Gen Rush is too strong at high rank play



  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @Axlegolas said:
    I am really wondering about the mimimi of the killers. On high ranks you don't want to change your perk build obviously, so the swf have to be nerfed. why not stunning swf when throwing pallets on high loops are gone, ruin totems only in basement and killers should get buffed when gens are done...if you don't get ALL 4 kills, let's nerf the swf perks....those crying killers i can't really understand. when i play killer on high rank i get my 2-3 kills. maybe your doing something wrong??!? with BBQ you have vision over almost the whole map. if you get looped your just stupid. our bloodlust has been buffed so it's really easy to chase down swfs. hatches can know be closed. flashes are also easy to dodge so if you cry about your game not killing everyone, your just a noob without skills. and if you have a swf group on discord or TS, you don't get a, what a is still a game! crying about that seems you have a really sad life.

    "Hello fellow killer mains."

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    Gens are done way too fast as is and devs gotta address that.
  • Axlegolas
    Axlegolas Member Posts: 43

    gen rush (grouping up as swf) is a logic gameplay tactic. why the hell should gens be nerfed? i could understand why some killers are annoyed by the placement of their ruin and this could be done better but nerfing gens because killers are crying is the wrong way. did those whining killers ever play as swf? did you ever make a gen on your own? it takes enough time to react. if you're beeing looped by 1 swf for 6 minutes while the others do gens, your doing something wrong (surely you are crying in other posts about looping) and don't know how to play killer....sry. esp when you see all the campers out there...right now while camping 1 swf you will get 3 gens minimum. and that's how this game works....discussed several times. nerfing repair speed just only helps campers and brakes the game balance furthermore.

  • Juquinha
    Juquinha Member Posts: 18

    @Doctor_Derek said:
    The deciding factor for a game as killer is if the survivors have a hard time finding your Ruin totem.

    I'm rank 1-2 and if i get paired with survivors that are 1-5 they are going to gen rush because that's their only objective. It's not uncommon that I get my first downed survivor with 2 gens left, which makes for a very un-fun game.

    I understand this is a difficult topic to balance, because of low rank, but it needs to be addressed.


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited July 2018

    Odd they don’t nerf gen rush, but keep nerfing PS4 NA dlc speed...

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Jack11803 said:
    Odd they don’t nerf gen rush, but keep nerfing PS4 NA dlc speed...

    Well they try to keep vacuum for NA survivors as long as possible (devs live there btw, what a coincidence :wink: )