Killers using exploit to make survivors get 0 bp and lose items.



  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    edited December 2018

    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    EDIT: Fixing some errors

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @RotBb said:
    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Gamzello said:
    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:
    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    @purebalance you don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about, because that’s literally not possible. You seem too caught up in the lie, just stop getting mad that you didn’t get to bully a killer. 
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    Dc item consumptions suck.
    I was always told not supposed to happen but it happens. Wish could get the good item back for yourself.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    @purebalance you don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about, because that’s literally not possible. You seem too caught up in the lie, just stop getting mad that you didn’t get to bully a killer. 

    It is 100% possible. YOU do not seem to know what you're talking about. It should not be possible is what you're saying. It is possible and has been happening. Instead of the normal screen, you get "disconnected from host" similar to when a killer leaves a lobby before the timer runs out and you get 0 bp and lose your item.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Gamzello said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:
    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

    Because the killer is basically making the game not exist which then tricks the game into thinking all 5 players dc'd when it was only the killer. Honestly I think if anyone dc's they should keep what they earned.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    @purebalance alright, I read everything with your name on it, never once did you describe how the killer can do this, because they can’t. This doesn’t happen, and we all know it. Let’s get to the simple numbers:
    1. Killer DCs -> +5k bps -> -offering = how this works, killers haven’t “found a new way to DC”, because that’s not how that works. If you unplug your consol, or even just turn it off, it counts as a DC
    2. WGLF =/= BBQ&C: One survivor can get all four stacks of WGLF off of one teammate, while BBQ is dependent on a four man game. 
    3. “Nobody recognizes this exists, so I’m going to keep this thread alive until they do” it’s because it doesn’t exist. 

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @RotBb said:
    @purebalance you don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about, because that’s literally not possible. You seem too caught up in the lie, just stop getting mad that you didn’t get to bully a killer. 

    It is 100% possible. YOU do not seem to know what you're talking about. It should not be possible is what you're saying. It is possible and has been happening. Instead of the normal screen, you get "disconnected from host" similar to when a killer leaves a lobby before the timer runs out and you get 0 bp and lose your item.

    That’s not how that works, that means you didn’t get into a lobby and your item was returned to your inventory, did you even check????
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    @purebalance alright, I read everything with your name on it, never once did you describe how the killer can do this, because they can’t. This doesn’t happen, and we all know it. Let’s get to the simple numbers:
    1. Killer DCs -> +5k bps -> -offering = how this works, killers haven’t “found a new way to DC”, because that’s not how that works. If you unplug your consol, or even just turn it off, it counts as a DC
    2. WGLF =/= BBQ&C: One survivor can get all four stacks of WGLF off of one teammate, while BBQ is dependent on a four man game. 
    3. “Nobody recognizes this exists, so I’m going to keep this thread alive until they do” it’s because it doesn’t exist. 

    They deleted it and gave me an infraction saying you're not allowed to say it.

    MandyTalkMandyTalk December 1

    Posts advising people how to do this are obviously not allowed on the forums.

    Many people have confirmed this is a thing. Stop posting if you're going to not produce evidence contrary.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @Gamzello said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:
    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

    Because the killer is basically making the game not exist which then tricks the game into thinking all 5 players dc'd when it was only the killer. Honestly I think if anyone dc's they should keep what they earned.

    “Keep what you earned on a DC” HAHAHHA NO. 
    -Survivor gets 25k bps + 4WGLF
    -gets found by killer
    -DCs & keeps everything
    -killer and three other survivors suffer
    -you’re brain dead 
  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    Since they want to ignore this is in the bug forum I guess I'll keep this thread active too.

    2 months of killers dc'ing and survivors losing their items, losing 2 pips, and getting 0 BP for the match.

    Just literally had a match where I did 2.5 gens solo and healed 2 people and was about to escape and got 0 points. Fix this #########.

    I am lying? It seems I have the quote right here 🤔🤔🤔
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:

    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

    Because the killer is basically making the game not exist which then tricks the game into thinking all 5 players dc'd when it was only the killer. Honestly I think if anyone dc's they should keep what they earned.

    “Keep what you earned on a DC” HAHAHHA NO. 
    -Survivor gets 25k bps + 4WGLF
    -gets found by killer
    -DCs & keeps everything
    -killer and three other survivors suffer
    -you’re brain dead 

    If you got 25k bp and had stacks of WGLF, you did ALL of the heavy lifting in the game and 100% deserve it. Also enjoy the infraction for your post.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?
    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.
    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:

    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

    Because the killer is basically making the game not exist which then tricks the game into thinking all 5 players dc'd when it was only the killer. Honestly I think if anyone dc's they should keep what they earned.

    “Keep what you earned on a DC” HAHAHHA NO. 
    -Survivor gets 25k bps + 4WGLF
    -gets found by killer
    -DCs & keeps everything
    -killer and three other survivors suffer
    -you’re brain dead 

    If you got 25k bp and had stacks of WGLF, you did ALL of the heavy lifting in the game and 100% deserve it. Also enjoy the infraction for your post.

    Lmao what? “Infraction” for what? No you don’t deserve it. You left the game to let your team suffer, you don’t deserve anything.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    Since they want to ignore this is in the bug forum I guess I'll keep this thread active too.

    2 months of killers dc'ing and survivors losing their items, losing 2 pips, and getting 0 BP for the match.

    Just literally had a match where I did 2.5 gens solo and healed 2 people and was about to escape and got 0 points. Fix this #########.

    I am lying? It seems I have the quote right here 🤔🤔🤔

    Yeah the devs and mods are ignoring it when MANY other people have reported it. You're lying in that you keep claiming it isn't a thing.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    Since they want to ignore this is in the bug forum I guess I'll keep this thread active too.

    2 months of killers dc'ing and survivors losing their items, losing 2 pips, and getting 0 BP for the match.

    Just literally had a match where I did 2.5 gens solo and healed 2 people and was about to escape and got 0 points. Fix this #########.

    I am lying? It seems I have the quote right here 🤔🤔🤔

    Yeah the devs and mods are ignoring it when MANY other people have reported it. You're lying in that you keep claiming it isn't a thing.

    Show me where other people have reported it 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?
    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.
    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?
    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.
    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

    Ok well here’s the problem then:
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661
    edited December 2018

    Here's a video of someone else just to appease you:

    Inb4 @RotBb claims it's fake or that he got his "5k" even though his total is 2k

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?

    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.

    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

    Ok well here’s the problem then:

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?

    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.

    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

    Ok well here’s the problem then:

    My wifi when it was all 4 survivors? lol keep trying. It's not my connection.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    edited December 2018

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Gamzello said:
    I've had a few games where killer disconnected right when everyone was about to escape or about when they couldn't hook anyone, barely got hits, or couldn't hit me lmao.

    Salty killers. It does feel like a waste of time in the end when you lost your items though.

    And your BP and you actually do lose BP the next time you log in.

    I'm not even sure why this is a mechanic like you should at least get BP for it. Devs are weird.

    Because the killer is basically making the game not exist which then tricks the game into thinking all 5 players dc'd when it was only the killer. Honestly I think if anyone dc's they should keep what they earned.

    Yeah survivors really should keep what they've earned. I mean killers literally get more BPs for a survivor disconnecting. It doesn't seem very fair to lose your progress, offerings, and time.

    edit: fixing errors

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    Here's a video of someone else just to appease you:


    Inb4 @RotBb claims it's fake or that he got his "5k" even though his total is 2k

    I’m not claiming it’s fake, I’m saying he got everything. We can tell this because he didn’t derank, his player level and shard level increase, and he kept everything except the instaheal, and if he did not get his bps, are you soo poor that 5k hurts you that much?
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    And here's another

    Anymore people going to come into this thread months later and claim this is a lie and get proven wrong?

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?

    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.

    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

    Ok well here’s the problem then:

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    @Cardgrey said:

    @purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    purebalance said:

    @RotBb said:

    Lmao clickbait title

    Clickbait title? It's a factual title.

    No, the title should be “Killer DC- only 5k bps”, because no matter what, if the killer leaves the game, you get +5k to any amount you already have.

    No it is 0 bp. Hence the exploit. Read the damn thread. I'm not going to say how they're doing it since I got a warning for doing that, but they are doing it by doing something other than normally leaving the match. It's 0 bp.

    Is this your first multiplayer game?

    Record a video of it and everyone will see your point.

    As they said in vanadeil vid or it didn’t happen.

    Is this your first forum? I don't need a video when there's at least 20-30 people confirming this. Much less apparently there was a thread back in August and there are details on how to do it in that thread.

    Ok well here’s the problem then:

    My wifi when it was all 4 survivors? lol keep trying. It's not my connection.

    Here's a video of someone else just to appease you:


    Inb4 @RotBb claims it's fake or that he got his "5k" even though his total is 2k

    After watching the only evidence you’ve provided, I can see that it says no survivors DC’d
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    And yet you can clearly see they got 0 bp. Get out of the thread because you're trolling at this point. Enjoy the time out.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    And yet you can clearly see they got 0 bp. Get out of the thread because you're trolling at this point. Enjoy the time out.

    Lmao what? I’m trying to prove you wrong because you don’t see that you very clearly are. Watch the video. Watch till the end.
  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    When this exploit is used, the survivors do not get 5000 escape bloodpoints, they do not get the bloodpoints they earned in the match. They get zero bloodpoints. It is not a visual bug.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @RotBb said:
    purebalance said:

    And yet you can clearly see they got 0 bp. Get out of the thread because you're trolling at this point. Enjoy the time out.

    Lmao what? I’m trying to prove you wrong because you don’t see that you very clearly are. Watch the video. Watch till the end.

    You're clearly not trying to prove me wrong because you haven't proven me wrong. Both videos I linked the survivors got 0 BP and if they had any items they lost them.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Hey bud, I’d like to share some insight on what is actually happening. At least on Xbox, there has been a bug since 2.2.0 that has persisted up until now. 

    Upon loading in, the code takes some sort of nose dive, and upon gen completion, killer stun, killer hit, or hook, the game will end and give the survivors the escape bonus bloodpoints and the killer loses a pip, receiving whatever bloodpoints they managed during the match. 

    Its just as infuriating for us as it for you, I promise. But be cautious labeling everyone as a rage quitter. I can’t tell you how demoralizing it is to have this bug happen, and be taunted with messages from some streamer calling me a rage quitter, followed by a bombardment of messages from the viewers. 

    Its a huge problem, I don’t know if it exists on PS4 and PC, but it definitely exists on Xbox. 

    It does I got live games showing it happening a few times 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @redsopine01 said:
    DarkWo1f997 said:

    Hey bud, I’d like to share some insight on what is actually happening. At least on Xbox, there has been a bug since 2.2.0 that has persisted up until now. 

    Upon loading in, the code takes some sort of nose dive, and upon gen completion, killer stun, killer hit, or hook, the game will end and give the survivors the escape bonus bloodpoints and the killer loses a pip, receiving whatever bloodpoints they managed during the match. 

    Its just as infuriating for us as it for you, I promise. But be cautious labeling everyone as a rage quitter. I can’t tell you how demoralizing it is to have this bug happen, and be taunted with messages from some streamer calling me a rage quitter, followed by a bombardment of messages from the viewers. 

    Its a huge problem, I don’t know if it exists on PS4 and PC, but it definitely exists on Xbox. 

    It does I got live games showing it happening a few times 

    99% of these are killers ragequitting. Just had it happen for the 6th time today that was clearly a rage quit. Spawned on totem, killer got a hook from a stupid person in a locker immediately but he still rage quit with the exploit because this doesn't fit the above description of them doing any action as the killer dc'd well after the person was hooked.

    So basically BHVR wants this to go on for another 6 months with 0 compensation to people. It happens on average about 5 times a day because they know how to do it.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    Oh and even though it doesn't look like you lose pips, you lose them the next day which implies that when console bans come it'll probably count towards YOUR dc not the killer.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    Still happening. When am I getting my BP back that I had rightfully earned?

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    No change. No word from BHVR. Still having it happen about 3-6 times daily on PS4