Derek
    Doctor_Derek Member Posts: 93

    @MonitorZero said:
    There's no such thing as gen rushing. That's like saying kill rushing.

    That's basically the point. It's all they have to do so it happens too fast.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    I’ve seen the idea of gens having parts that must be found. Which I like it extends the game and Survivors have something else to do.
  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited May 2018

    @Doctor_Derek said:

    @MonitorZero said:
    There's no such thing as gen rushing. That's like saying kill rushing.

    That's basically the point. It's all they have to do so it happens too fast.

    Yups that's why I think its very iffy to play right now. With how long survivors can stall on pallets loops and how little incentive there is to do other things it just makes the game overwhelmingly fast for most of the killers, especially ones that weren't for chasing.

    [hurray first comment]

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited May 2018

    True true.

    I do want to see the games be reasonably slower, hopefully with the changes to the pallets it'll mean we'd see shorter chases. But I am concerned if only going to fix the issue with increasing the time of repairs, I think making the survivors spend more time finding totems (especially those godforsaken hex totems) would be a good place to start to help lengthen up the games.

    Its appalling to see that a match be make or break by one perk.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited May 2018

    Check out this post I made about my suggestions for balance. Scroll down to the bottom to see my hex perk rework ideas and I'd really like your opinion on them.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Right now survivors aren't scared of you at all, and that's a big factor in how fast gens get done. Factor in toolboxes, +gen boosting perks, etc, and they burn stupid fast. If a survivor sees you're in a chase/hitting a survivor it's a free generator. It's insane how fast gens are finished. I had a game where I was actually snowballing hard. Quick chase, hook. Quick chase, hook. 3 gens done. One per hook somehow. The free survivors were pounding gens then saving, and I couldn't really do anything unless I wanted to camp, and I don't want to be forced to play that way.

    Ruin is our only way to counter it, and with the awful totem spawns it's a meme. It is a literal wasted slot as higher rank survivors will gen tap or just hit the checks anyway. But we HAVE to run it despite it blowing at the start of the match.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    You can always slug as a killer and keep people off gens. Mind game them correctly when in a chase, know when and when not to kick a gen, generally learn to get better. I used to moan a bit about gens being done quickly, then I learned to play properly and get better.

    Use better killers at higher ranks for a start (Billy, Nurse, Huntress). That will help. Harder to master but worth it.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Slugging generally isn't viable unless you're down to 2 Survivors or you have a situation where you've hooked someone and downed a rescuer and you still have someone on a hook.

    In general, slugging just doesn't work unless you're using The Pig and trapping them. The problem is that it takes forever for them to die when they've been downed, it gets easier for Survivors to get them back up the longer they've been slugged, and it only takes about 5-10 seconds for them to get picked back up. Not to mention that they could be running Unbreakable because of course they would.

    Oh yeah, and thanks to the Emblem system, if they bleed out you don't get credit for that kill now.

    Saying "try slugging to get them off gens" is really bad advice.

    But if one person or even two leave gens to heal a slug, is that not slowing the game for you as killer and also giving you information as to where the healing survivors are? Slugging is totally viable and excellent advice. Find one quickly with Whispers, hook, slug another and go from there, see how fast your games go in YOUR favour :+1:

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Slugging generally isn't viable unless you're down to 2 Survivors or you have a situation where you've hooked someone and downed a rescuer and you still have someone on a hook.

    In general, slugging just doesn't work unless you're using The Pig and trapping them. The problem is that it takes forever for them to die when they've been downed, it gets easier for Survivors to get them back up the longer they've been slugged, and it only takes about 5-10 seconds for them to get picked back up. Not to mention that they could be running Unbreakable because of course they would.

    Oh yeah, and thanks to the Emblem system, if they bleed out you don't get credit for that kill now.

    Saying "try slugging to get them off gens" is really bad advice.

    But if one person or even two leave gens to heal a slug, is that not slowing the game for you as killer and also giving you information as to where the healing survivors are? Slugging is totally viable and excellent advice. Find one quickly with Whispers, hook, slug another and go from there, see how fast your games go in YOUR favour :+1:

    Not really because you're only delaying them by about 5-10 seconds. Maybe 20 overall but it depends on the map. It makes more sense to hook them and get something out of it, moreso if you have BBQ & Chill. Slugging really only works when there's 2 Survivors left or you're in a really good situation or you're using The Pig.

    You either can't read, don't understand or you're being intentionally dishonest. If you hook one, then slug, the other two are forced off gens to save, or at least one. Then you have more information as a killer to get another on a hook... them not doing gens is a good thing for you :/


    Why would you use the Pig? :'D

  • MonitorZero
    MonitorZero Member Posts: 14

    @MonitorZero said:
    There's no such thing as gen rushing. That's like saying kill rushing.

    That's basically the point. It's all they have to do so it happens too fast.

    So get ruin? Or switch to a more aggressive killer? 
  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Survivors need to have a secondary must-complete objective that they have to complete to be able to work on the gens.The new overall vacuum removal does nothing to balance things out.This way, instead of dropping the pallet, the survivor will just get downed near it, so they can get saved later.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

  • Yaboi_Gengarboi
    Yaboi_Gengarboi Member Posts: 32
    I think the problems is the killer doesn't have the power in a chase. Survivors can keep the power in the objective if the Killer has the power in the chase.
  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Since it'll probably take some time to come up with a solution, I was thinking Devour Hope could have its generator repair speed debuff back as a quick fix. Maybe it could return as a post-totem destruction effect?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I've played both and unless you're in swf group killers have mostly had the upper hand, especially the good ones and the baddies that camp 1 hooked survivor and never go anywhere after that. Wraiths have been acing whole teams as have pigs and nurses lately. The shape has gotten quite a few aces as well since most of solo queue is either bad survivors and camper killers or some good matches with both sides equally matched.

    But lately it's been a flood of rage quitters on both sides for the week prior to f2p week. Killer gets frustrated because you outsmart them and no not talking looping/pallet but actually evading them by doing something unexpected. So they rage quit and you lose out on a lot. Some killers have even waited to see the offering then as the game is loading quit so that rare or better offering gets wasted or right after match starts.

    Some survivors do the same they get downed 1st and then quit and it often gets worse form there with 1 or 2 more quitting. So you as the lone survivor quickly get nailed since there's no way to get enough gens done to get the hatch open let alone the gates powered.

    If you try and nerf it for 1 tier you're basically screwing all the lower levels over which just starts the complaints stage and frustration all over again. But this time it affects a wider group of players because there's less higher tier players at that stage.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited May 2018

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    Just humor us dude. What rank are you?

    LOL the implication being that rank means something in this game? Okay, I'll bite, because your responses from this point on will be even more golden...

    Right now? 14? 16? Not sure... I don't play as much considering the content drought the last month and bugs the month before. If I play ranks. Just like you :)

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    This is why Nurse is the only true viable Killer. Dead by Daylight is a "scripted" game. A majority of pallets are safe (absolutely must be broken and cannot be mindgamed), waste a lot of time, and generators take little time to be completed, too much so in comparison to how long chases last. As such all it takes to win a vast majority of games is to do gens if you aren't chased, and loop if you are. Even playing safe and just dropping pallets when you are at risk of taking hits, without getting stuns or anything, is enough to secure a victory. That is the "script" of the DbD.

    Any Killer that cannot break the script of looping and doing gens stands no chance against competent Survivors. Most that do still have drawbacks that may end up hurting them more than it will ever help them (Trapper wastes time setting up, Shape wastes time stalking, etc.), or are too inconsistent in their ability to be truly effective (Doctor cannot cancel most loops, Huntress has slow windups and hitbox issues, etc.).

    Not even Ruin will save you against good Survivors because the skillcheck is not that hard to hit. It is not really a "skill"check but more of a V-Sync-check. It tests to see if you went into the config files and turned off V-Sync. If you did, you can hit it consistently with a bit of practice.

    Nurse is the only Killer who can consistently break the script of the game and it is sad. You can try different strategies on other Killers, builds, sure... You may get somewhere with insta-windup Huntress for instance. But Survivors always have the ability to adapt. Like with the talk I see about slug builds. Easy solution: Unbreakabill. Slugging is now more useless than it was before, and it already was not an effective strategy. Unless you play Nurse, of course.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Spudbar said:
    This is why Nurse is the only true viable Killer. Dead by Daylight is a "scripted" game. A majority of pallets are safe (absolutely must be broken and cannot be mindgamed), waste a lot of time, and generators take little time to be completed, too much so in comparison to how long chases last. As such all it takes to win a vast majority of games is to do gens if you aren't chased, and loop if you are. Even playing safe and just dropping pallets when you are at risk of taking hits, without getting stuns or anything, is enough to secure a victory. That is the "script" of the DbD.

    Any Killer that cannot break the script of looping and doing gens stands no chance against competent Survivors. Most that do still have drawbacks that may end up hurting them more than it will ever help them (Trapper wastes time setting up, Shape wastes time stalking, etc.), or are too inconsistent in their ability to be truly effective (Doctor cannot cancel most loops, Huntress has slow windups and hitbox issues, etc.).

    Not even Ruin will save you against good Survivors because the skillcheck is not that hard to hit. It is not really a "skill"check but more of a V-Sync-check. It tests to see if you went into the config files and turned off V-Sync. If you did, you can hit it consistently with a bit of practice.

    Nurse is the only Killer who can consistently break the script of the game and it is sad. You can try different strategies on other Killers, builds, sure... You may get somewhere with insta-windup Huntress for instance. But Survivors always have the ability to adapt. Like with the talk I see about slug builds. Easy solution: Unbreakabill. Slugging is now more useless than it was before, and it already was not an effective strategy. Unless you play Nurse, of course.

    While I agree with some of what you said...nobody said anything about "slug builds", just that it was viable. See Zubat.

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    @only1biggs said:
    While I agree with some of what you said...nobody said anything about "slug builds", just that it was viable. See Zubat.

    Ah yeah, didn't really mean full-on slug builds, not sure why I typed that. Regardless, slugging as a strategy is not super effective until someone is actually dead.

    You stop one person from doing gens until they recover, then they use Unbreakabill or wait for someone to rescue them. In the meantime you maybe chase someone else and break a few pallets in the meantime. All the while, 1 person will remain uninterrupted doing their generators. You make insignificant progress toward your goal because you broke some pallets, meanwhile the Survivors were really only inconvenienced.

    I mean, slugging may work against disorganized/weak Survivors... But when it comes to optimal Survivors following the "script" it's not very effective outside of Nurse and is actually counterable by Unbreakabill, in which case it actually hurts you more than it helps.

    The best you can do otherwise is slug temporarily to hit someone you believe is close by. If they are dumb maybe you can commit to downing them, but again if we're talking about good players versus something that isn't Nurse, that's not going to happen.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Spudbar said:

    @only1biggs said:
    While I agree with some of what you said...nobody said anything about "slug builds", just that it was viable. See Zubat.

    Ah yeah, didn't really mean full-on slug builds, not sure why I typed that. Regardless, slugging as a strategy is not super effective until someone is actually dead.

    You stop one person from doing gens until they recover, then they use Unbreakabill or wait for someone to rescue them. In the meantime you maybe chase someone else and break a few pallets in the meantime. All the while, 1 person will remain uninterrupted doing their generators. You make insignificant progress toward your goal because you broke some pallets, meanwhile the Survivors were really only inconvenienced.

    I mean, slugging may work against disorganized/weak Survivors... But when it comes to optimal Survivors following the "script" it's not very effective outside of Nurse and is actually counterable by Unbreakabill, in which case it actually hurts you more than it helps.

    The best you can do otherwise is slug temporarily to hit someone you believe is close by. If they are dumb maybe you can commit to downing them, but again if we're talking about good players versus something that isn't Nurse, that's not going to happen.

    Your name looks familiar so I presume I've seen you in someone's twitch chat, but I'm still staggered as to how many think slugging isn't viable unless end game or someone is already dead. I'll just reference Zubat again instead of trying to explain for the thousandth time.

    I also don't know why everyone holds ANY tactic up to "good" survivors...a team of good survivors are always going to beat the body with a brain denies that..but those instances are so few and far between, because the majority of the player base is stupid. It's just how it is.

    Slugging works. You either know how to do it properly and at the right times or you don't, but if done correctly, it does help.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @WebMonkey said:
    I'd love to see some stats on HOW FAST gens are getting completed for the different ranks of play. If 3 GENs are getting completed in under 4 minutes then something is seriously wrong. (I'm just guessing on time here because I'm nowhere near high enough rank.)

    5 gens can be done in 3 minutes on high ranks.
    No BNP included. Then it would be even faster.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @MonitorZero said:
    Doctor_Derek said:

    @MonitorZero said:

    There's no such thing as gen rushing. That's like saying kill rushing.

    That's basically the point. It's all they have to do so it happens too fast.

    So get ruin? Or switch to a more aggressive killer? 

    Ruin gives the killer at maximum 1 extra minute.
    Killers on high rank are forced to play Nurse, Billy or Huntress. Let´s have 11 (soon 12) killers and only 3 are viable. Ever wondered, why survivors only encounter Nurse and Billy all day on high ranks?

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    Just humor us dude. What rank are you?

    LOL the implication being that rank means something in this game? Okay, I'll bite, because your responses from this point on will be even more golden...

    Right now? 14? 16? Not sure... I don't play as much considering the content drought the last month and bugs the month before. If I play ranks. Just like you :)

    So, maybe rank 14 tops and I assume that was before the implementation of the Emblem system. Makes sense.

    Oh I've played with the new emblem system...and in the red ranks...not that it matters. Still waiting for you to get to your point buddy :') Try not to assume... Go...

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited May 2018

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited May 2018

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

    There's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm

    And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing.

    So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up.

    Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?

    *edit - oh..and rank means nothing or little to nothing my friend. Sorry :/ You're the second person to bring that up. Get a grip :'D

    Post edited by only1biggs on
  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited May 2018

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

    There's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm

    And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing.

    So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up.

    Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?

    *edit - oh..and rank means nothing or little to nothing my friend. Sorry :/ You're the second person to bring that up. Get a grip :'D

    Let's dissect your post here. I don't see a point since you're basically circle jerking yourself, but why not?

    "here's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm"

    Where did I say that? Seriously, show me where I said I don't have bad games, or can't learn anything? I'm just pointing out I'm not a new killer, and I know what I'm doing. I ran Deerstalker for months, because gasp I actually slugged people. Shocker, I know. It's almost like I'm speaking about the effectiveness of slugging from an experienced viewpoint. Wew, lad.

    "And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing."

    Ah yes. This tired, old, debunked argument cuz god forbid someone point out the flaws of this game. I can't and don't understand why people are against the experiment. I stream from time to time, and a lot of the games are done in about 5 minutes if I don't snowball. There are coordinated non-swf teams. Even when I play survivor I've seen groups bodyblock and share info as if they were on voice comms. It's not hard to do your objective and get out.

    It's happened all night. Ruin pops, I keep chasing/hooking, then adren pops, they loop, and dip if I don't kill them. The only way to truly win as a killer against even a remotely intelligent team which is pretty common. Despite your constant talks of how stupid people are who play this game. I could play a lot more "unfair" and tunnel/camp a bit, but I'd rather not play that way unless absolutely forced to do so.

    "So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up."

    It's no wonder to anyone why people can click your profile and see a plethora of downvotes, and even some reported for abuse. Yea, I do watch Tyde and Marth. Keyword, watch. Didn't say I agree with them on everything so your point is moot, and you're reaching so hard I'm surprised your arms haven't snapped off. BBQ isn't the as OP as people cry. It's super easy to deal with. Even if you can't, you can just loop like every survivor does. Same as DS, who said it was skill based?

    I agree with Marth. It can be super frustrating that you have 0 counters to lights. Lightborn? They'll just blind sooner. Your options are to look at a wall, or lose your hook. My issue with it is the blinding white headache inducing screen. That needs an option to be turned black.

    " Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?> "

    I've played the game on both sides plenty. All survivors run pretty much the exact same perks, play the exact same way. It's almost like survivor isn't hard and is absurdly strong. Zubat is a good killer, this is true. So is Marth, so is Blinky Bill, so is ScottJund. A lot of killers agree maps are survivor sided, that safe/vacuum pallets are way too strong, and jungle gyms need to be adjusted. There are killers that can lose by just getting a bad map.

    Early I got Wretched Shop with a double/triple pallet spawn. My Ruin blew instantly, they all had SB, they all looped me hardcore and had pallets to spare. Survivors have issues, but they're pretty rare and more based on player interaction than actual game breaking mechanics/annoyances.

    Everyone can learn, adapt, and get better, but killers have a cap. Outside of Nurse, you get looped. That's what you do. You can't mindgame it, you can't just stop them from doing it unless they mess up. There's a reason Freddy got nerfed, and it wasn't cuz killers are in a good spot right now.

    Again, rank is to show experience, nothing more, but I find it cute you tell me to get a grip when you derail threads to say you disagree or insult someone.

    Post edited by Caretaker on
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

    There's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm

    And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing.

    So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up.

    Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?

    *edit - oh..and rank means nothing or little to nothing my friend. Sorry :/ You're the second person to bring that up. Get a grip :'D

    Let's dissect your post here. I don't see a point since you're basically circle jerking yourself, but why not?

    "here's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm"

    Where did I say that? Seriously, show me where I said I don't have bad games, or can't learn anything? I'm just pointing out I'm not a new killer, and I know what I'm doing. I ran Deerstalker for months, because gasp I actually slugged people. Shocker, I know. It's almost like I'm speaking about the effectiveness of slugging from an experienced viewpoint. Wew, lad.

    "And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing."

    Ah yes. This tired, old, debunked argument cuz god forbid someone point out the flaws of this game. I can't and don't understand why people are against the experiment. I stream from time to time, and a lot of the games are done in about 5 minutes if I don't snowball. There are coordinated non-swf teams. Even when I play survivor I've seen groups bodyblock and share info as if they were on voice comms. It's not hard to do your objective and get out.

    It's happened all night. Ruin pops, I keep chasing/hooking, then adren pops, they loop, and dip if I don't kill them. The only way to truly win as a killer against even a remotely intelligent team which is pretty common. Despite your constant talks of how stupid people are who play this game. I could play a lot more "unfair" and tunnel/camp a bit, but I'd rather not play that way unless absolutely forced to do so.

    "So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up."

    It's no wonder to anyone why people can click your profile and see a plethora of downvotes, and even some reported for abuse. Yea, I do watch Tyde and Marth. Keyword, watch. Didn't say I agree with them on everything so your point is moot, and you're reaching so hard I'm surprised your arms haven't snapped off. BBQ isn't the as OP as people cry. It's super easy to deal with. Even if you can't, you can just loop like every survivor does. Same as DS, who said it was skill based?

    I agree with Marth. It can be super frustrating that you have 0 counters to lights. Lightborn? They'll just blind sooner. Your options are to look at a wall, or lose your hook. My issue with it is the blinding white headache inducing screen. That needs an option to be turned black.

    " Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?> "

    I've played the game on both sides plenty. All survivors run pretty much the exact same perks, play the exact same way. It's almost like survivor isn't hard and is absurdly strong. Zubat is a good killer, this is true. So is Marth, so is Blinky Bill, so is ScottJund. A lot of killers agree maps are survivor sided, that safe/vacuum pallets are way too strong, and jungle gyms need to be adjusted. There are killers that can lose by just getting a bad map.

    Early I got Wretched Shop with a double/triple pallet spawn. My Ruin blew instantly, they all had SB, they all looped me hardcore and had pallets to spare. Survivors have issues, but they're pretty rare and more based on player interaction than actual game breaking mechanics/annoyances.

    Everyone can learn, adapt, and get better, but killers have a cap. Outside of Nurse, you get looped. That's what you do. You can't mindgame it, you can't just stop them from doing it unless they mess up. There's a reason Freddy got nerfed, and it wasn't cuz killers are in a good spot right now.

    Again, rank is to show experience, nothing more, but I find it cute you tell me to get a grip when you derail threads to say you disagree or insult someone.

    You literally said "100% the game, consistently rank 1". Did I misunderstand you or are you saying it's 100% the game's fault and that rank matters? I'm happy to be corrected.

    I never said I was against the experiment, just implied that it's futile.

    If at any point you feel "forced" to camp/tunnel, then that's on you, bud. You win some you lose some. Focusing only on the games where you've been wrecked isn't a great mentality to have. Perhaps you could have learned something more? Perhaps you're not as good as you think? Perhaps you could have done something different in game to change the outcome?

    You realize that anyone can vote up or down or flag "abuse" right? I mean, it's obvious to those with a brain that my flag for abuse are false and that I was obviously joking. Someone with intelligence even commented as such and mocked the community in doing so.
    And it was Tyde that said DS was skill based and I NEVER said that BBQ was OP. You have misread I'm afraid.

    Your statement of "you have 0 counters to lights", followed by giving two options is laughable and moronic. Here's another option...fake the pick up and down the guy with the flash light. There's three.

    I only used Zubat as the example to watch because as I mentioned, I used to have a similar mindset to you, but his attitude to the game is healthier. I watched and learned more and changed and got better. As for the maps...I never said otherwise. Most are survivor sided.

    You and your friend saltykiller (who has many more downvotes btw lol) brought up rank, not me. You saying you're consistently rank 1 means little in regard to your skill. Yes, there's a skill ceiling...with a skill roof and skill walls and skill windows which can be peered through to see if you can actually learn from your mistakes instead of just blaming everything else. If you stream I would love to watch. No joke, I'm always open to watch killers :)

    Insulting someone is good. It makes a rational mind think.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

    There's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm

    And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing.

    So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up.

    Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?

    *edit - oh..and rank means nothing or little to nothing my friend. Sorry :/ You're the second person to bring that up. Get a grip :'D

    Let's dissect your post here. I don't see a point since you're basically circle jerking yourself, but why not?

    "here's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm"

    Where did I say that? Seriously, show me where I said I don't have bad games, or can't learn anything? I'm just pointing out I'm not a new killer, and I know what I'm doing. I ran Deerstalker for months, because gasp I actually slugged people. Shocker, I know. It's almost like I'm speaking about the effectiveness of slugging from an experienced viewpoint. Wew, lad.

    "And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing."

    Ah yes. This tired, old, debunked argument cuz god forbid someone point out the flaws of this game. I can't and don't understand why people are against the experiment. I stream from time to time, and a lot of the games are done in about 5 minutes if I don't snowball. There are coordinated non-swf teams. Even when I play survivor I've seen groups bodyblock and share info as if they were on voice comms. It's not hard to do your objective and get out.

    It's happened all night. Ruin pops, I keep chasing/hooking, then adren pops, they loop, and dip if I don't kill them. The only way to truly win as a killer against even a remotely intelligent team which is pretty common. Despite your constant talks of how stupid people are who play this game. I could play a lot more "unfair" and tunnel/camp a bit, but I'd rather not play that way unless absolutely forced to do so.

    "So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up."

    It's no wonder to anyone why people can click your profile and see a plethora of downvotes, and even some reported for abuse. Yea, I do watch Tyde and Marth. Keyword, watch. Didn't say I agree with them on everything so your point is moot, and you're reaching so hard I'm surprised your arms haven't snapped off. BBQ isn't the as OP as people cry. It's super easy to deal with. Even if you can't, you can just loop like every survivor does. Same as DS, who said it was skill based?

    I agree with Marth. It can be super frustrating that you have 0 counters to lights. Lightborn? They'll just blind sooner. Your options are to look at a wall, or lose your hook. My issue with it is the blinding white headache inducing screen. That needs an option to be turned black.

    " Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?> "

    I've played the game on both sides plenty. All survivors run pretty much the exact same perks, play the exact same way. It's almost like survivor isn't hard and is absurdly strong. Zubat is a good killer, this is true. So is Marth, so is Blinky Bill, so is ScottJund. A lot of killers agree maps are survivor sided, that safe/vacuum pallets are way too strong, and jungle gyms need to be adjusted. There are killers that can lose by just getting a bad map.

    Early I got Wretched Shop with a double/triple pallet spawn. My Ruin blew instantly, they all had SB, they all looped me hardcore and had pallets to spare. Survivors have issues, but they're pretty rare and more based on player interaction than actual game breaking mechanics/annoyances.

    Everyone can learn, adapt, and get better, but killers have a cap. Outside of Nurse, you get looped. That's what you do. You can't mindgame it, you can't just stop them from doing it unless they mess up. There's a reason Freddy got nerfed, and it wasn't cuz killers are in a good spot right now.

    Again, rank is to show experience, nothing more, but I find it cute you tell me to get a grip when you derail threads to say you disagree or insult someone.

    You literally said "100% the game, consistently rank 1". Did I misunderstand you or are you saying it's 100% the game's fault and that rank matters? I'm happy to be corrected.

    I never said I was against the experiment, just implied that it's futile.

    If at any point you feel "forced" to camp/tunnel, then that's on you, bud. You win some you lose some. Focusing only on the games where you've been wrecked isn't a great mentality to have. Perhaps you could have learned something more? Perhaps you're not as good as you think? Perhaps you could have done something different in game to change the outcome?

    You realize that anyone can vote up or down or flag "abuse" right? I mean, it's obvious to those with a brain that my flag for abuse are false and that I was obviously joking. Someone with intelligence even commented as such and mocked the community in doing so.
    And it was Tyde that said DS was skill based and I NEVER said that BBQ was OP. You have misread I'm afraid.

    Your statement of "you have 0 counters to lights", followed by giving two options is laughable and moronic. Here's another option...fake the pick up and down the guy with the flash light. There's three.

    I only used Zubat as the example to watch because as I mentioned, I used to have a similar mindset to you, but his attitude to the game is healthier. I watched and learned more and changed and got better. As for the maps...I never said otherwise. Most are survivor sided.

    You and your friend saltykiller (who has many more downvotes btw lol) brought up rank, not me. You saying you're consistently rank 1 means little in regard to your skill. Yes, there's a skill ceiling...with a skill roof and skill walls and skill windows which can be peered through to see if you can actually learn from your mistakes instead of just blaming everything else. If you stream I would love to watch. No joke, I'm always open to watch killers :)

    Insulting someone is good. It makes a rational mind think.

    I have 100% THE GAME, as in I have every single achievement in the game. I am consistently rank 1 so no matter my gripes with the balance, I still rank up despite it. Hope that clarifies.

    Agree to disagree. The experiment showed normal high rank games, whether you agree or not. I've got streams and experience otherwise.

    If you know how I can magically delete giant pieces of wood I'm all ears. It's why I switch to Nurse and 4k. She doesn't get looped and can generally keep up with SB. I don't want to do that though. I wanna play Wraith, Freddy, Trapper, and actually be able to do something without 3 gens popping as I set up or chase. It's not a git gud or learning issue, the game's core mechanics are outdated, and broken in favor of survivors.

    Or you got flagged cuz you act like a pompous ass? Just a thought? Kinda funny the only downvotes I have are disagreeing with you. I didn't flag yours, and I don't see any reason why anyone else would flag my replies to you. Except for you, but it's not a big deal to flag or vote down so why do it at all? Speculation though, could be wrong.

    Agreed, but not everyone is Zubat, not everyone just plays to play. I'm hyper competitive. I can stay positive, and chill, but winning is fun for me. Even an extremely hard fought victory is fun. My victory I mean ruthless. A pip is a win or taking out a really toxic survivor is too. Its hard to just go against your nature, and not everyone can.

    Who is my friend? I don't even remember his post? I'm not kidding. Also, I never said I was a god, or I don't make mistakes. When I stream I even say I ######### up. I don't mind losing, it's how I learn. It's how I got good as Nurse, and people have called me a scary af Huntress. It took time. You keep bringing this up but I've never once said I was perfect, merely stated my experience.

    Your free to watch me get bullied, Usually stream at 10pm CST. I don't admit I'm the best, but I do well most games.

    Not if you just piss them off. You can call someone out for being ignorant, or even misreading/misjudging. Calling them names doesn't change their mind. I enjoy ######### talking as well, but generally only if it's relevant/they wanna just throw words around instead.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:
    As someone who generally slugs a bit, it's not very viable anymore unless you snowball. Survivors are smart and without KO they'll get those slugs back up cuz they'll be near full health. While you chase one they'll heal each other. Slugging is a huge risk, even if they don't run No Mither or Unbreakabill.

    Survivors are smart?

    95% of the player base are brain dead, killers included.

    And...snowball away. That's the point. But just getting two or three off gens is viable. If you can't see that then you're probably a bad killer :/

    Not sure if that's aimed at me, but 100% the game. Like to think I know what I'm talking about. When I slug even with KO, survivors know to run you around until they can get a buddy up, or they'll stick on gens.

    Not aimed at you really, but based on your response, you don't seem to understand that having them off gens is a good thing. What do you do when a slug is on the floor and someone else comes to help? Just stand there or actually kill them? :/
    Even if you just get one hit on someone else before you pick up the slug, that's two people off gens. The other two can only do so much on the gens and need to help because team mates are important. If you have to chase someone who helps the slug and he/she "runs you around", then you still have two off gens, and probably three...I'm not sure why I'm having to explain this. People healing are not doing gens. It's simple.

    You get one down. You don't want to lose that slug right? So what next? You go chase other people off gens, or focus on that one slug hoping for someone to come in to heal? You choose to focus on that one slug.

    Scenario 1: You down them super fast, and possibly the slug if they were picked up due to recovery. Now you have two slugs, that could arguably cause more trouble cuz they could easily just crawl away and stretch where you can be.

    Scenario 2: They loop you and the other slug gets up. Do you stop the chase or go back and try to down the person who is injured? As you decide a gen pops.

    Looping isn't infallible. A good team will get back up if you don't play it right. Sure you wasted some time, but if they just heal to full and you got 0 hooks, you just wasted time and gained nothing. I've slugged quite a few games, and Deerstalker is one of my most used perks, but it can be beaten rather easily. Especially if someone happens to have Unbreakabill.

    Wow. I guess you're bad then? I both scenarios of yours you have people OFF gens. You either let them live or can't chase correctly or use bad killers :/

    100% the game, consistently rank 1. It's almost like survivors do adapt despite how much we meme on them for being idiots. Everything you do as a killer is a risk, especially slugging. If you snowball off a slug and down everyone, gg. But if you let even one person stay up you risk losing your slugs. I'm a Huntress/Nurse main too. Stop seeing everything as black or white.

    Also, you recognize Spudbar because he's a part of the 3 time champion team of Tydetyme's tournaments and the De-Pip Squad with Marth.

    There's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm

    And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing.

    So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up.

    Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?

    *edit - oh..and rank means nothing or little to nothing my friend. Sorry :/ You're the second person to bring that up. Get a grip :'D

    Let's dissect your post here. I don't see a point since you're basically circle jerking yourself, but why not?

    "here's your problem right there...100% the game? So, there's NOTHING you can do differently to change and adapt and be better? Really? And I'm the one seeing in black & white? Jeez, shm"

    Where did I say that? Seriously, show me where I said I don't have bad games, or can't learn anything? I'm just pointing out I'm not a new killer, and I know what I'm doing. I ran Deerstalker for months, because gasp I actually slugged people. Shocker, I know. It's almost like I'm speaking about the effectiveness of slugging from an experienced viewpoint. Wew, lad.

    "And yes, the de-pip squad. They proved a whole lot. That in the most extreme cases which never happens in game unless organised, the killer will lose nine times out of ten. Amazing."

    Ah yes. This tired, old, debunked argument cuz god forbid someone point out the flaws of this game. I can't and don't understand why people are against the experiment. I stream from time to time, and a lot of the games are done in about 5 minutes if I don't snowball. There are coordinated non-swf teams. Even when I play survivor I've seen groups bodyblock and share info as if they were on voice comms. It's not hard to do your objective and get out.

    It's happened all night. Ruin pops, I keep chasing/hooking, then adren pops, they loop, and dip if I don't kill them. The only way to truly win as a killer against even a remotely intelligent team which is pretty common. Despite your constant talks of how stupid people are who play this game. I could play a lot more "unfair" and tunnel/camp a bit, but I'd rather not play that way unless absolutely forced to do so.

    "So now I know why you're having a hard time grasping simple watch a lot of tyde and marth? Tyde believes BBQ isn't as strong as people think and that DS is skill based and Marth, as solid as he is, has moaned about flashlights when not looking at a wall while picking up."

    It's no wonder to anyone why people can click your profile and see a plethora of downvotes, and even some reported for abuse. Yea, I do watch Tyde and Marth. Keyword, watch. Didn't say I agree with them on everything so your point is moot, and you're reaching so hard I'm surprised your arms haven't snapped off. BBQ isn't the as OP as people cry. It's super easy to deal with. Even if you can't, you can just loop like every survivor does. Same as DS, who said it was skill based?

    I agree with Marth. It can be super frustrating that you have 0 counters to lights. Lightborn? They'll just blind sooner. Your options are to look at a wall, or lose your hook. My issue with it is the blinding white headache inducing screen. That needs an option to be turned black.

    " Yes, killers need help with safe pallets etc, but, the mentality of just blaming the other side or saying that they are stronger instead of first learning more and getting better needs to change. I used to be of the similar mindset to tyde and marth..then I stopped and thought about it and watched Zubat more..a guy I didn't know much of other than he played with Jen..they all got together to talk about the "state of the game", which while laughable, alerted me to one of the best killers in the game, hands down. I watched Zubat, learned more, got better and adjusted. Perhaps others should do the same?> "

    I've played the game on both sides plenty. All survivors run pretty much the exact same perks, play the exact same way. It's almost like survivor isn't hard and is absurdly strong. Zubat is a good killer, this is true. So is Marth, so is Blinky Bill, so is ScottJund. A lot of killers agree maps are survivor sided, that safe/vacuum pallets are way too strong, and jungle gyms need to be adjusted. There are killers that can lose by just getting a bad map.

    Early I got Wretched Shop with a double/triple pallet spawn. My Ruin blew instantly, they all had SB, they all looped me hardcore and had pallets to spare. Survivors have issues, but they're pretty rare and more based on player interaction than actual game breaking mechanics/annoyances.

    Everyone can learn, adapt, and get better, but killers have a cap. Outside of Nurse, you get looped. That's what you do. You can't mindgame it, you can't just stop them from doing it unless they mess up. There's a reason Freddy got nerfed, and it wasn't cuz killers are in a good spot right now.

    Again, rank is to show experience, nothing more, but I find it cute you tell me to get a grip when you derail threads to say you disagree or insult someone.

    You literally said "100% the game, consistently rank 1". Did I misunderstand you or are you saying it's 100% the game's fault and that rank matters? I'm happy to be corrected.

    I never said I was against the experiment, just implied that it's futile.

    If at any point you feel "forced" to camp/tunnel, then that's on you, bud. You win some you lose some. Focusing only on the games where you've been wrecked isn't a great mentality to have. Perhaps you could have learned something more? Perhaps you're not as good as you think? Perhaps you could have done something different in game to change the outcome?

    You realize that anyone can vote up or down or flag "abuse" right? I mean, it's obvious to those with a brain that my flag for abuse are false and that I was obviously joking. Someone with intelligence even commented as such and mocked the community in doing so.
    And it was Tyde that said DS was skill based and I NEVER said that BBQ was OP. You have misread I'm afraid.

    Your statement of "you have 0 counters to lights", followed by giving two options is laughable and moronic. Here's another option...fake the pick up and down the guy with the flash light. There's three.

    I only used Zubat as the example to watch because as I mentioned, I used to have a similar mindset to you, but his attitude to the game is healthier. I watched and learned more and changed and got better. As for the maps...I never said otherwise. Most are survivor sided.

    You and your friend saltykiller (who has many more downvotes btw lol) brought up rank, not me. You saying you're consistently rank 1 means little in regard to your skill. Yes, there's a skill ceiling...with a skill roof and skill walls and skill windows which can be peered through to see if you can actually learn from your mistakes instead of just blaming everything else. If you stream I would love to watch. No joke, I'm always open to watch killers :)

    Insulting someone is good. It makes a rational mind think.

    I have 100% THE GAME, as in I have every single achievement in the game. I am consistently rank 1 so no matter my gripes with the balance, I still rank up despite it. Hope that clarifies.

    Agree to disagree. The experiment showed normal high rank games, whether you agree or not. I've got streams and experience otherwise.

    If you know how I can magically delete giant pieces of wood I'm all ears. It's why I switch to Nurse and 4k. She doesn't get looped and can generally keep up with SB. I don't want to do that though. I wanna play Wraith, Freddy, Trapper, and actually be able to do something without 3 gens popping as I set up or chase. It's not a git gud or learning issue, the game's core mechanics are outdated, and broken in favor of survivors.

    Or you got flagged cuz you act like a pompous ass? Just a thought? Kinda funny the only downvotes I have are disagreeing with you. I didn't flag yours, and I don't see any reason why anyone else would flag my replies to you. Except for you, but it's not a big deal to flag or vote down so why do it at all? Speculation though, could be wrong.

    Agreed, but not everyone is Zubat, not everyone just plays to play. I'm hyper competitive. I can stay positive, and chill, but winning is fun for me. Even an extremely hard fought victory is fun. My victory I mean ruthless. A pip is a win or taking out a really toxic survivor is too. Its hard to just go against your nature, and not everyone can.

    Who is my friend? I don't even remember his post? I'm not kidding. Also, I never said I was a god, or I don't make mistakes. When I stream I even say I ######### up. I don't mind losing, it's how I learn. It's how I got good as Nurse, and people have called me a scary af Huntress. It took time. You keep bringing this up but I've never once said I was perfect, merely stated my experience.

    Your free to watch me get bullied, Usually stream at 10pm CST. I don't admit I'm the best, but I do well most games.

    Not if you just piss them off. You can call someone out for being ignorant, or even misreading/misjudging. Calling them names doesn't change their mind. I enjoy ######### talking as well, but generally only if it's relevant/they wanna just throw words around instead.

    The experiment did not show normal games. At all. Four survivors who know the game like they do all running meta perks and/or communicating is not normal. There are stats to support this.

    I have watched your latest Nurse games and you killed one person. With Ruin and Make Your Choice. Maybe you were having a bad day, but all you did was complain during and after games, giving excuses in chat :/

    And I have not downvoted you..perhaps there are others that don't agree with you, despite you not being able to think otherwise? The same can be true for my downvotes, but I don't care. You brought it up and tried to use it against me like this system can't be abused.

    But you don't do well most I mentioned above.

    At what point did I call anyone names? I called what you were saying moronic. People can say stupid things and not be a moron. I haven't called you names. You on the other hand have called me a pompous ass.

    Zubat is also competitive and likes to win but his mentality is that of someone who can take responsibility and learn or think..."I could have done more". Yes, some things are the game being survivor sided, but, not every time something happens against you in game. Based on your VOD, you complain an awful lot and only rarely admit to mistakes while speaking to survivors in a weird, "I'm better than you" kind of way :/

    I've also never said or brought up that you suggested you were perfect at the game or a god or anything else of the sort. You are putting words in my mouth. However, you have said you are experienced, know a bit about what you are doing and that you do well most games, which I am challenging based on your lack of argument and what I saw in your VOD. Again, you might have had a bad day.

    Either way, I think I'm done here as we seem to be treading water. I'll drop by if you stream and say "Hi" and ask.."why aren't you slugging more?" (this is me having fun and tongue in cheek)


  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    I actually have an idea.

    How about the gen times depend on the player count.

    Currently with 2 players alive and let's say 3 gens left, they are all doomed, if 1 doesn't find the hatch and the killer is not completely incompetent.

    If the gen completition time for 2 players would be like 50 seconds instead of 80, the chance survivors with already smaller teams survive is higher and the killer still could hunt them down without feeling powerless.

    This would help in camping too, the killer wouldnt have to camp in order to win down survivors so there is one person less doing gens.

    So with 4 players it should be 100 seconds instead of 80, so two people work on a gen, not every single survivor works on their own gen, making them finish all gens in 3 minutes.

    The gens shouldn't be that close to each other like it is now, either.
    So survivors stand a chance, when the killer camps down 3 gens.

  • Axlegolas
    Axlegolas Member Posts: 43

    I am really wondering about the mimimi of the killers. On high ranks you don't want to change your perk build obviously, so the swf have to be nerfed. why not stunning swf when throwing pallets on high loops are gone, ruin totems only in basement and killers should get buffed when gens are done...if you don't get ALL 4 kills, let's nerf the swf perks....those crying killers i can't really understand. when i play killer on high rank i get my 2-3 kills. maybe your doing something wrong??!? with BBQ you have vision over almost the whole map. if you get looped your just stupid. our bloodlust has been buffed so it's really easy to chase down swfs. hatches can know be closed. flashes are also easy to dodge so if you cry about your game not killing everyone, your just a noob without skills. and if you have a swf group on discord or TS, you don't get a, what a is still a game! crying about that seems you have a really sad life.