Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Jesus Christ will you people calm the hell down for 5 minutes



  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    "The community as a whole" is definitely a fair assessment. Of course I'm not denying there will be some people who don't mind, but the vast majority are against this change. You only have to look at the polls for this. People aren't just saying it's bad because they don't like getting used to change - people are annoyed about it because it's an obectively poor design. The previous one was simple, elegant and concise from a graphic-design standpoint. Not scattered all over the screen, no over-complicated graphics - just a simple, clear UI that allowed you to access a lot of information at once very efficiently. There was absolutely no reason to change it.

    In terms of major bugs that are still here from the PTB, I'm talking stuff like being able to walk through solid walls on the reworked maps (no collision), jerky transitions during movement and the irritating hook audio bug. I know DBD has always been buggy, but it's astonishing that such major problems don't get fixed, even after players mention them on the forums again and again. Even regardless of the PTB, there are bugs that have been in the game for months - even years now potentially and still haven't been fixed. Take the infamous Nurse bug for example.

    I do a fair bit of programming myself (not game programming) and although I do realize how much of a pain debugging can be, it's clear that's it's not being done as well as it could be.

    Finally, in terms of the brick wall thing, I don't really think your example is particularly fair. "Shirtless Myers" is just a meme, I don't think anyone is genuinely expecting the Devs to listen to their opinions on adding stuff like that. I'm more referring to the lack of acknowledgment BHVR give towards common concerns the community has. That's all the community really wants - to be listened to. So many players (especially those who have been playing the game for several years now) have been alienated.

  • bigboidom
    bigboidom Member Posts: 3
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Sorry, the new HUD is objectively bad. A HUD should give information easily. Either because you have EVERYTHING at the same place or that you have things a little bit spread out, but need to look at some things only during certain situations.

    This does not apply to the new HUD. Everything is all over the place. This might work on a Switch in Handheld-Mode or in a mobile game, but not when playing on a PC. I only have a 24 inch-Monitor, but I already have problems with eyestrain. People who play on larger Monitors or let alone a TV will have even bigger problems.

    Its fine if you like it. That does not mean that the HUD is good.

  • bigboidom
    bigboidom Member Posts: 3

    So we being dramatic because we are criticizing behavior for not listening to our feedback like the keep saying they do. If you like the changes good for you,most of the people didn’t and they still decide to put it out. People of tired wasting money on this game when it seems like no problems get addressed and they only thing they seem to care about it how much can they get from us. And we have every right to criticize the game because we paid money to play it. Hope people keep putting forums to show that we not just going forget about this like all the other situations

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited February 2021

    Which polls are you talking about? The ones on the forum populated by a small and likely non-representative sample of the player base? People keep repeating that the new one is "scattered", but it really isn't much different than the old one. The old one already had key information in the bottom left, bottom right, and center right. Now the key information is in the top left, bottom right, and center right (gens not being "key" because players that aren't new should easily be able to keep track). They basically moved the statuses from bottom left to top left and now everything magically went from "elegant" to "scattered". I don't really get it. There is also no such thing as "objectively poor design" lol

    I haven't encountered any jerky transitions during animations, especially when compared to previously when pretty much everything was jerky, be it a direction change or a crouch. What hook audio bug are you talking about? I only know of Elodie's scream, which was fixed. I hadn't heard of the solid wall issue - that's bad, but also hardly unprecedented. Reworked Coal Tower and the Badham shack had the same thing for a bit, and they were fixed fairly quickly in patches.

    I agree that this game is a buggy mess, but I think that's the result of the pace at which they're releasing new content. They seem to very much be prioritizing new things over fixing up old things and raising the standard of the new things they do release. I'm hoping they'll shift more towards the latter once they no longer have graphics overhauls to focus on, but we'll have to see. There are pros and cons to each approach and a vocal part of the community is going to be annoyed either way.

    I gave that as an intentionally extreme example to make it clear why implementing all changes that are in vogue in the community just isn't a reasonable expectation, and similarly why they shouldn't be expected to have to explicitly address everything they are and aren't going to change. I tend to trust the devs judgement more than the people on this forum, because the devs have a clear incentive to make their game balanced and successful, while people on the forum are usually just biased in favor of the side they main and angry about most everything the devs change. It feels like people have unrealistic expectations of the devs, the devs predictably don't meet those unrealistic expectations, and then they give a shocked Pikachu face and wonder why the devs don't care about the community.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited February 2021

    My inner skeptic tells me that ship long since sailed.

    If the Twins Chapter release didn't serve as a firecracker under their asses, nothing will. And they've doubled down on everything they did wrong then.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited February 2021

    How is there anything "objective" about calling a design good or bad? The only piece of information on the entire HUD that is not easy to get at a glance is the hook progress / bleed out bar, which is too small and needs more opacity. No one is talking about that, though, so my conclusion is that people are more just annoyed that the information isn't where they're used to it being. I think this HUD generally meets the latter of your "good UI" criteria; things are a bit more spread out because the bottom left is a bit closer to the bottom right than the top left is, but everything you need to look at in a certain situation is together. With the old UI we had a section for status effects / perks / points on the low to mid right side of the screen, and that's still there. We had a gen + status section in the bottom left, and now we just have status in the top left and gens in the top center. How often do you need to see the gen count when looking for the status of your teammates? I literally never look at the gen count because it's easy to keep track. Gens and the status section are the only pieces of information that were separated versus the old UI, but I suppose this is magically now "all over the place".

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Exactly. I always love the "they're not listening to 'our feedback' line". "Our feedback"!? 50% of the opinions on the forums I'm pretty indifferent to. The rest of the opinions; some I agree with, some I think are absolute dog feces. This isn't group think over here. We're not some team of players with fully agreed upon opinions.

    My advice to those that are crying about the changes is to go play something else, temporarily or forever. I've been enjoying the patch.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187
    edited February 2021

    Why do you think restaraunt waiters/waitresses ask you how your meal was when you finish eating it? It's because they want feedback, feedback that's enough to convince them that maybe they need to change something in their recipes.

    Let's look at this "PTB".

    The point of a PTB (as they claim) is to:

    1. Test the new content
    2. To look for bugs
    3. To give feedback

    Everyone who participated on the PTB did every one of those things, the vocal majority of the community admitted that they hated the HUD change and they would much prefer the previous version of a HUD similar to the old one but add the survivor icons and the hook counts. The developers asked for feedback in their survey, almost everyone gave feedback saying the HUD was terrible, what's changed? Nothing, the HUD is the EXACT same as it was in the PTB and they ignored all the feedback regarding it.

    You can sit there and preach that it's THEIR game, but as players, it's OUR feedback that matters, well it seemingly was until yesterday when the patch dropped.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2021

    From your point of view it may be a stretch. Meanwhile there are thousands of people who stopped playing the game and won’t come back unless this is reverted 😂 and there are 12 pages of comments under the community manager’s feedback post saying that the new animations are awful and kill immersion and atmosphere in the game. You can have your opinion and think differently, this won’t change the fact that the game health is now terribly worse than 2 days ago.

    Man the game is horrendous right now. 10 people saying otherwise won’t help the others come back.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2021

    While there is a lot of silliness in this thread, it is impossible to argue with the fact that DBD had become fundamentally broken for a lot of players after the compulsory update to 4.5.0.

    Personally, I don't mind the new UI, it took 2-3 matches to get used to. I don't mind the animation changes, even though the injured survivors do look silly,. While I like most of the map changes, the color pallete and the saturation on the Game appears incredibly high in comparison to how it used to look.

    I do mind the critical emblem bug that appears to be causing a large-scale rank reset for a lot of players active the last 24 hours.

    Additionally, it is inconceivable to me how any work on the fix for the already present significant hitbox issue, instead led to larger hitboxes as well as killers now fairly consistently being teleported to fronts of pallets after squeezing in an over-pallet hit and getting stunned (The timing of pallet stuns themselves is also buggy, with over-pallet hits having become far more common the last 3 or so months, but never before have I seen killers getting a free front of the pallet teleport after a hit-stun as well)

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789

    Meanwhile there are thousands of people who stopped playing the game and won’t come back unless this is reverted

    (Citation needed)

    I'm sure the game will be just fine.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think people are getting so upset over the fact that the devs seem hellbent on keeping this new UI which 99% of the playerbase does not like. It was pushed to live to give console players a chance to try it out and see if they liked it, but then the devs say that they can’t go back to the old one. Seems like a big “######### you” to the playerbase.

    Some of the complaints are absolutely insane though. The way some people acting over 360s of all things has me wondering if they were some super secret technique that gave you immortality or something.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2021

    Well BHVR just twitted that they heard us loud and clear and that they are reviewing more aspects of the UI and survivor movements. I guess my citation was needed.

    There is no way in the world they would have said and done that unless player count was ridiculously low.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Yea and just when I thought it couldn't get worse than twins at least they changed ormond at that time

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I'm calm, drinking my coffee watching the train wreck unfold.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    I would agree if the feedback wasnt clear. Even when it was just images being promoted, way before the ptb, the feedback was so clear. They have never listened to their audience, they do what they want and push and push until people start leaving, then they throw some bp at us and we come back like the greedy ######### we are. And this is an age gated horror game, why does it say " ######### " when we swear...

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I've been playing the game for almost 4 damn years, on console of all things. It really didn't take that much getting used to for me on either side.

    It's like if you make any kind of change, you'll get a bunch of thankless man babies on the forum threatening to pull out, as if their ######### shareholders. But eh, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter that much. If BHVR is going to submit (which it kind of looks like they are now) all that will happen is a few things will change back, as likely most of it can't even be reverted without breaking something else.